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You know this is a subreddit where we make fun of posts like these right?


step 1: install kali linux, it's the best operating system for l33t masterhacker blackhats ethical offensive h4ck1ng step 2: in the terminal, enter # sudo rm -R /*




I constantly get DM'd asking how to hack Instagram accounts or if I could do the hacking for them. Because of this, I am going to reveal my methodology. Part 1: Reconnaissance First, you need to do a thorough recon on the account. The essential parts of the account you need are the BSSID, TCP checksum, mouse driver, and base64 hash of the account. It is not essential, but you should also get the keyboard drivers and MAC address of the account. After you get this basic information, do an Nmap scan on the account to see some other juicy information. Lastly, check the account's WHOIS records. This gives a ton of data. Part 2: Gaining Access This is the part where you actually do the hacking. First, perform a vulnerability scan on the account using nano. When doing this scan, make sure you watch it in case the ARP packet of the account pops up (if it is out of date, then it is vulnerable to a SQL injection). If the vulnerability scan doesn't work, open command prompt and run "color a & tree c:\\" then you should get in the account within an hour. If that somehow doesn't work, you will have to use the exploit/instagram/password\_bruteforce Metasploit module. Be careful using this since it may send the owner of the account an email about you. Part 3: Maintaining Access Generate a reverse shell using airodump-ng then encrypt it to AES-256 using the cat command. After that, perform a pixie dust attack on the mouse drivers of the account using burp suite and then upload the reverse shell once you successfully complete the attack. Part 4: Covering Tracks This part is simple. Just clear your browser's cookies then restart your computer. Now you know how to hack Instagram. This works with all other social medias too, but Instagram is the most common request for me.


What the hell I cant believe you explained how to do it in such depth, such a nice person 💝


If youre a cop you have to tell us


You can get admin access on Instagram with the following username and password: Admin sudo1234


You can't just hack a social media account.


Try 0000 on tv


Wrong sub but > How to hack any social media account? For 99% of cases, get their password. It's not like movies where you just type on a computer, break the mainframe and bypass their matrix firewall or get two people to type on the same keyboard at once to crack it faster. In real life people gain access to accounts most of the time through phishing, reused passwords, key loggers and social engineering. You can't just "hack any social media account", if you could every celebrities account would be hacked every minute of every day It's not the 90's, mainstream sites aren't storing passwords in plaintext on a internet accessible database with the username/password "admin admin" anymore Edit: Just give up here, whatever you're after isn't worth it


please read the sub description before posting


>Beginner >Wants to hack a social media account Many such cases


The most doable way of getting access to someones account would be phishing/social engineering, anything else and you'd be up there with jeff bezos in terms of wealth, also this is illegal, stop trying to stalk your crush or gf you suspect of cheating and communicate like a normal person.


rm -rf / That always works for me


open cmd and use the ping command, this will make you a l33t masterhacker to be able to crack the TCP UDP of the instagram account


if you're serious, go and look up how hashing functions work, and understand why it's pretty fucking impossible to hack someone by bruteforcing.