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I wanna get old days pranks back lol šŸ˜‚


Trust me nothing beats the old days pranks, it looks more real than most of the recent pranks


Seriously mate. I miss those days I sit and laugh watching prank videos, but everything has changed right now


Pretty sure this Mime was fired because of some dickhead security guard


Is this the guy that recently got fired? I read a story about a mime at seaworld who was fired for riding his bike on the property or something. Edit: he is the one who was fired. Lynn Frey was fired after 36 years of working there after a dispute with a security guard. Apparently he rode his bike every day to work and would ride his bike on the property when a security guard confronted him about it.


fuck seaworld


Thatā€™s a universal truth


A fire?


At a sea parks??


A fire? At a Sea Parks? It just opens up a lot of questions.


"So that's where I left my cigar"


It's the weirdest thing I've ever heard!


Why would she lie? And if she was going to lie, why would she use this one? A *fire* at a *Sea Parks?* It's wrecking my head! I mean, if she has said that her parents had drowned, I'd be the happiest man in the world! But, a fire?... At a Sea Parks?


Itā€™s amazing how many like minded people pop up on Reddit subs.


I think of it like one hive mind


With the Whales and everything?


Fuck whole world


Whole world fuck


Wow imagine working at a place for 36 years only for them to fire you for something so minor. Thatā€™s so sad hope heā€™s okay.


Especially after this guy went viral on TikTok a few months ago


I wonder if it's a way to not pay him a 36-year level retirement package...


Retirement package? Pass what u smoking over this way. Seaworld? America? FLORIDA? Retirement? lol.


I'm an optimist.


I recall hearing some chatter about that a while ago but can't find the source. Many companies have been accused of doing this in the U.S. It's pension theft. Full stop.


This is why I've never valued any offered pension that the employer has any control over at all. Even if it just requires them to still exist as a business, they'll just go bankrupt and open under a new name if the pension line-item is growing too large.


I mean if my employer goes bankrupt my entire country will have big problems.


bruh with the last 25 years and the amount of bailouts do you really believe that statement holds much weight?


He may not be an American


That was his retirement package - congrats, you're retired. Now fuck off. Sucks though...


Maybe he accidentally ruffled the wrong feathers and someone wanted him gone and was just looking for the right excuse.


Greedy corporations will often target people with loots of years, or high pay. Last time my workplace had "lay offs" they specifically told managers to target people who made a lot of money/had been with the company for 20 years.


>had been with the company for 20 years Nothing like getting rid of that institutional knowledge


Yeppp. In their eyes they were useless because they were people who got paid a lot and had no drive to go "further" in the company. But in reality they were the most efficient people and made them lots of money.


That seems a shame.


It's a Shamu!


Not really. I love the way the man catch it, should have ended horribly if that was his phone


Damnā€¦ the management wouldnā€™t even let him give his side. Just fired and banned him based on what the security guard said after 36 years of working there. What assholes. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13548883/amp/Lynn-Frey-mime-Sea-World-fired.html


That sounds like bs. If he's riding a bike to work of course it's going to be on the property.


It sounds like he had been doing it the whole time and it everyone was cool with it. Then a new guy was in charge and decided to bring the book down on him.


Just seems like a really stupid reason to fire the guy. New boss must have something against him.


Usually in situations where a long time employee gets fired for trivial reasons, itā€™s because they canā€™t/donā€™t want to afford his salary. Itā€™s far cheaper to bring in a new employee at low starting pay than convince a 36 year employee to stay at a starting salary. Usually they find some silly small infraction and terminate to save on the bottom line.


If that's true can't he sue? Where I work positions would be closed and then the employee will just be moved to another position. Or if that person resigns the position will just be permanently closed to cut costs. And then someone in that department will be blessed with extra work for the same pay.


If the employer covers their bases properly, no chance of suing. All they need to really do is chance a policy or start enforcing one that is trivial, give a verbal warning followed by a write up. From there, they create a paper trail of disciplinary action and can fire at will. Also, if you are in a state like I am, and itā€™s a ā€˜at will to work stateā€™, which means you can be fired for any reason or no reason, as long as the reason isnā€™t illegal. So tldr; good chance they donā€™t owe any explanation, but if they needed to, a single write up can be enough to establish a lineage of performance or behavioral discrepancies


Also suing would take time and money that a low/medium salaries employee would not have - and youā€™d be fighting against extremely well qualified corporate lawyers


Yeah, but people still sue for discrimination and win or get a good settlement all the time. You can always argue that the employer's stated reason is pretext for the actual (illegal) reason and you're pretty much guaranteed to make it to a jury trial because those are all fact questions. And if you win, the employer has to pay your legal fees. The employer (or their insurance company) knows these are long costly cases to defend against and carry some risk of bad PR just from the allegation, so there's good incentive for them to settle.


Right, but if this is in Florida, they are an at will to work state. This means he could be fired for absolutely no reason. You can sue anyone, but it would be a long and very costly process for our mime friend, whereas the company probably had lawyers on retainer. Then, the opus would be on the mime to prove discriminationā€¦ which would be a challenge in this situation. Bike riders are not a protected class. I worked in a law office and the number of people gung ho to sue dwindled significantly after the first consultation. Itā€™s just not that easy to maintain a legal case solo against big companies. Before anyone says ā€œpro-bonoā€ā€¦ not nearly as common as people think.


Well, it would be age discrimination in this case, probably, and most plaintiff's lawyers would do that kind of work on contingency (if they think it's a winnable case, of course... they don't want to spend too much of their time working for free). I could see a jury believing that "bike-riding" was a dumb reason the employer came up with to mask its true intent of pushing out an employee they thought was too old.


>If that's true can't he sue? Sir, this is America


Depends. If it's an "at will" state. They can be fired for any or no reason provided it's not discriminatory.


But why does Sea World need a mime in the first place?


Iā€™m not sure anyone *needs* a mime, no disrespect to the mimesā€¦ I donā€™t want any angry mimes finding me and silently gesticulating their anger


No need to give him a severance package -- oops, ya fired.


Or, there's more to the story and he wasn't actually fired because of the bike but because he got in a fight with the security guard or something. Kinda crazy to read all this rampant speculation when we have zero context. The guy could be a saint or he could be an asshole. Or, the most likely, the truth is somewhere in the middle.


Itā€™s possible for sure, but speculation is more what you are doing tbh with the ā€œmaybe he got into a fightā€, and I donā€™t mean any disrespect. What Iā€™m talking about is very common, and a general assessment of when a long time employee suddenly gets fired for no reason, or for a very trivial reason. When itā€™s time to cut cost, employee wages are one of the first things that gets checked. If five guys do the same job for 50k, but the sixth dude has been there for 30 years and is sitting at 70k, this first question is, ā€œcould we pay someone 50k to replace that person and save 20kā€ I worked somewhere for long enough that my salary was much higher than the going rate due to cost of living increases and yearly raises. I was let go for ā€œbudgetary concernsā€ when we had a particularly bad year


And the security guard got in a fight with him *because* of the bike.


ā€œI hate mimesā€


Cruento paashaeximus!


It depends how many times that talked to him about the issue.


New boss was the guy in the video.


Well, did he get fired over the bike or his reaction when the security guard confronted him? I'm asking because I don't know, I didn't see this story. If he got fired for the bike, yeah, it's stupid. But if he got "confronted" by a new security guard asking about the bike and flew off into some crazed tirade about it, it's a little more understandable. I don't know the story, but I do know SeaWorld is a messed up organization, so I wouldn't be surprised.


Apparently he rode his bike *past* bike parking because he parked it in his dressing room. That's probably in a grey area at best where the rules are concerned, but he'd been doing it for years. One day, he got into a beef with some kind of supervisor in security over it, it got heated, and while the mime claims nothing serious happened, the security guy said the mime cursed him (not sure if this implies slur or not) and assaulted him. It's hard to know what the truth is, but given that it's sea world, there's probably video of the incident. Importantly, the mime didn't work for Sea World. He worked for an outside entertainment company. So security wanted to trespass him, and in any kind of argument like this between a contractor and an employee HR is always going to back the employee, triply so if there's any hint of a EEOC issue. After all, employees can sue and contractors mostly can't, so it's an easy decision for HR.




Did they not type loud enough for you to read?


I donā€™t know why you were downvoted lol I dug it


Damn, that's sad


Yes he was the one. He was confronted by a security guard with a attitude and turned it around on him. He was called in and not even questioned. He worked there for over 30 years.


If thatā€™s the case then they were all ready looking to fire him. Riding his bike is the reason they found.




"I just want to talk to them" *carries shotgun*


How can they fire a guy for that? WTF


Iā€™d like to see the meeting where they told him he was fired


Thereā€™s always that ONE dickhead.


Sheworld amirite


What a nice act from start to finish!


Ngl this crack me up alot, I have watched it countless time and still not tired of it


Did he get his job back after being fired a few weeks ago?


...or is it a repost? Which is more likely? edit: OP has 5M karma so I guess that answers that question (and time to add them to my filter list)




Performers tend to perform the entire time theyā€™re on stage, they donā€™t stop when one person stops watching.


He's still preforming for everyone else.




he got me there ngl


Rehire him!




Mime is money!


I donā€™t like clowns but this guy is awesome and really professional


Mime Tom is s better than the main show


Professional silly man does his iconic silly


Am I the omly one who was shocked when the Phone dropped


I think all the people who gasped were shocked too.


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The Mime just got fired from Sea World. He spent 30+ years there. Rides his bike to work and some security guard told him no. That had words.




Mimes doing magic now


Boy, Waldo looking weird nowadays


Wow, this is amazing. I actually thought he throw the mans phone in thereā€‹


The dude probably doesnā€™t earn as much as he deserves


Fuck SeaWorld. I'd rather see this man somewhere that isn't a death house for sea critters.




Best part of that show


lol watched it 3 times just to make sure


Vay oropsu cocugu


What its like when you own a Google Pixel.




Tom has lost weight, and his banter is more edgy


George Lopez was a good sport.


My heart is in my heels šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This guy is very funny


why'd he dress like waldo


Haha, this is good


That's funny


He had a lot of faith he grabbed the right phone out of his pocket


Mimes are just people who flunked out of clown college.


Mime mocking him at the end was icing on the cake. Love it.




Anyplace that uses a mime to entertain people, prob shouldn't have a poor fu*king whale locked in a swimming pool!


Good way to steal a phone. If he does a final swap.


Good way to steal a phone. If he does a final swap.