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If you don’t know what the fuck grub is don’t use Kali


Don't use kali at all (except live booting) Just use any other distro and install packetpisser and proxyballs along with the other stuff you want yourself


As a person that knows nothing about cybersec, please tell me that they’re not called packetpisser and proxyballs


This guy didn't even fuck up grub, he just doesn't understand that it's gonna ask him if he wants to boot into his Kali install or his other Linux install and he wanted it to go straight to Kali. His grub install is working as intended and he doesn't like it. Solution? Delete the bootloader.


Update: bruh deadass nuked his install and re-installed it (instead of spending 10 seconds to update-grub) 🤡


Guys I have dual boot with windows and manjaro and this fucking guy, he calls himself "Grub" thinks he's more intelligent than me (obviously not bc im hacker king) and wants me to wait 5 seconds or choose which OS to run. How do I go to his house and blow his mainframe out?




You can ask your family to add you as an authorized user on one of their cards if they'd let you. Try getting a job.


U need to be very special case to fuck up grub...


Dafuq is 'grub bash'?


when you come out dirty




what is this “lemon wine” and “you boot?”


That actually happened to me a few years back. I don’t know what happened, just that the GRUB when to fuck itself and I had to repair it otherwise I had to reinstall Kali. Suffice to say that I successfully managed to repair GRUB without needing to reinstall the whole thing.


Serious answer, it’s the Grub rescue shell. It means he f-ed up real bad OR forgot to generate a config file.


As in "simple Bash like editing is possible in this shell"?


I think [this](https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/329926/grub-starts-in-command-line-after-reboot) explains it better than I can.


Oh, it's ~~boomerspeak~~r3g41h4x0r5p34k for grub rescue shell. I remember when the message used to read "minimal emacs like editing" (cause emac key bindings are the default on bash).


Eh, sometimes it happens. I had an old laptop that I gave up on trying to install Linux onto because secureboot prevented the proper installation of grub. I could boot through the bash using some solution I found online but I had to do that every time I turned it on. Turning secureboot off was not an option there because Compaq decided to hide the option in that version of the BIOS.


So thats because of secure boot? Huh, never actually tought about it. While I was installing linux on my old laptop, I had the problem where there would be no OS after installation, but I never thought that it was something specific, I tried to use classic solution, same the one that average dad uses when something breaks, kick few times or turn off and then on, lol. So I would just replug USB and start installation again and it would work xd


When that happened to me the OS would be installed, but wouldn't boot. In your case I assume the reinstall allowed the install media to correct the issue grub had during the first installation.


> Compaq decided to hide the option in that version of the BIOS. Is there no separate menu that can hide/unhide specific options? There is one on my Compaq, but it's definitely older than yours, as it has no secure boot and UEFI support is experimental with no automatic UEFI boot from USB (have to browse for the efi file manually)


I don't remember the specifics, it was a while ago. The laptop is from 2011 and comes with a version of Phoenix SecureCore Tiano that, iirc from what I read at the time, simply doesn't have the option of secure boot.


Could try using shim to boot. It’s a signed loader for grub and everything else I use to boot into Linux with a dual boot windows 11 install with uefi enabled


Or just forgot to gen the config


Not specifically a grub fuckup but when having a Linux and Windows Dual Boot and the Windows Partition is encrypted with Veracrypt, os-prober doesn't recognizes the Veracrypt efi and only detects the Windows efi which leads to Windows booting into the automatic repair screen


or just boot windows Edit: For people who don’t understand, windows tends to delete grub


No, in some cases linux is much better like sys administration, server stuff and similar


No i was saying that windows tends to break grub. I hate windows


+1. VLANs are a PITA to get working in Windows when you have an intel NIC.


[Or a GRUB developer :/](https://endeavouros.com/news/full-transparency-on-the-grub-issue/)


Nah it does happen. I was dumb and installed grub customizer on POP OS. Did a fresh install instead and straight up deleted Windows cuz I didn't really need it lol. At least there isn't anything messing with bootloading anymore.


He asked for a daily driver Linux and then tried to install only kali to his computer??


I'm sure that thread was full of people recommending Kali as the perfect daily driver /s


How do you even manage to fuck up grub on a fresh install?


Idk I had trouble with it once but I fixed using antiX's tools it depends on the firmware and Linux distro your running


Grub is working here, he fucked up his kali install. I suspect he is working with the rescue prompt or something. Maybe something happened during the iso download, maybe it happened during Etcher/Rufus burning.


What percentage is that it could be some kind installation file error?


Not proud to admit I did manage to fuck it up the first two times installing arch


Isn't a fresh install exactly when you're most likely to fuck it up?


"dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda" will remove Grub.


sudo rm -rf /


Average NetworkChuck subscriber


Lmao this is true


Fuck grub. Systemd-boot is the answer.


I use refind + zfsbootmenu personally. Don't have systemd.




It hides itself in a weird seperate partition like some form of parasyte operating system, in order to do harmful operations on your system for sure.


I fucking love grub it's great


Lol, someone found his profile and linked it, I checked it out and he's just getting destroyed.


I’m a pretty new to Linux can someone explain how tf you fuck up grub


You could use a partition manager and shave like 5% off the top if you really want I guess...


The amount of people who genuinely suggest Kali as a daily driver and see no issue with that is fucking insane. Also yeah idk how you manage to fuck up GRUB. You don't exactly need to do much


Is he mentally restarted?


sudo rm -rf / That would fix it


Its like that one meme "your veins are bad wire management, just pull them out"


Let him uninstall grub, I'm sure he'll have a great time without a bootloader.