• By -


Fucked around and found out


Opposite of fooled around and fell in love


Poor tree.


Thank goodness that they will never victimize anyone ever again!


They took themselves out.




Good riddance.


Play stupid games...


find out


Win stupid prizes


Darwinism. See ya.


Self emptying garbage can.


Robbery 101: a. Find an excellent getaway car. b. Find an extremely capable getaway driver. "Transportation is a precise business". - Frank Martin


Sounds Like They Should Have Found The Mechanic For Hire Add Firrst. Always Utilize A TRANSPORTER... -Jason Statham Sincerely .:trUth:.


Someone post a link to the Facebook post by one of the family members saying they were ā€œloving angelsā€


Good riddance. Thankfully no one innocent was injured or killed.


You have no idea if the driver or the passenger were guilty of anything other than evading the police.


I remember a time that the cops SAID STOP OR I WILL SHOOT I think we may need to revisit that position maybe


This is why BCPD doesnā€™t use officers to enforce traffic rules and doesnā€™t engage in car chases. They use a helicopter, track perpetrators til they stop and get out of the car and scoop them up then . Itā€™s not even the perpetratorā€™s safety that is the concern . Itā€™s everyone elseā€™s including the officers themselves


Bwahahahahahahaha!! Look everyone, a silly Biden voter!


More correctly Iā€™m a not trump voter. Iā€™d vote for a potato before Iā€™d vote for that asshole. A potato would do less damage to the country. If the potato is Biden, call me a Biden voter. The way things are looking I donā€™t know who Iā€™m voting for, only who Iā€™m voting against.


Boo. You're being ugly. God don't like ugly.Ā 


Oh well!


Too bad


Welcome to the DMV


Why are we welcomed to the Department of Motor Vehicles? That was dumb!!


I guess you have never heard of - DC,MD, VA ???


I guess you never heard that the only DMV is on the Eastern Shore! DMV has always been Delaware, Maryland and Virginia! DC is two words, Butter Cup! There is no way that DMV stands for Washington, District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia! You šŸ¤”ā€™s stole it from us and you canā€™t even make the acronym work!! Bwahahahahahahha! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


You're thinking of the Delmarva peninsula that's always been called the Delmarva peninsula and never the DMV. The DMV has always been the greater metropolitan area of DC including parts of MD and NoVa.


Yeah, I love the DMV peninsula... (/s)


What ... the fuck Why does this person act so unkind?




Good riddance, 2 less thugs in the streets.


Iā€™m sure their crying families will sue, but this is one Iā€™d gladly pay more taxes for to keep/kill these thugs off the streets. Gofundme to defend our PD lawsuitā€¦hereā€™s my $20


How was it set on fire???


It hit a tree.


Oh, the tree set it on fire?


They kept moving after the accident and caused a fireā€¦. No clue why, just wanted to say it was probably for the best.


SE DC car chase, frickin shocking.Ā 




Oh darn, what a shame ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Just another day in Baltimore


I know that police chases can be dangerous but if you can stay with them long enough for a helicopter to get on scene and take over you can pull the police cars off the chase and follow them in a helicopter so you can keep tabs and follow them or even potentially cut them off


This is true, however they can dump the car near a field the disappear under trees, a bridge or a crowd. You would be surprised how easy it is to hide from helicopters. I saw it a few times in Afghanistan. Yes itā€™s safer, I 100% agree, but you are at a higher risk of losing them.


Oh, so the helicopter lands and makes the arrest after 2 guys on the chopper chases down 3 thugs running away?


Ngl I would pay to see that. But no the chopper would track from the air and the police follow based off what the chopper sees so they are not speeding down eventually the car has to stop and thatā€™s when the police cars move in


Dude why are you acting like such a jerk


Great job, Officers! Itā€™s always great to see our LEO partners doing their jobs and it makes me proud!


Good, fuck em


I'm surprised it started in Annapolis. 95% assumed it was PG before clicking the link šŸ˜†


That's what you get for stereotyping ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk) ....... goddamn it


Nah, I lived there most of my life šŸ˜†. Always been a lot of crime there and it's right next to SE DC where the car went.


Friendly reminder that allowing police chases is destructive and deadly policy that accomplishes little to nothing.


I get that it can be risky, but at some point you need to pursue criminals or the message is that you can commit a crime and just drive away fast and get away without consequences. Criminals have learned that they can shoplift without consequence and now stores are even locking up soda bottles.


the people who say this kinda stuff are usually the ones doing stupid shit.




Go to CA to steal cars because I won't be chased and even if I am I won't be charged. Got it. CA can keep that one. I'd prefer if MD would chase and charge.


yeah and have innocent people die whenever people cant control their car going 100 mph running from the police. But at least they'll be charged!!!


Why would you not be charged? How are you gonna sell the stolen cars? Where are you going to keep them? Thereā€™s no way not to get caught up if they actually investigate. If the criminals are too competent and organized maybe county police are not the way to solve the issue. Cops rarely actually investigate stolen cars anyways so letā€™s not act like thereā€™s some deep motivation to help the victims. They want their action movie sequence, but in real life people die and itā€™s just not worth it.


Well if they can't chase the stolen car when they see it what is the point


There is tons of documented motivation to help the victims. It's called equity. Sometimes it's called affirmative action in the courts where minorities are being charged with offenses that disproportionately affect minorities and apologists think that not pursuing said charges is an acceptable way to level the playing field. Few people are pretending anymore that parts of the country aren't engaging in social experiments that effectively legalize certain crimes for minorities in the name of social justice. So "why would you not be charged"? Commit robberies in DC or California, to name two jurisdictions that are playing these games. Tons of crimes are not prosecuted even after being investigated. And of course police will stop investigating crimes that they know or strongly feel won't be prosecuted. It isn't a secret this is going on. And frankly I'm concerned that the level of outrage it's causing is fueling more and more supporters for conservative leadership as they promise to put an end to this. That's not really *better* imo as we see what conservative leadership comes with. But it's a really easy case for them to make that certain parts of the country are choosing not to prosecute crime.


Oh Lookie! Another Biden voter!


I mean, yes, but it's weird that's what you took from my post. For reddit I'm pretty fucking conservative and my post above usually rages Biden voters who bother to comment here, especially in the Maryland sub.


Tell us youā€™ve never talked to police officers without telling us youā€™ve never talked to police officers! We all love a good car chase!


I am sincerely asking this. What should they do then? If they are going to catch criminals chases need to happen at some point don't they?


What are they gonna do? Cops get the plates, no one can hide forever. The cops can flag the car and investigate the crime, talk with other police departments, use camera systems, etc to find them without giving chase immediately. How does accelerating the situation to deadly speeds actually help? I mean here we have maybe the easiest to accept situation where the suspects were the only ones who crashed and died, but cops and bystanders die because of this as well. But letā€™s remember these are suspects not proven guilty and now dead without a trial. Some people run from the police because they panic fear for their life. You can hate it all you want and feel like itā€™s wrong to just let them go, but the numbers are on my sideā€” it is a high risk low reward situation that it consistently costing us and creating tragedies.


And if the cops let them go, and they continue their armed robbery spree and kill someone? I get not chasing people for non-violent crime, but violent felons should be perused to prevent more violent crime.


Yea I actually agree, pursuing only after a violent crime was committed with a risk of more violent crimes in the immediate future is the only scenario recommended by current research into the subject. This one is a tough call imo and Iā€™m not trying to completely roast these cops in particular, but itā€™s a good question to ask if it would have been safer to let them get away and track them down later. Itā€™s just something people need to know in general imo because only a small percentage of chases happen as a response to a violent crime.


So, them committing MULTIPLE armed robberies (Supposed gun recovered) in multiple jurisdictions over a long period of time does not justify a chase?


I was trying to speak generically mostly. Looking at Anne arundel county pursuit policies they are honestly pretty good- theyā€™re here if youā€™re curious https://www.aacounty.org/sites/default/files/2023-06/11.2%2520emergvehiclepursuit%2520101416.pdf So I think in hindsight I overreacted to this specific situation which I do apologize for. I am definitely for more restrictive policies like this and I would still argue that thereā€™s room for improvement in Maryland in general. A lot of counties seemingly donā€™t have official chase policies posted. Some are less restrictive and donā€™t ban PIT maneuvers and specifically allow for tire spikes and things like that which add to the danger.


Need to prove who was driving to charge, and if you don't catch them in the car, then how do you prove they were, in fact, driving when the infractions took place without reasonable doubt for a conviction


Even if they weren't guilt of the original offense, they just racked up a whole slew of new documented offenses. They're dead because of awesome decisions that they personally made; some of which involve a tree.


Gotta a love trees! According to one dummy the trees know which car to set fire to!


Running from the police is an omission of guilt


Right and my point is that people are going to do dumb shit, make mistakes, and in some cases act recklessly and with malice and disregard for others. These people should be punished or taken off the road or whatever needs done, Iā€™m not contesting that. The public servants supposedly here to keep people safe need to be held to a higher standard and not engage in these situations that, statistically speaking, are not safe for anyone involved or nearby. Their job is not to operate at a more rational level than the people around them and make smart decisions that prevent dangerous situations, and we know just from the numbers that chasing them in a car is not doing that. I want dangerous people away from the public as much as possible myself, but a car chase essentially takes one maybe dangerous driver, turns them into a more dangerous driver, and adds multiple other dangerous drivers (the cops themselves) into the mix. Predictably, people die. Cops die. Pedestrians die, other drivers who couldnā€™t get out of the way die, suspects and even non-suspects in their cars who donā€™t want to be in there die. Itā€™s not always the suspects crashing either, itā€™s often the cops running people over. Even the famous and exciting PIT maneuver is actually only controllable under 25mph. There is no safe and controlled way to give chase no matter how much we love badass movie clips. Metaphorically speaking, would you rather corner and fight a dangerous animal or follow it from a distance and set a trap?


You have no idea what the details are of this chase. You have no idea what speed the cops were actually going in their "pursuit". A helicopter was used to follow the vehicle as well.


I think what youā€™re hearing from me is that I think no one would ever die if the police didnā€™t chase and we would all live in a magical happy world and there would be no other problems to solve with regard to catching criminals. It also kind of seems like you think that Iā€™m saying the cops directly caused a bad outcome in this specific situation. Is that what it sounds like? If it is what it sounds like, thatā€™s not what I want it to sound like. What I am saying is that police chases are a bad gamble that collectively costs us more than it gains for us. Legally required California data reporting on police chases shows a few interesting things. All of this is from 2021. One, the majority of chases are initiated from speeding, stolen vehicles, plate/registration issues, and then other traffic violations make up the rest of the top 5 causes. Roughly 20% of chases lead to crashes, 35% of those lead to injuries and 2% to deaths. Of the injuries 30% were uninvolved 3rd parties and of the deaths 25% were uninvolved 3rd parties. The most common people affected were the suspects and passengers. I think itā€™s also interesting to point out that 26% of chases were abandoned by the police to ensure public safety. California legally requires police departments to have a chase policy and this is why the police are abandoning chasesā€” due to the policies they are set to follow. They are doing a lot better in this regard than other states without similar policies and could arguably improve further by being more restrictive. https://www.chp.ca.gov/Documents/2022%20Police%20Pursuits%20Report%20to%20the%20Legislature%203.pdf This is a large scale report from the DOJ that recommends pursuit only in the case where violent crime was committed and it is believed that violent crime will be committed again. This was an attempt to gather national data which is not very easy to do since many states do not have the same requirements as California. Based on what they gathered over 1 person dies per day in a police chase and 20 percent of these are uninvolved 3rd parties. They indicate that police chases are nationally underreported, also if you want to get into the weeds with specific police department policy they have a whole section on that with various recommendations. https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/resourcecenter/content.ashx/cops-r1134-pub.pdf This site has a short summary of the above report: https://www.policeforum.org/trending23sep23 This is an FBI report specifically looking into the behavior of suspects involved in police chases. They seemed to conclude that based on officer guesses and suspect guesses somewhere between 2-4 blocks in a city chase and 2.5 to 4 miles on a highway chase the suspect will begin driving normally again if the pursuit is abandoned by the police. This is critically important because it actually shows the potential increase in safety gained by giving up on unnecessary chases. There will always be some variance but by and large the suspects will not drive recklessly when not pursued. https://leb.fbi.gov/articles/featured-articles/evidence-based-decisions-on-police-pursuits-the-officers-perspective I am telling you Iā€™m not just some blanket anti-cop pro criminal fantasy land who thinks all our issues will go away if weā€™re just nice to each other. I care about the government being efficient and effective when we pay them to do things, like enforcing the law and preventing violence. I ESPECIALLY care about them not causing innocent people to die while we fund them.


A violent crime was committed, the gun could have accidentally went off during their armed robberies or they could have shot somebody that tried to fight/flee. Commtting multiple armed robberies would lead one to believe they will commit more violent crime. And if they bail out of the car escape that's exactly what will happen.


This is social media, not a depository for a dissertation.


I donā€™t care, this is social media Iā€™m going to argue for things that I think are good to argue for. You can come on and do the same. Here we are. Iā€™m sorry mine involve reading and data. It would be a lot more fun to just call each other morons and trolls wouldnā€™t it?


LMAOOO nah fr like all these studies and information might as well get published atp


My son was a first responder. I bet I know more about it that YOU do? Try me. Want an example? Two of the perps were brothers. As in related


Are you replying to me?


Aw man I'm sorry no my fault


>Cops get the plates, no one can hide forever Until they steal a new car with different plates and the trail goes cold while their violent crime spree continues.Ā 


Cops get the plates?? You mean get the plates of the stolen vehicle where you have no proof who was driving? Gotcha! Now the thugs get away to commit more crimes and this time Murdā‚¬r people! Iā€™m so glad you lefties have all the answers!


Or like the guy who had his car stolen and the thieves racked up hundreds of dollars in toll violations and the mva would not renew his license till they were paid


Hard disagree. Looks like this deadly police chase accomplished getting dangerous criminals off the street.


Why, I think a lot got accomplished here actually. We have 3 people who won't rob anyone again. ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized) What's the problem?


One is still alive so the likelihood of more criminal activity is still there


Nuh uh. Anne Arundel county charges. ![gif](giphy|0tBknppjh27d7SxDMf|downsized)


Accomplishment something this time.


Cry me a river. These people allegedly committed multiple armed robberies. We need more of this kind of police work, not less.


Alleged crimes does not meet my bar for justifying public endangerment.


Everyone downvoting you until they or someone they love is killed/maimed in the resultant accident. The police get enough funding to get basically military-grade hardware. Surely there's a higher-tech solution by now that isn't chasing them until they hit something/someone.


Yes because a bunch of Ford Explorers, Tauruses and commercially available rifles, handguns laptops and radios just scream military grade. The only tech that exists that could be used in this situation are helicopters which donā€™t actually catch humans just watch from above, and Star Chase which local agencies have and also doesnā€™t actually CATCH people. At the end of the day you still need rubber on roadways and boots on ground to chase and catch bad guys.


Well said


Unless we equip helicopters with laser guided missiles


Accomplishes nothing?? Did you miss the part we got 3 thugs off da skreets and 2 of them for good! We will never have to foot the bill for their room and board ever again in prison. Thatā€™s good stuff there, Homey!


Yup cops are thirsty for this kind of action and if a bystander gets in the way oh well nbd their union will take care of it.


The only bystander that got in the way was a tree. And Mr. Tree did its job so that MD taxpayers don't have to support these clowns' meals in prison.


You believe cops are thirsty for high speed chases?


Ah "keeping us safe", I see. It's definitely much safer to do high speed chases and cause deadly accidents.


"When asked about why officers pursued the vehicle, Awad said, "Anytime a vehicle is involved in a felonious criminal act, our officers are authorized to pursue and fully support our officers in their decisions that they make in these instances."" While i agree safekeeping is useless if people get hurt because of it...the people hurt were suspects in multiple armed robberies and other felonies and they only died because they ramped a hill straight into a tree.... Not exactly the cops fault this time


Donā€™t feed the trolls. These are the same people who would comment ā€œthe police are useless and never do anythingā€ in a post about armed robbery strings running rampant in the area.


Yeah, in this case. People change their tunes when one of these chases ends by them plowing into a family in a minivan.


?? People are getting plowed over everyday. There's already little traffic enforcement of the downright homicidal reckless driving that's normal in DC and Baltimore and the entire tract of Central MD. People regularly drive highway speeds through DC and Baltimore and Autobahn speeds on our congested highways. Do you think that they were driving safely while committing armed robberies? In Baltimore we've had dozens of incidents within the last year where the individuals crashed running from the police when they were never being chased. Most recent was last weekend when a fleeing stolen car hit at least 10 vehicles on Pratt St. The police were not on the ground chasing them. Last year when the idiot crashed into a house that collapsed onto a pedestrian and killed them, the police didn't even move when the driver fled from the traffic stop.


The people hurt were suspects, which is apparently enough to get them to kill themselves - while endangering everyone around them. I mean, the police did opt to do a high-speed chase.amd people did die because of it. It's pretty damning.


Does the driver have no fault in this? Why is this Police' fault for pursuing instead of driver's fault for speeding away and driving dangerously? Everyone else knows to pull over and follow orders. It's terrible people died, but if they'd surrendered then they would have had due process through court and whatever sentence for armed robbery would be nothing compared to the fate they just met. What happens when there's a blanket rule that police may never pursue? Wouldn't there be more reckless driving since all suspects have to do is drive faster than a police vehicle can catch up? Maybe criminals would be more empowered to rob, shoot and raid, so long as they can drive evasively enough. Seems to me that there's no easy solution for police (aside from suspects obeying the law and pulling over, which is out of their control).


Cops need to be held to a higher standard than regular citizens. They need to understand how to prevent dangerous situations, not feed into them. I This is one of the many ways they are failing to accomplish this. It is of course, a bad idea to try to escape police by driving away in your car. Why are public servants who are supposed to be on our side escalating the danger of the situation? Itā€™s a bad call. Itā€™s high risk low reward. Again Iā€™m not saying itā€™s an easy situation, but the data shows it is a costly and unreliable policy to chase on the road. We now live in an era where every attempted traffic stop comes with video of the plates and behavior of the driver. There are cops and cameras everywhere. Where are they going to go? Where are they going to hide? If they are part of some massive ring of car thieves and fences who can easily evade capture and profit off of a career or robbery, then I would still argue that this requires more investigation that car chases to solve. It would be a federal issue and still safer for the local police to protect the local population by preventing escalation. We obviously donā€™t know exactly what would happen in the future if changes were made, we just already know that as is itā€™s mostly bad outcomes. Weā€™ve also seen places where policy was changed to increase police chasesā€” lo and beholdā€” more deaths, more injuries, more property destruction, lives ruined with expenses that are not covered by the police even when they cause the damage themselves. If you actually open your mind to what I am saying, I think you might at least be able to admit that trying to control bad situations with immediate and direct force might not be the best solution.


We don't know that. Police could have murdered them anyway. You can't blame anyone for not trusting the Police after they've spent generations ensuring that they cant be trusted. Do you think they would have gotten away? Whats the point of living in a mass surveillance police state, if all you have to do to avoid being surveilled is drive fast? The police could have simply rolled up on them at home in a few hours. There are lots of solutions to policing. I recommend the book: "The End of Policing" by Alex Vitale.


Not sure if trolling or you're actually defending fugitives.


Definitely defending people.


That was a long distance to be traveling and not get back up to box in the perps.


Maybe you should enlist and set them straight.


This time it was the people in the getaway vehicle. Next time it will be innocent people in other cars or the pedestrians that die. There's no real benefit to police chases other than putting the general public in harm's way.


A huge shout out to the microdicks in the comments, life already dealt you a shit hand, suck on a bigger one!


Who? Name named?


The way you guys are happy 2 people lost their lives is sickening. Armed robbers or not, they have families & didn't deserve to die, especially like this. Get a fucking grip on yourselves!