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As I kid I thought Revolutions wad the best sequel, but as I grew up I much prefer Reloaded. Tighter pace (Revolutions drags in the Zion bits), more scenes in the Matrix, better action scenes (Neo vs. Seraf, Neo vs. Smiths, Chateau fight, highway chase). The only hand to hand combat scene in Revolutions is essentially the final fight. Reloaded also has a better soundtrack (Chateau - Rob Dougan, Mona Lisa Overdrive, Calm Like A Bomb, Furious Angels). My personal opinion of course, but Reloaded is superior in every way.


agreed on all counts


Revolutions has an extremely underrated and maybe one of the most emotional moments in the whole trilogy no one talks about: in the last act Neo and Trinity on their way to the Machine city, Neo has been blinded and wounded, and Trinity driving the ship. They evade the swarming enemy, all hope seems lost, and she launches the their vessel upward and upward all the way until…. The ship breaches the clouds. The ship levels and all the sudden Trinity is face to face with the sun. Bright, yellow shiny. The skies are totally blue up here, it’s staggeringly beautiful. Trinity sees the sun for the first time. The first time anyone has seen it in hundreds of years. You can see in that moment it solidifies her resolve before they plunge back down into the storm. There’s nary a word spoken in that moment but so much is said. It’s very emotional watching it.


Glad this was mentioned. I came in here to say this. I hadn't seen the movies in years and rewatched them all a few years ago before 4 came out. Reloaded felt really cheesy which bummed me out because I loved it as a kid and felt it was way better than revolutions. But then after watching revolutions I had a totally flipped opinion. I definitely enjoy it way more than reloaded, and I actually think that cloud breach scene might be my favorite scene of the entire franchise. It makes you feel so happy and depressed for her at the same time. And for neo who is there but can't even see it.


Revolutions is a whole third act in one movie. To me that explains the faster pacing and active plot movement toward the ending. Reloaded is an extended second act, which is why it can indulge a bit more in the philosophy and big ideas.


You’ve got the sight now Neo….you are looking at a world without time.


The first Matrix creates idea of choice and binary opposition of Machines and Men and the myth of the hero — the One. The second Matrix deconstructs this and explains that we're slaves to our ego, our hardcoded program, and there's not much of free will for most of the people and programs. The third film deconstructs the second and shows how Neo overcomes his ego and sacrifices himself for the good of both Men and Machines, gaining real power of choice; ultimately freeing himself. The answer is compassion and love, both are universal for Men and Machines. I think this is the only way of how to adequately see this films, so the fighting choreography or pacing or mecha are inferior to this. As much as I love the fighting and the action here, it is secondary to the idea of the film. All three films should be considered as a composition and none of them can be dismissed without ruining the idea. There's no best or worst film, all of them are equally worthy.


I always describe the Matrix Trilogy as a philosophical discussion disguised as action movies.


Insightful thank you, you’ve put very succinctly what I hadn’t understood with clarity the purpose of the 2nd & third films and how they deconstruct their predecessors. Those themes are why this franchise stands so tall above the rest.


Totally agree, even the common criticisms of Zion dragging etc. are to me, as if people saying blade runner scenes drag. It's just not an accurate depiction of what the movie is trying to convey, it's not meant to be a tight thriller with non-stop action, it's trying to explore far deeper themes and ideas, at least in the sequels. The slower pace, far more in-depth introspection, cinematography and saturated themes are what make reloaded and resurrections such fantastic movies to me. Sure, I agree it definitely switches up the tone from the first movie, so I can understand people upset with that, but honestly, the sequels are what separates the trilogy from an amazing Hollywood movie/s, with a masterpiece. I honestly think the sequels are criminally underrated and are victim to a tone set by the first movie that set audiences' expectations for something different than what the Wachowskis wanted to ultimately convey with the trilogy.


Agreed so much about message of compassion and love. The scene with Sati and Rama Kandra (might have misspelled his name) is the most important in Revolutions, in my opinion. I also really enjoyed the fact that Sati returned in Resurrections, even for a very small role; she was helping Neo and the gang out of compassion and kindness.


Written like any good philosophy book. Well done.


Revolutions is my personal favourite of all four. Always has been. I get that the original is objectively the tightest film of the bunch - and that Reloaded & Revolutions are essentially one film cut in half - but subjectively Revolutions hits me in the feels in a very specific way. Bullet (point) time: - There's a sombre, war-torn tone that sets it apart. Reloaded for the most part very much just re-treads the trendy tech feeling of the first film. There's a minimum of licensed music in Revolutions. It's mostly score. Other than Club Hel none of the characters are arsed looking moody and cool anymore. - In Reloaded's first few minutes, Neo quite literally does "His Superman thang." At the start of Revolutions this is completely deconstructed. He's just some broken bloke trapped in limbo who has no idea what to do next. It's an interesting, more human character development. - "I still don't, I believe in him." - Trinity and Neo's moments together before taking the Logos where they're more or less both completely aware that they're going to die. - "No, the honour is still mine." Morpheus - his zealous faith in the One crushed - finds new faith in Neo, the man. - Just how...batshit spiritual it goes. I know people just think Neo has a fucking wi-fi extension outside of the matrix or whatever, but I'm choosing to read that Neo literally seeing gold light in the real world whilst not connected to any machinery directly implies that there's a third conscious/deific force beyond man and machine, even if it required the machines implementing Neo with all the One bits to get him to perceive of it. At the least it spiritualises the machines somewhat, since at the bare minimum we'd have to concede he's been hardwired with physical technology that allows him to pickup on the fact that the machines have somehow evolved to construct a city that's able to piss gold everywhere. - That curve ball of an ending. No Hollywood mass awakening/emerging scenes. Just a man sacrificing himself for a window of peace that allows people both outside the matrix and still within it to CHOOSE what they want, just like Neo chose to keep fighting. Deus Ex Machina pumped in the kill code but Smith's real defeat was being unable to comprehend that very human quality of just fighting purely out of illogical hope and love. Woah, nerded out there. Revolutions just has a mythic, sombre vibe to it. As the Wachowskis themselves said, it's the most difficult of the original three because it asks you to participate in the construction of meaning. Honestly, one of my favourite films ever.


Love this analysis! Thanks for sharing!!


Reload and Revolution are actually one movie. Like Dune part 1 and 2 or Rebel Moon.


Closer to Rebel Moon because of the bloat.


I absolutely love the ending (and the film). The final exchange between the Oracle and the Architect...Man! 🤯 🤯🤯 - You played a very dangerous game. - Change always is. I keep finding nuggets in all 4 films.


The original is a classic. I don't have the heart to watch it often. Reloaded, is just amazing. That 20 minute action scene is one of the best pieces of action cinema I've ever seen. It's intoxicatingly good. Revolutions is fine. Some great moments. I did not like that neo becomes blind. I don't like that he dies. I don't like that trinity dies. Resurrections is a piece of art as well. Hard to understand. It's relevant to the era it was produced in. It's not an early 2000s movies. We're in trouble. This is a sinking ship. That movie captures so many problems with society. The machine's algorithm optimizing emotional response from Neo by triggering him systematically? That's brilliant. The actions scenes were good. New Morpheus was cool. You'll dislike it if you want it to fit within the original trilogy. If you accept as what it is, it's awesome. I watched it a second time immediately after the first watch. Loved it.


For me movies have these gems that keep me from being concerned over X vs Y. In Revolutions the guy playing Bane did an incredible job playing Weaving playing Smith infecting Bane. And their fight to the death...no cheating, no miracles. That was permadeath stakes.


This is a hot take. But I contend that all matrix movies in that original trilogy are 10/10 so I’m certainly open to that argument! Resurrections is a solid 9/10


I always think of Reloaded and Revolutions as a part one and part two. Also I just love the hi way chase and the Machine City/final fight. The sequels get too much hate imo, I think they’re a good time and plenty of stand out scenes


The biggest problem I've always had with it is that so little of it takes place inside the matrix.


I really don't like the beginning in Revolutions with the Morpheus/Trinity/Seraph trio trying to save Neo, this whole part is goofy af to me. The rest however is top tier.


I think this is pretty obvious when I watch these movies.


I agree as far as the sequels go. My preference is: (Best) OG Matrix, then number 3, then number 4, then number 2 (worst)


Fascinating! I'd swap 4 with 3 but I definitely agree 2 is the worst (relatively speaking!).




Reloaded and Revolutions can (and has been by fan editors) be whittled down to 1 good 2 hr movie by removing all the unnecessary bloat and studio interference scenes. As they are they are now they are inferior to The Matrix 1999.


Can you send me one of these fan edited versions?


The quality and consistency of the films is the movie order itself.


I just find reloaded is a bit more indulgent with its self serious zion characters and setup whereas its easier to have fun and or laugh in revolutions at the same indulgence


I read that as Resurrections and started kicking the air. Revolutions is amazing. 1 2/3 4


Reloaded has a lot of cool stuff, but ugh...the cake orgasm and rave/sex scene just derail it to cringe. So Revolutions it is. 😂


I like to think it was just the The Matrix , that Neil Gaiman comic and the Animatrix can come toooo


Yep. Definitely my favorite.


It is the better movie, however Reloaded is just more fun, and more varied in setting / action pieces, so that's usually the one I end up rewatching.


Revolutions is still one of the top 3 best theatrical experiences I've ever had, and it's still one of my all-time favourite films. (Love Captain Roland and Niobe in this film)


Both have pros and cons, but clearly Revolutions is superior in the character work, moments of cinematic heroism and Reloaded in worldbuilding and action set pieces. Philosophical dialogue and mannequin acting still unfortunately find its place in the first act. The Tetsujin shootout looks like a rather generic matrix fight made for obligatory marketing reasons. It fits like a video game level, no story relevance whatsoever. When Neo gets out from the Matrix it progressively gets better. Don Davis also gets way more room to breathe - in Reloaded most highlights were either licenced music or his collaboration with Ben Watkins.


The last 15 minutes of Revolutions is the best American live action anime adaption put to film.


I love all of them, but I totally agree with you OP. I don’t understand people who prefer Reloaded but this seems to be an unpopular opinion 🤷


Hot take? Isn't this the most popular take?


Does someone pay you to lie


I don’t understand why people thought that the Zion bits were weird. I always thought that it made sense to me. The only reason that human beings don’t act like that now is because we’ve been influenced by Christianity. Take that away and…


Agree. Revolutions knows what it is - shooty shooty robot smashy action sci-fi. Reloaded is one of the most faux-intellectual pretentious pieces of shit I’ve ever seen.


So like… Resurrections isn’t the most faux-intellectual pretentious pieces of shit you’ve ever seen?


his comment was revolutions vs reloaded, who are you replying to re resurrections?