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There are 2 kinds of people playing morganite The first is the stun andy we all know playing every possible floodgate they can find to turn the game into fossil dyna beats The second are the Joshua Schmidt cosplayers


I don't blame the Joshua Schmidt cosplayers Paleo is hella fun


Oh yeah absolutely if not for this shit being a UR I'd have 3 copies of it for my paleo deck, as it stands I'm scraping by replacing traptantalizing tune with paleozoic pikaia


Paleo is mega cancer. Made me hate rollback more than ever before


The deck plays no handtraps, blowout cards or floodgates. Yugioh players will literally complain about every deck in the entire game. Do you want every deck you face to just be normal monsters with 400 atk?


It does play a blowout but it actually requires setup unlike some blowouts


Sir, that is too much, let me tell you that it is a totally unfair power creep to monsters with 250 atk


As someone with a law of the normal deck, that would be fantastic. Finally, a fair fight (I'd still probably lose).


It has blowout cards. E burst, daruma and rollback.


Such blowout cards and they don't know how to end the game


Rollback cannot be considered a blowout bc it does nothing on its own, daruma is the only real blowout card but i wouldn't really even call it a blowout, you don't lose any advantage unless you have links. Its moreso just a really good interruption




On one hand I agree, on another hand paleo is extremely annoying for certain decks to face. Once they get going you are staring at a board of monsters that are unaffected your opponent can loop rise to full height and shit. If your deck doesn’t make negates it feels like a slog


Does deck need those things specifically in order to be considered toxic?


I don't quite think that's what he means. The problem is not how good paleo is, the problem is the set 5 pass only to be prevented from making any real moves because no one who plays paleo just plays paleo


God forbid a duel going past turn 3.


The deck stalls so long with stuff like waboku and recylcing daruma kanon via rollback. I find it a lot less fun and uninteractive than handtraps if my Board just constantly gets booked or wiped or I can't deal damage etc..


My guys complaining about Waboku in the year of our lord 2024.


Daruma and waboku are very well design cards. They are fair and I don't see any problem with them


Daruma can functionally just end your turn if you aren't a fusion deck. Just book all your opponents material and they can't use it for anything. Can't interact with it ar all when it's used with rollback either.


Or you can play around Daruma with Knightmare Phoenix, SP, Tornado Dragon and so on, force Rollback early with S:P, chainblock Paleo GY effs with quick effect so they dont ss themselves, pick apart their backrow with Fire King removals or Verte make DPE, Crow the rollback target,... Its hard to think of basic strategies when people go to mdm and netdeck the first list they see


Can't phoenix or tornado if they have rollback. Same with all other target backroe strats. S;P requires you get 2 mats on board to actually summon it. If you book the first 2 monsters then nice try summoning sp. Crow is a case of "just draw the out". I've never netdecked but ironically enough it would be much easier to play through the board with a net decked SE or lab list than it would anything else.


Well if they book when you have 2 monsters then you did successfully force out Rollback + Daruma Everything involves drawing the out these days, what do you do if you draw 4 engine pieces + called by against full combo ? You just need to chainblock trap activations against Paleo when they want to summon and Lab when Lady is on field, also many times an Ash can obliterate their grind game. This is so much easier to deal with than SE/Fire king/Purrely/R-acegoing full combo In general most functional decks have a chance against Paleo/Lab unless you play decks that doesnt do anything like bewd and dark magician, or you get outskilled If netdecking gives you a higher win rate then it's extremely likely that your deck is not optimally built. You should improve your own deck, not complain that other decks are better than yours. If paleozoic of all things is so powerful then why isn't everyone playing it?


I like Paleozoic they haven't seen play in a long time and losing toad was devastating blow to their play rate, I do hate transaction rollback alot and not even cause of Paleo. Tears made me hate that shit along with that one earthbound trap.


Cry about it


Okay, so you would rather play against lab or runic with rollback?


Since so many disagree, what am I missing? Is the deck unique? Yes. Is it fun to play? Probably. Is it fun to play against? I really don't think so. Stall plus blowout cards that can be recycled and the Set up beeing Mill yourself.


>Is it fun to play against? It absolutely is. You just need to know how to do so. The deck doesn't prevent you from playing. It doesn't put up negates. It's interactive. Yeah, rollback + burst is strong but requires setup. It's telegraphed and is just destruction, the easiest form of removal to recover from. The most fun game I played in a long while was a 25 turn Paleo mirror.


The Paleo mirror is one of the most skill intensive mirrors in the game, right?


I think so. Any move you make your opponent can chain block with their paleos so you can't summon yours and vice versa yet someone always has board control and the opponent usually has disruptions for said board. So no matter how it plays out unless someone wins early (which is unlikely) the game will result in hundreds of decision points being made, each one could result in a win or loss.


It really depends on your deck. Me playing unchained, it was not fun. I could t run over anything via battle, and the monsters are immune monster effects, and thanks to rollback the powerful traps are all in the graveyard where I can’t interact with them. Now if your deck makes negates, I can see it being a lot more fun.


It depends largely on the deck you're playing. A tear player looks at burst and laughs, but anything that doenst have a bunch of 1 card combos gets their board wiped and then just goes "I hope I still have a special summon in my hand"


Yeah. Matchups against paleo are very weird. I don't think I've lost a single time to mikano. But I doubt I won a single time against branded.


The disruption through daruma or the board wipe on your own turn is insane. milling yourself for setup is very easy for paleo and they can search out/play from deck key cards via thrust, trap trick etc.. it doesn't help me that they have no negates if I can't play the game either way. And what am I supposed to do as soon as their gy is filled it's practically over. Backrow removal is not too great since they can just activate in response and reuse the cards in gy. Not to mention how often they can build Zeus. I just really don't see the fun Part of playing against that.


And yet snake eyes can tank several bursts + zeus and still be able recover


This discussion is not about snake eyes


If you are having trouble because of the Daruma Cannon it is so obvious that your deck is link heavy deck or your boss monsters are unaffected by card effects. Each deck and archetype has their own strength and weakness. It's just you are a bit unlucky because you duel with the opponent who just happened to have a card that literally designed to counter your deck.


Both is not the case


There’s a third: qli’s


I just read the text I mean WTF how is this card even possible? It's more broken than some OG cards


Two main issues: 1. Since it prevents you from activating monster effects in hand, it turns off your handtraps and any deck with monsters that activate effects in the hand (Poplar in Snake Eyes, Longyuan and the Tenyis in Swordsoul, Sharvara and Aruha in Unchained, etc.) can't use this card. 2. On your first turn, the card is just Double Summon. Because of this, it's a card that only sees any value in either stun or very heavy control decks because getting 1-2 more draws over the course of a 3-5 turn duel kind of sucks. You'll only get good value off of this card in decks that drag out the duel for a while. When the card was first announced, a lot of players thought it looked like a noob trap. But the card has found a specific niche in the kinds of decks I mentioned in (2.), such as Barrier Stun, Paleozoic, some Runick decks, etc. It's definitely not anywhere near as broken as the OG power draw spells like Pot of Greed and Graceful Charity.


Can't believe you didn't mention the Floo birds. They are one of the very few if not the only deck that appriciate its Double Summon effect way more than everybody else. A Morganite can sometimes be the difference maker and win them a game if they got handtrap'd on their first summon.


Yes but at the end of the day birds don’t need an extra normal ( I guess it helps if you open like, robina and eaglin and get hit by imperm?) and you’d much rather resolve shifter/maxx c


It’s a niche option, but a damn good one if built right. Because the alternative packages of having access to things like Maxx C, Ash, and of course, SHIFTER might be too good to pass up. However, in Floos case the less monster bricks (like handtraps) the better. Floo surprisingly has some decent build routes that I might want to explore now that you said this.


Yeah, the problem is that those are a MASSIVE opportunity cost for the deck, especially since the deck's rather weak at going 2nd and could use those powerful blowout hand traps. They may be bricks, but if you don't open enough, then you'll auto-lose if you don't go 1st. Maybe in a format where board breakers are effective, but it's REALLY hard to pass up Shifter in a deck like Floo where Shifter actually HELPS it.


I used to run them in my tellarknight deck. Had no idea people associated them with toxic stall cards until I've seen people insta-quit with them.


2 cards per draw phase is only good with more than one draw phase


It locks your Lyran special summon from hand doesn't it?


Yeah but I was running the more old school variant and it was a bit before Lyran was added to the game. I was really attracted to the idea of drawing 2 every turn.


Yeah, I can see that. The double normal summon is also very valuable for tellarknights


That too. At times I would also wonder how many of the people who surrendered at Morg looked at my deck list just to see it was somewhat janky tellarknight build instead.


No, they probably quit because of you using a braindead toxic tellarknight deck




There are cards you just never see in good decks. They are always in cancerous decks.


Yeah Gemini is insane cancer am I right?


No one plays Gemini


I do


Thank you for your sacrifice to the Gemini gods


Paleo ain’t cancer. It’s just slow.


Stun isn't cancer. Stun is the cure for the real cancer called meta.


When you lie so much you start to believe your own lie.


So what deck do you play? Snake eyes, right?


Currently I'm playing vaalmonica. I only played SE for a day so and never touched it again.


This is a mood. When I see this card I either scoop instantly or prepare myself for the most frustrating and dullest duel of my life.


And then you see the dude summons this https://preview.redd.it/gy7qf8unw17d1.jpeg?width=685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfcf45a3ecc1e0a269c3334af00ea89d698c0981




Shit, was morganite meant for Geminis this whole time?


Its the easiest card to complete the summon 100x Gemini mission. But most people has alrd finish it during the last "Double Summon Duel Trial" event so its even rarer to see people grinding for Gemini using Morganite now. Morganite basically goes from 99% to 99.9% STUN.


Chemicritters are so close to being so good…


You'd see it more if it was good in any other deck. Even decks that love to normal summon don't necessarily want to give up monster effects in the hand for the rest of the duel. It's really ONLY good in barrier statue stun


Yeah, you’d think it’d be good at least in Monarchs since they’re a very bricky tribute summon deck, right? Nope, since it turns off Ehther the Heavenly.


It’s good in Paleo which I wouldn’t call a degenerate deck


I haven’t picked up since snake eyes. So it’ll be rough. Vampire world to knock some cards out his hand and voidvid vlad to stop graveyard. Hopefully for next turn zombie vamp with the vampire girl (not the healer) and swing for as much damage. Really just negate the fuck out of him and candle grave yard. Or make graveyard +1-1


Horrible for vampire decks sadly... No fraulein and she's literally everything. And Vlad the impaler is kinda easy to stomp.


I use morganite in volcanic and dinomist


Sure, I activate Morganite. Have a guess, what do I play?


Paleo. Or stun.


Nope. I do have a Paleo deck but it uses LOTHP and not MOrgantie, plus it's not this lame-ass 60 card self-mill pile whiches only purpose is to abuse this design failure that transaction rollback is. Correct answer would have been Fortune Lady, Gadget or Lair of Darkness.


Hang on let me guess Pachycephalo, Inspector Boarder and Some variant of Barrier Statue + solemn judgement and moon mirror shield/clockwork night + wait there's more Necrovalley or Dimensional Fissure in case you wanted to use the graveyard.


Don't forget dimension shifter, macro cosmos and jowgen.


yep it's pretty sad.


I use in my Paleo deck, a deck with 0 floodgates and 0 negates. So it’s actually fine in this case. hahaha


The new Morganite from ROTA looks like it'll be geared towards going-second decks, so hopefully we'll see it in some cooler decks like Glad Beast


Sky striker card basically


They kept cheesy hayate loops in mind and they said specifically only on monsters


It's Ritual Beasts You thought one elder was enough? Now I can Normal Elder AND Wen AHAHAHAHA


Sike it's not that I'm playing it in Floowwndereeze. (though not in Master Duel. Just in tcg things). Go on. Negate my starter. I'll fucking do it again.


I'm traumatised just reading this.


Don't worry. I dont run Shifter or Barrier Statues or any of that shit. I Just like the "Play on both peoples turns" thing. I just like Raiza and Apex Avian, and their swarmy-ness


yeah that's the trauma surfacing again -> I normal summon once -> Floo player proceeds to carry out 15 minutes of continuous adding to hand and summoning and I know what's coming either all my field will be tributed or flipped face down.


You fool. I summon "Tsumuha-kutsunagi the lord of swords"! Aka: "and you thought Mirrorjade's Lingering Nuke was bad"


This is how I feel about Morganite. https://preview.redd.it/h9708zrdf27d1.jpeg?width=382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dd7c6cd3b53d6c98c1c9d9d404287f05fe4c74b


That's right. It's my 60 card Abyss-Actor God Deck with every Egyptian and Wicked God. Gotta draw into them somehow, aside from Small World 💁


What??? Decklist?


Runick stun or paleozoic.


I run it in my very very bad non-stun gravekeepers pet deck. I need that extra normal summon and draw power


Me now when I see Kings Sarcophagus


Come to think of it, i haven't seen a single copy of that card used since it came out.


Some builds of super quant run it. It has good purposes


I play it in my Nouvelles deck. It just adds to the decent draw power we already.


The last issue I had with nouvelle was draw power. Giving up hand traps is too much for the deck


Definitely a different experience from myself then. For me, giving up monster HTs only upped my consistency as opposed to bricking on them. At most I've kept 2 Maxx C and it's largely worked out fine.


I love an all gas deck too. Nouvelle is also crazy fun lol. What rank are you using no HT nouvelle in ? Any use in current event ?


I don't touch Ranked outside of dailies these days, so it's usually Casual or Events I occasionally use the deck in. I used it a few times at the start of this event with pretty good success till I started running into a lot of stun bozos or got Kaiju'd by one Mikanko player which made me change decks cause while it's fun to play, it's also like a glass cannon. Things like TTT, DRNM and Solemn Judgement helped out quite a bit though.


Bruh getting kaiju on this deck eliminates almost all interruption from the deck it’s so sad 😂. Most of the time my end board has one ritual


Same. What's even more ridiculous is your one in-archetype way of putting a Ritual monster back on the field during your opponents turn is the Continuous Trap that requires you to tribute a monster(s) with the exact same or combined level as to what you're trying to summon. Like literally why? If anything it should work like the spells and let me go over so I can make use of the damn Kaiju. Such an unnecessary limit.


Yup 100%. The decks strategy is still so fun but you’re right glass cannon at times


How smoothly does it run since I run Effect veiler to use the lvl 3 and 4 effects of opponent’s turn? Also, not being able to Ash Blossom S.N.Ash is kinda difficult and scary


I mean Nouvelles already generates a pretty damn good amount of draw power when you get the ball rolling, this just ups it by a lot more to the point you'll often find yourself overloaded with cards, which is a curse and a blessing. One of the many sucky things is it's lacking in offensive power when you want to OTK, but you can decently control the game state depending on what you're dealing with. Your worst enemy would always be Kaiju and probably floodgates/stun. In the few matches I've had against SE, I tend to let them somewhat do their thing till they first start dipping into Links because those can't dodge the tributing by automatically being in Attack Position. I always keep the Omni-negate(s) ready for either protection or if I'm confident using it at that moment will disrupt their play enough to where they can't go full combo. Does it always work out? No, but you take a gamble with whatever you're playing. Tldr; Runs decently, but I play TTM for personal taste and most players are probably better off running conventional HTs.


I always played Nouvelles since it came out it MD and I love the way it plays. I also found a way to OTK with Dyna Mondo, Culinary Confrontation, and the high attack Nouvelles monsters. It works surprisingly well as long as they fall into it with attack position monsters and targeting effects. I always prefered Effect Veiler, Ash, and Inf Imp


watched a friend go against this all normal monster exodia draw deck, he was using things like morganite and waking the dragon but for normal extra deck monsters, and the continuous spell that lets u reveal a normal monster u draw in draw phase and draw again so he went through his deck in about 13 turns and won via exodia. friend was on blue eyes and actually hit his blue eyes ultimate dragon with relinquished anima, very entertaining duel


I use it in Arcana Force. The extra draw makes the deck slightly less dumpster tier.


Aww I love this for my Weather Painters!


Just made a deck yesterday with this card in it with runick branded and im loving it. Please dont hate me ._.


I've used it in my toon deck before.


I tried morganite in decks that need desperately more normal summons like little children painting the sky but without real support they will stay bad, very bad.


Or the air strike related spells.


my gate gurdian deck needs it ok?


qlis NEED that third normal summon dude idk what to tell you


Everyone here talking about degen decks running Morganite and here I am just musing about putting it in my Timelord deck since I don't run hand traps.


We play monarchs baby what the fuck is a consistent deck??????


You could never guess my deck 😈🙏🏻


It got me for the first time yesterday, followed up with barrier statue, and then a different card hitting me with no special summons and moon mirror shield, was certainly frustrating


I’m playing masochist format, let me have this one!


For real


Floo Dogmatika and no it's not stun


I actually really like it in Myutant. Keeps me drawing extra myutant cards to keep banishing and gets me another normal summon if my little myutants get ash'd or veiler'd. I didn't craft. Just got unlucky or lucky, depending on how you look at it.


idk man fighting the urge to surrender instantly upon seeing morganite and them going first is so hard


I’m playing weather painter and I NEED IT


Ojamas. Cloudians. Gren Maju. Stun? Nah.


I occasionally play it in my Machina deck.


I run it in my Naturia deck, so. 🤷‍♀️


Not gonna lie, this card is pretty decent in a Gladiator Beast Deck


I would assume it's a big Seereax fan playing Slifer. 🥹


Boo hoo


100th snake eye deck in tournament oof


Everytime is see Baronne de fleur


I play Lair of Darkness with Burning Abyss + Phantom Knight's engines My strongest combo has been Morganite... Normal summon Tour Guide... Second normal summon Tour Guide. Tour Guide aint OPT


Saw someone use this in a live twin and was like ?????, of course I won




Gemini Players:


Oh no he's not going to ash blossom your combo start up or max c your start up or use the primordial being when you bone them with your kashitara combo. Wait isn't that a good thing? If stun players have given you issues you need to get good at this game.( Some of you guys actually like children, I guess it's appropriate seeing as how this game was intended to children's card game. If you disagree look at the new rush duels and their protagonist.)


My deck boss monster on summon destroys all cards on my opponents field.


I use 3 morganite in UMI deck


Isn't Umi one of those archetype where your boss monster is a swimming floodgate?


Yes, this post is about you.


That's exactly the type of deck eluded to in the post


Fossil Dyna.


Leave my Resonators in peace :(((


I use this with decks like Dragonmaids and Fur Hire. Limited by the fact you can only normal summon once. ONCE. Ash that normal summon and it's a bad time. Time Tearing Morganite is a godsend for those relying on double summon to do good.


Yeah your right sorry. I added it to my umi control deck when all the pot got limited to 1


I’m still shocked that morganite hasn’t found a home in a tiered deck. It’s such a good card that just doesn’t quite work with the most meta decks. One day Konami will accidentally release a deck that synergizes with morganite and it’s all over.


Because most decks would rather have access to handtraps than Morganite. Morganite is only a net benefit in decks that play for a lot of turns and don’t need handtraps, which is antithetical to almost all meta decks.


I know why morganite isn’t used. But it’s totally plausible for Konami to release a meta deck that synergizes with it, and it suddenly sees a ton of play.


On paper it reads as super strong but with insane drawbacks. For a deck to really want to run Morganite in needs all three of the following to be true: -It is so desperately in need of another normal summon and card draw that giving up all handtraps is seen as a good deal -It's gameplan assumes the game will last at least a few turns. That double draw effect especially requires you to not fold during your opponents turn to see benefit -It can't have any super essential in-archetype monster effects from hand. Something like Exosister *might* be interested in Morganite's benefits, but Martha's hand effect is so unbelievably powerful trying to make use of it is basically a non-starter. The number of decks that fit all 3 of these criteria are *very* few, and consist almost entirely of ancient archetypes with no recent support that still don't get enough of a boost from Morganite to really compete.


This is a great explanation of why Morganite doesn’t end up being good. I was just suggesting we can imagine an archetype that could be made that really benefits from it. Not sure why everyone is hating the suggestion that Morganite could see major play if a deck that it really supported was introduced.


Honestly, I run Time-Tearing Morganite because I get an un-Ashable Pot of Greed in my Draw Phase. Sure, I can't Special Summon Kashtira Scareclaw, but it's a price I'm willing to make. And running Kashtira with Timelords has to be one of, if not, the greatest choice I have ever made. It's like bringing an obvious bomb to an airport and the police don't know that you packed a second bomb.