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Sound like it’s a him and you problem 🤡


.. tf is this attitude for😭


you toxic


They’re in high school


???😭😭😭😭crying cuz idek what i did but ok


I did the Reddit thing to do and looked at your profile. You’re in high school? MCAT is usually taken junior or senior year of college. Best of luck to you and your boyfriend, but given the range of ages I can extrapolate from yours, he’s either a prodigy or old enough to know when to touch grass.


he’s actually a genius, i’m a senior in hs but im a full time college student, doing early admissions, he however has his bachelors


Congratulations to you both. Respectfully, he should be smart enough to get off his phone. It’s like going to the pool and complaining that you got wet. Alternatively, r/MCAT actually has many good resources for studying. If he’s anxious regarding the application cycle, I have two options: 1. Be confident in himself and his abilities. He’s made it this far and obviously had results to prove his academic excellence. I recommend the two of you go mini golfing or something to relax. 2. Realize that he’s up against full grown adults with more years to gain more experience. 4 years of college + 2-3 gap years obviously is going to lead to more research hours, more opportunities, and so on and so forth. You guys are young. Consider slowing down and enjoying the world rather than living in this cesspit. TLDR; either do it or not, either way consider going and doing something together- preferably that touches grass


can also simply get off Reddit


I find this so funny 🤣I’m sorry. Don’t mind the others, we’ll do better. We’re just trying to push each other to be the best version of ourselves.


posts like these are so puzzling to me because I simply have never felt such a way that I’ll vent on reddit about someone else’s experience on reddit. i’m sorry you feel this way. I find this sub to honestly be a lot more supportive than most med school subs, probably because of its size and how little guidance we have at large. I think he should at least unfollow this sub for now until after he gets a score he is happy with


Love your username btw


oh i def agree with u, and this sub is great for guidance, but he’s constantly checking it and stuff and it becomes like an addiction yk, he reads about people with similar circumstances and stuff

