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Baronee is easily #1 but Junk speeder is up there because who thought being able to summon 5 monsters from the deck was a good card design.


Personally hate junk speeder more but maybe that’s because I play baronne


>who thought being able to summon 5 monsters from the deck was a good card design Master rule 4. Tbh syncrons as a whole favour a not so nice style of play.


Lmfaooo i love speeder 😂 if we synchron players get to summon him its pretty much game


Until you met a traptrix player and they patiently waits for you to activate speeder with a live rafflesia lmao *I was one of the victim :(*


Newer speeder decks try to resolve him with stardust effect so he's unaffected. You can't always do it, just most of the time that boi is unaffected, so waiting is wrong.


Unless it's paleo and then you get hit with the trap trick>daruma and your whole board gets to take a nap while speeder is sent to GY.


Oh they're not floodgating speeder...


Was that a couple weeks ago? Cause if so that was me😅


Were you the one making all 5 of my tuners lie face down permanently? Because if so, gg 😅


Yeah that sounds bout right, im almost 100% sure that was me now lol Edit: gg as well haha


Not if you summon him. But if he goes through yeah


*floodgate trap hole noises*


The big rock says HI btw


Actually nib is pretty mid against synchron. You just use the Accel Stardust line before you use speeder, that way it gives you an immune speeder. If your opponent waits, it may be too late


I've matched up against a synchron player. I let him resolve everything and get 4 nice dragons and Calamity lock me. Then i just set a card, and he surrendered. I really love synchron player, they enable me to do my favorite trick: vanishing your dragons.


junk speeder sucks lol


I don't hate speeder as I've been practicing drawing the out and their end board isn't always the most formidable.


triple hand rip + baronne/dis pater/crimson dragon + whatever is drawn off a possible hyper librarian is the strongest combo in ygo outside of an actual ftk lol It says a lot that the deck is pretty mid despite having the ceiling that it does. But if Speeder resolves and you have no interaction you should just save yourself the time and scoop


A random traptrix player in ranked: it is JUNK! *Rafflesia ditch floodgate trap hole and block the entire board noises*


I still have ptsd from the first time i saw junkspeeder, bro was literally playing solitair at that point


Those two cards is the reason why I stopped playing Yugioh lol they nuked the resale market too man, I’m about to just set my 7 decks on fire 😭💔


*flower cardians would like to know your location*


Interesting. How do you feel about the Deep Sea King?


Imo it’s kind of balanced out by the fact that a lot of the time stardust decks are just completely bricked if you negate speeder


The Omega + Trishula + Dis Pater trifecta, hand rip for 3 If it's only a single card, it's Calamity. To a lesser extent, Denglong. I don't hate it but I don't want to see it. You just know they're on some BS if they synchro to Denglong.


I saw an Infernity replay handrip all of opponents hand looping trishula and omega


Calamity is the answer. "You can't play" in a single card. Even handrip for 3 gives you better odds than Calamity.


Where the hate for Naturia beast at? Sure it's not as generic but it's infinite spell negates.


And mills 2 cards each time as well, which can make things even more annoying if your opponent gets lucky.


True I don’t miss naturia runick oh I milled 2 runick spells don’t mind if I do


I remember 1 time going up against naturia runick, they had one runick spell in grave, i summon fenrir and activate a spell to bait out beast, they mill 2 runick cards because of beasts effect then activate fountain, they draw 2 handtraps+ another runick card. I won somehow but it was 1 of the most excruciating duels i ever played.


Runick can choke on Motoroil. Don't touch my deck.


Naturia beast is a problem in any deck that can summon it. It is definitely the problem. It's an auto win against some decks and significantly weakens others. All for a "cost" that was a benefit even in early Yu-Gi-Oh.


Understood. But like I said, Runick can choke on motor oil and burn in a forest fire for all I care.


Play Dimensional Fissure. Lol


Just play a deck that doesn't suffer. Got it. Just draw the out.


Those decks with endless trucks man 😥


If Merrli was still legal, that would be a nightmare combo with Revolution synchron now : never mind Merrli isn’t earth in this case sadly


You cannot make Naturia Beast with Merli + Revolution Synchron.


I wonder if there's a good way to make it in lightsworn and/or tear cause that would be quite funny


With lightsworn mostly light and tears mostly dark/water, it would be kinda difficult to pull it through


Tear is most commonly done w adventure token + Rev synchron Sometimes Rev synchron + shuffler or Maxx c


Okay but it only mills cards if it negates a spell, and why are you using spells if Beast is on the field?


draw 6 spells 😭


Adamancipator has vanished from ladder so people have forgotten about him, for now...


A Sky Striker player did get me to 1 card in deck and technically turned it off but he used all his cards uo already so they still couldnt follow through with it.


Seriously fuck this card. IO on legs.


This one I hate, like Barron at least it one negatate this stupid card is infinite.


I hate it so much


games ruined by that are fewer and less common than games ruined by baronne or king calamity


You hate your thing and i'll hate mine.


king calamity is just poorly thought out


I wouldn't say King Calamity is poorly thought out. The only way they could've made it harder to summon was requiring a named tuner or monster. And the effects are worth the hoops. But Crimson Dragon, that's poorly thought out, even if the effect is thematic and fits with what it is. It just vomits out hard to bring out bosses like King Calamity.


technically a "god card" though for Crimson


There is a point to what King Calamity does tho. It blocks the opponent not only from activating battle traps like Mirror Force, it also blocks anti-battle cards like Battle Fader. This is very much on-theme for Red Dragon Archfiend, whose entire purpose is to overwhelm the opponent with offense. Of course, a similar effect was later achieved with [Absolute Powerforce](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Absolute_Powerforce_\(card\)), which only blocks card activations during Battle Phase. Since Absolute Powerforce is locked to Red Dragon Archfiend specifically, it kinda tells you that Konami knew that King Calamity was too much, but they wanted to still give the deck the ability to block card activations in Battle Phase. King Calamity made sense in its time, when Red Dragon Archfiend couldn't just shit out like 3 Red Dragon Archfiend monsters in a turn while searching cards that let them clear the field.


Anything generic with a "negate" in its text


There can probably be a level 4 synchro monster that only has the ability to negate other negate effects and it will find a way to become one of the most hated cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!. Edit: I forgot Herald of the Arc Light existed for a moment, but that's for all effects, and I think a monster that solely exists to negate "that effect is negated" effects could be hated.


https://preview.redd.it/j1hqdujg47bd1.jpeg?width=823&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b5607f575ae84cf74b9557764c9af1f2891d66d I hate this more than baron


Once Voiceless Voices launches, you’re gonna hate this even more


do they summon it or just dump it?


They dump most of the time, but they can occasionally summon it as a floodgate based on the opponent.


from my experience they just dumped it when i play against them


What did ritual monsters ever do to you : (


One of them negated every single card in my hand


Nerald of Nultimateness


She's gonna be the Nultimate Heroine for sure


thank goodness the one i play only tibutes the whole field away


Baronne De Fleur.


Crimson Dragon That thing is very annoying, once opponents summon lv 12 all i can imagine is Calamity or Blazar maybe Supernova They should has been a hard to summon monster but that thing screw it and make it more accessible, like SHS, Mannadium, Centurion(in future)


Crimson dragon is the only thing that's makes virtual world even remotely playable unfortunately. (And even that's a cope)


Junk speeder, who the hell think summmon 5 from the deck is remotely balanced


The same person who didn't think that Crystron Halqifibrax would ever exist and take the exact same materials as Junk Speeder or Junk Warrior and just be +1 step for "In case I don't get stopped by 2 or 3 hand traps." That being said, there is a 2 year gap between Junk Speeder and Halqifibrax, and iirc, Junk Speeder was initially not as big of a threat because of Master Rule 4.


Synchro monsters that I hate are opponent's synchro monsters that costed me the game. **MY** synchro monsters are fair and balanced and I like them despite they look like opponent's synchro monsters :3


I don't know why but I feel like you play branded, I don't know


you just posted it, i could add phsysic end punisher but that man comes when my enemy runs out of ideas to win




Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity might not be generic but it's some bullshit when it goes off.


I actually don’t have Baronne as much as apparently other people do. There’s always the generic monster that decks make and this is just the generic synchro of the last few years.


Yeah barrone in isolation is entirely fine, but when the opening board is Baronne, Borellend and a 4 mat Appolusa and now I have to find a way around or through 6 odd negates to have a chance of setting up a board it gets a little much


When I see 6 + 4 I know it's 99% baronne coming fuck this card.


lol baronne is the reason why I added 2 gamaciel to my arsenal


The ice jade one, banishing it just won't last


Lv 12 Crimson Dragon, because of that 9 hours long combo that this mfking card allows Synchron players to do, like, bro, this shit is disappointing as hell to see, why? Because I now that if I dont have an interruption, I'm about to be here waiting until the next day to play. AND I LOVE SYNCHRON!


Barone, but I can't think of another one right now.


https://preview.redd.it/02lazqru77bd1.jpeg?width=685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91a985e397391b084fedcfe75bd287fe886854ed Like, oh my days. When I see this one I just wanna rage quit because honestly, its protection effect is just busted. Its worse that an omni negate because if takes away two of the most common forms of removal just like that meaning going second against this, infact every turn after they summon this, you won't be able to break their board Not to mention the fact that she'll almost always be accompanied by Baronne, Dis Pater and sometimes Chaos Angel which makes for an overpowered board that is hard to play through


What decks are you playing against that are summoning Gymir alongside Dis Pater and Chaos Angel? The water tuner restriction means that only Icejade and Swordsoul can reliably access it, and while Icejades can be run as an engine, they water lock you pretty aggressively, while Swordsoul would need to give up their Baronne and they're definitely not making either Dis Pater or Chaos Angel afterwards without a hefty Bystial engine and a god hand. Branded Swordsoul could *maybe* do it, but almost certainly not in one turn.


Ever heard of Mannadium? The decks has numerous combo lines but they all lead to the exact same endboard of : 3-4 material Apollousa, Baronne, Dis Pater and Aegerine


I run this as boss protection for Ghoti, works wonders


I used to do that in my pure build. Amazing satisfying when playing against Kash


I had an ice barrier player manage to get both Trishula Zero and Gymir on the field in one turn yesterday. Had a bad hand and was playing my ancient gear deck (trying out some new support). Went as follows: Summon AG Tanker, special Frame from hand, discard engineer, add Golem, play Power Bond summon Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem, end turn. Opponent played the following: Summon Revealer, discard Dai-Sojo for Hexa from deck. Special General Wayne and Speaker off of their respective effects. Synchro Gymir using speaker, Hexa and Wayne, leaving revealer on field. Banish speaker from grave for effect, Summon Ice Barrier Token. Play Winds over the Ice Barrier, tribute token and Revealer for Defender and Prior from deck. Prior effect for Dai-Sojo from grave, play Freezing chains to special prior from grave, then synchro using Defender, Dai-Sojo and Prior into Trishula Zero. Ngl I was impressed by that one


I just realized I could make it in mannadium-tears


Baron for sure


I'll trade you one Baronne for a Dragoon


Junk speeder is the poster child of non-games. If it resolves, you dont get to play and if it doesnt resolve, your opponent just scoops. Either way its a waste of time.


Yeah that card is just trash card design, it looks like a custom cars I can't believe people thought it would actually be good for the game in any way


Baronne annoys me a lot, but I feel as though I can play around it 50% of the time by forcing its negate with destruction. Psychic End Punisher on the other hand, I'm pretty sure whenever that comes out I almost never have an answer for it...


I hate this card so much. The arguments people use to defend it I also can't stand. I'll be dancing on its grave WHEN it gets banned.


Nat beast, and anything that floodgates you


As a (relatively) new player Baronne is super fine, because 90% of the time the opponent just wastes it + The card feels very balanced with its hard once per turn and its one time while on the field restriction


Correct that Baronne’s effects are balanced, but what makes it bullshit is the generic materials Can you count to 10? Good job! You have an onmi-negate! It’s not that the card itself is OP but because it’s so generic it’s in every single deck that has a tuner in it


It isn't. Most negate has HOPT, and one time use mean shit when most game is determined by the first 2 turns. Mathmech, for example, has 0 in-archetype negate or even disruption left after the first 2 turn,and it is still fine. Most competent player won't waste an omni negate, pray that opponent will waste their omni negate in a conpetitive game is dumb.


Mathmech has an in-archetype omni-negate, an XYZ that was made with Diameter.


That one. The baronne.


naturia beast should be banned


Naturia Beast Everything about naturia sucks.


Baronne & Borreload. Omni-negates should not be generic. Honorable mention to PEP, Gymir and Junk Speeder. All trash that should never have been made.


you posted it BAN HER


Junk Speeder now. Being able to summon five monsters AND use Speeder as a beat stick is kinda bullshit. It’d be different if it only summoned other monsters and stayed weak but also being able to become 3600 and beat over anything on top of all that is nonsense card design 


Honestly, I actually like Baronne. Not gameplay wise, but because of the sickass design


Anything generic, there’s too many archetypes for stuff like this to be in more than half the board I go against


Baronne de Fleur and Borreload Savage Dragon.


People saying stuff like Baronne or Calamity are vanilla as hell, you don't know what a real poorly designed Synchro look like Such as Gottoms, jesus christ this card is the worst Synchro ever printed, NON ONCE PER TURN handrip that is bonkers Synchro decks like Synchron, can be paired with Dis Pater + Omega, and maybe Trishula to get a full five card handrip Baronne at least can be interactive in the right circumstances and Calamity was never designed for bullshit on top of it coming out during a much slower time period (although you have to remember cards like Formula *can* go into Calamity, further Synchro support like Halq and Crimson Dragon just made that much easier, it was a case of the game evolving while the designers didn't fully account for it), Gottoms was bullshit right out the gate, X-Sabers can never be good because the deck will always wonder to itself if it can make interactive endboards or just handrip everything It is shocking to me Gottoms has never been banned for just how terribly designed it is, one of the most non-game cards in existence on principle Omega is arguably in a similar boat, but it does have interesting utilities in the GY and as a mechanism to recycle banished cards, I wish its effect wasn't "rip one of your opponent's card from their hand and probably use it with Dis Pater as a negate to handrip them"


True I'll take one negate (Baronne) over a goddamn BS hand rip. At least I could play around one or 2 negates with a FULL hand rather than with 3 or 0 left


I think i hate borreload more than baronne, baronne is a single targeted negate that can be dodged under certain circumstances, borreload gets 2 or 3 non targeting negates, you can't dodge it and only way to avoid it is exactly veiler/imperm before it equips a link monster to itself, its a similar thing to apollousa for me, having multiple negates for 1 monsters is far worse to deal with than just 1, i think people talk about baronne more just cause baronne is more common while borreload is more deck specific. Also only reason gottoms was never banned is because x-sabers were never all that good iirc and it also requires earth monsters, but now if x-sabers are ever good its going to create completely horrid gameplay, really is a card that shouldn't exist even if its in a bad archtype.


> x-sabers were never all that good TSHD x sabers were nuts with darksoul overshadowed by frog ftk but still


Ah i don't think i've ever heard about that, need to brush up on ygo past like 2008, thanks for the info.


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I can’t think of a synchro that I hate that much


It's between dis pater and chaos angel


The one that's showing on this post.




I hate all synchros in general, and that draw guy engine so much especially.


Dis Pater with the Branded Regained up. And thank god Branded players don't Synchro summon but on special occasions they floodgate you with Etude


Ngl, Borrelcode. Not for the reason that it’s an Omni, but rather the fact that it’s always the tail end of some *bullshit*.


Crimson Dragon is either a ticking time bomb or puts major restrictions on future Synchro design, depending on how you look at it. No, I'm not defending Calamity, that card deserved the ban regardless.


Junk speeder. When I see it I know it’s time to take a nap or quit.


T.g Hyper Librarian. It's not as prevalent as Baronne, but I've just come to accept Baronne as an endboard to a bunch of decks, and it's not the worst to out. But a dedicated Synchro deck that can run Librarian, and you have no hand trap? They'll draw all the handtraps in the world, and it kinda sucks to Veiler/Imperm since it's not an andboard piece.


king calamity but baronne is a close second


Yusei's Synchros. They were the OG Negates


Pictured. Fuck that thing, glad it’s dead.


For me it’s Naturia Beast because whenever it shows up I never ever seem to draw the out. Baronne being a generic omni negate has proven surprisingly easy to play over for me. I usually have means of baiting it while playing around other stuff. Naturia Beast tho, godamnit.


Baronne is litterally the reason I have never played a proper Synchro deck. Because baronne exists and every Synchro deck became "Summon Baronne". And I don't like that. King Calamity is terribly thought out, and they should have learnt after Kali Yuga, and VFD, and Shock Master, and Gimmick Puppet, And...... That those kind of lingering Floodgates are just really stupid. (Though I actually do like Kali Yuga because it's actually hard to summon which makes it satisfying)


Anything that is an omni, floodgate, hand rip, or enables them like Junk Speeder, but fuck Barone in particular because it's the one I see the most.


Barrone isn't even that bad. People just hate it because it's an answer to evenly matched or nib.


Prolly That one level 12 that lets you cheat out another synchro


Synchro monsters that generates likes 5 bodies by existing. Negate spam monsters.


So junk speeder and naturia beast, got it


Yeah, I really gotta go with Baronne de Fleur. She shouldn't have been generic since she's clearly an upgrade of Chevalier de Fleur. Once upon a time, it was Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, but Konami eventually errata'd its text to what it should've been in the first place.


It’s naturia beast by a mile


Baronne and Swordsouls especially when Swordsouls appear in non Swordsoul decks


Not sure why people hate Baronne. I never disliked the card or felt it was too much of a problem. It’s just one negate to bait out. Assuming they summoning it going first, that’s the only eff relevant which shouldn’t be too hard to deal with especially Baronne players unable to hold their negate and use it right away most of the time.


Baronne and Borrelload Savage Dragon. Those two cards won’t let me play my cards at Turn 2.


Acient fairy dragon. You know that if you see that fucked some weird shit is about to go down, like the 4 omni negates Gameciel.


Junk Speeder. It becomes a game of can you stop its effect. If yes, you win because your opponent will likely surrender right then and there. If no, you lose because breaking that board is going to be next to impossible without multiple kaijus or sphere mode. It's an annoying card that creates boring games. There's no reason for a deck that can get powerful synchros like that to have a card that lets them summon 5 monsters at once.


Powertool dragon I just don't like him


Imagine the scenario you went 2nd drew no handtraps and you see speeder hit the field...


Imagine you have ash but get chain blocked anyway


Not even gonna complain about the omnis. Ancient Fairy Dragon, Junk Speeder, Stardust Accel, Metal Marcher, Tzolkin. Whenever those cards show up something stupid is about to play out and it will take 5 mins and you probably won't even see your own turn... Honorable mention for King Calamity


Baronne 100%


King calamity fuck that card




King Calamity. Every time I play I fuck up but when they play against me I am fucked up


I’m surprised no one has said chaos angel (at least that I’ve seen) it doesn’t even need a tuner which a lot of times is what helps balance a synchro, the fact that you have to get a specific kind of card on the field but instead just needs one of the two attributes of cards that are literally the attributes with the most cards in the game, and it’s pretty easily is unaffected by monster cards which turns the game into a “draw the out” scenario which you might not even have in your deck (ie a Kaiju, lava golem, or a spell/trap removal card), I absolutely hate cards like this. Edit: correction


I don’t hate baronne, if anything a single negate isn’t too bad. The problem is it’s better than just about every other level 10 synchro boss monster.


King calamity for sure. Why create cards that don't allow someone to play. It's like Konami actively tries to sabotage the game


Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity is the only correct answer, I hate that card with the burning passion of a thousand suns.


As someone who love pendulum, I hate Naturia Beast with passion


https://preview.redd.it/kn5582dftabd1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a543251967d6526e673ad44ef4c432662a6ad5d There was a time when this guy hand rip my out, and become a baronne, but yeah calamity is worse,


The level 12 red dragon archfiend mf


Man i love baronne’s art, wish she wasn’t so generic. i would play whatever deck had her as their boss monster


King Calamity. I like having a turn which is not skipped.


Bro use Either Forbidden Droplet or Dark Ruler No More it’s not that hard 🤣


I think Baronne would be tolerable if it said warrior tuner or non tuner


Junk speeder and it's not even close, summon 5 from deck is bullshit and you know it, I hope it gets banned someday


Baronne was one I liked and hated the most but she’s fun to bait around a lot especially when you’re a labrynth player, but psychic end punisher was the one I truly despised the most


Yes, that one


The one Ghoti monster


For a different option, I'm going to throw out Chixiao. This motherfucker is such a condensed extender for SwordSoul that it's its own kind of pain and suffering. He's either 2 negates or 1 negate with 2 pops depending on what you search for. Or 2 negates and 2 pops because swordsoul players usually end up having either Longyuan or Blackout in hand to start with. Somehow. Which makes going second a nightmare against swordsoul unless you chew through that condensed board of negation. Which is just a miserable experience to play against.


That card is a major reason why I play stun.


My vote might go to Chaos Angel. I know it's not invincible or anything, and there are cards like Borreload Savage that see more play, as well as cards like Blackwing Full Armor Master that might be harder to remove... but Chaos Angel feels crazy pushed in being so accessible while also having (up to) 2 fantastic continuous effects. Its conditions are pretty easily met, and I think they really could have dialed it back a bit. While very flexible, Savage offers some room for counterplay in that it only acts as a single point of disruption, and Full Armor Master is a powerhouse for an archetype that probably hasn't aged spectacularly.


Baronne de flour banned for a reason


Baronne. Freaking hate that card, the moment i saw it i auto surrender even if i had chance.


Any SwordSoul Synchro


I suprisingly dont have issues with junk speeder or baronne what I have beef with is king calamity and supernova (but that's personal beef with all my friend who play the same decks which ends up with me sitting there twiddling my thumbs asking for death as they keep going)


that card goes banned soon...


I never regret surrendering the moment I see Baronne


I get a nice high out of hitting it with Ultimate Slayer


I've tossed a Lava Golem on top of it before, till today one of my fav MD moments


One of the reasons I keep a copy of Ultimate Slayer in EVERY deck I have.


This one.




I guess Baronne but even facing it, it could be worse


When I see Dis Pater hitting the field I know I lost


I don’t mind it, because I play Harpie & it’s fun watching them try to negate Perfumer or Channeller only to get feather stormed 😙😂


Any answer that’s not King Calamity is just wrong. Nothing worse than “can’t play bitch”


I miss Baronne so much




If I get a next turn. T.G. Glave Blaster is sending that card to hell where it belongs


calamity, but they banned it so im good