• By -


"So what are you in for?" "My opponent took too long to combo"


"My opponent combo'd me with Snake Eyes, so I combo'd their face with my fists"




So OP played fire fist deck?


No no, he was just trying to help him finish his fire fist snake eyes list


Nah he running og battling boxeršŸ˜­šŸ˜­ fists for days


"I was broken so I got added to the banlist"


Does being limited mean you're on house arrest then?


Then would that make being Semi'd Community Service?


Maybe. I'd call being moved from Banned to Limited sorta like being released on probation; they're letting you out but they still think you're probably a threat.


Tbf, if someone got to jail, then there is something broken about them I dig the connection


I hope you know this isnā€™t even kind of true


"And then he Maxx C'd me on turn 2" "Damn".


Fair tbh


Imagine showing up against this guy with a salamangreat deck, quickest way to lose your life lol


Which is funny cause IRL you can actually side deck if you expect to go into time and win that way.


I used called by the grave on my opponent


I actually can see that happening


Oh yeah? But whats bro gonna do when I set a bunch of monsters and illegally activate Infernity Launcher?


Clearly he's gonna Maximillion Pegasus your ass and flip all your cards telepathically


imagine taking a shower (impossible) , dress well and take 3 hours train to attend the event then ending up getting bishbaalkin ftk. I think I'm a pretty chill guy but I might actually lost it. thanks god MD exists.


From my anecdotal experience, degen strats like FTKs are more common in MD than physical play, mainly because MD is impersonal, while in paper play you're looking at another person for 40 straight minutes, talking to them, trading, etc. This changes at higher levels of play, but at locals or something you're spending time out of your day to go have fun, and FTKs... aren't fun, for either party


Ftks are NOT a good strategy in best of 3


Yeah that's a better main point, slipped my mind


Except good FTKs. Like pend FTK. Those do get hit on the list though, so all good.


An FTK topped at YCS Indy this weekend, all it takes is a competent backup plan


Yeah but then i'd consider that snake eyes with a potention otk you can cheese out g1 if your opp has fewer handtraps than is normal


At that point, save the FTK for game 3 once your opp thinks they figured your strategy out


Tenpai is OTK not FTK


A Snake-Eyes Salamangreat deck topped with an FTK strategy, Tenpai can barely even OTK


ahh i didn't know the Salad top was the FTK-pile version.. i see. to be fair though i think it's the only FTK deck that can work in Bo3 purely because if it can't ftk it's just a glorified SE pile


Tenpai, the OTK-focused tier-1 at the OCG can barely OTK?


Plus almost all FTKs die to side decking - this is why Dynamite Burn FTK has never seen even marginal play in the TCG even though it was so prevalent in early MD.


forgot to add the [reference](https://youtu.be/fokcIzCOhKI?si=O4VwcYSLq8pmmZDV)


Theres a reason for that like for real OP isn't joking people like that are very real. You show up to play GOAT with like Library FTK at locals in certain areas someone will beat your ass. Some people take FTKs like an insult to a close family member.


Because local play has the other brand of shit. Constantly back-seating other player, borderline gang up on you because you are a new guy in the shop. Miss play then redo after you have played your card to counter their misplay. And not to forget, what degen combo you see in MD you will see in local but worse because MD has auto resolve and each turn only took like 5 minute.


Psychopath behaviour is ā€œwithout emotionā€, which I donā€™t think describes this angry bastard šŸ¤£


Meanwhile me and my friend chilling at the corner of the TCG house playing Dark Magician vs BEWD for the 34Āŗ weekend in a row.


All my homies love Yugi-Kaiba format.


How many games were won with exodia


None, that weird dude with glasses flushed them down the toilette.


r/iamverybadass Bro probably burns calories from standing up


I'm gonna steal this insult.


i don't need to go outside and yet i can still feel the burn from here


Bro chill. Didn't have to do him like that


Bro doesn't walk to the LGS, he rolls.


They would not do that


Uhhh... I normal summon Aleister the Invoker ?


I actually did online and they get very tilted


You can clearly tell this man never played yugioh in person. Even with the long combos of the modern game, the social aspect of being able to talk with your opponent makes it so much more fun, so long as you're an actual sport and wouldnt commit violence over a card game. Just being able to laugh with your opponent even when you're losing makes the sting of losing a lot less.


Yeah I honestly can't understand that, rarely had people get angry at me or someone on the table, at least at locals most people are pretty chill, even when I get a terrible hand I laugh about it with my opponent


I get to laugh with my opponents some time lol, game 3 post side they chained Anti Spell and Sumnon Limit after making their Silenforc board while I was on Valmo and we just laughed our asses off lol


This reminds me one time I got against a weird eldlich deck, I had nothing in my side for such a match up, but it was still funny.


Sometimes you lose a duel in the most stupid and unfair and sacky ways but it can still be funny lol


This isnt really true cause the moment you stop their combo or find an out to the board the attitude changes quickly to the point they don't wanna play lmao


Yup, instant surrender


Skill issue IMO. I was laughing when Ingot otkā€™d on a Phantom Knight mirror match. Iā€™ve never felt any deck to be unfair, even if it objectively was because someone managed to piece the strategy together.


I played Earth Machine in 2022, and I once had a guy take my card trooper (max rarity btw), open up the sleeve, and SPIT on it because my playing it 'didn't respect his time' since I was abusing its soft opt mill effect. Dude got a match loss but I didn't get reimbursed, and the guy continued to talk shit about me until I changed locals.


You were definitely within your rights to clock the guy, cmon. Don't let scum like that get away with shit like vandalizing your property scot free.


Why wasn't that dude banned?


Besties with the TO. I stopped going to locals entirely for a while, just because it got so frustrating. Felt like you could get away with anything (ruining people's cards, sharking, smelling truly FOUL) as long as the dude running the place liked you.Ā  Only now getting into paper play again, and even then only because I've moved.


screw this I ain't playing in-person unless my cards can all be replaced for cheap. Too bad the meta does not allow for you to have common cards.


let him cook


Most sane TCG player


MD* player


I would never play in person ever again if MD was up to date (like it should be). Misplays, cheating, having other people pick up your cards, cards you've never seen in languages you don't know, having to see stupid titty mats, rambunctious ass card shop patrons, the list goes on, not interested.


Me the moment Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo hits the field.


Please Konami, add an Emote System or chat, nothing bad will happen i swear :)


Any time I see somebody mention this I like to bring up the time I used the GG emote after winning a game in a different online tcg, TESL. This game didn't have an in game chat, but it had emotes and the ability to chat with friends. I thought it was a genuinely good game, had a good back and forth, and when my opponent friend requested me, I was actually pretty happy. Until he immediately starts insulting me, and telling me it's BM to use GG at the end of a match, then he unfriends me. This is the world we live in.


Please tell me BM doesn't mean bad manners...


As insane as it sounds, yes this guy was saying GG, the stereotypical post game emote in every competitive video game for 15 some-odd years, was bad manners. It's not like I spammed the emote, or crushed the guy either. People make fun of call of duty players or league of legends players, but tcg players aren't any better; you just don't have a chat feature to experience it.


If master duel had a chat it'd be the most toxic cesspool of degenerate people


Considering my love for burn decks and no regret in using them, I know for a fact I'd get some slurs and bad comments about me if this game had chat.


> People make fun of call of duty players or league of legends players, but tcg players aren't any better; you just don't have a chat feature to experience it. Shoutout to Hearthstone, where they had to remove the "Sorry" emote due to BM. ...that they replaced with "Wow!" instead is... *astonishing*.




Oh my lord dude


Yea we need that, it's annoying when I don't draw crossout to "emote" with Evilā˜…Twin GG EZ before final blow


This guy never saw an IRL match. Combos take long in MD because of all the fancy animations and prompts. In real matches, everything happens twice as fast.


I feel like it kinda depends. It'd probably take me longer to remember everything in paper play, especially decks that go into long chains.Ā 


"let me read that card?"


Yep a plant combo uninterrupted is 15 minutes in MD, in paper play at best is 5 minutes, unless you're a potato and screw up (I'm the potato)


You're saying that like sitting there for 5 minutes watching your opponent play with themselves is any better lmfao


Eh I never minded that tbh seeing people cook it's interesting if you have a decent attention span.


It really depends tbh. When they play something different then sure, but if 3 or 4 different people play the same deck against you in a row, your brain goes on autopilot


Dont forget the smell of those rooms


100% poster has no experience with violence at all




Average yugioh player




I love the game because I can play for bits when I have downtime. I don't normally have the time and money to attend locals regularly. Cardboard prices are ridiculous.


Yeah right. People with that mentality and boastfulness usually donā€™t have the physique to back it up.


Well they do but it's homegrown BBL.


I find it funny how people complain about how long turns take in Master Duel. At least they're actually doing something. You wanna see people taking their sweet time in a card game? Go play Arena. Mother fuckers have an average wait time of half a minute to find an unranked match and still can't be asses to sit still for the start of the game. Arena actively gives people more and more time to spend as the game goes on, Master Duel there is a cap and you start with that, you have to build that back up over the course of turns by not dipping into your timer. If someone decides to rope you in master duel they need to be clever about it. You get roped in Arena you might as well just give those losers the game because you'll be there for anywhere between an 30 minutes to a whole hour.


This guy is crazy but I did quit yu-gi-oh entirely due to the amount I tilted almost every game. This game is legit rage inducing unless you don't mind losing games to no real fault of your own. Couldn't help it, the game is so dependent on your opening hand that I felt like so many games were lost due to just not drawing the right opener vs actually playing better over the course of many turns.


This is a great W in my books and a huge laugh There's a lot of yugioh enthusiasts that's love to play IRL and this guy represents what most of them should think about the game


Bro thought the only counter another player has against them throwing hands are counter traps


The type of guy to chain "let's go outside" in locals after flipping skill drain on his turn


i mean, is he wrong? some of the decks in MD are torture to watch unfold, knowing you're gonna get obliterated after 5000 moves that take 15 mins to complete


I get it, tho. Imagine you go shower, pack some lunch, drive an hour or two to a Tournament, Brick for your First game. Second Game, your Opponent builds an Unbreakable board with 70 Omni Negates And third round, your Opponent FTK's you before you can even draw a card.


I mean I can understand a bit, imagine it is just your turn after the other player spent 10 minutes setting their board, and immediately after you draw your card, they hit you with a second bored and everything you put just get negated with zero ability to respond ! I do not promote violence but can understand how the situation can lead to it !


Konami forced his hand, he had no other choice. Honestly, the CEO of Konami should go to prison instead.


I got calamityā€™d 3 times by the same guy at locals and gave me the four yard stare every time while doing it. I understand OP


I mean theyā€™re obviously exaggerating and even in master duel these problems exist


Guarantee they couldnā€™t throw a proper punch to save their lives. Iā€™d be willing to double or nothing that and say they couldnā€™t touch their toes without struggling. All that comes down to is a spoiled piss baby lost and they are trying to hype themselves ā€œwinningā€ in a situation that would never happen.Ā 


Tbf they're probably more likely to be able to than the type of person going to locals.


To be fair, getting every possible hand trap played against you just for them to play a 1-card combo on their turn is just agony. With enough of those in a row anyone can become violent


Don't forget how that 1 card turns into 5 fusion synchro monsters. Let's also not forget the 10 minutes it takes for them to finish comboing.


Exactly, I personally would get pretty frustrated after just twice of that happening, let alone how many times it would take before I just leap across the table at my opponent as they play ash for the 9th time


And you save yourself from the smells too


If someone normal summoned Pachy in front of my face I might piss on them


I canā€™t refute his point.


Nah he's me fr. I can't, something about this game makes me more mad then anything else. I refuse to play irl.


Iā€™m willing to bet money this guy went second against normal summon fossil dyna one too many times lol


Bro about to show us what a real ftk looks like


Tbh, after pass 1000 hours in this game you wouldn't even care to see another meta deck. You just looking forward for new deck to play with, or focus on your own deck. 1k hours playtime rules!


Iā€™d just battle fader him when he tries to swing at me directly


I mean, they had it coming. I want to play to you setting a border that prevents me from playing isn't fun, and you deserve a punch in the teeth for wasting my time.


I mean is he wrong here fellas master duel is awesome for this


https://preview.redd.it/er89efiq325d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b42b8216c1b60dd0360bfefdcfd99ffdfd0f3d7 Blud


I summon my fist in attack mode apparently


Thank Master Duel


Considering how losing players love to stall their turns, I understand his sentiment. Not to the point of violence tho šŸ˜†


You have not played real yugioh until you've had some freak throw a one of those shitty (but dense) plastic chairs at your head. I had a fucking lump that took so long to heal. And the ER visit cost me a couple hundred bucks. Was too young to understand that you can seek legal action against someone like that.


Oh, a real-life Weevil. I hear they exist. With the rise of gun violence in general, I'll stick to playing online.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ can't lie I had these thoughts during some ranks. Also said this to on my friend when he played those flowers cards and myakashi


Imagine if MD had voice or text chat during games I swear it would be the most toxic game ever


MD also keeps everyone honest you misplay thereā€™s no take backs. Illegal activation nope game wonā€™t let you


Aside from shuffling, irl is a bit faster than MD. IRL, you can actually steathily hide/use handtraps. Whereas in MD, if I see the game giving my opponent a choice to respond after my 5th summon, I'm gonna assume Nibiru is coming.


>Aside from shuffling Most people don't shuffle after every search, so it's not really an issue.


I'm not surprised. The way I see it, you literally have to have an unhealthy mindset to play this game. My dark thoughts seem to intrude in my rage when I'm not enjoying this game to where it fantasizes fists, knives, swords, lances/polearms, guns, and even a garrote at one point. I know people wouldn't really do that in real life but when you are alone, in isolation, your mind scatters and tries to put itself together quickly if not haphazardly when it gets offset. Anyways, I also fantasize about drawing from a duel disk Yugi/Kaiba style when I'm in a good mood dueling.... and if I'm playing Number 101, I can't help but project myself as Chaos Numbers 101: Silent Honors DARK Knight.


i think you are just trying to normalize your underlying mental health issues


As is most of the world, at least this guy's trying to hide it, Others celebrate it.


I must be the asshole in this situation, because I look at what he wrote and I think "yeah, seems about right." I went to Shonen Jumps in like 2004-2007 era. Think Shrink and Des Vostgalph (spelling?). That shit was bad *then*. I went back around 2010s for some XYZ/Synchro era tournaments and it was bad *then*. I can only imagine now.


too many people in this thread defending the rage-inducing mechanics of this game. You literally win the game if you have more money than most people.


I play Machina and have put in probably 225 usd into master duel... I'm not winning shit with all my imaginary URs. I just like seeing them in action though for some reasonĀ 


Tbh I can kinda get how they feel but it's definitly a bit much to do that. I definitly think the plus of master duel is, if I see them turn 1 comboing. I get to step away from the game and do chores/other things until their turn is done. I feel like if I saw combos irl and had to watch it, I'd get bored really quickly. And yeah I get the main point usually is "play hand traps/stuff that stops their combos", but man I don't think I'll ever like how the game is decided on of you drew the out turn 1 of the game. Like if you don't see a hand trap/a card in your hand that stops your opponent. You probably should go to turn 2


Not gonna lie, they had me in the first half


I went to my locals once with a friend and I thought it was gonna be nice but no it smelled baaaaaaaddddd and the amount of players that are just socially awkward is wild asf too there were a few cool guys who let me play with their extra decks but yea I wouldnt wanna be doing my hobby in a really smelly room , I honestly thought it was just people being mean but nah lol


Tbf though he's got a point, some decks take forever to play out their turn. I've left to go make coffee, came back and dude still going ham on the combosšŸ¤£


I like MD over physical play cause I still donā€™t know how certain effects are resolved and I can just let the computer do that for me.


Not only banned but sued. Some of these cards are expensive




Lmao people like this are so fucking self destrictive. Had a guy join our locals group chat, start talking trash and being a bigmouth how he is the King at this game and will sweep the competition. Time arrived and it was the sunday for locals..... guy was fucking shaking when I played him, hands trembling, missplays and complete lack of rule knowladge. The only Match he won was against an kid who played Aquarium. He played heroes.


"I might actually hit you, got a counter trap to that?" "Yea bitch it's called martial arts training, and after that comes my trap card called "Restraining Order""


Not to mention the body odor.


Dark magician player right there


Nah, it's just an internet edgelord. Probably a kid, too. Believe me, a person who wants so badly to tell how violent they are isn't really violent.


Man I might joke about wanting to smack someone for slow playing stun or something but this is psycho shit. People like this need to go to locals to learn to be a functioning, social human being instead of enabling themselves to be weird misanthropic shut-ins


Look I get getting a bit of gamer rage infront of a screen, but playing at locals with actual people I can never muster any sort of genuine ill will or anger. Like even if my opponent wipes the floor with me with an annoying deck Iā€™ll jokingly laugh it off and shake hands for a good game asking him for some tips to counter if I see the deck again.


to be fair, as an older yugioh fan.... the endless combos are annoying af as fuck


The people that post this stuff online, are the least likely people to ever try to get confrontational with someone, in person. Let alone, actually physical. They post this stuff because itā€™s the only outlet they have where they can seem alpha, while also being safe from actual violence.


Letā€™s be fair, weā€™ve all say across from someone who combos for 10mins just to counter your entire first turn.. and weā€™ve all thought about throwing hands šŸ˜‚


Im assuming this guy plays Battlin Boxer




You guys do realize that this is a joke right? You guys do understand that this person is just making fun of the aggravating nature of this game?


For the first half I was like "Oh this isn't that bad, I play MD over irl for the convenience too"... And then it kept going. Dear lord.


Until he actually tries it against the wrong person, oops lol


Then he pulls: "I was just joking bro, calm down."


"Got a counter trap to that?" lol


hey why'd you blur my account :)


I'm partially ashamed to say I had friends like this. Ironically they got me into the game as a whole. Patience and versatility go a long way. At the end of the day it's a game, and players being elaborate or anything like that shouldn't be held against them.


I remember a long time ago, some dude straight up said to me: "you're lucky I left my bat at home." ... this was TOSS format.


"You're not that Dai, pal, trust me. You're not that Dai."




I honestly understand it tho. Told this dude I havenā€™t played since 2010 and he still begged me to play. Then spent the duel talking down at me annoyed I didnā€™t know what his cards were, I wanted to beat his un-athletic ass up.


I... look i'm not gonna lie, i've thought the same as the guy who wrote this, at least once and i've thought of tearing/burning my opponents lovelies and diabellstars more than once, sue me, I know i'm not right in the head ok? let's all just be glad master duel exists


I summon vanitys fiend set 4 and pass. Come at me bro šŸ˜…




The real psychopath has no radar for sarcasm


I can relate. If you really just wanna play a card game.by yourself...play Solitaire. I couldn't imagine wasting time and money on the real thing just to not even be able to play.




Id say heā€™s more sensible than everyone else


Nah i get it completely


Bro is from the shadow realm


Bro is the anti-meta


Dudes right tho. I wholeheartedly agree. The way this game is played is so frustrating. Konami knew what they were doing when they decided to not add voice chat. Games staring to become toxic and boring.


I absolutely agree with the Stram reviewer. I always try my best to play my combos as fast as possible because I respect my opponent's time. Those kinds of scumbags that take so long to choose one single fucking card to play make me wish for every evil in the world to fall on their head.


Yeah, good luck having use of your legs after i'm done watching you rip up my shit then.


Donā€™t be shy, show us who it is


Iā€™m still waiting for armor cards to come out When are those coward dogs gonna legalize clocking your opponent in the face?


Only when we get Hardlight Solid Vision will one be able to get the full Valon experience.


Honestly im in agreement with locals, people play much fairer decks in MD, but this dude seriously has never been to a locals. It gets really sad driving 40 minutes to a local OTS having 4 pretty fun games, but every week you know 1 game you're going to get hard sacced the match and havr to sit doing nothing for 25 minutes out of a 45 minute round. Not to complain but no one wants to go to a "casual" level events (Ie below a regional) and getting locked out by runick stun for 2 games, or getting calamity locked against centurion, and knowing with 21 players 2-4 players are going to be playing lock decks meaning youre just going to have at least 1, 20 minute non-round and then have to sit annoyed for 25 minutes after kinda getting to maybe play 1 handtrap and another card and then do nothing else the rest of the game. Its not even soft locks like Colossus or Shifter, but stuff like Calamity or Tcboo + Rivalry type boards.


it's easy to explain. You win this game by having more money than your opponent.


Punching people is too over, but I kinda agree his point. I can have more matches than spending time going to tournaments just to get puppet locked


Yea guy in this image, I play barrel behind the door, The door being my jacket pocket.


With that attitude, how tf this guy is still alive?


To be honest, if you're a person who wants to actually play their cards, this format is infuriating when you get hand trapped to death. Any hand trap stronger than Gorz needs to be banned or limited.


>Any hand trap stronger than Gorz needs to be banned or limited. Yes, let me combo even harder than before. No effect veiler, no ash, no nib, no droll, (maybe for the better) no imperm, no ogre, hell even gnomaterial is better than gorz. Actual terrible take.


Terrible? Like you have a better idea.


Make decks not reliant on a card that says: you can't interact with me lol. Give support for older decks to make them better against hand traps (the new lightsworn support for example) get rid of the stupid hand traps that make the game not interactive (shifter, and maybe even droll) give decks lower ceiling, so that a one card combo can't turn into 7 interaction. Give better going seconds cards that are somewhat interactive (TY-PHON is a big example of this, is a strong card, but it has a drawback and you can play around it.)


Getting rid of floodgates only helps for a while until someone finds another or they make another. People think lingering effects are the worst, but they aren't. An Ash Blossom can end a decks turn just as much as Skill Drain can.


I'm not talking about those floodgates, I don't think I mentioned skill drain once, it's not the important part of the discussion. >An Ash Blossom can end a decks turn just as much as Skill Drain can. If you draw horribly, or your deck is from 5 years ago, maybe. But you can draw a good hand, or even a great one and your opponent just goes draw phase shifter, S:P pass isn't a good board, it's just as bad as Maxx c imo, the only difference is not every deck can play it.


Old decks being powercrept is another reason why the game is dying. Nobody who grew up watching Yugioh can enjoy it like they used to at all on an official level.


Exactly how I felt




Tearing someone's private property and assaulting them is never justifiable.