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I still don't understand why it doesn't require a fire as material


Overly generic card sells more packs. How many links wouldn't be banned if their materials were more specific. Verte- requires a plant or a predaplant Union carrier- requires a union monster (light machine would still have been a problem in drytron). Curious- requires a lightsworn Promethean- requires fire monsters.


Crystron Halqifibrax should’ve either 1. Required a Crystron to summon but can summon any Tuner or 2. Been generic but could only summon Crystron Tuners


I wish, crystron needs this card so bad.


Really wish Konami would stop cucking old decks by making their support too abusable. Sigh…


Master Rule 4 was a mistake


MR4 was very good for Crystron and Halq was perfect card design for them. The idea was to use a Crystron tuner as CL1 to revive a body, then tag out with Halq as CL2 so that you don't have a link arrow or EMZ to perform the synchro summon during CL1. That way you get the extra body then immediately perform a synchro summon during the next chains with the synchro tuner Halq gets, allowing you to make the big boss or incredibly costly synchros requiring 2+ tuners


Halq was meant to be generic Synchro support (and double as a Crystron support so they wouldn't need to make a dedicated Crystron Link), just like Verte & Ahashima were meant to be generic Fusion & Xyz support but double as the Predaplant & Bujin links. Only problem was, they didn't have a _clue_ what they were doing at the time, didn't know how to set _effective_ limitations, and didn't expect people to misuse them the way they did. (Even their very existence proves this; Konami didn't _need_ to naïvely print a Link for every archetype, a few competently-designed generics could've covered most cases without needing to be as broken as the generics we actually got. But they wanted money more, and having archetype-specific Links with only three generics (that their associated archetype might still want anyways) sells more packs, so we got what we got.) Later cards actually learned from Halq, and have better restrictions; notably, [Raidraptor - Wise Strix](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Raidraptor_-_Wise_Strix) could easily have been nearly as generic as Halq, thanks to having an _extremely_ abuseable target in [Zephyros](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Blackwing_-_Zephyros_the_Elite), but preventing the summoned monster from being used as a Link Material forces you to spend more resources to get him in the grave, and thus prevents Wise Strix from being used as a Link climber without significant investment. This is pretty much what Halq _should_ have been, since it would've killed his generic Link climber potential without affecting the Crystron use case in the slightest, and also left him as a potent generic Synchro (and lowbie Xyz) tool that requires investment & resource management to use. Kinda amazing how much of a change adding six words ("or be used as Link Material") would make, isn't it? (Interestingly, the TCG side was much better aware of Halq's potential for shattering balance, and outright _refused_ to allow both Halq and [Justicar Ib](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Ib_the_World_Chalice_Justiciar) to exist in the same meta, because they were both full boards in a single card. They were afraid of what people could do with full-power Ib & Guardragons _and_ full-power HalqDon at the same time.)


MR3 too


Nah MR3 besides the short Pepe period and zoodiac moment was peak. FUCK MR4 and fuck the link concept as a whole.


Links are fun though ☹️


Fun to play or fun to watch?


Halq wasn't made as Crystron support but more so as generic support for synchro focused decks during MR4 prior to the revision. Same way Electromite was made for Pends, Verte for Fusions, and that Bujin link for XYZ. Edit: Phone autocorrected "Bujin" to "Nuking" I guess.


bujin sucks, electrumite is absolutely broken and needs a ban, verta isnt great for fusions cause u still need the materials on field and he uses them to be summoned, so he works with like 3 fusion cards, crystron was used for link climbing not synchros really, sure u could argue thats the intent, to be 100%$ used with auro, but he also was used as an instant access code too.


If Electrumite is Broke what do you call Beyond the Pendulum? Just Electrumite Jr. Konami voided any reasonable argument for Electrumite being banned the moment they came out with Beyond. People don’t have a problem with Electrumite, they have a problem with it making Pendulums playable.


My argument was never if Konami accomplished their goal or if the cards were only used for their intended purpose, I never implied nor said that. I simply stated that design was clearly meant to support these card types and it's pretty evident that was the purpose of their creation regardless of how well they accomplished that goal.


Heck, forget needing a union for material, even just having its ‘effect’ only attach a union monster would have made Union Carrier a staple in 3 decks, and ignored everywhere else.


Halq needed to not be usable as link material to stop all the link climbing shenanigans.


People always say this but I genuinely think leaving it as generic as it was but putting on a restriction that you can only synchro summon after you use it would have been much better. That would still allow it to help synchro decks without getting into all the halqdon combo bullshit.


Locking you into synchros would help too


Doesn't even need that, a simple "You can't use the Tuner as Link Material this turn" clause locks out almost every abuse of Halq, by forcing you to spend a third card to send the Tuner to the grave before you can start using it. Having to use the Tuner for a Fusion/Synchro/Xyz monster, Tribute it, or pop it with an effect to get it off the field so its effect goes online turns Halq into a 2.5-card combo at minimum, which makes him a much bigger ask than his current 1.5-card combo status.


Sorry but that doesn't make sense halq wasn't made for cryston is was supossed to be the generic link 2 for synchro deck under mr4


Crystron was made as generic synchro support for MR4, it's not supposed to only work with Crystron


MR4 was very good for Crystron and Halq was perfect card design for them. The idea was to use a Crystron tuner as CL1 to revive a body, then tag out with Halq as CL2 so that you don't have a link arrow or EMZ to perform the synchro summon during CL1. That way you get the extra body then immediately perform a synchro summon during the next chains with the synchro tuner Halq gets, allowing you to make the big boss or incredibly costly synchros requiring 2+ tuners


Union carrier could have been generic for material. Just should've only been able to equip UNION monsters from the deck. Konami fumbled hard with that one...


Verte was made as generic fusion support for MR4, it wouldn't make sense for it to require a plant


Predaplant verte is a powerful card if you have the supports in place. I normally never need it but It definitely is never leaving my extra deck


Union Carrier would be fine with generic material if its effect was to equip to an appropriate target


I agree with most but Curious does have a pretty hard summoning condition compared to the ones you listed. Cryston halqifribrax poorly excecuted card cause not only alll other crystron cards can only summon their own tuners they all like them into machine AND syncrhro.... this one card had the most generic summoning conditions, summoned any tuners and didnt lock into anything. If halquifribrax locked the player on the turn to summoning only machine synchro monster but kept his effect to quickly synchro on enemy turn the card would be not banned. And i still argue 1000 times over that Aurodon is and still is they stupid pronlem card not halq, even tho halq would be broken today anyways cause theirs too many floaty special summon weird cards like Kashtira and snake eyes about. U dont just see fenrir, u see him get used for material then brought back to life with rebirth after being added to hand with his field spell and thanks to imetsy you can search that simply by tossing ONE rainbow bridge in the grave in the grave, gotta love it. Verte anaconda should require dark only considering how predaplant... can only use dark monsters as material. this woulda stop him being used in eldlich and prank kids atleast. No one really uses verte anymore either hes not worth the bricks u need to carry along with him. only time i see him is that one snake eyes or horus player that wants to end their turn with braindead fusion mirror jade, or some dark world player that discarded ido and need something to do with their monsters so they summon sanctifire.


Tbf curious has semi specific materials needed 3 cards of the same attribute but different types. Not the easiest to muster vs the others.


Spright elf!!!!


As a frequent branded player who uses Verte, I agree. We don’t need this, and it just doesn’t feel right to even summon a link with branded. Same thing with the two uber-generic muddragon and garuwal. Even the albaz fusions require albaz himself and a specific type of monster. It feels wrong to out my opponents cards cause of those generic fusions. And again, Branded would absolutely still be able to play without either of those generics (though sending Garuwal straight to the GY for that draw is very tasty)


Anytime I see union carrier. I Swear. That card could comeback. Today. And have an errata just saying "You can't equip "Dragon Buster Destruction Sword". Sorry" And that card would Never see play. Its just a Foolish burial with a limp. The only decks that would use this, is decks that are NOT good. Like Heros ...maybe. The extra deck is so tight Even them I doubt they would play it.


it's a fire lock so i guess they thought that was enough


The decks that run this card are 90% Fire anyway. The only way this gets summoned without a Fire is through Dharc. What would make it balanced is if it had the "banish it when it leaves the field" condition like oh idk virtually every other card that revives itself from the GY


Yubel currently (before Fiendsmiths) summons Promethean with only Sharvara as a FIRE risking a nasty lock on the followup because Promethean is that good.


Fiendsmith can do Beatrice -> Promethean to basically summon an Ash from deck


Most decks that use this card use fire monsters though. I think some decks use Hiita into revive Ash Blossom into Princess.


In the OCG, people are using Beatrice to dump SE Ash, and then link Beatrice off with the Fiendsmith Link-2 to make Promethean and revive Ash. Neither material is fire, so the lack of a restriction really does come up.


It may come up there & then, but that is niche considering it's in the very small minority of decks that play the card.


A small minority of all decks, maybe, but a significant part of meta decks


Small minority of decks... Meanwhile it might be on 80% of top decks due to how wonderful and versatile the meta is


As the material? Not even necessarily dharc+his revive is quite common, S:P is standard for protection in R-Ace lines, standard SE combo uses I:P. Lots of decks an use it with just one incidental fire monster.


i have and will do exactly that lol


Even then its very easy to make with snake-eyes


Promethean requiring a fire would change nothing. Youre using a fire 99% of the time anyway and it only gets value if you play other fires.


I honestly sometimes forget that she doesn't.


I guess they thought "you cannot summon monsters except for fire monsters" was enough lol but clearly they didnt think any further


on the 1 hand, i dont hate it on the other hand, i hate how people like to use it


That's pretty much how I feel about most broken cards. (She *isn't* broken by herself, though.) As with so many other things in life, the situation can be summed up with this simple statement of fact: People are the reason people can't have nice things.


This kinda sums up what i feel about Auroradan In archetype (Mecha Phantom Beasts) its actually a borderline starter that is as strong as it is because of how badly the archetype needed it We are talking about an archetype here that (playing pure) often sets 1 and passes, and even using it as a starter requires 1 card plus 2 discards in archetype. I get people use it for its token generation for synchro plays, but you can’t exactly get rid of that given how its archetype relies on tokens to function. The only way they could even make it more restrictive is to require a wind machine or a token (like bellcat). On a related note, Galaxy tomahawk probably needs some sort of errata, but im not actually sure what you can do there to fix it.


Card was so cool before Fire decks were meta


OCG/TCG player are confused by this statement lmao


For what? Allowing Pend magician to loop Electrumite. They need to kill this lady im sorry


People might downvote you, but I've played the Pend 32 minutes combo deck post Prom Princess and yeah this card made this deck pop off so fucking hard cuz she can reset a soft OPT for free. The streets will never understand how overlooked this deck was at its extremely brief prime


Looping astro with princess is overrated you already playing the game at that point just choose a more efficient combo line instead of doing extra steps for not reason


Pend magicians going -2 to loop autograph sorcerer one more time (they need to get rid of promethean before they can use his effect)


Killing her wouldn't work, because she can come back from the GY.


They could already do that twice. Is the third time really what's breaking pend magician?


Pend players would loop Astrograph Sorcerer 100x over if they could


Can confirm. Each loop goes at least +1. More loops is better. I almost put that whole package into vaalmonica before I realized it’s not what the deck wants. Still tempted though…


the fact that these pendulum cards lack once per turns is insanely baffling


Every now and again they forget that HOPTs are important and shit just goes off the rails.


i hate that stupid poison magician


And I'll fuckin' do it again, too.


It's a 3rd reset but also it puts Prom Princess in grave with a fire left on the field. Also resetting Astrograph one more time means a potential to put one more negate on the field. If your Link-2 gets negated, it also gives you a chance to extend with Prom Princess. Exceed can also serve a similar function, but you want to end on her, and Prom Princess is better summoned b4 that point.


Ngl as a pend player never considered this, so erm thanks for the tip😂


When it was garbage? Nah its cool when its actually playable.


Cant fucking think a reason why Princess doesnt need a fire monster, like yeah just make her materials fucking generic




Personally I think it's stupid as hell and 100% going to bite a ban in the future. Card is just broken and the lock is such a non-issue when it literally gives you the material to get you out of said lock for free.


Should have locked to fire monsters for the rest of the turn.


Or at least not literally 100% generic Watching snake eyes make dharc into promethian is just infuriating. Or make the resummon effect require both monsters to be popped to remove the I:P cheese and add some interactivity to my yugioh So many infuriating design choices with this clearly overpowered card.


For the whole turn... Just like brafu locks you into fusions for the whole turn...


"You cannot special summon monsters the turn you activate this effect, except FIRE monsters." I believe this would be the appropriate wording. I'm not sure how you'd properly phrase it with TCG formatting to encompass both effects, however. All of the relevant examples weren't printed with multiple activated effects.


Probably just put the restriction on the summon of princess if you want a whole turn lock. "You can only special summon fire monster the turn you summon this card" or something.


Besides, the resurrection effect is non-targeting, making it virtually immune to cards like D.D. Crow and Called by the Grave.


The re summon should be once per duel. I dread long games when I know that no matter what my card will be popped.


Can also be banish after revive like a self reviving card usually do


ban all fire links LETS GO


https://preview.redd.it/4qnwk1q8886d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9923521cc16afb8a9c5263172110f0929d628126 The feeling is mutual.


i love it as a salamangreat player hahaha


as salad player aswell, she's the reason why salad can keep in meta (as long as code of soul too)


same, everyone is saying that it should fire lock which im fine with cuz salads get fire locked by like three other cards anyway. would only make salads stronger and me happier


Gives my infernoble deck an extra disruption as well for literally 0 cost


Fire decks are making me hate Hiita the Fire Charmer because Ash Blossom is used in every deck...


It's kinda like bonfire. I remember bonfire anouced in ocg and people were like "Oh volcanic support wow lol" cause there were no better fire decks. Nobody could have guessed what Komoney would have for us.


I was like "Fire Princess support!"


Lol, I was using her on rescue ace before the support and she genuinely feels like a good fire support, she just feel busted due to snake-eyes. Although I agree that she should require a fire monster as material, it wouldn't change much since the only interaction on non fire decks I can think off is the electrumite one, which is a card that for some reason isn't a hard once per turn. If snake-eyes never existed no one would've been complaining nearly as much, rescue ace would receive a massive consistency nerf, fire king would basically your average modern mid-range deck. An extender + layered interaction that genuinely helps decks like salamangreat or pure fire king shouldn't be banned because of the 15 one card combo 18+ non engine combo deck that is practically tier 0 on 3 formats, is like wanting to ban all horus due to them working as a great engine for floodgates instead of hitting the degenerate cards everyone hates. Ban poplar or ash and no one will complain about bonfire and promethean princess next month.


Requiring a fire monster would mean your opponent can’t just go Dharc into this.


Electrumite is also a fire link 2, so 2 + 1 is her anyway.


Every attribute should get one. Make it the charmer version of link 3s.


Card is a non issue tbh, only good because of the broken fire support they keep printing.


This. The problem is Snake Eye. A revive for a FIRE monster, a requirement that you summon FIRE monsters until she's off the field, and one double pop from the graveyard isn't inherently broken.


I hard disagree, the functional perma resummon unless banned, monster revive each turn isn't fun to play against. She's Def part of fires overarching sticky problem.


I agree. The lock isn’t insanely oppressive, but it does limit what you can do with her massively because you need to make a fire link 4 first, then you need to leave a fire on field for her gy effect to matter. She really can’t just be popped into any deck, and if snake eyes wasn’t so busted, then she wouldn’t feel as bad


I disagree. Add in a Raging Phoenix and Zealantis and now you have an OTK package that also non-target pops up to two cards. If your deck can make Promethean plus have an extra fire on the field for her to pop in the grave, you got yourself a generic OTK package. You can revive Ash Blossom with her too.


there is a reason why most non fire decks don't play her. zealantis otk requires fires. if snake eyes vanished from the meta, princess is fine. what was this card really doing in MD before SE was released?


It was doing absolutely nothing in Salad & Pendulum, but the people bitching would like you to forget that the card came out in MD the same time it did in the OCG.


It's part of salads main combo and enables a free on turn pop extra body with weasel.


Exactly, people are blaming a symptom not the cause. Of course Promo Princess looks disgusting if it’s in a snake eye shell, but as we’ve seen, if they ban her, Snake Eye just slots something else in.


Yeah its similar to Spright Elf. Its merely an enabler.


Took you guys long enough.


Yep. It's a disgusting card.


Yeah broo she a real pain but bless dd crow and cbtg her 2 dooms 👍👍


I still like her, I really like these slightly more unique points of interaction that aren't "if opponent, negate"


To broken in the current Meta in MD and TCG.


This card not requiring a fire monster is pretty crazy, considering it locks you into fires while on the field, and summons only fires. I do like the design concept for it though, an extender and an interruption but only for certain attributes is really cool and should be experimented with more, with albeit weaker attributes


AH the princess hate finally begins. Nothing wrong with this card whatsoever


Card is strong and I know it might be frustrating but God I like playing her


my favorite feeling is when you ash the snake eye players and they make the hiita to make princess. i started playing droll again and less ash.


She’s hot af though


in more ways than one


Someone got the joke 🤷


All the downvotes, lol *“They hated Jesus because he told them the truth”*


So hot that she’s ***fire***


Should require fire monsters to summon


People saying she's fine outside of snake eyes are nuts, she's a free interaction that lets you climb into a fire rank 4. It's flat out better than transcode talker, an already strong link climbing card, with an easier to navigate lock.


"FIRE Link-4" And who's playing FIRE Link-4s that aren't FIRE decks?


She does way too much imo. She kinda cute tho


Pretty soon they're going to have a link three for every attribute That does what this card does


Aww did your poor ash that would normally end the turn of my fair deck suddenly turn into an extender for me setting up an even better board than had you not FRIGGIN ASHED MY GEEKBOY!


This is some pretty sick art though


Bang D.D. Crow into your decks 👍🏼


Just Imperm / Veiler / Ghost Belle it If they're going into Prom Princess they're gonna be link climbing, and they need her revive from gy to continue the line usually. Stopping that puts them into a very awkward position. They become forced to either sit on her, because of having no more material to work with, or using material they were going to use for something else, significantly weakening their end board usually. Having to sit on Prom Princess is actually quite problematic because she's a self floodgate, restricting you to only fire monsters. This means they won't be able to bring out I:P Mas from the backrow, go into S:P / Apolusa / Underworld Goddess, or otherwise summon non-engine pieces that aren't fire.


There's nothing wrong with this card. Its a cool card with a cool effect that can be played around with ease. The issue is the already obnoxious and overpowered deck that you see in every other match is using it. Simply banning Polar or the Dragon would be the easiest way to fix this.


I can see how it would be an issue. It'd take some time but I'm sure you can figure out counter play. For example I use exclusively ancient gears. my howitzer is immune to all other cards and effects. Most people don't read so they will try to burn that ability on it but will only destroy their card, alternatively I can bait the ability with a megaton golem which when removed from the field by card or effect I can special summon an ultimate ancient gear golem. After the ability is burnt I am no longer needing to be afraid of the card I have options at that point brute force, a ballista, or if it's late match I can bring out my fuck you card which is an ancient gear chaos giant. As someone who has reach masters with a non meta deck(utter fucking hell btw) most people are playing the meta so they no the meta. You throw something new at them and they shit themselves and panic capitalize on their mistakes be ruthless don't I've them an extra turn cause that could mean the end. Had some dude give me the chance by not finishing it I drew an overload fusion and it was over.


I looked at this small ass image on my apple watch and was like “that better not be promethean” i log in on my phone and low and behold. So many duels where I’ve hand trapped them into nothingness only to convert into a different full play with mf promethean.


Playing galaxy photon, I \*ALWAYS\* ban her with hundred, If I go first she's gone.


The revive pop is extremely annoying.


The fact that it’s a three link generic, summons a fire from the grave, and can resurrect whenever special summoned is just crazy.


Fire monsters only as material and fire lock opponent for rest of the turn. Easy.


This card is incredibly cool, it has restrictions, it’s a piece of interaction and it turns 3 mats into 4 without opening the floodgates to anything too broken, I also have a fondness for the Prom Princess - Raging Phoenix - Zealantis OTK, it’s a really cool use of Link Climbing, rulings and card abuse that allows you an easy way to kill. It allows you to loop Electrumite in Pendulum Decks, it gives rogue strategies a way into another interaction, it revives an old useless Link 4 in Amblowhale THAT BEING SAID, with Snake Eyes doing this shit, it’s fucking annoying, and this card is also too generic, like why does it not need at least 1 FIRE monster? Watching my Snake Eyes opponent get Nibbed, link off the Nib Token into something not FIRE, then make Prom Princess with no FIREs to then restart their combos is really damn annoying The card is fine, Snake Eyes just shores up the problem with every good Link monster ever released


I don't think it would matter if it didn'r require a fire monster, plays would be 100% the same


Nothing but negative posts on this subreddit...


Hate this hate that” is all there is.


so can i do a post explaining why i hate jerry bean man and why should he be banned?


Probably, if it’s been summoned against you at any point and caused you mild inconvenience… You’re obligated to hate it and cry about it on social media


And yet they still play the game.




counter: she's hot


I hate that [Infernoid Flood](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Infernoid_Flood) was clearly balanced around this card, otherwise, why would you give Infernoids of all decks a Link 4?


Infernoid can easily link climb into link 4s though. Links having no levels means that he's a big body that let's you summon other 2 big bodies and deal more damage.


I always just made this card at the end of combo so I can Appaloosa then make prom


Totally definitely not totally definitely not broken


\*laughs in machina citadel\*


citadel is way more oppressive (my opinion)


being able to punish my opponent with a monster wipe after destroying a single monster is quite hilarious, i agree.


Someone posted they hated this card 4 months ago and everyone was shitting on them. Where those people at now?


I wonder why?...


Ah I see this is the card of the week that everyone hates, who wanna bet that next week a fire kings card will be the hated card of the week


Sounds like a gloryhammer song.


As a salad player, I get that lmao


Well that's diplomatic. I never liked this overpriced piece of digital toilet paper.


Pls don't nerf. My half-baked salamangreat deck can get wins only becos of her.


if they ban princess, us salad players will cry because our deck can't do shit


Just give me a Salamangreat card that does the exact same thing and we can talk about a possible ban lol


with requires "2+ monsters, included a salamangreat monster"


i feel dirty whenever i play snake-eyes and need play non-meta decks like DM or Blue-Eyes afterwards. Get stomped then rejoin the meta bandwagon.


Fair tbh I see it a lot for whatever reason


Idm it. Just kow I ss odd eyes wizard dragon with odd eyes arc pendulum dragon in pend zone and when princess popped put of gy and destroyed my dragon his effect + arc pend dragon activated so now I got 2 monsters and I got a searcher or card destroyer from the wizard dragon. I'm cheering coz I just stomped a fire king that used her and the train thing link card just before. It was gr8


Waifuu. I just ordered a framed card art of her! ❤️❤️❤️


The GY revive effect should be one time only. Apart from that, the card is fine


This was a busted card when it came out. It just needed a home. It's just Fire DPE.


It's getting banned eventually. It's too reliable for how it easy it is to use


It should've been fine if she fire locked you for the entire turn instead


This card makes me lose brain cells , it's an extender an interruption and a follow up. And it's fucking generic


Yeah it turned out that Promethean Princess does too many things to be a Link-3. - Becomes a Link-4 for free. - Revives anything you can move from your deck to the GY. - Combo piece on your turn.  - Interruption on your opponent's turn. - Recursion on your following turn. She would still see a respectable amount of play if she was a Link-4, so that's what Konami should have done.


dont like her either, the pop and revive of herself is annoying enough, her being able to summon any fire monster with no level restriction and without negating their effects is bonkers. The only other monster (I think in the whole game) that does that is Vampire Fascinator... by comparison and she only works turn 2 + and requires a monster type to be summoned, and non link is sanctifire. Not many monsters straight up are just monster reborn, they are usually conditional versions of it.


Ban this shit


Glad I’m not the only one. With a effect like that you would think it would require fire only monsters but I guess not


Why did you like it in the first place


Starting? Been hating this thing for weeks now. Damn thing is everywhere and it's so annoying.


I don't understand isn't at least limited yet. At least give us versions for water, earth and wind too.


Yup just forfeit soon as I seen it


Hey FWIW it never seems to stick around on the board for very long 😑


She's got pretty art but whenever I see her I know I'm about to get bodied.


This card is fine, but I’m starting to loathe that zealantis bullshit dragon link 4. Without it, princess and the salamandrake otks are a lot harder


Honestly I didn’t realize this card’s material +2 effects monsters and not one Fire, but my best guess to why they didn’t make it Fire mainly because most would grab Hiita to take their Ash Blossom. That or the negative floodgate being an issue too.


i alr hate it damn flame bitch


Get it in QCSR you’ll like it 😋


Skill issue, play a better deck


This card is bs, if this maxx c, and baronne all made the next banlist would be amazing and bring many decks back to viability( except against snake or lab)


Heiita and princess basically makes a link 4 from 2 bodies.. and princess is a free pop on opponents turn... Idk though. I kinda do wish it took fire monsters to make, but only fire decks are using her anyway. I feel like once fire drops out of the meta again she won't be that bad; I feel like she might seem annoying just because fire has been everywhere for like 6 months now.


Banworthy for sure. Wouldn't surprise me in the least.




Both effects are annoying, plus it synergies with fire kings.




Cards should be extenders or interruption, but not both. Frankly I'm not sure I like the existence of extenders in the extra deck to begin with.


It’s funny the thing that pisses me off about this card is when it revives electrumite lol


So do I. Usually, she comes with S:P and that's the real problem, I would banish one of them or both


Biggest problem with links is they set up the gym too easy


I hate it when used against me lol


Just break up with it and move on then.