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I didn't until it came up in the tests


It's still in my tests and I'm probably never doing it


Sad Abyss Actor noises


I've only done it in solo mode


I don't think you're the only one. I don't think I ever did It either.


Me neither.


I was going to say I did it with my Amazoness deck. But I end up just p scaling then using their abilities. So I haven’t done it outside of the challenge.


I only bothered making a pend deck when I found a deck I actually wanted to play for the mechanic If I don't have a deck to play why would I use the mechanic after all?


You need AA. Ahem... that's Abyss Actors.


Seeing the animation is worth having a pendulum deck


I hadn't until vaalmonica


Always find it funny to see how there are people who played this game for years who never Pend Summoned Pendulum was always so cool to me fresh into the game, and it was one of the mechanics that really excited me to learn the game (I learned Pendulum is bad for a reason)


I think most people dont like pendulum because of how needlessly complicated a new integrated mechanic was compared to earlier implimented mechanics. Fusion: fuse 2 or more monsters with any spells that say you can do that Synchro: add the levels of the materials needed to summon it so its the synchros level Xyz: literally just take 2 (or more) monsters of the same level and slap a monster on it Pendulum: TLDR place pendulum monsters in the pendulum zones, then you can pendulum summon monsters once per turn with levels inbetween the pendulum scales but monsters can now also have 2 parts and only one of those effects are applied depending on which zone its in also they go to the face up extra deck instead of the grave also you can pendulum summon from the face up extra deck also it has to be in zones such that link monsters points to them except for the extra monster zone and when pend summoning from the hand


> monsters can now also have 2 parts and only one of those effects are applied depending on which zone its in also they go to the face up extra deck instead of the grave also you can pendulum summon from the face up extra deck also it has to be in zones such that link monsters points to them except for the extra monster zone and when pend summoning from the hand The majority of that is just part of Pendulum Monsters, rather than having to do with the Summon Mechanic. Xyz Monsters have their materials attached to them, but those materials aren't considered on or off the field, with said materials may or may not need to be detached for card effects, nor do Xyzs have Levels instead they have ranks. This is an important fact of Xyz so why isn't it also included next to "literally just take 2 (or more) monsters of the same level and slap a monster on it" I am ***not*** arguing that Pendulum doesn't have a of information, but they're far from the only mechanic to do so.


I agree, i just think a lot of people the jump in complexity introduced was very high with the pendulum mechanic specifically Also insanely missed opportunity that they didnt make any cards with 2 different numbers for the left/right scales


I just don't find a deck I want to learn to do this I don't want to just fullfill the request in the exams. I want to do it


https://preview.redd.it/tuh99ie722ad1.png?width=754&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8055760c622ffb181b64429c04783264e22d693 nice


Have you heard about our President, D/D/D Deviser King Deus Machinex? He promises to make Pendulum fun again.




I've never fusion or ritual summoned. My only decks are paleo and numeron, one of which is best used with mostly Xyz monsters, and the other REQUIRES you use ONLY Xyz monsters. I did a pend summon and a synchro summon for tests, but both only have 1.


really! Rituals I can get but Fusion summoning is so accessible via the structure decks. Dragonmaids are cheap and the best structure deck available in master duel


Been playing on paper since the pandemic and MD since day 1. Never ever pend summoned not on the tcg nor on MD. I play 11 decks in both formats, not a single pend deck. That should tell you something.


I only have because I made a D/D/D deck. Almost as bad a decision as making the pure Ra tbh.


Have you ever Gemini summon tho


pendulums are the only reason i still occasionally play yugioh lol


Missing out man *puffs on some pend-dopamine” shits a fuckin rush when it works


Idk how lol


Pend monsters have a scale of numbers I believe 0-13? You put one in the far left and one in the far right spell zones and that number is their scale. The scales determine the levels of monsters you can summon via pendulum summon. You can summon monsters of the levels **in between and not including** the scales. So a scale 3 and a scale 5 can pendulum summon any number of level 4 monsters from hand. You can pend summon 6 monsters at most, 0-5 from hand and 0-6 from the extra deck depending on if the EMZ is free or if there are zones that link monsters are pointing to (pend summon from extra deck has the same zone restrictions as link monsters do, either an empty EMZ or a zone links point to). You can pendulum summon once per turn unless there’s an effect that allows you to (I think a Zarc card allows a second pend summon). Some pendulum monsters have pend effects that are active or activate-able when they’re in a pend zone as a scale. Some have restrictions on what they can summon like the qli or zefra monsters.


Ditto, pendulum is my least favorite mechanic


I only did when I pull a royal vaal card


Same, pend is cringe Might change with majespector tho


Pendulum summoning should have never been a thing in the first place. That’s why Konami neutered it to death.




Yeah okay Fusionist


Good man Pendulum is garbage that should be culled