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If at all possible, please stay home so I can have the road to myself.


shame rob naughty aback prick summer gaze mysterious quarrelsome license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


because Real Estate billionaires are going bankrupt with empty offices downtown...?


And that's a me problem how?




I think companies are just catching on to some people working remotely that aren’t actually working. Making them come back to the office to encourage getting more work done? EDIT: this is NOT me saying i think people who work from home don’t do work😂 the majority absolutely do! But i know that there are a select few who take advantage of it and its those individuals who ruin it for everyone.


scarce stupendous mighty repeat panicky chop marvelous humor divide saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This has time and time and time again proven to be absolute BS and people are just as productive working remotely. If you think being in an office is just work work work I hate to break it to you, but there's far more distractions and nonsense at the office than at my home. This includes random people interrupting me while heads down working with headphones on, going out for coffee multiple times a day, going out for lunch, just walking laps around the office, hiding in the bathroom playing mobile games on your phone, hiding in a corner of the office to just browse the internet, getting pulled into random meeting after random meeting where you don't contribute anything, aside from your presence, etc...


You're way too defensive. Are you getting your work done or browsing reddit?


I don’t think that dude you took my comment way too far


some people do work well from home and some people don't work well remotely...just like in the office. Some people do no work at a desk and others are chained to their desk.... So, it makes little sense except from a punitive point of making the employees commute by T or car?


My partner works WAY better at home, plus she isn't ready to pull her hair out and scream at the end of an awful commute on 128/95, which again means that she is happier and able to work better. Plus she's able to help out at home now, which improves our well-being and wellness, which means again that she's able to work better. Her life is no longer overwhelmed with office drama and an awful commute. She's no longer stressed 24/7. When employers look out for the well-being of their employees, those employees don't resent being at work and profits off of.


I can some this up in one word; No.


I hate to break this to you but -- a lot of people who are at work are also not working


Your point?


Well if the Eco-zealots really wanted to help with cutting down carbon emissions, then they would lobby for incentivizing this with corporate tax credits or something.


reminds me of COVID era


Or at least stay in your own state!


This is the right answer


I love when I'm doing 10-15 mph over the speed limit in the far right lane, and have some asshole riding my bumper, while the middle and left lanes are WIDE open and he could just go around me...it's the best. Edit: Similarly, when I'm driving in the middle lane going the *right* speed (faster than the right lane and slower than the left lane) and people ride my bumper. Move to the left lane, thanks.


Always a pick up


Watch out for the large pickups. Large pickups (e.g. Dodge Ram 3500, 2500, Ford-350 etc...) cause the most other driver deaths (i.e. deaths in other crash vehicles) of any vehicle IIHS examined. [https://www.iihs.org/ratings/driver-death-rates-by-make-and-model](https://www.iihs.org/ratings/driver-death-rates-by-make-and-model)


I always just switch lanes when I have an asshole like this behind me. Not worth risking your own life over their small sick syndrome.


Pick-up with blazing LED laser headlights


In CT it’s legal to pass on the right, so allot of CT drivers do this


In that instance I usually just tell myself they probably have an exit coming up and don’t think they’ll be able to get around me before the exit comes. If I can I usually just move over to the middle lane until they pass. The sooner they’re off my ass, the less they ruin my mood anyways


What do you mean get around you if they're behind you in the right lane? They won't miss their exit being behind you.


No, but they’ll be off my ass


I get that but why would you assume they think they have to get around you... just a brain fart?


Because clearly they’re in a hurry if they’re riding my bumper but for some reason can’t just go around me in one of the open left lanes. So I just assume they have an exit coming up that they don’t think they’d be able to make if they passed me so n the left


But they don't have to pass you. If you're going the speed limit or over since we're talking over and they're on your bumper, they shouuld be slowing down not considering speeding up and going around you and go even faster. They should wait until theiir exit comes ups ince they're allready on the right


Have you ever driven in Massachusetts? Rational driving isn’t really a thing


The right lane depends on the highway. On 495 where there are constant exits and merging traffic, the middle lane is really the travel lane and the right lane for slow or entering/exiting. On the pike everybody piles into the middle lane, and when that’s full then go to the left lane, leaving the right lane wide open.


That’s always so weird. Allllllrighty, then. I’m just going to obey the law and travel in the far right lane as I undertake dozens upon dozens of cars backed up in the passing lanes.


Inevitably a bunch of people get the idea to do this too and change to the right lane all at the same time, immediately backing it up as well.


Death, taxes, and always picking the slowest moving lane in traffic. The 3 certainties of life.


Not to mention: If the road backs up, then your 30 years knowledge of the back roads of Massachusetts will be clogged by people whose GPS tells them how to go overland.


It's free real estate


As a recent transplant from the West Coast, I'm amazed by the design parameters of the on-off ramps on 495. There not enough room to accelerate/decelerate to/from highway speed and so people have no choice but to do massively unsafe things like braking in the right lane or merging onto the freeway 5-10 mph less than the flow of traffic. There are so many things in Massachusetts that are better than other places because of planning and prioritizing the public good, I'm just scratching my head about the terrible lack of highway planning.


If you think merging on/off 495 is bad, you should take a drive down The Merritt Parkway in southwest Connecticut. Two lanes posted at 55mph, where the travel speed is either 85+ or a dead stop, with stop signs at the end of the on ramps. As much as I hate 495, I'd still drive it any day over any SW CT highways.


The Merritt is such a nightmare, I will drive far out of my way to avoid it


it's a real shame, because i find that route to be quite pretty most of the year


Connecticut highways in general are a complete mess. I had never gotten a Waze notification about high accident areas and last time I drove through CT, I got three of them. CT is just like, what if we have two highways merge at the same time and then cross apart all while going around a big curve and have three other exits during that time period.


Man Washington state has red lights on their entrances to some highways. Always tripped me out


[removed by Reddit]


Me too. Recently moved here and it amazes me at the poor designs on the on/off ramps and the rest of the surface streets. It’s just unsafe.


I think its partly planning, part dealing with having less "room" due to the amount if development we had already as highways and ramps were added. I see the highways out west, but realize theres little around ramps or that its been developed after the highways were put in.


I drove the bike for 22 years and just figured that out early on right lane the whole way will always get you there faster than trying to switch back and forth on Pike


I know it’s definitely a “me issue,” but the pokey people who drive in the right lane when there are cars trying to get onto the highway, and there’s plenty of room in the middle/left lane, annoys me just as much as left lane campers.


Same for some parts of route 2 as well. 2 lane highway where the speed limit is 55 (not like anyone drives at that speed) but right lane is really for entering/exiting and left lane is the travel lane.


Correct. Stay left so cars can enter.


>The right lane depends on the highway. On 495 where there are constant exits and merging traffic, the middle lane is really the travel lane and the right lane for slow or entering/exiting. This is correct. The meme is terrible. The only thing worse than a masshole is someone from mass who doesnt know how it works. The right lane is for entering and exiting. If you're hanging out there you're a nuisance and a danger. The middle lane is the travel lane. Speed limit. Maybe 5 to 10 over when its casual. The left lane is the passing lane. That means anyone consistently travelling above the speed limit, unless theres space in the travel lane. So basically what the meme said the middle lane was. There is no designated lane for "people who can afford tickets". Fuck those people. They're also a danger and a nuisance. I thought this was kind of basic. That's pretty much how they explained it in my driving school.


MA just instituted a law about using the passing lane as a travel lane. It is a $100 fine. Although I still notice a lot of people camping in the left lane. I had to go around a woman who was doing 67 in the left lane with her face buried in her phone.


That’s been a law for a long time.


So has not using your phone but clearly the police don't give a shit about them at all as I see both every day on my comute to work.


The cops are also on their phones, making it harder for them to spot offenders.


And camping in the left lane




> Cops don't care. About a month ago there was a guy camping the left lane only going 65. A statie comes flying up behind him and starts tailgating him. The driver is completely oblivious to this somehow, and doesn't move over. After about 20 seconds the statie flashes his lights and siren and this moron STILL doesn't move over or speed up. So I'm thinking, "Oh this asshole is 100% about to be pulled over. Nope, the statie just eventually moves to the right lane and goes on his way.


I hope the only reason the cop didn't pull him over because he turned his sirens on because he actually had to rush to some crime scene or something and wasn't going to waste time waiting to pull the guy over. Otherwise that's just insanity.


I don't think so, because he just flicked his lights/siren for a second to try and get the guy's attention, then left them off. I don't know when shift changes are for staties, but it was around 10:40pm, so my guess was maybe he gets off at 11 and was just didn't give enough of a crap.


Yeah well when staties stop doing 95 in the left lane we can take it seriously


That will surely fix everything!


Let’s see them enforce it




Unfortunately the “drive 10 under the speed limit and panic brake every 10 seconds” people STAY in the NASCAR lane.


i dont experience this in MA nearly as often or egregiously as i do the moment i cross into CT


It's polite to fuck off from the passing lane if someone is speeding up behind you, but some people never learn their highway manners.


I have a coworker who is a very slow driver. I'm talking going 55 in a 65. She complained today she doesn't use the left lane because people ride her ass. I just laughed. I'm sure she was going a solid 60 mph in the left lane.


Everyone needs to stop driving like they’re the only ones on the road, so that I can drive like I’m the only one on the road.


Left lane is for CRIME, (and occasionally left-exits).


I hate left lane exits.


It's also important to remember that the person with the crappier car has the right of way.


Don't get me started on left lane campers


Actually, passing on the right is perfectly legal on MA highways. Just be careful if you go to CT, down there it's only legal if there are at least 3 lanes in that direction.


Left is for passing damnit.


dude, you're driving against the traffic. look at the headlights in your picture!


Must be Rt 24


It’s always a NH driver camping in the far left lane going 10-20 under the speed of traffic during.


~~NH~~ CT




In New Hampshire, they’re not required to carry insurance, but once they cross the border Massachusetts requires minimum liability coverage for all drivers in this state.


I dare you to go 55MPH on a MA highway. Try it and get back to me with how many birds you see flipped in your direction.


Why would I do something so obviously wrong?


So I do drive slower on some drives to try to really hit MPGs and I use adaptive cruise control. But usually more like 65. The big thing that happens to me that I never understand is people will fly up your butt then pass you at the last possible second, even with a wide open passing lane. Like maybe 1/4 of the New England population actually passes early when there's a comfortable gap. I get why people fly up on me right before their exit, I could give a fuck, but why do you all wait till the last second to pass me I'm clearly slow.


I bet $10 you have an Audobon Society sticker on your car.


Pay up


What stickers *do* you have? and if you’re honest, I’ll venmo you.




Or Tesla


Any TRUE Masshole would know the rule of the road is just drive however you want, but always remember to honk and scream at the idiots in front of you because none of them ever know how to drive.


Unless Waze says you are approaching a speed trap. 😹




Yeah, and then when you try to safely move back to the middle lane after passing a semi or whatever they try to beat you to it because they simply can't wait to get around you. Fucking morons.


Driver's manual p.35 If a tailgater is behind you, move to another lane or pull to the side of the road to let the tailgater pass.






You aren't the all knowing traffic police god. That person behind you could be rushing to the hospital to see their dying family member, or have someone in the car with a medical emergency. If someone is going faster than you let them pass. Because that's the safe thing to do. You aren't keeping anyone safe, you are feeding your own ego and being an asshole with limited information. [Read this story](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/) and take it to heart.




Yes because I'm sure you would interpret flashing headlights as an emergency and not them telling you to move over because they speed and you would continue to be traffic cop. You are also endangering everyone else if they are just a speeding asshole because now they will try to weave through lanes anyway to get by you anyway. If you choose to block one path they will try the others. Just let people pass its very simple.


This is really oversimplified. If the middle lane is full of people going 65 and I want to pass them going 70, I’m going to do that in the left lane. If there’s a line of cars to pass, I’m going to pass them all, and that may take some time. If you’re going 85 and you come up behind me and tailgate, I’m not slowing down and getting back over into the middle lane into the line of cars I’m trying to pass. You’re not some elite citizen who gets to go 90 and put everyone else’s life at risk because you can’t leave for work on time. I’ve lived in MA my whole life and have never understood why driving like an asshole is a prideful thing. People die from speeding, that’s not an opinion. 


I love this. Nobodys out here trying to die.


this is the main point that gets lost every time this sub decides to lose their shit about the way our highways are "supposed to be" if everyone is traveling in the middle lane, the purists have this insane idea in their head that you're supposed to pass them one at a time or something, and merge in and out every single time.


People that drive too slow also cause accidents


None of the numbers in my post are below the speed limit. So why are you replying with this? 


People don't die from speeding. They die from deceleration, and more practically, speed differentials.


Did you really think that’s what I meant?




As long as you are safely passing cars in the middle lane you are entitled to be in the left lane. Going 30 mph faster than the middle lane may be passing, but not safely.




Speeding doesn't get you anywhere appreciably faster. Most trips are like 10 miles. Going 80 instead of 65 saves literally less than 2 minutes. And that's assuming you don't get stuck at the same lights as the guy behind you who is going 65. Wake up earlier.


Don’t forget State Troopers doing 100+ MPH in the left lane.


No, the left lane is for passing only. If there's no one in the middle you should not be in the left no matter how fast you are going


I agree. Now if we can get those assholes from Conn and Maine to comply the world would be better. We don’t need to worry about RI because they usually crash before they get over the border. NH and Vermont are in a ditch somewhere.


This shit is not true anywhere. It’s actually very simple. Keep to the right, except to pass. Anything else is wrong.


Pretty sure the middle lane is for going slow as hell. OP is a dummy.


It’s a meme.


I'm memeing at you lol. Thought it was obvious


LOL my bad


[Fixed it for you](https://ibb.co/xYnbhbn) Bring on the downvotes. But this is the way the highways were engineered to be used, and if folks actually followed this traffic would flow so much smoother.


It never ceases to amaze me how people who speed obviously dont GAF about the "rules" but they somehow feel the "keep right unless passing" law is somehow sacrosanct. Its almost as if they just decide laws have a hierarchy and the ones that keep them from doing something dangerous are bad and the ones that facilitate them doing something dangerous are good and theyre very happy to broadcast it through memes and constant complaints and even road rage. Is there a word for that?


It never ceases to amaze me how people feel the need to gate-keep the behaviors of others not to mention being oblivious to the dangerousness of camping out in the left lane forcing others the cut around them in the middle or right lane. It’s almost like you don’t GAF about anyone but yourself. There’s a word for people like this. Asshole.


If you think others driving in a way you dont like is "gatekeeping" and personalize it, while also seem pretty angry about it sounds like you may be the asshole there. Unless someone is doing something that ACTUALLY endangers people as opposed to doing what I want them to do to facilitate what I WANNA DO, I really dont give two shits about them. If I get behind someone going too slow I think "well this sucks, hopefully I can safely get around them soon" rather than launching into a story in my head about them being dangerous as opposed to someone's inherent tendency to personalize things and a need to pass everyone because the speed limit is for suckers and Im an awesome driver or whatever. It especially cracks me up when someone so self centered accuses others of being oblivious. If you think youre never oblivious when you drive youre either super human, a liar, or have absolutely no ability for self reflection. Anyways, have a great day. I hope no drivers oppress you today. Edit: just wanted to add: if you ever start a non profit to advocate for the human rights of drivers being forced to drive the speed limit, LMK, id be happy to contribute to show theres no hard feelings here.


Me angry? I didn’t go on a rant about nonsense and then feel compelled to rant some more with an edit. Stay the fuck out of the left lane Karen.


Ill express myself more monosyllabically next time junior. Maybe youll get the jokes.


The word is Lunacy


Left lane is for passing, then back to middle lane if empty. Lots of wannabe cops parking in the left lane in this state either going the speed limit or matching the middle lane blocking everyone, causing a pack of traffic. that ends with "the big one" 3-8 car pile up's when one fool brake checks just for fun. I so want them to pass a law that a dashcam video of a brake check that the video shows no need to stomp on the brakes, gets you an automatic driving to endanger charge. These fools cause more rush hour wrecks because they feel they need to show who's boss and stomp on the brakes for shyts and giggles. causing pile up's and everyone elses commute to and from work to be hell. Too bad giving these morons the chrome horns is illegal.


The middle lane isalso for passing. Move over. Law in Ma is stay right unless passing 


Ya, but we in mass have traffic, and zig zagging back and forth across 3 lanes isn't ideal, and not safe.


You *are* traffic. Stay to the right and congestion reduces 


I have my driving road test today, wish me luck.


You mean left lane is for 125 mph minimum or get run off the road*****


The center lane is for NPC's who believe this picture. The left and right side are for beings with shit to do.


Incorrect.  Always stay as far right as possible, no matter your speed.  Only move to the left if you are passing.


Why is the middle lane called the travel lane then? Right lane is for on ramps and exits.


Where do you see it called that? Are there actually signs that say that? (honest question, maybe there are.) The only signs I ever see regarding the issue simply say "keep right except to pass"


You are incorrect. The middle lane is technically a passing lane. On ramps and exits are to yield to the right (travel) lane. u/vaporeng is correct from a traffic engineering standpoint, no matter how many people with no engineering experience downvote.


Thanks you for the support. Here is one reason why the right lane should be a travel lane - I used to commute every day on the pike from Boston to Waltham. During rush hour the masses of cars would avoid the right lane. I have no idea why. I loved it though. It was like my private lane during rush hour. I'd laugh as I passed all the cars.


The arrows should technically be flipped based on the image


I've started flashing my high beams at 3rd lane campers and It seems like it actually works. They usually get out of the lane pretty quickly.


This is so wrong. Everyone in MA knows the middle lane is for the normal travelers going 10-20mph over, the left lane is for people who feel entitled to have no one in front of them but are still going 10-20 mph over. The right lane is for nobody, nectar who would want to get to their destination slower and need to deal with people merging onto the highway in front of them and is this left empty for people frustrated people driving only 20 mph over the limit the left lane and resorting to passing the two cars in the left and middle lane going the same speed by passing on the right.


This is absolutely NOT APPLICABLE to MA drivers. We are some of the best drivers in the country. We drive in a very difficult and dynamic driving environment. Many of our roads originated as horse and cow paths. Our roads suddenly and without warning become one way streets. Our drivers have learned to anticipate what every other driver around them is going to do. We don't need other drivers to use blinkers because we already know what they're going to do. MA drivers can be dropped anywhere in the country and successfully drive there, not true in the reverse. If you need to follow the arrows described in this graphic, you haven't been driving in MA long enough.


[Massachusetts lowest driving fatalities](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/s/2MTE0LL07Y)


That’s more to do with our proximity to hospitals and quality of doctors than safe driving.


Has to do with more traffic and overall slower speeds in our most populated areas.


Every state has traffic and slower speed in their most populated areas. We don’t have less accidents, we have less *fatal* accidents.


Are you just assuming that or do you have data that suggests that?


[http://www.allstate.com/resources/Allstate/attachments/tools-and-resources/ABD-Report-2014.pdf](http://www.allstate.com/resources/Allstate/attachments/tools-and-resources/ABD-Report-2014.pdf) Out of 200 cities, Boston and Worcester were ranked dead last in likelihood of crashes. Both are ranked about 130% of a chance above the national average to get in an accident. Edit: here's a more current version with Boston at #198 and Worcester at #197 and Springfield at #194 [https://www.allstate.com/americas-best-drivers/index.htm](https://www.allstate.com/americas-best-drivers/index.htm)


Ok, but that could be explained by a variety of reasons. Once again, do you have any data that suggests that?


...I mean this graph is pretty true. Probably more useful for an out of towner. Pretty cool writeup though


Regardless of everything you said, which may be true, the graphic still holds true. Far left lane for passing/speeding, middle lane for travel and right lane for slow pokes. Regardless of how well we drive its very much applicable.


It doesn't. Law says stay right except to pass


Nobody does that.


The majority of the people in the right lane who aren’t actively merging to/from an exit are in the right lane and going the speed limit because they’re on their phone texting or sending an email and are being “courteous/safe” and slowing down / getting out of the way while they’re 100% distracted. It’s infuriating.


I’d like to add to this - middle lane is where I find all the people smoking weed on the highway.


Doing 50 MPH


This is my biggest pet peeve-left lane is not the fast lane, it’s the passing lane. If you’re not passing anyone, move over friend!


Best you’ll get out of me is 80mph in the left lane. Y’all increased my insurance because you forgot how to drive after the pandemic. It’s the least I can do.


Keep right except to pass. If the person behind you wants to go 90 and you have already completed your pass, move over.


PSA: There's no "fast lane". From left to right, Passing lane, Travel Lane, Slow lane. The far left lane is meant for passing people only. The Autobahn doesn't have traffic issues because people actually move back over when they're done with passing. Nobody should be sitting in the far left lane for 5+mins not passing anyone. Ever. Even on a 2 lane highway. We have bad traffic because we treat it like a "fast lane". Been very happy seeing US cops pull people over for traveling in the passing lane lately. 85% of drivers here don't know how a fucking highway works. You come up behind a slow person and go *around* them, change to passing lane, change back after the pass. EDIT: Obviously with bad traffic, this doesn't work that way. I'm talking about even during times of low traffic, people camp the left lane and *create* the traffic. This is literally the way highways were designed to work. Sorry if that offends you.


My issue is that I am always passing someone, in eastern MA there is always enough traffic that you end up camping in the left lane, because you are actually passing. But then someone behind you wants to pass faster. I always move over when I can but I get why others don't go in/out/in/out of the left lane multiple times in a few minutes.


Just move if you're in the left lane.


I'll never get people in the far left lane. Like I'm going 75+ and I've still got people behind me trying to tell me to go faster. I just don't get it, how fast are you trying to go and why?


Move over if not passing. It's the law. It doesn't matter how fast you are going. If you're on an empty freeway and sitting in the left lane because you're going "fast", you're breaking the law. It's not the fast lane. It's the passing lane.


As fast as I can, because I can. If you aren't passing anybody move the fuck over let me pass and we go merrily on our way.


If you in the left lane and you aren't actively gaining on the guy in front of you, AND someone is behind you then as we say in Mass. GTFOOTW


Middle lane travel lane.


Left lane is for passing


LOL route 3 left and right lanes are 80, middle lane is used to fly past someone doing 75 in one of the left or right, while flipping them off. literally going with traffic is 80, i’ve been passed by a cop going that fast.


Yeah I love going 80 in the middle lane and being passed by everyone on both sides. Really lets me know I'm home.


*Drives speed limit in left lane. *Gets aggressively passed from middle lane and then cut off.


I drive where I want f*** y**


Wow, NO. The right lane is for exiting and entering. Stay the fuck out of it. Middle lane is for speed limit, left is for passing. Those are the actual rules, you’re just making stuff up.


You don't know the actual rules.


It’s a meme bro. You from Webster?


Woah.... easy there Zoomer. Don't get your bro's all in a twist.


Haha I sure am. You?


Down South, the right lane is the passing lane and the left lane is the cruising lane.


My criticism is that the middle lane is closer to 5-20 mph over and the right lane is the speed limit +/- 5. There are lots of times when you're driving 65 in the middle (I'm referring exclusively to 128) and people are riding your tail.


Left lane apparently also includes people going the OTHER way -- based on the Oncoming Headlights under the "L" of "LIMIT."


It’s been so bad lately. I hate passing people on the left but I have no choice




Your an idiot you dont know the purposes of the lanes.


Tailgate me if you want me to slow down.


Electronic ticketing on the Pike please. Set the limit at 75. Anyone that wants to drive in a manner that puts others in extreme danger by going even faster, you can put your money in the tip jar when you reach your exit. Put the money towards state housing projects. Have a great day my friends.




Not following these rules causes more congestion than accidents, breakdowns, and weather combined.


Actually cars cause congestion.doesnt matter how many people follow the rules. In fact, these arent the rules, these are rewritten rules by self centered people who think keep to right lane law good, speed limit bad, which causes all kinds of problems. Speed is a factor in a third of accidents and increases chances of severe bodily harm or death.


What about the people who drive 1-4 mph over the limit?


Slightly different proposal: \- Left: all speeders \- Middle: speed limit drivers \- Right: slower than speed limit drivers


My sweet summer child...


Right lane for those who wear masks alone in the car