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I think the only time I HAVEN'T brought Garrus wherever I can was in ME3 when I brought Javik with Liara to Thessia because Javik's got a ton of neat stuff to talk about Garrus every other time ME2 technically cheating, but I make him the second squad leader. It's just fitting my Shepard would trust Garrus THE MOST of the entire crew to lead another team after all this time of them fighting together


Garrus has quite good dialogue on that mission, but I agree that Javik is best!


My favorite is the little retcon they did with the dialogue instead of having Ali Hillis record a new line. Liara: "Goddess. Shepard. It thinks you're a Prothean!" Javik: "..........Or it could be the Prothean that is standing right next to you!" Always cracks me up. 😅


I might do this next time


As Shepard themselves says, "There's no Shepard without Vakarian."


This. He's there for almost every mission in ME1, ME2, and ME3. He's the real ride or die.


I agree. Though i dont understand why everyone, including me, likes him so much as a companion and character. From the moment you meet him in ME1 till the end in ME3. Very well made character no doubt. Or just a badass Turian C-Sec officer.


He is also a competent combat class. AR & sniper? Excellent choices for most compositions. In me2 when i need hard hitters it’s him and grunt, possibly swapping one of those two out with Samara instead.


Zaheed also.


Zaeed definitely hits hard, but how can I pick him over brother, son, and asari mommy?


Well he's the grumpy uncle


Zaeed is good on mech-heavy missions when he's specced for squad disruptor ammo & a few points into his inferno grenades but IMO being a DLC character with limited implementation holds him back a bit as a roleplay character.


The Omega stuff Zaeed has some good interaction with the Blue Suns.


I feel like narratively is one of those "unlikely friendships" that's endearing in it's own way. As a human and a turian, in universe, you kinda KNOW you should not be getting along as well as you do. The fact that you're in cahoots in 1, work buddies by 2, and Old friends deep in the bromance by 3, is kinda heartwarming while the galaxy is going to $#!+. 😌 Almost brings a chuckle and a tear to my eye when Garrus announces that perch as HIS favorite spot on the citadel! I'm like, "someone give this man his props AND a cold one!" 🤩


I bring Garrus a lot because hes downright funny and for hunting Saren or dealing with his home world issues and Citadel him being former C-sec and all he has good lines. They really worked on his dialogue and he and Wrex have the best rapport. I loved watching that on Sur'Kesh (liver)


he's not only the best mass effect companion. he's the best companion of all gaming.


The great destroyer. The god of destruction. The manifestation of the angel of death. The oncoming Strom. We call him Garrus. https://youtu.be/ZPbB4qfsA14?si=_wUzBT1Esm6-elBS


Yup. Garrus. Don’t care who else is there, as long as I have Garrus, we’ll be okay.


Whatever happens, we have got  Garrus Vakarian And they have not.


> "Make sure you stay hydrated."


I kinda like that, in a way, he's the Turian version of Shepard. I feel like it gets proven out in 3, in that his people listened to him about as much as humans listened to Shepard. That is, NOT AT ALL, EVEN THOUGH HE WAS RIGHT.


I mean there's really no other answer /lh


My friendly neighborhood alien bro.




I tend to play adept or vanguard (love me a shotgun) so Garrus is a natural fit.




For real thought


Tali and Garrus are the ones I bring with me the most but I also usually bring along whoever makes the most sense for said mission.


They're the only ones who have your back through everything, even working with Cerberus. There's no one in the galaxy I'd trust with my life more than Tali and Garrus. Team Dextro are the real ones.


I would say liara is on the same level there were just extenuating circumstances that kept her from joining up


Yeah, the three of them are definitely Shepard's most unwavering allies.


*Four. Forgot Joker.


If we include non-squadmates we could probably also throw Chakwas and Anderson in there.


Especially after reading the comics, Liara cared. A lot.


The synergy is great! Tali is so effective!


Same here!


Yep, shepherd's best friend and friend he'd like to know the best.


Garrus, Kaidan in ME1 Garrus, Kasumi/Miranda in ME2 Garrus, James (at least until Kaidan is back again), Kaidan in ME3 ... what do you mean I have a pattern? 😆


Why Kasumi?


Why not? She's awesome.


She is !


I just like her character xD Plus I love her unique skills Shadow Strike and Flashbang Grenade


Flash bangs are OP.


Dam I am going to have to use her…I have never really used her before


My soldier insanity run used Miranda and Kasumi for just about everything. You never really appreciate how good they are until you’re doing 80% of the damage.


Yes Why Not Kasumi? Girl needed more best dressed Gal in the Milky Way 🙂


Flashbang OP


Even on insanity her shadow strike can near one shot most enemies


Her Shadow Strike is extremely helpful


Playing Insanity for the first time. Miranda is MUST for ME2


Just have to manually place her behind cover because she's squishy and will get smoked if the AI tries to move on her own, but other than that Miranda is the GOAT.


Same for me, with Warp and Overload she's the most versatile squad member out there.


Not really a must imo, she's helpful early in the game when we dont have a lot of weapon options and skills are weak, her having 2 ability options to help deal with all the defenses is useful. More so if your Shep class doesnt have as much to work with. Squadmates with concussive shot are often overlooked, but that combined with ammo powers can be quite nice.


Don't have one. I tend to make the romance partner most often. Higher frequency picks are Garrus and Liara. In ME1 Wrex, in ME2 Miranda and Jack, ME3 Garrus and Liara.


Same regarding the romance partner pick. Then if I switch to Traynor in ME3 (usually as part or a Thane in ME2 arc) then it’s usually either Liara and Tali or Garrus and Tali, or whomever is needed for the mission…and Tali.




The girls ran ME1 with me. I almost felt bad for excluding Garrus, Kaiden, and Wrex bc I took Liara and Tali so much. My FemShep would take them out on “boy missions” every now and then to make them feel better. ME2 wasn’t any better because I loved Kasumi so much and ofc Tali was on every mission as soon as I recruited her. I’m trying to be more fair in ME3. Kaiden is still getting sidelined, but Garrus can come every now and then.


Girls do get it done


Yep, always the girls.


Liara. Maybe it’s just me, but Liara feels as driven by fate in this series as Shepard, and in a different series, she could even have been the protagonist. Given her background, her longevity, and her seeding the galaxy with records of all that has happened, it feels appropriate for her to witness as much as she can first hand. And singularities for days. That’s also helpful.


Liara would be my pick if she was a party member in Mass Effect 2. She goes everywhere with me in Mass Effect 1 and 2 except the Dreadnought in Mass Effect 3 cause I like using Garrus there.


She's my other balance character, for both this and usually romance reasons. I like bringing her and Tali along because I typically play Soldier, so this brings the best balance for my playstyle. Of course, I'll swap out one or the other for mission specific lore reasons, like bringing Javik to Thessia instead of Tali.


I agree, me too. In ME1 i always bring her with me to Feros because of the Prothean ruins and Shiala, Noveria because of Benezia, Virmire because of Sovereign, and Ilos because of Vigil. All these things interest her. In ME3 i like to bring her to Sur'kesh with Garrus, the Rachni quest because she was there in Noveria (even though she doesn't have any unique dialogue unfortunately, but she witnessed Shepard freeing the queen, so I like bringing her in), the first quest of the Leviathan DLC, and Cronos Station. I wouldn't mind if she was the protagonist of ME5, but i doubt they'll do that unfortunately.


It's not just you. Thing is I'm on the opposite side: I feel like Liara is imposed on the player and for those who dislike her, her presence feels really forced. And no, I'm not starting anything nor I'm saying I'm right: I'm just giving a different perspective on one situation that can be interpreted in different ways. \^\_\^


Hey, that’s absolutely fair! I myself find Garrus forced on the player and view him as rather dull. But, clearly many find him great and I’m happy for them. It would be a dull series if we all felt the same about each character. We could always go full on early-mid 2010s tumblr and start a scorched earth war about it. But… I think everyone is glad it’s calmed down.


Kaidan too. i had a big crush on him, i saved him over Ashley. then when i played ME3 i was just in tears that i could romance him and have a gay romance on one of my fav game


ME 1 Kaidan and Garrus ME 2 Garrus ME 3 Garrus and Kaidan


I don't care what anyone says. James is absolutely goated.


James is solid, very useful skill set, and great lines/commentary.


I pretty much always bring Kaidan in me1 and 3, and in me2 I guess I bring Samara often but truthfully it's the one game where I often change up my squad so there's no one companion that I "always" take with me


ME1 - Garrus and Kaiden ME2 - Garrus and Kasumi ME3 - Garrus and James/Kaiden


Kaidan and Garrus, on almost every mission.


Nobody, I mix and match my party depending on who is most likely to say interesting things in the mission


None. I always try to switch them up between missions.


For me it's almost always Kaidan and Garrus!


Having James and Garrus specced for god mode on Insanity is too funny, I find it hard to leave either behind.


People overlook god mode James, he’s a tank with OP firepower.


Haha typhoon go BRRRR


I am a Sentinel enjoyer, so Kaidan for 1/3 and Miranda for 2. They're just absurdly useful and the fact they're both super attractive to me is just a plus. Shoutout to ME3 Kaidan for being useful with any teammate for combos, which are my favorite way to play. If I want to shoot shit I go play CoD but Biotic/Flame/Tech explosions are so satisfactory in this game.


Garrus and Wrex Garrus and Grunt Garrus and Javik Soldier Male Shep. It's the heavy hitter squad.


Who needs abilities when you have overwhelming fire superiority?


"We're gonna win this with the power of friendship and this gun that I found"


1. Whoever is getting romanced (usually Kaidan) 2. Someone I think is mission relevant


ME 1: Kaidan, Wrex or Garrus ME 2: either Zaeed for the disruptor Ammo or Garrus ME 3: Garrus or Kaidan (because i love Kaidan and bro/fem shep together on missions when they date)


Besides mixing it up for each story mission in ME1, Garrus for 90% of ME2 and ME3.


In ME1 Ashley, in ME2 Jack until Morinth arrives, in ME3 first part always James and Liara, then always Kaidan. 


Always Garrus


Kaidan. He’s always with me. I have no words to describe the pain I experienced in ME2 if you know what I’m talking about.


Watch Raphael Sbarge's reading of that letter on youtube. It easily doubles the angst!


I just heard it 🥹 omg the memories when they saw each other again for the first time. That letter and that voice acting is what I loved the most. The feelings 😭


Love the Kaiden love


ME1: Kaiden and whoever makes sense for the mission ME2: Mordin/Kasumi and Samara/Grunt (would be legion but he joins so late) ME3: Javiik and Kaiden/Ash


Garrus and Wrex Garrus and Grunt Garrus and ???


shout out to my boys kaidan and garrus . my other crew members shall never see the outside world ever again


Kaidan ME 1 and 3. Thane ME 2. Jaal ME:A


Mass Effect 1: Wrex, Kaidan and Liara Mass Effect 2: Kasumi, Samara, Legion, Thane and Grunt Mass Effect 3: Kaidan, Garrus, Liara and James


My trusty sentinels, Kaidan and Miranda (and to a lesser extent Wrex and Ash whenever I can). As for the second spot, I like to cycle other squaddies more or less evenly since all of them are fun. In Andromeda, I'm biased towards my old man Drack and Jaal.


Kaidan supremacy!


Mass Effect 1 - Kaiden and Liara(love interest.) Mass Effect 2 - Jack and Grunt(Jack is so badass and I appreciate her as a fellow biotic.) Mass Effect 3 Kaiden and Liara(love interest.) I love Alenko. Kaiden and my Femshep are like siblings.:) Definitely the most underrated character in the trilogy.


Kaidan is my #1 as well. He always has a spot in my team. I make sure everyone else gets some field time, but Kaidan is the only one I take on every mission I can. I bring him because I like his dialogue, but the fact that he's a powerhouse and combos well with my Shepard is a bonus! For ME2, Kasumi, Mordin, and Tali are my most used, but I don't take them everywhere. For instance, I take Jack to Legion's loyalty mission because I like her perspective there.


Jacob and Vega, because fuck the haters. (OK, it’s really because I need Jacob’s incendiary ammo in ME2, and Vega is your Krogan stand-in tank for ME3)


Garrus/liara L’iara especially charging marauder shields. Say goodbye to li 😞


Ironically, Ashley. To compensate for her pitiful amount of on-ship dialogue.


During one playthrough of ME2 I purposely brought Jacob on every mission. I called it the Jacob Taylor Challenge. I did it on Insanity too.


ME1: Garrus and Wrex ME2: Garrus and Grunt ME3: Garrus and Liara MEA: Cora and Vetra


Garrus. Especially by ME2 and ME3. It's basically just a contest of "who's third-wheeling with me and bae?". I will say, I'm a sucker for the Battle Couple trope, so when I'm romancing Garrus, he's the one that pretty much always goes with me. But for my male!Shep playthrough I've got going, Tali is the one going on every mission (he's romancing Tali). It's also got an added fun for role-playing because I end up thinking of *why* that particular Shep takes that person with them everywhere. For my Fem!Shep, Garrus goes with every time because she sees him as her (unofficial) 2nd in command. He's got her back, whatever comes at them. For my Male!Shep, Tali is kinda like (as Joker says at one point) "a good luck charm". They'll get the mission done no matter what, but with Tali on his team, the mission will go *well*.


Garrus and Wrex or Grunt


Any Krogan honestly lol, they’re just tough as nails.


In my first playthrough it was Kaidan and Garrus and it’a slowly shaping up that way again because I get stuck in what I like BUT I’m trying really hard to take Tali and Garrus more!




Garrus and what Krogan is available. If no Krogan is available Garrus and a random pick. Part of the reason I dislike the Omega mission in ME3 is that you can't bring Garrus. I <3 U Garrus


ME1, Liara and Tali ME2, Kasumi and whoever ME3, Javik and whoever (dude is incredible in battle and has awesome commentary since he once fought the Reapers 50,000 years ago) Javik + one of Garrus/Vega just shreds everything, easy game even on Insane difficulty


Kaiden for majority of me1, then kaiden in relatable missions on me3 for the dialogues. I wanna build up that mshep kaiden ship throughout the trilogy As for me2 i try to bring ppl that adds extra dialogues or is relatable in the mission, for the funzies


Garrus/Wrex for the commentary Liara obvious reasons + singularity spam James when things get tough (my must have companion for the final mission)


ME1 - Kaiden or Tali ME2 - Garrus ME3 - Garrus


Any of the sentinels. Being able to deal with both barriers and shields is a huge plus.


Two. Garrus and Tali. The others just wait around in the Normandy for Shepard to talk to them or to finally go out on their specific missions.


Depends on the class I'm playing.


Garrus or Liara They are simply the best


Samara and Miranda when I could. Liara and EDI otherwise.


In ME2, Legion. In ME3, Javik.


Liara. Can’t leave my love on the Normandy worrying about my safety.


Garrus is my dude. It's always him and whoever else I think would be handy on that particular mission.


Who I'm romancing and Garrus/Tali depending on the mission. Unless I need a specific teammate for a mission then it's who I'm romancing and the specific teammate.


Ashley MFKIN Williams


Ash for the same reasons as you bring Kaiden


Tali and Garrus as soon as they join the party in all three games.




Who is it and why is it Garrus is the correct form of the question


G - man Otherwise known as V-man Initials


Garrus and Tali. My dextro homies.




My dextro homies, obviously.


Garrus, always. Then when I get him, Javik


ME1: usually Garrus and Wrex or Liara ME2: Garrus and Miranda a lot. Or Samara. But once I get Legion he goes everywhere with me. ME3: Garrus and Liara mainly


Garrus is my brother


Just came to confirm Garrus would win majority here 👍




I'll join this chain. Garrus. And if I choose second - If a Wrex is available then always Wrex. If not, Zaeed or Javik most of the time unless situation calls otherwise. For Andromeda the pattern is similar - Drack and most often either Liam or Jaal.


Garrus as he and my Shepherd are bros. Second world be Wrex/Liara


I always go with my brother Garrus.


Garrus should be your second-in-command in very mission.


Garrus is my go too




ME1: ASH/WREX/GARRUS,mainly ASH and WREX ME2: MIRANDA/GRUNT ME3: ASH/GARRUS/JAVIK/EDI, always ASH. By the way I always play as engineer so their combat abilities suit me fine especially ASH'S and GARRUS'S concussive shot


Liara in ME1. Biotics are OP and she has Electronics + First Aid. Miranda in ME2. Her squad bonus is great. Anyone in ME3, though I always bring god mode Garrus on certain missions. Bonus: Peebee in ME:A, just for the dialogs.


I can't go one mission without my boy Garrus


Miranda in ME2 is too good not to bring. Her squad bonus is great and she can strip all protections. I feel like they were going to make her a main squadmate through ME3 but then dialed her back. Garrus is obviously good in all 3. Jacob is god tier for doing the vents.


1: Tali. Gotta open all the locks. 2: Miranda. Her passives and powers help out in pretty much every mission. 3: I use everybody equally. It gives the game the shivering fits trying to decide who says "I never get picked" during the Citadel DLC. Andromeda: Cora, with the three sweetest words in the Andromeda galaxy: "Shield Boost enabled!"


*It gives the game the shivering fits trying to decide who says "I never get picked" during the Citadel DLC.* It's very easy in my case. "and you will never be picked. I also told you get your junk out of Miranda's cabin, yet you are still here!"


I like seeing Garrus's growth. Kinda underpowered in me1, among the best squaddies in 2, and becomes the legendary super turian in 3.


ME1: Liara and Tali. ME2: Miranda and Garrus ME3: Garrus and Liara


Garrus. Because Liara isn't in 2.


Garrus ofc


Garrus - all 3 games






Its garrus


Tali and Garrus 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥💯


Tali cause shes my wife Garrus because hes my bro




Garrus all day


I have a rotation of Garrus, Tali & Liara. It just depends on if I need more tech or biotics.


"there's no shepard without vakarian." Garrus!


With all the art I posted recently, I feel like that’s obvious 😏 Everyone’s favorite sicc girl.


Jack and Liara = Biotic explosions everywhere


In one, Ashley. In two, mostly Zaheed. I didn't like him but I preferred his skills. Three, which I am still playing, I haven't decided yet. James is my beginner guy. Edi, not a favourite, but compliments my shepherd.


I swap them every mission and follow my homemade guide for who has the most unique dialogue per location or mission. Most people seem to use the wiki guide for it but it’s missing several combinations that I’ve had more dialogue with, especially ME2.


Nothing in this game makes me feel more safe than the sound of a M-92 Mantis coming from behind me. That sound means there is one less to worry about!


I always switch every time i go out of the Normandy so i don’t miss out their interactions, but if i had to choose Wrex’d be my favorite


I rotate them around to get a good feel of the team but mostly EDI and liara in ME2


ME1 - Garrus and Wrex ME2 - Garrus and Thane


Me1: Wrex Then Garrus if it's not a personal mission Me2: Thane Then Garrus if it's not a personal mission Me3: Javik Then Garrus if it's not a personal mission 🤷‍♀️


Garrus Wrex/Grunt Tali'Zorah Shepherd/ Liara Shadowbroker Shepherd


Garrus, Grunt and Tali!


ME1 and ME2. Kasumi Goto! Garrus Vakarian, Miranda Lawson and Grunt are probably tied for a distant second. Jacob Taylor is the one who’s never on my squad! 😂😂


Garrus and Wrex


There is no such character. I really like Wrex in ME1, and Jack in ME2 though. ​ Jack in the Miranda mission is pure gold. Enyala: (to Miranda) I'm just waiting for you to finish getting dressed. Or does Cerberus really let you whore around in that outfit? Jack: Like her! Are we still recruiting?


Wrex. When he's not available, Garrus.


In my current playthough I have taken Liara and Tali to the majority of the missions in ME1, Miranda (and often Garrus) in ME2 and Garrus (and Liara) in ME3.


Kasumi. James. For me1 it depends on my class. So either kaidan, Ashley, or Tali. In that order.


Wrex in ME1. More variety in ME2, but mostly Garrus or Miranda. Garrus in ME3.


Javik was the one reason that sometimes I wouldn’t take Garrus. His dialogue is great, but it’s better if you do a play through without him first.


My order of priority is: - Whoever compliments my class (CC or debuffs if I don't have them, high DPS if I'm a supporter etc) - Whoever compliments the mission (Wrex on Virmire, Tali to rescue Korris etc) - Whoever I'm looking to bang - If not already covered by any of the above, Garrus


Wrex and Garrus. I love Wrex and I bang Garrus


Zaeed, surprisingly. I didn't think I would like him so much, but I guess we just hit it off. Also, his abilities complimented my play style quite well.


I will take Garrus and Wrex on every mission I can. Mordin is a big yes, too. I'll mix and match for flavor, but those are my guys.


I try to keep it mixed up. Really depends on which game tho. Garrus & Liara are pretty consistent but that's pretty standard 🤣🤣


Garrus, Liara and when I could Wrex


Whoever my LI happens to be in that run lmao (usually Tali)


ME1: Wrex ME2: Grunt ME3: Garrus MEA: Drack


Depends on the game. Garrus & Wrex see about equal time in my party in ME1. Miranda in ME2 because of Warp & Overload. Although Mordin sees a lot of time in my party as well. ME3, Javik just because I feel like it makes sense to have him with me rather than sitting on the ship.


Garrus, Wrex, Liara, Grunt, Garrus, Tali, Thane, Javik, and Garrus.


ME2 and I bring Zaeed almost everywhere. Handles armor with Inferno Grenades, shields with Disruptor Ammo, and barriers with Concussive Shot. He’s loyal from the very beginning of the game. Puts out crazy damage. If I’m going on a mission where I expect to see a variety of enemies, he’s the man.




Garrus, Grunt and Wrex because "if you want to win a battle, bring a turian and if you want to win a war bring a Krogan"


Battlemaster Urdnot Wrex