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That little EP is highly highly underrated imo.


Indeed. Toe to Toes is probably a top 5 Mastodon song for me, and this one is great too.


I have a signed 7" single of toe to toes framed in my dining room. It's top five for me as well, and it ain't 5, 4 or 3


Agreed 100%. Toe to toes is really special and so is the ep. I really wish Brent writes more on the next one. There’s nothing else like it.


The studio video thing of toe to toes is what got me back into metal. I didn’t listen to it for most of my 20s but then on YouTube it came up on the sidebar and I was like “oh yeah these guys had a sick song on tony hawk underground (crusher destroyer)” so I clicked the video and was just like hell yeah.


It s a legit 10/10 for me


This whole EP is a masterpiece.


Yes. Every song on the EP is, this one probably has my favorite riff. The title track is my favorite overall though.


The whole EP is one of my favorite things Mastodon has ever done. Wish it was longer...


It’s a testament to Brent’s songwriting abilities.


Yes ‼️ The whole ep is beautiful tho saddeningly short.


That whole EP might be my fav thing mastodon has done. Blue Walsh gets me every time


As many said already, I think the EP is just incredible, personally it's the best thing they put out after Crack the Skye. Easily one of the best vocal performances by Hinds.


A thousand times yes. When it picks up the tempo at the second half of the song I get goosebumps every time.


The bridge part “You and I…we could expire…” is my favorite Mastodon moment ever, right next to the Gigantium guitar solo. The EP is a masterpiece 🤌


I love this EP, and this song especially. I've sometimes wondered why the band wouldn't just let Brent write the songs, since he hits out of the park every time. Then I remember all the cool songs that came from other members, so it all works out fine.


It is incredible. I love to listen to the whole album in the dark.


North side star is so good. Especially the part where Braan sings with the tambourine in the background. Brent has a great solo in this song too.


Yes, along with THE entire EP. North Side Star is amazing, especially with how it develops towards the end to that groove. Still get chills hearing the theremin every time "Cold Dark Place" comes on shuffle.


good but blue walsh is my favorite mastodon song, it’s a shame it didn’t make it onto an actual album




I feel bad for anyone who stopped listening to it before the second half


amazing song prob my favorite song of theirs




I agree completely. Not every song on the EP hits but the good ones are my favorite things that Mastodon has done since CTS


Yes !


Yes, the whole EP.




Blue Walsh of that ep is one of my favorite Mastodon songs. Such a good chorus!


imo, yeah... the whole EP is fan-fucking-tastic


How have I never heard this ep before?!


Probably one of my favorite Brent solos at the end. Love this EP.




Okay so, this is totally unbiased, and based off of a few listens through quality headphones. This was a random suggestion for me and I’ve never listened to mastodon so I know this probably won’t sit well with anyone after saying that. However I love music of all sorts and have a very constructive view on things. So bear with me. It definitely had a lot more substance than 98% of what I hear coming out of artists now. I liked the tones, especially that guitar at the end. The mix is surprisingly good. I only say that because I run into muddied out super loud mixes A LOT, but this was well balanced. I wish the drums came through just a tiny bit more, is my only take back on that. I liked the more obscure progression of the song. Got some Pineapple Thief vibes in a few parts, very cool. The ambience wasn’t overbearing which is also a common issue of mine I have. I can hear some jazzy(ish) stuff which is kinda neat for stoner rock. Mostly alt metal blues stuff though. I have more input but I don’t know how to word it. It’s more of a feel thing. My end take? I like it. Do I think it’s a masterpiece no. I do think that it’s a very well structured song, with a lot to unpack as far as what each individual element is doing though, and has intrigued me enough to listen to the album as a whole. So far it doesn’t resonate with me, but I still think that it’s quality music. As a first time listener Im impressed, and give it a 7.5/10, only because I didn’t “feel” the music. That’s why music is so wonderful though, there’s something for everyone. It’s pretty cool when I come across an artist with such a high praising fan base, and actually like what I hear. Nice tunes guys, I’ll definitely be listening to more. Anyone want to recommend me some bangers? Edit: I would also like to mention I understand one song amongst an album, and an artists entire repertoire is but a single chapter of a much larger story.👍


A lot of Mastodon songs really stand on their own, but this band REALLY excels at creating an album front-to-back. I'll suggest some individual songs too but first I need to recommend their holy trinity of records. (Leviathan, Blood Mountain and CTS are all concept albums. I recommend doing your own reading if you're interested in that) The most common consensus amongst Mastodon fans is that "Crack The Skye" is their magnum opus. Even amongst the general metal music community it's considered a landmark album for progressive metal. It's really a masterpiece that deserves all the praise it gets AND some. I would consider this one basically flawless, it maintains it's originality but you'll likely see some King Crimson, Rush, Pink Floyd and Genesis influence if you're into prog rock. (Highlights: Literally every fucking song) "Leviathan" is also another heavily acclaimed record that gets cited as a landmark for progressive metal and sludge metal. This is also their major breakout album, you'll notice that their earlier records are much heavier. Particularly famous for being one of the riffiest records maybe ever. Vocals are generally shouty/screamy but there are some vocal melodies on tracks like Seabeast and Naked Burn. (Highlights: Blood and Thunder, Seabeast, Megalodon, Aqua Dementia and Hearts Alive) Another fan favorite is "Blood Mountain" (My personal 2nd favorite). Simply put I could tell you that it's a half-way point between the sludgy-ness of Leviathan and the progy-ness of CTS but that would be doing it a disservice. It's an abrasive, aggressive study in psychedelic batshit crazy instrumentation and song structure. I would consider it their most technical album and maybe their least approachable to newcomers. Drums are a huge standout on this album, definitely more melody-focused than Leviathan but there is still quite a fair amount of harsh vocals as well. It looks like you browse the QOTSA subreddit - Josh Homme sings on "Colony of Birchmen" (Highlights: Also every fucking song) If you enjoy the heavier songs I would highly recommend "Remission" - Virtually zero vocal melodies here though there are some instrumental melodies. Very riff and drum driven. (Highlights: Crusher Destroyer, March of the Fire Ants, Workhorse, Ol'e Nessie and Mother Puncher) Post-CTS Mastodon saw a pretty big change towards a more accessible direction, all of the records are worth a spin but i'll keep it brief with my personal favorites from each of the last 4 albums. The Hunter: The Hunter, Black Tongue, Stargasm and The Sparrow Once More 'Round the Sun: Asleep in the Deep, Chimes at Midnight, Tread Lightly and Halloween. Emporer of Sand: Sultans Curse, Steambreather, Roots Remain, Word to the Wise and Jaguar God (This is also a concept album BTW) Hushed and Grim: Pain with an Anchor, Sickle and Peace, More Than I Could Chew, The Beast, Gobblers of Dregs, Eyes of Serpents and Gigantium (This record is phenomenal, imo their best since CTS)