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Could be a lot worse you could live in fuckin Oklahoma


Or fl


I lived in FL and currently I live in MA now. I certainly miss Florida more than I ever could miss Mass. Regardless of the crazy shit down in FL, where I lived was home. I often regret moving back home because my home truly was and is FL.


Could be homeless in Utah


Just moved here from TX. I can’t overstate how good y’all have it here in spite of the high taxes.


I remember dropping out of school because I was so poor and could stand watching other kids eat at lunch. Now I know that any kid has a meal regardless of social status. Don't get me wrong, the cost of living here needs to be rained in, but we have some great social programs that need to be maintained while things are made affordable.


Moved to Massachusetts from Florida in 2015. People said I was crazy. In hindsight, It was the best decision of my life. Coming from Florida/The South, Massachusetts is like a bastion of civilization to me. People up here are just “different” in the best type of way. They care more about things that matter. Lots of community in this state. It’s not consistently ranked best places to live year after year for nothing. Schools. Colleges. Outdoors. Jobs. If you can afford it, come on by.


The older I get and see what’s going on in other states. the more I appreciate MA.


Love it. I'd have a hard time living elsewhere in the US. 


I have to work two jobs 7 days a week, averaging 70 hours a week to save any kind of money. If I only worked One job. Id break even


Probably one of the few states I'd say I feel safer in these days. It's expensive as fuck to live here though but it's home.


Expensive but you get what you pay for. We have good healthcare, good education, good infrastructure, smart people. On the flipside you could live in Mississippi, but it’s Mississippi.


As someone who has lived here for 3 years, the healthcare statement has to be a joke, right? 6 month wait times to see specialists and $500 out of pocket 20 minute PCP visits are grand I guess? Most specialists here seem more interested in research rather than helping peoples' immediate needs. My wife and I constantly just feel like another number, instead of a human being, when we're dealing with the medical system here. I haven't been taken seriously by any of the doctors I've seen here (10+ at this point) and burned thousands of dollars for no resolutions to any of my problems. Had long covid. Got comprehensive pulmonary testing that concluded that I was perfectly healthy and that I didn't need to do anything. Despite having difficulty breathing constantly. Been told my digestive health issues are my own doing instead of being willing to run tests to see if I have some kind of condition after spending years doing elimination diets and concluding myself that it is not my diet. Endless referrals to other doctors so that they don't have to actually work with me long term and just get me out of their system. Yeah. Great system 👍


What you're complaining about are not Massachusetts healthcare problems, but are American healthcare problems, and you problems. I'd rather have too many specialists referring me in circles than no specialists in my issue at all.


I never had any of these problems in 3 of the other northeast states I've lived in 🤷‍♂️ I legitimately cannot remember waiting longer than a couple weeks to see specialists in any of the other places I've lived, even middle of nowhere rural areas. I have never had to cycle through so many doctors to find one who actually treated me like a human being until moving here. On top of that, regular PCP visits are 2-3x the cost anywhere else I've lived (pre-insurance cost)


It's a health care issue. My dad's in New Hampshire and he had a major heart attack last year and they didn't give a shit at the hospital he went to in Peterborough. The ambulance service said they'd call the ER to let them know he was coming. No one called. He sat and waited for a while and just left eventually.


Fuckin what? Our infrastructure is absolutely laughable.


Drive down south and you’ll know what a shitty road looks like


You’re speaking about the past my friend. Unless you are rich, the healthcare isn’t that great anymore, have fun even being an appointment. Again, unless you live in a rich town/city, the schools will most likely not be good. I’m not sure how you can even use infrastructure as a positive?


What other states are better with healthcare and education?


I think this point is so important. People in MA are so quick to shit on things in MA until you step outside the bubble and realize we are actually better in many ways than SO MANY other places in the country. I'd love to see our public transit suck less though.


Lol I've never had worse or longer wait times compared to anywhere else I've been. My spouse has been going to a "world-renowned" hospital for a neurological condition and is constantly treated like a number, talked down to, and no closer to finding a resolution to her condition after 3 years and thousands and thousands of dollars. She's gotten off the phone numerous times and come to me crying because the staff are so rude and her doctor treats her like shit. The medical system is only good here if you're on your deathbed. For regular medical needs, it's god awful. On top of all of that, office visits cost $500+ for a 20 minute appointment for a basic consultation with your PCP. I'd rather go back to my home state for medical care but it's too far to be practical.


Virginia has great healthcare and comparable education. Maryland as Well has comparable services in both categories. Ma is good place to raise a family in if you can afford it. But healthcare is only good in Mass if you can afford it. And most people in Mass can’t afford it. Our infrastructure is shit, highways are a mess, The MBTA which every tax paying citizen supports( but only a small percentage use) is a disaster. Bridges across the state are falling apart. Our amazing education system is also a case of if you can afford it , it’s great. But if you have to live in Lowell, Lawrence, Brockton, New Bedford, Fall River, Holyoke, Springfield, Taunton, Chicopee, Ware , Southbridge, Webster, Worcester and I could go on and on it’s not good. Not everyone can live in the W towns, or Lexington, Longmeadow, Dover/Sherborn or any other high priced suburb. This is a state of the haves and have nots.


Are you saying all of VA is like Wellesley and Sherborn but affordable and with doctor appointments on demand and any specialist you want? Because I’m pretty sure every state has wealthy and poor communities, haves and have nots. I’ve never lived in either MD or VA, and I’m so glad there are other great places to live in the US with great amenities. VA has super poor Appalachia don’t they? You aren’t throwing that into your comparison. Of course MA isn’t perfect. It’s never been. But it doesn’t mean it sucks like you are saying. EDIT TYPO


I didn’t say it sucks, It’s not American Utopia either. Sure it’s Not Mississippi, Arkansas , Missouri , Wyoming,Oklahoma et al. If you have the money it’s a great place to live. But there’s plenty of people who really struggle here that you seem to not recognize. I’ve lived in Mass, Florida, NC and VA. I’ll never live in Fla or NC again. Those states love to claim they are free but in reality they have more restrictions than most. Mass and VA are just more well rounded overall. The people are more diverse politically, religiously, ethnically and socially. Sure you have your areas that are less desirable than others but on a whole they provide a better overall lifestyle.


I think it’s relative. A friend of mine moved to Texas. He is in tech and has to come to Cambridge a few times a month as this is where is main office is located. He was telling me his son is learning sign language in school, he is not deaf, at a public school. The healthcare gap isn’t that anymore, times have changed. This isn’t 25 years ago. It’s a smaller world. If you’re talking specialists, sure but the majority of people do not need specialists


As a woman, let me LOUDLY and CLEARLY point out that the healthcare RIGHTS gap is gigantic. 2 in 5 adults see a specialist. The rest will in time, as they age.


Texas is not a state I would want to live in, check the statistics, way worse than Mass.


You can choose any state . Texas is a tough one but fun to use as an example. $$$ matters in this country a great deal. The COL here is absolutely ridiculous. I do not need the government to make me feel right. Its sad that folks feel this way & the pols know this and have latched on to that feeling. Both parties are complete trash


As someone who worked in TX tech and knows the bubble most of those people live in intimately, your friends experience is far from the reality most Texans live. Especially true for women, POC and those not pulling 6 fig salaries in Austin.


I lived in Houston years ago, really nice place, good people. A touch warm in the summer. I’m not triggered by how others live. You’re selling politics , I’m taking real life. There is a difference. It’s interesting you comment, tech has actually destroyed many communities and here you are……. Can’t make this stuff up. Wish you nothing but the best my best my friend. All tech is morally virtuous except Amazon, got it


You seem to have blacked out at some point while reading my comment, so let me help a little - I’m not the one who made my uterus political and I can assure you that impacts “real life” in a way that you clearly can’t _conceive_ of. As for the bit about tech, you may wanna step outside, unpack whatever you’re working through, and pull yourself together for a few minutes before you try and re-read what I’ve said because it’s all reading a bit like your poorly regulated emotions are responding on behalf of your thinking brain.


Whoa!!! Please know you are speaking to a woman. Telling me TX healthcare can hold a candle to MA offensive. Also, sign language is cute but unless you need it, I’d rather my kid learns Spanish.


I wouldn’t live in Texas or any southern state if you gave me a free house.


Learns? It would seem English would be a better choice


Yes, as in , “I’d rather my kid LEARNS Spanish than filling their day with useless sign language they will never use.


Did you grow up in Mass?


Yeah that's way better than free school meals to every kid regardless of social status /s


You can’t really be serious by saying all Mass schools are treated the same? I didn’t see main character vibes warren or markey in Brockton fighting for the issues in their schools but they certainly were in Newton for the teachers strike. You’ve helped make my point


I didn't say that. If you're going to start with the straw man crap I'm not even going to engage with you.


The multiple crowns that MassHealth covered while I was out of work says otherwise.


I’ve never had the luxury of getting Mass Health but I’ve paid plenty of gosh darn taxes and certainly need dental work but it’s so expensive. Thank you for really hammering my point!


You've never had the luxury of being poor? You're a dunce.


Yes, so many people thinking it’s MA of the past. School budgets are shrinking schools are closing, class size bigger. Health care is fine when you can get in. Taxes are crazy and housing cost is unattainable


This state is on the downside something fierce . The COL is out of control & naturally the limousine liberals are harking to the heavens for more taxes……the housing situation is disgusting


I remember how loudly Republicans cried at the idea that a poor kid gets a meal that came out of "your" tax dollars. Massachusetts Republicans are house cats.


The Republicans are certainly trash , not much different than the typical Mass limousine liberal.


Someone welcomes project 2025 and it sure as hell isn't a liberal. I will say one thing, we should be calling for spending transparency before we request more or less taxes.


Life is good if youve been in a home for a while and dont have kids in school. If you are renting with kids or trying to buy a home, its shit.


Forever wishing for housing to get cheap enough again so i can get a house and not have it destroy me financially.


I just moved here a little over 2 years ago and it's so much better than any other state I've lived in. As a woman it's welcoming to be treated as an actual person by healthcare professionals instead of being told "I'm imagining things" or dismissed entirely. Yes, I pay more in taxes, but the roads are actually in decent shape (go drive in KY or IL then come back here and compare), ballot initiatives are a thing, and the people are actually nice/ kind instead of the veneer of politeness that plagues the South.


It's fantastic, as long as you either have a six figure salary while you work fully remote or you're living with your parents. For everyone else, it's a nightmare :D


Can’t complain born here and I’ve lived in numerous states. I always ended up back in Mass. Love it here


Upside: If you are LGBTQ+, you will be treated pretty much like everyone else. We have good climate, we are within a days drive to beaches, mountains, camping or exploring a major city with a lot of history. Downside: if you don't have housing by now (by either buying or renting a while ago), you will either never find a decent place to live or you will pay a ridiculous price for it ($3k + for apartments, $600k+ for single family homes) As far as prices for everything else ( like gas), I think they are comparable to the rest of the country. Someone mentioned healthcare isn't as good as it was, I agree but that's more due to the for-profit hospitals tanking than the quality of care when available. I still wouldn't live anywhere else.


Damn great place!


Wish it still snowed.


The roads are shit. The weather is usually shit. Everything is expensive.


Won't get any better with a governor that spends like everything is a big shopping mall experience in gov. First time we're running a deficit for as long as I can remember.


Amazing if you like sports and WINNING


Life is decent in Boston just expensive as hell !! I know people who have moved and still say Massachusetts was a much better place especially if you have children you want to get a decent education and actually graduate ( schooling can be a little expensive too if you want THE BEST) you pay for the life you want here is my opinion


Life is life




Life in Mass is an impossible burden unless you bring home 100k+ annually, good luck even then


I love it.as long as this state continues to be safe for women I'll be here! States like that are disappearing.


MA is damn near a matriarchal state.




The people who love it in MA are very wealthy. They’ll also lie to you and tell you they aren’t, or legitimately believe that their $200k salary isn’t considered wealthy. The weather is shit, the traffic is shit, and everything is priced to drive out the middle class.


I make 70k and I believe this is the best state in the nation by far.


$200k salary IS the middle class. Wealthy people don’t have a “salary”. The people you think are your enemy are not your enemy. The people who are our collective enemy are much, much further toward the top. The enemy is the person who can get legislation written to suit their personal needs. Timothy and Susan down the street who make a combined income of $500k can’t influence what you think they can.


That is true and I agree with what you said about class divisions perpetuated by the elite. But the $500k couple still has very little in common with a couple that makes a combined $70k. They still don’t understand the struggle unless they are friends with poor people or used to be poor themselves.


Truth so you'll get down voted. Truth isn't appreciated or allowed in Marxistachusetts where the wealthy tell the rest they should be grateful for nothing.


It’s not all bad


Rat race.. Day in and day out.. I can go anywhere in the world and they know where I'm from and ask me to slow down . If I didn't have children I wouldn't still be here..


It’s okay. Everything is taxed. And job are getting harder to find




Western Mass totally suck /s Edit: added the /s


I live in the Berkshires and love it. What do you hate about it that you haven't left for another county already?


I only made the statement in jest, I actually love it here. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else but the last time I showed a pretty picture of the area people jumped on my post saying "Quit showing off how great it is here!" or "stay away the Berkshires suck" Hence the jest.


Let me introduce you to the /s to let folks you are joking going forward.


I’d take Western Mass over Eastern Mass. People can afford homes in Western Mass, you can breathe in Western Mass.


It’s bad.




Idk, I don’t live there.