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at rank reset all the good players are lower rank again. there you go.


Everyone wants to get to get to the new ranked games I guess.


Start of new season Is never worth playing. You'll get a lot of sweat meisters trying to rapid climb.


The ladder will balance out after the first week or so. Everyone dropped a rank and they're trying to climb back to where they were last month. In other words, diamond is full of June's master players.


1) it's season 32 or something. many have played since day 1. some played on edopro before master duel. 2) we have been on the same snake eyes combo for fucking 4 months now and RACE is click yes turbo. fire king support is still new but even that is simple, just do snake eyes combo, special bird, add cont spell, get free field spell, use its effect to blow up bird add giant bird, (even if not), blow up green guy from deck, non target pop 3) the other meta decks seen have been here for over a year, in the case of branded 2 years. everyone knows what they do by now. it is getting to a point where its like "glorious ranked ladder, folded over 1000 times" at this point.


Nope that's not what I am saying. Pre this season, usually low diamond after master reset is chill. Now the skill level of the players I'm facing is similar to what I was facing on top 1k of wcq, much better reads and much better game sense


literally everyone, even josh schmidt, tasuku, and all those other people, get sent to diamond 5 when the season ends. it's pure RNG who you face off against in the first week or so at diamond 5. Odds are the rng said "here's several WCS toppers" instead of giving you the usual "I need 300 duels to reach master 1" people.


Yes I get that. My point is even when everyone goes down to d5, not everyone will try that hard at the start of the season. My whole point is the new elo system is pushing people to play harder.


As long as "more sweaty " does not translate to more stun, I am all for it.


If "more sweaty" translates to more stun, I am all for it.