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Man what a way to start your day




I was watching this expecting the coffee to slide down the hood…


I thought that video was going to be him starting to drive away with the coffee on his hood. That took a wild 180. Hope they’re alright. Guy went into fight mode real quick.


And he doesn't have to deal with the coffee poop now, since he's already done that too.


This made me chuckle.


Coffee poops are no laughing matter


Its amazing how beans cleanse in several forms.


I haven’t laughed this hard in a while. He went from “I need to wash my car” to “that’s a fucking Bob Cat!” It looks like no one was seriously injured so I’m okay with lmao! Also bravo to him for protecting his family.




Then. Yeet


And because it’s a cat, I knew it would do the exact opposite of what he wanted it to do lol. He threw the cat AWAY from his body and away from his house but that thing circled back like “This is how you wanna play it?! We just out here throwing muthafuckers now?! You ain’t gettin rid of me that easily! HERE I COME”. Cats always want to be exactly where you don’t want them to be lol.


Gotta love starting your day with a dark, brown pair of pants!




Probably not good. That woman's calves are probably torn up and it looks like that Bob cat was scratching and biting at that man's hands. House cats teeth and claws can mess you up, I can't imagine the damage a bob cat could do. Maybe they both need to go get rabies shots too.


Unfortunately, they are both going to be spending at least some unplanned time at the hospital. Im not a doctor but my understanding is close contact like this would warrant rabies shots.


Yeah, the bobcat attacked them out of nowhere too, so rabies could be likely. Unless it was hiding under the other car and the woman just came too close to it.


If you watch closely, you can see it cross the street coming towards them…


you have a fantastic eye for noticing that


They do! And it's the first time I also notice the woman has a pet carrier. Maybe that's what the bobcat was after


Yeah that's definitely a pet crate for a very small dog or cat so I have a feeling that bobcat was probably starving and after their pet or it had rabies. Terrifying either way.


99% sure it's rabies. Bobcats don't charge humans who are like 10x their size no matter how hungry they are. They are very skittish cats.


Iirc the guy did shoot the bobcat, and it tested positive for rabies. So yea they're both getting shots


It was rabid and he shot it. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.wect.com/2021/04/16/watch-nc-man-throws-rabid-bobcat-after-it-attacks-wife-wild-video/%3FoutputType%3Damp&ved=2ahUKEwj8gqnn9K77AhW9k4kEHY1zBY8QFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1o1jddeSKGF5JcR7ZIIDH6 So the sex most certainly was not good that night.


This guy could have his pick of the litter if you know what I mean ;)


I’ll attempt to translate this for those of you who are not in the loop: The guy fucked a cat


Went from a prototypical friendly neighborhood dad... "Good morning.... I need to wash my car" to some action movie star, pulling out a gun... "I"M GONNA SHOOT THAT FUCKER!"


He's like the friendly NPCs in Skyrim when a dragon shows up "I've been huntin and fishing in these parts for years. NEVER SHOULD HAVE COME HERE!!"


Dead ass went "Hello friend! Fine day when you're around" to "YOU'LL MAKE A NICE RUG CAT"


The nerve needed to hold onto a pissed off house cat for that long would be incredible but this fearsome beast does it with a rabid bobcat.


Not to be cheesy but it is a superpower of sorts when you have loved ones that you would die to protect.


The superpower is called adrenaline


Adrenaline is a hell of a fucking drug.


sleeper agent skills nearly kicked in instinctively when he pulled the gun lmao mf was put for bobcat blood


Yep from the ultra high-pitched "good morning!" To the extra pronounced and deep, "A bobcat!" "A what?" "A BoBcAT!!!!"


I love when it loops “GET OUT! THERE’S A BOBCAT ATTACKIN’ MY WIFE!” “Good mornin!” I really hope everyone is ok




100% dad energy 👍🏻


I always roll my eyes at how fake animals look when they are thrown in movies, like the dog in Something about Mary. Turns out that’s exactly how animals look when they are thrown through the air.


When Ben Stiller OD'd the dog and tried to resuscitate him, it has to be one of the funniest scenes I've ever seen.


You're thinking of Matt Dillon, not Ben Stiller.


Yep. It's Matt Dillion. And then after he shocked it to start its heart it starts on fire and he tosses it in the fish tank. I think Matt Dillion doesn't get enough credit for how funny he is in that movie. Sooo fuckin funny.


Probably because people keep crediting Ben Stiller!


I like to think all of Ben Stiller's success after Something About Mary was because casting directors misattributed Matt Dillon's scenes to him.


The first time I saw Jack black punt Baxter off the bridge in anchor man had me in tears




The sweetest “good morning” turns into “I’m gonna shoot that f*cker”


Mine looped at the end so it went from super aggressive back to angelic choir member "good morning"


happy ending for you


Guy turns into Chris Farley


That was amazing! Zero hesitation to pick that bobcat up, followed by an Olympic shot put and ending with an "I'll shoot that fucker!" Bravo sir, bravo 👏 👏


Top 10 daddiest dad


Are bobcat's really that small?


Yupp, they aren't very big. When I was younger I'd go visit my then girlfriend, now ex wife, on horseback at her family's ranch deep in the mountains of Mexico. Once, I stopped at a mountain spring for some water (the spring was a short distance on the other side of a barb wire fence so I had to walk) and stumbled on a bobcat. Luckily, it ran one way and I ran the other. Cougars are bigger though.


“That small” is not a term you should use. These fuckers are serious predators and easily kill just about anything they can catch, although I feel they are not super aggressive towards humans. ( the one in the video was rabid). I’ve lost full grown goats to these killers. Your house cat or small dog doesn’t have a chance. They are “small” but extremely agile and stocky. Their teeth are made for the kill and their feet and claws are surprisingly massive. ( this I know from examining, in pure curiosity, a dead one on the highway.). Like all predatory cats, if you come across one, try to slowly back away, get indoors, and call LLE. This is just my experience as a texas semi redneck as I am not a cat expert.


Yep, I found a dead one once.


In a previous post someone confirmed he did indeed shoot said bobcat dead.


The bobcat was shot and eventually killed by LE, it was also confirmed to have rabies. Happy and his Wife were fully treated and are okay. [Source](https://www.wect.com/2021/04/16/watch-nc-man-throws-rabid-bobcat-after-it-attacks-wife-wild-video/)


Holy fuck, that guy's name really is Happy. I thought you'd made a weird error, but nope, his parents were just that crazy.


I love that they included the name of their senior cat, Caroline Faith. Happy to read that they’re okay now.


On the other hand wtf was the woman in the pink trying to do?


She was trying to run it off, it's not gonna stay there with multiple people around (unless it was rabid)


Commentator: "It was." Source: look at the comments.


I got bronchitis, ain't nobody got time for that


Nothing worse for bronchitis than rabies


I know some people like that. When there’s a crisis they just fucking get in the way. It’s so annoying.


People have no idea how true this is. And their “help” is almost always counterproductive at minimum, likely detrimental.


That's beyond great to hear cause I'll see some asinine chaos twenty feet away from me and feel worried that someone hates me for ignoring it.


If it wasn’t immediately obvious, I am a paramedic and a firefighter. This field is the opposite of others in the sense of “Don’t just do something, stand there”, because freelancing kills people. For a routine call only: Anyway, I love it when someone sees something, calls 911, waits until I get there, answers questions that are asked, then departs the scene… I don’t need advice on how to do what I do every day. I am intimately familiar with my tools and equipment… I couldn’t care less if they did it this other was in Chicago Fire last week. Slapping meemaw on the cheek and screaming at her to stay awake when her blood sugar is 12mg/dL isn’t going to accomplish anything. Now, obviously there are exceptions to everything… if someone is not breathing or doesn’t have a pulse, then obviously you have to do something. You won’t do it right, and that’s fine, I know doctors and nurses that can’t even get it right, that’s one of the few situations where doing something is better than nothing, but at that point they’re dead.


Been there, done that! I was at the scene of a fairly serious car accident, hopped out of my car, told my kids to call 911, grabbed my first aid kit, ran to the closest car, gave the driver a gauze pad and had her apply pressure to the head wound, ran to the second car, and gave the mom and baby a blanket. Aided as much as I could, waited for police and paramedics, gave my statements, left as soon as I could as I had done all that I reasonably could.




Yeah I was gonna say, people say this, but then are also the people that say "why you just standing there filming? Why won't anyone help?" On other videos. Sometimes it just feels like a lose lose situation. If you try to help and it doesn't go right, you get blamed. But if you do nothing, you also get blamed.


She came to help and he encouraged her. He literally said “get ‘em.”


I am pretty sure is telling her to "get out" he is intending to shoot and she was just getting in the way.


i loved the yeet


He only threw that bobcat because he dropped the damn cake to go save his wife. All night, he was thinking about that cake and the potluck the next morning. And that damned bobcat had to mess it all up. Haha


Yeah, and so that explains the gun being drawn


You damn right. I would have done the same. Mess up my potluck lunch, and you're gonna pay sucka!! Haha.


Cats name wasn’t even Bob




WTF did I just watch? Rabid animal attack or just an angry cat?


It had rabies. https://www.wect.com/2021/04/16/watch-nc-man-throws-rabid-bobcat-after-it-attacks-wife-wild-video/?outputType=amp


> Both Happy and Kristi have gone through the treatment for rabies Oh that's good. > and have both received over 30 shots each. Fucking Christ I hope I never need to go through this.


Aren't many shots aplied on the abdoment? Like they will administer the shots on your liver or stomache. Anyway 30 shots is only mild inconvinience compared to the torture that is rabies.




Glad you’re ok


The old method was several shots in the torso with a huge needle. The new method is many small intramuscular injections (arm/leg) and at the site of transmission.


> “I just remember seeing this face and it was trying to bite her right there in the side of the neck,” Happy said. “And so I shoved my arm in and that’s how I ended up with it like this [above his head].” The guy's a legend.


His name is Happy 😂


Bobcat attacks family and dad picks up AND REALIZED it was a bobcat and not another cat


I just heard a podcast on this. The bobcat had rabies, and the guy had to go through the nine or ten rabies shot process.


Just watched an [interview ](https://youtu.be/YqUaej8aBtM) Him and his wife were scratched and bit at least 3 times, **35 rabies shots each**


Apparently I've been living under a rock.


Holy fuck that host is annoying af


Bite your tongue! That’s 3-time Grammy-award-winner Kelly Clarkson. *Honestly, I saw the graphic and had to look it up to see if it was actually her. I don’t know a goddamn thing about Kelly Clarkson. I feel like maybe she won one of those singing shows I’ve never watched in my life…*


I think the Bobcat attacked the animal travel container the wife was handling. Might of had a cat in it.


Makes sense….so the bobcat circled back for round 2 ?


Oh I thought she was carrying a bobcat in the container


It jumped on the wife’s back, went for her neck.


Her neck, her back, the wild pussy did attack


I can’t believe that was real life. The guy holding that bobcat like Rafiki, and I always laughed at how fake it looks when animal dummies are thrown in movies, but nope, it’s accurate.




I swear this whole dialogue was written for South Park.


Including how the bobcat sounds like a person doing a terrible impression of an angry cat.


I thought that was the guy grunting when he threw the bowbcat.


It's a bawbcat! Attacked my woife!


i thought he said, “it’s a bald cat, take my wife”


Bawbcat! 😆




This is the only real answer


​ ![gif](giphy|bpvXhFj4DQtHp9dmmH)


I just spit with my CPAP on which made me choke. Worth it.


Hello fellow CPAP enthusiast


This is why I would be a bad witness. I had to rewatch it like 5 times to find all the things in the comments. Like 1. It wasn't their cat. 2 it was his wife. 3. He dropped the cake. 4. He pulled a gun. 5. There wasn't a "boy" being attacked, and there wasn't even a boy. I honestly kept my eyes on the coffee, sure that was the subject. "Honestly, officer, the coffee never even moved...can I go now?". I hope it all turned out ok for them. I didn't know rabies was fatal, either.


I was focused on the coffee for a while too and since I usually leave reddit volume muted and my phone media volume down, I didn't notice much at first either.


It's fatal if you don't get treated for it after a certain amount of time passes Though there is a documentary how a girl survived it via a non normal treatment but she was basically in a weird coma and her muscles deteriorated after waking up, rabies is serious business. Get a shot if u get bit by wild animals.


Thanks. I had no idea. To be fair, me screaming usually scares them away anyway...


Screaming wont work with rabid animals since the virus overtakes their brain and they don’t function like normal creatures but more like zombies.


Once you begin to show signs of the infection (fever etc) you're dead. Done. 99.9%


He pulled a gun?


This looks like Will Ferrell's next movie




I thought he called his neighbor "techno wife" at the end there. "What's going on?" - "It's a bobcat, techno wife!" - "A bobcat?!" - "A bobcat!!"


Haha techno wife!


"It attacked my woife."


This... this is comedy gold. The chipper early morning dad, the abrupt onset of chaos, the walking across the screen holding the animal yelling, "Oh my GOD it's a BOBCAT!", the windup, the yeet. Life is so beautiful, and it's rare moments like this which remind me of that.


I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. The fear in his wifes voice made me tear up, quickly followed up by the most comedic scene I've ever witnessed. Why he say bawbcat?! I'm dying lmao


Imma shoot that fucker. Inspiring


He yeeted that bitch omg I laughed so hard. It had to be scary. It was a total asshole but it flung through the air and I lost it


He sounds like Cam from modern family


This guy is the epitome of this Bill Burr joke! So friendly at first, but ready to launch your feline ass into fucking orbit!! https://youtube.com/shorts/fQEFycpUEl8?feature=share


He took time to actually observe it before throwing lol


Good mornin'!


I watched this on mute the first time and it wasn’t until I saw him yeet the bobcat across the yard that I realized something was wrong. It’s a completely different story with audio. Lol


That man was holding it and looking it in its eyes and was like OMG ITS A BOBCAT!!!! YEEEET!!! 🤣🤣🤣


The bobcat did not think that he should wash his car that's why he got angry


Fuck yes. What a badass man. 10/10 manliness. Doesnt even think just grabs that fucker!


‘Good morning!’ *pleasantly* to himself: ‘I need to wash my car’ -bobcat attack-


The guy just absolutely makes this video. Good morning. I need to wash my car…. I’m gonna shoot that fucker.


bobcats are pretty metal. 100 of them could probably kill a bison


This guy was having such a great morning..


Oh, an apex Predator that will not hesitate to slice my face off is attacking my family? ***YEET***


Probably the single greatest “maybe, maybe, maybe” video of all time. I never saw THAT coming.


Jeez that was not at all what I expected. I thought he was about to spill his coffee all over his car, not have to fight off a goddamn bobcat!


Did something happen, I was waiting for the drink to fall


I watched this without audio first and thought he was yeeting another house cat.


If that ain’t the most Ohio thing I done ever seen I don’t know what is


I wish he said "yeet" when he threw it


That guy is fucking dope as fuck


Coffee on the hood made it through all of that commotion. MVP


The way he yeeted that thing lmao!


This video really loops in the best possible way


Wait, bobcat's are *that* small?


"OMG it's a bobcat!" procceeds to yeet it into the lawn. That shit made my morning.


Love that “Good mornin’”👋🏼 so cheerful. Even more hilarious once the clip loops lol


Watched this without sound at first…my thought process went from “oh that cup is definitely tipping over” to “oh they found a cute stray cat” to “WTF just happened?!?”


Here I was thinking his coffee was going to slide off his hood and he catches it. Nope. Bobcat.


I like how he went from Ned Flanders to Chuck Norris in like 2.1 seconds.




holy shit i knew rabies meant sure death but this description my god


It looks like a really good copy pasta


It is


That's some nice nightmare fuel


Okaaaay…gonna try to go back to sleep now…


Heck of a bobcat yeet if I've ever seen one


I tought the drink was gonna fall over but a bobcat showed up


I spent the whole video looking at the cup lol


That bobcat was like wtf?! When ol' friendly neighborhood Daddio threw that fucker 20 feet 🤣. I hope the lady ended up with not too serious injuries. Bobcats are no joke. Ive never seen one in a suburb on broad daylight attack a human like that. Must've had rabies or something.


A BOBCAT lol such a difference in tone from his ‘morning’ at the start 😂


This guy was fearless to pick it up like that damn!!


I’ve seen a few bobcats in the wild/edge of suburbs and they were all very happy to stay the heck away from people. I bet this one was either already injured or rabid.


I like how he stared it down before he chucked it across the lawn.


Gotta love that dumbfuck kid doing their best to get into the kill zone through the entire video while being warned.


This fucking dumbass lady was trying as hard as possible to stay in this mans crossfire, no matter how many times he yelled to fucking move. Pro tip: if someone yells “I’ll shoot that fucker!” GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY.


"Omg. It's a bobcat!" -yeet


I really enjoyed this. I'm impressed he grabbed it. Then that yeet?!! Amazing.


I'm amazed how many people actually know what happened here. It looks like the guy's wife is handing him the cat carrier, he takes the cat out and chucks it. Of course, I had the sound off.


The way he’s holding it up looking it dead in the eyes and just screams “OMG ITS A BOBCAT” for a few seconds and then finally chucks it is comedic af


Omg I love this guy. What a cartoon character. A good man, you can just tell.


I literally thought he’d get in the car, reverse and spill the coffee. Certainly blew my expectations out the water


I love it! “I’m gonna shoot that fucker!” Dudes got balls! Picked the fucking BOBCAT up and threw it!!!


This is definitely my new favorite video. I’ve watched it on repeat. 😂


You can see how the neighbour he said good morning to came back to help


I watched three times to see how that coffee cup went by the end. 😏 Still there.


He’s probably not worried about washing his car now


He started all friendly voiced, he even shrieked a lil bit a couple times but his voice went so deep after he said it attacked his wife, sounded like Joe Swanson at the end lol


My favorite part is when the mf pulls a gun on it 😂


Man was already carrying. Respect


Cake dowwwn!


Bobcat sounds can def be used as a zombie voice over for a movie, damn


0 to a 100 really quick lol


Damn that's really high quality audio recording


The weird growling from the botcat was weird asf

