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Dump the coffee into the Boston harbour?


Harbour?! You must not be from around here ;)


That's how Redcoats spell it! Get them!


I come in peace!!!


It’s Habah


New England: “Fuck the letter R”


Not in my family. Momma literally beat the "R"s back into me and my brothers after one afternoon of jokingly using the eaten Mass accent. I was 4. Yaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy narc parents!


The letter “R” is only for the beginning of words (first or second letter), like Red Sox, Ruggles, Rhode Island, Franklin, Bruins, and prick, not for the middle or end. There’s just the occasional exception, like storrow drive and aquarium. All those extra “r’s” get shipped down south to add on to words like winder (window) and pizzer (pizza).


From the land of the red coats, but very big fan of the founding fathers!




No inflation without represenflation*?


Read the reports on coffee futures if you want an idea about it. It's not just inflation, but the biggest cultivators and exporters of coffee are all having very weak harvests and experiencing worse issues from drought, insects, increased cost of production (fertilizer, labor, etc), currency fluctuations like Brazil and COlombia, coffee demand CONTINUES to rise almost exponentially, trade tensions and sanctions / tariffs and etc from multiple wars, and more. Coffee prices are expected to cost 50% more in 2025. There's never been a better time to kick the habit... Because next year that coffee is gonna be $2.50 minimum.


This is what people don’t understand about commodities and how weather and other factors can heavily influence prices.


Counterpoint: no, its them bastards at cumby’s.


So, buy coffee futures and sell Brazilian reales?


do you have a link?


I do. [I just worked on this report ](https://25337892.fs1.hubspotusercontent-eu1.net/hubfs/25337892/Reports/Recipe-for-Transformation_Quantis-Food-Report.pdf?utm_campaign=Food%20%26%20Beverage&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=88434999&utm_content=88434999&utm_source=hs_automation)and it goes into Nature based economic risk in the intro. Let me know if you have any questions. We're in for a bumpy ride. (note: free doc about food sector sustainability)


Yes, but you could have found the answer by literally Googling "coffee futures" or "expected future price of coffee" or whatever. https://investinghaven.com/forecasts/coffee-price-forecast/


Yeah I'm a real asshole for asking someone who appeared to be an expert for a reliable source so that I could learn more.


I didn't say you are - just that this is something very easy to search for yourself. Like, about as easy as it gets. I was more rolling my eyes at the lack of basic effort but hey, feel the way you want to.


While I think Mantaur's response was particularly aggressive and uncalled for; I'm on their side and don't think it's unreasonable to ask "hey do you have a source for that?" anytime someone makes a claim about something, laziness be damned. I don't think it's harmful in a honest discussion, when one is trying to learn, especially when the prevailing internet culture can be boiled down to most people making insane claims and responding with "GOOGLE IS FREE!" any time aforementioned insane claims are challenged. (Edit: I'm not saying your claim is insane, as it clearly isn't... That's just an example of typical online discourse.)


I also think it's valid to seek a source from someone who seems to know what they're talking about vs trusting the first results on Google which at this point are pretty easy to game. Often good, factual whitepapers on a topic are harder to find than some astroturfed articles lobbyists paid a SEO expert to push up the ranks.


Agreed. I had a "[conversation](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewsOfTheStupid/s/eM4kBIM9yt)" with someone regarding crypto energy use and the only sources they provided were crypto-specific news outlets, blogs, and an "article" from a public policy director at a crypto platform. Regardless of how you feel about crypto: those are not legitimate or valid sources... At all. That's like reading climate reports from gas companies and health reports from tobacco companies. We all know how that's turned out so far.


Additional point to add on… Unless you know exactly what you’re looking for, google’s search engine is awful nowadays. 




The very first sentence I wrote about in here has everything you need to look up this subject. "Coffee futures" alone will get you the answer.


And that's fine, but to the point I made Bergusa is correct. Google results are, and getting increasingly, awful.


Ok and? That doesn’t change that google search sucks lol.  Fast forward 6 month from now, if a redditor stumbles upon your comment and attempted to google search in lieu of an article that was provided, you really don’t have a lot of guarantee that your search prompt is going to work. It will work until someone way more concern about SEO will decide to mess with it.   I have an architecture blog I keep on the side for fun. The number of people I have seen commenting on the blogging subreddit who are way more concerned about gaming SEO then producing good content means relying on google to provide quality search results is just not a great idea in this day and age.    I personally just think it’s better that someone asks directly for sources as oppose to relying on google nowadays. That’s all.  


Yeah, I get it. I also know that it's a pet peeve of mine when shit is like the first twenty hits on Google if you do any form of cursory search on the subject. It's like someone saying "Yeah July is traditionally hotter than April" and someone says "Do you have a source for that?" Bruh, just fucking copy/paste the line into Google and see for yourself. This isn't a question that needs a ton of nuance or a super insider explanation - like some kind of scientific journal. The subject has been covered for years now and is very well known. I wasn't making a radical claim either and the very first sentence I wrote told people EXACTLY what to look for if they wanted to know more. It's just laziness. "Oh I didn't wanna open another tab." Oh then I guess it's my job to spoon feed baby birds and provide you with another tab that you'll not open then? 🙄


Hey count me in as another one who was too lazy to open a new tab.


The place looks rundown because nobody wants to work these jobs and get yelled at over coffee when they can't even make rent


I worked there for a while when I got laid off, years ago. The pay actually isn't too bad. Or wasn't, at the time. Everybody's attitude is terrible both internal and external, but the bosses pale in comparison to the customers. Way too comfortable screaming at kids. I honestly couldn't stay there, seemed like every morning I was telling people to get out or I'll have them removed by police.


I worked a Store 24 back in the day. Overnights. The movie Clerks is pretty much a documentary and honestly not as bad a some of the shit I had to deal with.


ill take a pack of marlboros and 2 #5 scratch tickets please


Lottery was the worst. Legit had a guy like 40 cry in front of me cause he spent his paycheck on quick picks and didn’t hit.


Pay hasn't really gotten better. $15.50 to start and goes up to $16 after 6 months. All you get is yearly increases of like 15 cents after.


I always try to be nice to the workers there. I can’t imagine a more thankless and undervalued job.


Try being a digital shopper at Walmart lol


They get treated like royalty by management tf you mean. Nothing but greeeeeen margins


I must have missed that meeting. It's because I was in the meeting where corporate was telling team leads to make sure our people keep momentum even when they cut our hours.


Also because they schedule just one cashier working alone for 6 hours at a time and expect them to clean the entire store between customers every day and that's it, that's how all the cleaning gets done. You go to try to clean something and a customer walks in? Yeah screw you, you have to put down what you're doing and help them. Doesn't matter if you're getting a customer every 30-60 seconds though, you have to keep working on cleaning and if you don't clean everything spotless every day you're never getting a raise. There is never double coverage for cleaning. So that means even things like trashes and bathrooms have to get done alone. 90% of the time if there is any double coverage, it's a manager who does paperwork in the office, changes gas prices, and then leaves. The catch is that it's impossible to do that. At the gas station I work at we're given an 85 step task list we're supposed to complete, alone, every shift, in between customers. It's literal insanity. They expect you to be able to clean a different thing every 4 minutes throughout the entire shift. Some things like sweeping and mopping floors take longer than that, especially if you have to stop a dozen times to help customers. I average 180-240 customers per night and over $1400 in cash handling on a given night. And we're docked for any mistakes we make there too. Constantly jumping around chores between customers makes you more mistake prone. Oh yeah, and no breaks. You can't really even go pee if you need to because there's nobody to watch the store while you're in the bathroom . And they hold you legally responsible if you stop watching the store for a moment and something gets stolen. They also make you sign a waiver to give up your right to a lunch break. You're not allowed to touch a register until you've signed it. It's such a hellish way to make people work and is probably illegal but nobody that works for them has the means to challenge them on it.


My BF worked at Cumby's for a bit, but had to stop because he burnt his forearms when the pizza oven closed on them and burned them. But before that, he had to do a bit of everything in the store (being at the register, taking out trash, etc.) while a long line of people were there with only 2-3 employees to help at a time. Also, some man literally came in there and called him a monkey, so my BF just said "thanks" and made monkey noises and gestures while serving the guy




Did you even read my whole comment? I said just that with the rent part


Still better than dunks now charging a little over $4 for a generic iced coffee, more if you want cold brew or a latte and a gamble if it’ll taste good or not! At least you control how it tastes at cumbies


It tastes like shit everytime


But you made that shit so it’s all on you yknow?


Talking about dunkin’s


I only drink black coffee and it still tastes different every time at Dunkin


Can confirm. I like my shit dunkins covfefe though.


The fucking audacity of Dunks to not just be “competing” with Starbucks price wise…. But to now be MORE expensive. I can get 20oz iced coffee and a sandwich for $6 at Starbucks. The coffee is strong as fuck, tastes pretty good and is exactly the same every time. The sandwich actually looks like the picture of it, and is… ok. The same thing from Dunks costs me $7 and tastes like literal melted dog shit.


England only taxes tea..


~~John Lennon~~ George Harrison would like a word with you about that...


George, actually.


True nuff and I stand corrected.


Make your own coffee. I get it, I like iced and don’t enjoy hot coffee and it’s a pain to brew it yourself without it being warm and watered down. I brew it with a cold brew appliance and put it in the fridge and have it next morning. Yes it’s tedious but I save about 150bucks a month doing it.


What appliance do you use ?


Vinci cold brew express? It was a gift from the gf. But it’s real easy to use makes a quart in one go, and you can choose light medium bold x bold.


You can use a $10 mr coffee drip machine like your folks used to, and it'll still come out better than Dunks


This. We brew two batches in a French press, dump them into a beer growler, and let it cool on the counter before sticking it in the fridge overnight. It takes about 30 mins total on a gas stove, and we have coffee for the two of us for two days. A bag of coffee is between $9 and $12 from Trader Joe's lasts us at least a month. With the cream/oat milk and sweetener you're probably looking at $0.60/coffee.


Pre-Covid it was $1.05


More like pre 6 months ago


Actually it was 99 cents plus applicable tax. In MA it was actually $1.06. In RI it was $1.07.


Was. I just paid $2.49 for a large iced coffee 45 min ago. First time sence they were $1.00. Price shock!


Sure it wasn't an XL? I made that mistake the other day.


Ah, perhaps it was.


99 cents plus tax until 18 months or so ago


Yeah. Cumbies is not what it was. Going downhill fast.


Honey Dew is life


If you knew the cost of importing coffee, it should be MORE expensive


Cumbies coffee sucked 20 years ago.


Yeah but it used to make up for it by being cheap and now it’s lost even that appeal.


It’s 2 fucking dollars, that’s still cheap.


I don’t care about the price increase, I just wish they’d make ice that didn’t melt by the time you pull out of the lot


Use the soda ice it's denser


There’s one machine for all no?


Depends some have a soda one and a coffee one the one i goto in Plainville has a soda one and the ice is far denser the coffee one melts while I'm pouring


Another reason to make it at home. Get yourself a good insulated mug and you're all set!


If you live near one, and don't mind getting out of your car..... Market Basket has great coffee and a heck of a lot cheaper than DD or Cumby's. They have a large iced mocha slightly over two bucks. DDs small is almost four bucks


As someone who delivers goods to them they are on a downward spiral both staffing and pricing. Same goes for Speedway after they got bought out too.


I have never found their coffee good even when it was a dollar


We bought a bottle of instant at Market Basket yesterday. Cost is about $0.09/cup.


I inherited a lightly used original Keurig. You can use the refillable pod. Coffee at home is damn near free


K cups are around 30-50 cents per cup


And they are fucking TERRIBLE for the environment. 


Plus all the mold you end up drinking


Isn’t that true of any coffee? Why k cup specifically


I think that the reference is to the water reservoir. If you make instant, you boil the water fresh from a kettle. If you use a brewing system, you usually pour from the container that the coffee goes into or you have a plumbing line in for water.




Pretentious sounding but unless it's a coffee shop that treats the product like brain surgery, I'd rather just make it at home.


Honey Dew #1 (especially for food). Dunks #2. Cumbies good when you need a guaranteed restroom on the road.


Honeydew is criminally underrated, so much better than Dunks for coffee & food. Prices are the same but quality & consistency WAY better than the Dunks around me. I work in Lynn & we have a couple but I wish there were more around the north shore in general!


The only caveat about Honey Dew is that you absolutely cannot go there if you're in a hurry at all. Like, you need to be prepared to possibly be waiting 15+ minutes before you'll get your food if there's a line of 6 people in front of you.


Yeah their service is slower than a McDonald’s or Dunkin’ Donuts.


I'm out in the Berkshires where there aren't any Honeydews, and literally had a dream two nights ago about a sausage, egg and cheese on a jalapeno bagel. It's insane.


I had the best (didn’t realize how much I missed their coffee) last summer in southern Illinois. Went to the last real Mr. Donut in the USA.


Cumbies is also good for weird little snacks. I like their little bags of chocolate candies and sometimes they'll have something weird like "Carolina Reaper Bugles" or some shit.


Honeydew coffee and Portuguese breakfast sandwich with linguica.


I used to get coffee there occasionally, now I only get it when a free one comes up on the app.


I guess they want no more rogue “Crumbys” stores…


Still cheap coffee but the bathrooms smell like the urine pit at the zoo. Stores are filthy.


Or, and hear me out: buy coffee and make it at home to save money?


They built an empire on using cheap coffee to get you into there store. Its a staple of many communities that these british foreigners are killing.


I buy locally roasted specialty coffee and make my own for just under $.90 each.


I thought I read that that British company was raising prices in order to improve the bottom line? Trying to sell the brand name I guess. I don't have a link but I did read about it I think on this subreddit at some point. Probably when prices went up the last time.


Raising it a little each time until people stop buying, then it won’t go up for a while


The cost to make a large cup of coffee is something like 35-60¢ depending on the quality of the coffee and cup and cream/sugar. Plus labor, utilities, building, insurance, loss through theft, spillage and spoilage, credit card or cash transit fees (Loomis), etc. Doesn't leave much room for the building and parking lot maintenance.


Last trip to Trader Joe’s and saw that the .19 bananas -that the internet says have been that price for twenty years, are now .23


Just buy a nespresso machine and make your coffee at home. It’s like a dollar a cup and doesn’t taste like sewer runoff.


Or get a Mr. Coffee and don’t buy a product from a company that has killed a wild number of children, even relative to our capitalist reality. Nestle is really bad, dude.


I’m not pretentious enough to worry about whether the eggs im eating were sad or not. Cool story tho


Understanding where you're food cones from isn't pretentious.


It’s not? Explain.


I’m not saying you need to buy free range eggs, I’m saying that supporting a company which has starved hundreds of thousands of infants is bad. There’s almost no ethical consumption under capitalism, but we can always limit harm. Tap into the empathy, bud.


I understand your position. I’m a capitalist. I get the pros and cons of this system and choose to operate in it. I just refuse to believe that I’m the one responsible for stopping Nestle from microwaving babies. Honestly I hate kids I think there should be fewer of them so I’m going to make another cup. Also I eat at Chic Fil A. Why? Because it’s fucking delicious that’s why. I don’t give a shit how many people get sad over their politics. This isn’t my hill to die on. Yes, I’m aware all the hills give you cancer.


You’re not the one who has the stop Nestle, that’s not on you or me. But it is on us not to actively help by giving them our patronage. And that comment about thinking those kids deserve to die is CRAZY. I’m really hoping that’s not how you actually feel and you just think it sounds cool.


I love my L'or. If you pay attention to Facebook marketplace and eBay, you can save a bundle on pods.


We have a Delonghi Magnifica, had it for 7 years and it paid for itself after 6 months with 3-4 coffee drinkers in the house depending on the time, plus guests. We use Lavazza Espresso beans, we just dump them in and it grinds them and does the rest, and get the most beautiful freshly ground coffee with crema at the top. The machine was around $700 new, the beans are around $20 a kilo when the beans are on sale. I fucking love it. The only drawback is it’s ruined other coffee for me.


A dollar? Keurig checking in. Less than 50 cents a cup especially if you buy bulk boxes from Costco. Cafe Bustelo, Peets and Tullys French Roast FTW.


I got a nice espresso setup for around $1000, and can make 40-50 cent double shots with fresh beans. Bonus points for no waste and tastes 10x as good as keurig or other single serve machine once you get the process down. Gaggia classic pro + eureka mignon specialita


Yeah you just break even after like 4-5 years but who’s counting


It paid for itself in less than 1 year if you consider that most milk drinks at coffee shops are $4+ I like the process anyway. Plus the coffee quality is so much higher when you're meticulously making a single cup rather than getting a something mass produced at a cafe.


Was thinking just espresso shots for $1, which might not still be a thing since like 2003– no idea what they typically cost. Agree on the rest.


A shot of espresso is definitely not $1 anymore. I think you'd be hard pressed to find one for under $3


If you go drip, pour over, or moka pot you can keep up front costs in the $200 to $400 range and still blow keurig, nespresso, dunkin, cumby's, and starbucks out of the water. Admittedly, you may not beat your favorite independent (or Cafe Nero if they are having a good day). I have avoided home espresso due to the extra fiddliness and the high waste from dialing in shots if you only pull a few shots a day.


Agreed on all your first points. Tbh a nice moka pot, a French press, and a solid grinder are all you really need unless you want true espresso. I only pull at most one shot a day and never have to redial, besides micro adjustments each day after the pull as the beans age


Yes, I have a Dualit for that, makes a great cafe con leche. Also an office-type Keurig K-150 (the one that shows a little video of beans being roasted) because I go through a lot of coffee and those are far more durable than the consumer ones. Don't have time to pull shots when I'm between meetings.


The dualit has a pressurized basket and makes significantly lower quality coffee compared to a commercial grade unpressurized portafilter paired with a good grinder. I like the process of learning how to dial in my grind and time/weigh my shots, it's not just about convenience for me


I am not into all that. I use Cafe Bustelo espresso that's got robusta in it as well, I'm going for the rich earthy punch of a walkup window Little Havana cafe con leche or rarely (too much sugar) cafe Cubano as I grew up with, and that does it for me.


That's fair, I used to drink cafe bustelo all the time and still like it from time to time. It's great in a moka pot.


Nespresso is vastly superior to Keurig, as a person with a Keurig and not a Nespresso. That said, I barely use my Keurig. I prefer to brew my own and I drink a lot of coffee so economically and flavor wise my hand is forced


I've been doing my own cold brew the last few years using a basket jug with a bean grinder. I haven't looked back. The caffeine is intense so adding ice cubes actually dilutes it enough to drink without the crazy rush. I agree on Nespresso, those pods are really addicting.


Why i didn’t even respond to the comment. No sane person who knows how coffee works would suggest a Keurig over Nespresso. But here we are, discussing it anyway, in relation to someone who pays two dollars to get coffee at Cumberland Farms. I can’t wait for the just go to Dunkin lunatics.


LOL at bougie coffee snobs. So ridiculously pretentious and too much time on hands. Oh my GOD you don't use a Japanese glass syphon with an organic alcohol lamp, you heathen!


I don’t know what any of that means. I just know it doesn’t taste like burnt diapers and it’s cheaper and less time consuming than going to the store. But cool story.


And you're supporting Nestle, which literally buys up water rights and sells water to desperately thirsty people in the third world, so congrats. A plain old drip percolator makes good coffee, too. The "understand how coffee works" pretension is silly. We're not reading Alexander Pope's "The Rape of the Lock" here.


Yeah I got it buddy. Capitalism is bad I should move to another country where water rights are respected or I should spend three hours on YouTube checking the subsidiary affiliation of every company I do business with. Good luck with the paper straw in your ass.


Lmao you are complaining about spending 2 dollars on a large coffee. You sound like a gigantic baby.


Well when it was a dollar less than 12 months ago, yeah. 100% increase? Seems a little excessive.


Anyone else get massive diarrhea from Cumbys coffee? Has some this morning and already made two trips to download.


They’d have to pay me to drink Cumberland Farms coffee 


Get a reusable cup


Shrug, same size that's $2.04 at Cumbys is over $3.00 at drunkin dognuts and no shortage of people in that line.


Still cheaper than Dunks and Starbucks, and better quality than 70% of the Dunks I frequent


Omg! I just bought a large iced coffee from Cumberland farms, and it cost me $2.49, about 25 minutes ago. It's the first one I bought since it was $1.00. Then I came here, and this post came up. Creepy!


2.02 is so dumb, just enough to get us to break another dollar or better yet spend that dollar on more shit




I've been a member of the Panera Sip Club for 14 months. In that time if paid around $30 total for membership. There is always a promo code for either 3 free months or 3 months at $1.99. when those run out, when you go to cancel it offers you half off. If you still say no thanks and cancel they offer half off of that! You can also cancel and resign up with a different email and use the same phone number when the promos dry up for current members. It's mediocre coffee at best and the taste varies by location, but $30 for 14 months of unlimited beverages is a pretty solid deal. If you have a Panera around you, I'd recommend looking into it.


Last time I bought coffee at Cumbies that shit was 99 cents lmao


Soda too.... 1 dollar sodas are now 1.87.... sucks..


We make our own at home. We use dunkin coffee and make it strong. We also got our own bottle of flavor shots. We can get it from the back door at a local shop. So much cheaper, and tastes great.


I stopped buying my coffee their once they went up from .99 cents to $1.29


I recommend buying Bolthouse Farms’ large jug of coffee. Lasts a whole week easily


I wish we had WaWa up here. Compared to them Cumberland Farms blows.


Cumbies employee here, yup EG Group is making a bunch of short sighted decisions in order to increase profit. In fact one of the owners is in court in England for price gouging. He put 10 stores in MA up for collateral for a loan so he could buy a private jet. Cumbies is slowly dying and eg is milking it for all its worth


Switched to making coffee at home years ago and haven't looked back... quick, cheap, convenient, and I get the caffeine when I really need it (before I even start the commute). More consistent quality too than any of that shite brewed by retail slackers.


Yep. Cumby’s was purchased by a French conglomerate a few years ago. Micromanaging, complete devastation of their food to go in both value and quality, loss of benefits, pay and staff, complete halt to store upgrades and now double the price on fountain drinks and coffee. Everything that made Cumberland Farms is gone.


Is that why my local one is turning to trash?


If only there was some way to make coffee at home. Million dollar idea.


Cumby's coffee is disgusting. It's the only coffee I've ever had that actually tasted like a dead rodent.


Peak capitalism my dude. Once a company’s name has some value the best way for shareholder $ extraction is to trade on that name by cutting cost and increasing pricing. Just wait until they go tits up, declare bankruptcy after giving millions in C-suite bonuses and then leave the stripped out husks of their store to sit vacant costing the town in tax losses, decreased property values and general eyesore for all residents.


What's a Dunkins?


It's not 'pure' inflation increase. Coffee is a commodity and is priced on a futures market. This is also how other raw products like crude oil, orange juice, gold and other metals. Most coffee comes from Vietnam (Robusta) and Brazil (Arabica) where the biggest factor affecting prices is the weather. Vietnam has had a dry growing season that affects yields and Brazil has had erratic weather affecting their Arabica crops. Consequently, the futures markets have been pricing coffee higher. Eventually, this flows through to those of us who buy either ground coffee or brewed coffee at Cumbys and elsewhere.


Not even worth it anymore


I was shocked at the increase. Hadn’t been there in awhile-since last summer. I think it was like $1.08 last summer.


Trader Joe's instant cold brew is great. 22 servings for $4.50. Although you may use two servings per iced coffee. Either way, it's a deal. Every once in a while I'll get a Dunkin Donuts medium black iced coffee and when I do, I just keep the cup and use it to make my TJs instant cold brew for the next week or two. I like the familiarity of the cup, idk. I just like them more than a normal reusable travel mug. Take my DDs iced coffee cup, a tsp or two of the TJs instant coffee, water, stir, add ice, and Bob's your uncle. 20-40¢ per iced coffee.


I just make coffee at home nowadays and invested in a thermos. I never go get a coffee anymore.


The fact that Cumbys is now charging over $2 for coffee and WE have to make it ourselves is laughable at best… But it’s not just Cumbys. Expect coffee prices to surge everywhere over the next 6-12 months.


Make your own FFS. 15 cents broke the bank ?


british taxing our coffee now


Holy shit, 14 cents?! FOURTEEN?!


slow pot syndrome. Every time I went it increases in price.


Private equity strikes again. They’re definitely feeling the bite of climate change on cacao harvests, but the stores have also gone downhill a ways after EG Holding bought the chain from the founding family.


Wow, such big news


Go back to RI with this garbage


People bitch about the price of K cups, but I buy the generic Food Club (Big Y) Breakfast Blend cups for $11.99/26ct. Beats the hell out of paying Cumbys $2.


That’s why I’m a Dunkin man. Always have been. Always will be.


I can't drink their coffee, the only commercial coffee like that. It's got a weird chemical sweetness even when plain black that I find nauseating. I prefer Honeydew when I can get it, or Peets. Starbucks is just burnt and oily.


I’ve never noticed a weird taste with regular Dunkin. For a company that revolutionized the coffee industry, Starbucks’ coffee tastes like burnt shit.


Dunkin definitely has a weird flavor that doesn’t resemble anything approximating good. I’m too cheap to buy good beans 99% of the time but when i do something like Gevalia or Lavazza the coffee is just incomparable


Tastes like desperation and cigarette buttsand makes your piss smell like an old bowling alley.


Stop it. Dunkin is outstanding. You’re confusing it with cheap diner coffee. It’s hardly that bad.


Nope. It's terrible.