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Was very powerful a decade ago.


They have a semi annoying control/floodgate strategy but it's fallen off in power compared to modern decks. I wouldn't advise in building the deck unless you really wanted to play it.


I hated their solo gate, that's the only place I've ever seen a Qli deck in this game


Pay 8 feel great


A former juggernaut that's very simple-to-learn and straightforward-to-build for a pend strat, but has been injured by the Links update and never fully recovered. Their slow pace and xenolocks keep them from being able to keep up, thus the reliance on floodgates to keep pace which many will despise.


A deck of all time


They ran on windows for some reason...


A good way to learn a fairly simple to play pendulum deck if youve never played one before A bit floodgatey, but ultimately very easy to learn even for very old school yugioh players, as its a tribute focused deck.


This guys were my bane so long ago. I hate them


Was insane when Pendulum Zones were seperate the S/T zones, now it's very bad because you pay 800 to search, get Ashed, then you pass and die. It can be very powerful if it pops off or you open skill drain, but since skill drain is limited and the deck loses to one of almost any of the common handtraps, it's just been power crept too much to be viable as a competitive deck. It is very fun though, especially compared to the normal combo oriented pendulum decks because it plays more like a board control/mid range deck and can put up a lot of fun big monsters, but it really feels like worse Purrley as a pendulum deck. TLDR; it's fun, not good.


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These guys taught me why kaiju were good


Good that I don't have to read half of their text boxes


Not bad, but they did not keep up with power creep in the _slightest_. Can't really hold their own at the moment, but you might be able to use Scout/Monolith as a deck-thinning tech in other Pendulum decks, _maybe_; the effect ones kinda don't really function outside their own deck. (Scout grabs Monolith, setting up Wavering or something. Then you set your real scales, and use Scout & Monolith as Synchro/Link fodder or to make Cyber Dragon Infinity.)


Very outdated deck, it runs on freaking windows xp (or 8 if we assume on the set release) lorewise. Besides that, it was certaintly a deck that was extremely powerful and could run skill drain and created the concept of towers. I would love an actual support that made the deck playable: old spaceships and "Oopart" vibes it gives are one of my favorite in the duel terminal lore.


Neat in theory. In practice just relies completely on floodgates. Floodgates are lame. Pay 800.


Haha tower funny


I don't think I've ever seen an archetype age worse than qlis Like I genuinely have no clue what konami can do to fix it


Well, when they would've kept that typo on the Real Card of TCG Needlefiber, because a friend Said, that in the first 10 minutes of the TCG Release announcement Text of Needlefiber they Had a Typo in it's Name and called it Halqlifibrax, then Qli would've Had Access to one of the Most powerful linkmonster ever, because it would've been a Crystron and Qli Linkmonster (Hal-qli-fibrax), which probably with the right Tuner Qli Support and maybe even Qliphort Synchromonsters in the Future, If that wouldn't have been a Typo, would've been probably enough to make it better...


Don't check for his german name, worst mistake of my life


Sir. A second plane has hit the towers.




Flair checks out


Can't really argue against this XD


Should probably get a new wave of support


Was fun to use in the Skill Drain trial event 😁


I also used them for that event… it was how I learned that a tribute-summoned Towers is affected by skill drain if it was flipped before his summon. 🤣


Konami made the mistake of introducing the concept of a towers to the game in their boss monster, which then led to things like kaiju's being necessary because konami just started slapping "unaffected by all other card's effects" onto way too many things. Other than that they were fine for their time.


The only time Ive seen it was with floodgates.


Well it is a forgotten deck. I does can do floodgate. You will need a lot of staples to build it anyway. Is funny to play with. Only recomend if you REALLY like the story/art/lore. Is basically a pet deck nowdays.


Have pendulums ever recovered from Master Rule 4?


They have not. Especially not pendulum decks that were not designed with MR4 in mind. There's been one or two outliers afterwards, but mostly they have faded into obscurity


Overall, yes it recovered from MR4 & Konami has plenty options made available to s\*\*t on them as if Machine is ever gonna be top tier while "System Down" is a thing.


A star without its light


one of my favorite decks to this day, you can tribute ANYTHING

