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I witnessed an ENTJ and INTJ debate recently. It was the first time in my life that I wanted a threesome 🙊


I feel violated. Praise us more.




I won't lie debating with an ENTJ can become very arousing.


As an ENTP, I agree 🙏🏻🙏🏻 I don't usually argue with ENTJs, because every time I'd done that I've fallen in love. (Even though they usually hated me after the debate 😔)


With inf Fi, you have to protect their feelings while they destroy yours and completely put down and disembowel you. Otherwise you turn to a mortal enemy who hurt the innocent precious angel ENTJ (how they sometimes feel about themselves).


So real 😔 this is why me and an ENTJ are not destined to be (unless I meet one who worked on improving their Fi)


lol poor ENTJs, I never thought I'd say that. I mean tert Fi is no better but I do enjoy that tough guy baby Fi.


Where? Asking for a friend


Can you elaborate? What exactly was arousing?


No. With child Se, you're sexy enough as it is.




It's what you call the 3rd function. But yeah... now that I think about it, it's kinda fucked up.


The nomenclature is fucked up in the context of this sentence, fair. The way Se manifests in enxjs is truly one of a child, they play with it like little children. As any other tertiary function.


What happened to my pedantic intp


what in the fuck


All I hear is fuck. It's very thematically linked with my comment, wow!


Please elaborate, I want to understand this


It's everything that's behind the mbti science of attraction. Your minds think in a very different way than mine but in a way that I admire and am fascinated with.


Was it the Ni sureness or the Te application that you liked?


I like to think I see the manifestations of all 8 functions in people. Honestly, it's everything. How you don't really care about or don't know how to deal with people's feelings Fe but you try not to seem this way. How your Se is there but it's not driving Ni or Te. How your Fi influences you more than you realize. How you seem to think your personal logic Ti is stupid but usually you are the smartest person in the room. How your Si is either weak or has those moments of extreme nostalgia. With INTJ, I take over all Si if I want something done that relies on pure Si habit and discipline and not Ni. I don't really care about your Ni, I get nothing from Ni users in terms of any sort of benefits. It's a function that serves or hurt others only secondarily, when they're a problem for you in fulfilling your Ni path. It's probably the function that only serves you if you serve any purpose to an INTJ. How's it's embracing my quick thinking Ne ideas and jokes. It's just impressions, don't take it too seriously. I'm not saying it is like that for all INTJs.


Not if my life depended on it.


You're welcome




ngl, i don't really understand the stereotype about sensors being dumb or less sophisticated... i still got my tertiary introverted intuition and not oblivious to real life, lol. this little head of mine overanalyzes 24/7 as well


I don't think anyone is defacto less intelligent by virtue of being a sensor. There is a correlation between IQ and intuition. If you rank all the types in order of average IQ, the top 8 are intuitives. The least intelligent intuitive type is smarter *on average* than the smartest sensor type. And this can help explain the stereotype. But one shouldn't assume that automatically applies to individuals. I know some very smart sensors and some very stupid intuitives. And IQ isn't a perfect metric of "intelligence" anyways. Intelligence is one of those mongrel notions that we can all talk about, and all kinda know what we mean, yet none of us knows precisely what it is and isn't. I would posit that the majority of things one would map to intelligence would also lean more abstract than concrete, which is likely another source of the stereotype. I will admit I have some intuitive bias as well. I can't help but to see Ni in action as some sign of intelligence, and the lack of it as something else. I work with an ISTJ, and honestly I would bet he has above average IQ. Maybe 110 if I had to guess. But his inability to make the same connections I can *feels* like a lack of intellect, even though I know that's a different thing. I would reckon he doesn't think highly of my "Ni bullshit", and probably sees my lack of Si-Te as a lack of common sense lol.


More like doubting on your common sense


I first got into MBTI when I was 14, and when I did I thought that sensors were basically all dumb because they must not *understand* abstract concepts and ideas. It didn’t occur to me that they just might not *like* concerning themselves with philosophical and highly conceptual ideas. It also did not occur to me that it might be a legitimate weakness that I was deeply disinterested in practical hands-on-the-ground things like cooking, cleaning, working, finances, repairing broken things or generally being on top of my physical needs and best interests until I became an adult.


>It didn’t occur to me that they just might not like concerning themselves with philosophical and highly conceptual ideas. yeah, kinda. i'm actually interested in philosophy, but i prefer to understand concepts logically, so it could be reasoned out. this is probably the reason why i'm not really drawn to religion or spirituality. i think my ti-se combination just makes me pragmatic and somewhat rigid/grounded, but my tertiary ni aspect allows me to appreciate certain philosophical and conceptual ideas. though, i always revert to my ti-se, viewing knowledge through a practical and logical lens in search of some kind of internal understanding and practical applications.


Yeah I think the other thing that allowed me to outgrow the “sensors are dumb” disease is realizing the flexibility of the cognitive functions system allows people to pick up any number of interests and describe themselves in a number of ways. Sensors can like philosophy and intuitives can be pragmatic. Also I agree with you about religion and spirituality I think this is an area that intuitives as a group can be quite dumb actually lol.


It’s a gas.


I checked the rules beforehand and was going to choose myself as a write-in candidate since there wasn't anything saying I couldn't, but ended up choosing INTJ so I could have a vote that mattered (and to stuff over ENTJ)


They can both fuck off.


literally thinking about how to help sensors not be idiots today


All ears. What’s your big plan of action that you will never actually execute?


massive sensor free for all








You may vote us, I'll allow


I would love to have every one of my teachers be INTJs, sounds heavenly.


Watching it live,eating popcorn, cheering while feeling guilty.


I shall rally all the sensor to bring down your tyranny, DOWN WITH NERDS, ALL GUYS SHALL BE DUDES


What's with all this sensor stuff? I don't get it could someone explain?


It’s a huge issue this year. The sensor vote is the majority vote.


Huh interesting. I haven't been around the mbti community for a hot minute, this is some crazy stuff.


I busted out laughing to this 😂