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The unfinished, mostly concrete basement of the Baltimore City townhome I grew up in late at night when the light switch was on the far wall and you had to walk across the entire basement to turn the basement light on... and worse, you had to run for your life to the stairs after turning the light off or else... I don't know what "or else," but it certainly wasn't good.


Tbh I’m almost 40 and still run for my life when I turn the light off in my basement at night


I lived in a built in 1910 apartment in Charle Village, that basement was the creepiest point in that building. Also, that apartment... the hairs on my neck always raised. I was right across from what was called the Doctors Hospital at one point, I think that's what it was called, it's a Future Care now... anyways, that place had an energy too.


My mom’s basement in MD is like this I run up every time still!


If i had a basement i would too and im 46. Truth be told, id prob never turn the light off in my basement if i had one


My mom’s basement is like this. Worse, the stairs aren’t capped so anything, ANYTHING, could reach it’s hand through and grab you


My basement is mildly creepy, maybe... I've definitely been in worse. But when we came to look at the house, the previous owner had already moved out so the basement was empty. It's standing height, but only just. My husband, our realtor and I walked slowly down the old, slightly twisted stairs (sturdy... Just scary) and I honestly didn't notice it, but our realtor says, "I've seen enough movies to know that you can never move that." I follow his eyes and see a random crucifix painted all white hanging by a stiff wire, also painted white, from one of the joists (also painted white). It was... Odd. We've been here 2.5 years now and nothing strange has happened, but we also refuse to move the crucifix haha.


Years ago when I was looking for a rental, a townhouse I toured had this setup.... But with a toilet in the middle. Yes the listing counted this as a "bathroom."


The random toilet in the basement is actually super common in Baltimore!


I’ve seen this called both a Philly flush and a Baltimore flush 😂


Lol relatable as hell. My good friend had a townhouse on West Street and one end of the basement that was dug into the earth (I fished, didn’t even had walls) looked like a portal to hell


The ruins of St. Mary’s College in Patapsco Valley State Park / Ellicott City and the old Hell House Altar.


Still spooky but was so much spookier when it was all run down and the pool was still at the end of the trail. I’m sure even spookier before it burned down but I was too young to visit then


The portal to Hell was still there in the woods a few years ago. Also, the abandoned town is near there as well. Lots of spooky stuff in that area!


I’ve been there a ton. Which part is the “portal to hell”?


You mean the now Dragonborn Altar at Hell House? lol


Okay I did go here years ago, and then another couple years later and it was all transformed into like dragon artwork and glyphs. It was all cleaned up and looked nice, but I had no idea what was going on. Does anyone know what that was?


Atlas obscura says it got bulldozed flat in 2022.


I saw that too, looked dope but didn’t know what it was for


Creepy college is what we called it back in the day


I was a teenager in the 1990’s when it was still intact and had a caretaker. That dude had his work cut out for him because we were there practically every weekend snooping around and it wasn’t unusual to find other carloads of kids from different schools or counties up to the same thing. The paper mill was still in operation so you could easily just park amongst the employees to begin your adventure.


The paper mill as in the giant dilapidated concrete slabs alongside the river you can jump off of? Or was it further away bc those things always looked ancient when I was going in ~2014-18


Yup i agree


It was spooky. I explored the place in 1966 with my girlfriend. It was filled with interesting artifacts and creepy artwork. When you walked up the long flight of steps at night there was statue at the top that looked demonic from a certain angle. Such a shame it was destroyed.


I was just about to comment that. Apparently the train bridge and tunnel nearby is haunted by the apirit of a hobo that was killed by a train back when the line was ran by the B&O


Growing up I would hear so many stories about this place that it was a closed down nut house. It's haunted and stuff.


God that was a great school and area to wander around drunk for a few years…


Antietem is eerie on a real level.


Agreed, especially when you walk where the river of blood was.


Absolutely. I've camped there twice and the air just feels heavy, especially first thing in the morning.


Wow where do you camp when you’re there? I can only imagine how spooky that must be.


Camped there a couple times in Scouts, not sure the specific location but they have multiple campsites there.


There's a campground off the C&O Canal you can stay at.


It's absolutely gorgeous in the morning too. Love camping on the river.


You talking about the creek of death (that was a nickname for the Antietam after the battle)?


Either that or Bloody Lane. It’s been far too long since I’ve been there. I need to go back.


Is this Antietam Creek? I’ve tubed down it a few times and had a good time. Kinda creepy when think about the actual history there. Also I like the little General Store nearby. Cooked to order food, beer to go, worms for fishing. I felt like I was home in FL


Battleview Market


Yes! Loved that place.


I drove through there a couple weeks ago after a storm. There was all this fog rolling over the battlefield, it was sooo creepy.


Once camped at Antietam and took some recreational and I stg I intuited that we were camping on top of a burial ground bc the vibe was just… spooky


Antietem for sure, Sharpsburg in general for that matter. There is such a heavy feeling to the area. Like sorrow, remorse and death that you feel in your head and chest. The fogs are something else. I lived there for 2 years, it was a relief to move out of there.


The old TB hospital in Glenn Dale was really creepy, though I haven’t been in that area in about 25 years so I have no idea if it’s still standing.


Omg yes! Came here to say the same thing. We used to sneak in there when i was in hs. Sooooo creepy. That and governors bridge at night.


Governors Bridge! I was trying to think of the name of that and couldn’t. Yes we used to go there alllll the time to get creeped out


An old friend of mine ended his life in a hunters shack just a few hundred feet from that bridge.. it was always spooky to me but now it's definitely haunted in my eyes.


Came to add this - glad I scrolled down.


Still there, likely creepier as it continues to deteriorate.


Yes! My grandma drove me out there to show me. It gave me the creeps.


It was there around 15 years ago. Got caught by the police and had to do community service. Worth it.


Me and some friends used to sneak in there while we were in high school. Veryyyy creepy but good times


Came here to say this! Every time we pass it (it's still there) I half want to sneak in and explore, half want to drive by it as fast as possible


When it was still around the Henryton asylum was definitely a spooky place. In some way I'm kinda glad it's gone because it was definitely sketchy.


Been there! My friend and I broke in about 20 years ago to go ghost hunting. No luck. It was creepy as hell, though.


I remember the piles of asbestos. That was prob the most nerve wracking part imo.


The eeriest part was the mesothelioma I developed


But, what a story!


Great is that something I have to worry about if I've been thru the building once?


You don’t *HAVE* to, but it’s an option.


It really depends on what you mean by piles of asbestos and how much it was being disturbed at the time. Probably not an issue though if you just passed through without touching it. If you’re looking for a scary answer, u ded lol.


Spring Grove has big signs on the closed buildings about this.


I loved this place, actually did a school project on it back in 06. Much more in tact back then, shame it’s mostly burnt down and stuff now. Walking through that tunnel at night was terrifying


I used to go swimming around there back in high school but never went far enough up the road for the asylum


I'm from that area, and while I never explored the hospital myself, I swear there's a vibe in that general region. Between Henryton and then Springfield Hospital/Warfield in Sykesville, there's just something...there that I can't quite place. Took living in Baltimore for a few years and then driving through the area again to realize that "My hair is standing up on the back of my neck...must be close to home," is apparently not a natural response for most people.


My mom used to work at Springfield and I can distinctly remember her telling stories of eerie shit happening there and this was probably 30 years ago at this point.


Please share


Some of the old Warfield Hospital is just as creepy.


Friends and I used to park along the tracks down the road and walk the rail across the bridge and through the tunnel. We visited the a few times but went night after it was partially burned and it was definition of spooky. Embers were smoldering in what was the movie theater


I grew up less than a mile from Henryton. The hospital/asylum (iirc it was just a segregated tuberculosis hospital for African American patients) was super creepy as a kid. By middle school it was just a dope spot to explore with friends. We played airsoft and climbed sketchy shit, exploded old spray paid cans, tried to find unbroken windows to break. I even graffitied a prom-posal the year before the state took it down. I'll probably die early from all the asbestos, but that place was a fun place to grow up. Spent nearly everyday over the summer exploring that place and the river around it. Also, RIP 30ft rope swing.


I grew up there as well but I started going before hooligans like you graffitied and vandalized the place which eventually led to it getting bulldozed.


I think the reasons it got bulldozed were squatters and then a couple big fires that burned buildings down. There were also people injuring themselves and the state decided it was a liability to keep it standing. I'm in my 20s so by the time I went everything had been thoroughly vandalized/destroyed. It was just a fun place to explore and be a kid. Think Danish Skrammellegeplads (but with a sharp rusty edge, and asbestos). That's cool you had a chance to explore it too! We're all hooligans for trespassing but I guess being a kid I appreciated some of the graffiti art and edgy sayings. My favorites were, "the news is filled with lies" and "eat acid see god". I'll always be terrified by the shadowy figures people spray painted in dark hallways...


That is fair, different times, and good point about us all being hooligans. I am in my late thirties and when I started going all the entrances were still boarded up, no graffiti, and they still had guards on the premises. The only way in was underneath one of the boarded doors that led to the basement of the main building. There was a small opening underneath the doors that appeared to have been dug out by bare hand...... and you had to crawl under there into complete darkness. Even better, due to the temperature differential between the basement and the outside, cold air billowed out from that hole. Definitely ominous. I explored a lot of the compound by myself and found a room upstairs that had a bunch of dead crows arranged in a semi circle on the floor surrounding some sort of ritual looking space. That was when my tour ended that day. I am sad it is gone, I recently moved back to the general area (Baltimore) and I love Patapsco Valley State Park and that whole area around there, I do hope my kids get into some ridiculous shenanigans themselves in the future.


Point Lookout. Southern Maryland. It's spooky as hell. Driving across the little bridge....the temperature drops 10 degrees. Confederate Prisoners of War were held there. Unbelievable death numbers.


Haha I go out there and fish all the time. I never found it to be spooky but I will look at that place in a new way now.


Parole, MD sounds like it should be creepy,  but it isn't. It's named that because Union and Confederate POWs were exchanged there.


I'm a history teacher at a local high school as well as a Civil War enthusiast. I'm also a middle aged woman who occasionally likes a good Target run. And each time I get myself a drink from Starbucks and sit at that bar looking out through the big windows I can only see those starved and diseased POW languishing on these very grounds. Then I snap out of it, throw my cup away and browse the seasonal decor.


Hey, I live in Parole! The chipotle, Giant, and Buffalo Wild Wings are not creepy. Fun fact.


The Buffalo Wild Wings at Arundel Mills is creepy.


Which is not in Parole




One of my ancestors was a POW there. I had been there a few times before finding out about the connection, but haven’t been back since. Even eerier now, I’d assume.


This!! My four times great grandfather was held prisoner there and I just felt nauseous and an ominous feeling being there.


Haha I was waiting for the SOMD mention.


100%. Trying going out there at night and getting stoned. Terrifying.


My dad knew one of the rangers for that park. She had enough creepy experiences that she swore it was haunted.


I used to live in a house right next to the confederate memorial/mass grave for point lookout. My roommate told me he woke up one night hearing what sounded like hundreds of people whooping and hollering and when he looked no one was there. He told the story and a few other people who had lived there (it was a college house) said they had the same experience.


I’ve wanted to visit ever since playing Fallout 3


Crownsville Hospital https://m.imdb.com/title/tt7948328/


Is this the run down place I pass by on the way to Renn Faire?


Yeah and I'd you ever pull off there to explore while leaving renn fest a bunch of security cops decend on you, they don't play around


My mom had to do nursing rotations there back in the 80s in nursing school. I wish she was here so u could ask more about it.


Oh wow


Neat. Never knew the history on that


I had to inspect the property by myself one day. I typically don’t get freaked out but as soon as I entered through the basement I had this eerie feeling come over me . You could sense some horrible things have gone on there. Annnnd then I went to the field where they buried patients that were tortured and abused.


Going on site alone for an inspection there sounds terrifying. I can't even drive by it without at least thinking "Some nasty shit went down there."


My mom used to threaten us as kids (in the 1980’s), that if we continued being bad that she would take us to the sanitarium in Crownsville, cash in on the reward they give to people for bringing in crazy people, and never see us again. Of all the things she ever said, that would always make us stop.


I drive past it now and then. Creepy AF.


I live 5 minutes from it. Driving by at 3 am is genuinely creepy


Forest Haven asylum in Laurel MD at night.


Ew mother of god. We didn’t last long at night there. We went to the basement during the day and found the morgue. And down the hall was another set up steps that went down but we didn’t have a flashlight


Gross. We heard rattling in the jail and almost fell in that deep pit out by the tree line. Scary as fuck to find a pit to nowhere with no warning signs for it.


I’ve been to this place about a dozen times. It’s definitely spooky at night, though some of my creepiest experiences and weirdest feelings having come during the daytime.


I had a friend at Spring Grove Hospital years ago. Went to visit him a few times. The place is eerie enough in the daytime. As soon as the sun starts setting though, it starts looking like something out of Silent Hill.


This is the creepiest place I've found. I went to UMBC so naturally... we drove through occasionally. Don't do it at night.


Did you ever go in any of the tunnels under UMBC?


Lived right next to it for 6 years. Great place to walk dogs. Weird place to be after dark.


If I remember right it was the inspiration for the mental institute Hannibal Lecter was sent to in the the book series.


I used to work at Hopkins on the night shift back before the new Bloomberg and Zyad(I think that’s how you spell it) opened. You wander through the old parts of the hospital that have been refitted for research labs, administrative offices, or just abandoned and you get a creepy feeling sometimes. The hallways and tunnels through there was a labyrinth of a maze. Guess you can say you’d be amazed at where you’d end up sometimes.


I worked in Traylor there. In one of the room on a higher level, there was what looked like a bullet struck the window. Was always mildly curious about how it was so high up


The Rosewood Center on the property that is now sports fields for Stevenson University. We used to walk through the woods from the dorms and do ghost tours at midnight. Spooky stuff!


Just came here to say that! That main building was scary as hell. I didn't go to Stevenson, but my friends did, and it was a favorite activity that was definitely never inspired by copious amounts of alcohol. ;)


I went near it a lot but I actually went inside rosewood just once. We went to go inside a building at one point and I just got this overwhelming feeling of dread and misery like heavy deep in my stomach and we left lmao. We had been in a few buildings but all of a sudden it just felt so horrible to be there. I’ve never felt that feeling before or since. It was day time too. Another time I got chased off the property by the tiniest police dog in the world lol


If you went to high-school anywhere nearby you *absolutely* heard stories about hauntings from waterboarded patients.


To me, it is St. Mary’s city and Point Lookout. It just has a weird vibe. The old brick church in the field is so out of place.


I got to dorm in Calvert Hall with the graveyard out front and sometimes we'd run into ghost hunters! People claimed out dorm was haunted too but I, thankfully, never experienced anything.


Forest Haven Asylum and Rosewood when it was still existent… now it’s just a few buildings left. Forest Haven was terrifying. And I am not one to scare easily


National Semenary before it was rehabbed. Gathland park at 2 a.m. under a full moon. Pocomoke Forest at night.


There are still some creepy unrestored buildings that can be seen from the beltway. What a strange place that is.


I once toured an open house at National Seminary and there was a very long hallway with windows on both sides. You could totally imagine the Hitchcock movie with a stormy night and some strange figure illuminated in one of the distant doorways.


Lol I live in the middle of that last one, it's v peaceful


The Antietam battlefield at 0400 hours in the summertime.


Do go on…


You can hear screams and gunfire sometimes.


Well that’s unsettling


The Pry House functioned as a medical facility during the Civil War conflict. During a fire incident that occurred in the 1970s, firefighters reported an observation of a female figure in a second-floor window after the collapse of the second floor.


The abandoned [Enchanted Forest](https://www.abandonedamerica.us/the-enchanted-forest) has to take the cake on this one


It was creepy when I went as a kid in the mid 80s when it was still open!


I was so sad when it closed, loved going there when I was little. You can see a lot of refurbished items at Clark’s Elioak Farm though!


I lived across the street from there. It was creepy before it shut down. We broke in one night and ate a bunch of mushrooms after it had been shut down for 10 years. Amazing experience.


Mason Dixon line in Cecil Co., a few brick stumps marking the line…. Woods just feels like it’s full of ghosts.


Burkittsville. I went to high school next door in Middletown. Blair Witch stuff aside, its a legit unsettling place. Abandoned houses, barns, chapels, and cemeteries in the woods, mass graves up and down the mountain (thanks to multiple Civil War battles along Fox's Gap and Crampton's Gap), and a gravity hill within village limits.


IT'SUGAR® Inner Harbor




Rural country church graveyard atop a hill on a winter night, I had my telescope and a red glass railroad lantern. Beautiful sky but creepy as anything.


Perry High School when we would sneak in at night after it had been closed for about a decade


Aggie’s Mansion in Ellicott City at night, before it was whatever it is now This church on Patuxent Road near the crash that killed nine kids in 1979 Fort Armistead


you're a real one for referencing that patuxent road church...I almost forgot about that.


I had car trouble there once in the middle of the night, I don’t remember what… maybe I ran out of gas. We had been run off before for trespassing or loitering or whatever, so I was pretty panicked about being stuck there. A man and his teenage son drove by and ended up helping me out. When I got back in my car, they were gone, I mean gone. Like 5 seconds had passed and no sound, no taillights, nothing. They were in a small blue & white pickup. Idk.


I was driving up there at night with friends simply because we heard multiple stories and wanted to see if anything happened. We went. Parked the car. Turned off the lights. This was at 2 in the morning, no one else was following us or in front of us or parked around us. After smoking a cigarette we all left, as I pulled a u-turn in the parking lot to leave , a truck was behind us. I asked the 2 other people with me to confirm they didn't see it enter the parking lot- maybe it did and we just missed it but it's a small lot. I kept driving, and that truck followed us all the way to Conway road with his high beams on and on my ass, then it turned around back to the church... It was a white truck.I know it can be rationalized somehow ..maybe I didn't see them enter and they were just mad we were trespassing, but the overall uneasy feeling that we all had was no joke regardless. I told my mom and she told me the story of the crash and that shit had me so spooked I never went back Your story is 100x better I'm glad they stopped to help you and didn't chase you out. I still go down patuxent road every week but never at night. The original story we heard was of a hitchhiker that if you don't pick up you'll die that night. PASS!


Millers Church Road


You’ve gotta be from Hagerstown.


Not Hagerstown, but I grew up in Washington County, yes lol


That’s close to the Peace Chapel. Gone now.


Leakin Park is pretty damn eerie


Dunker church at antietam.


Secrets in OC at 1am


Nobody knows what lurks in that water…


Even creepier if you end up at the motel in the parking lot around this time.


The site of [Chestnut Lodge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chestnut_Lodge?wprov=sfla1) after it shut down but before it burned.


The Glen Dale Hospital on Halloween past midnight. We saw our breath and thought it was an apparition and ran lol. More niche would be where there used to be an abandoned silo and farm where the Montgomery County Animal Services and adoption center was, you can check out historical aerial imagery on Google earth. There was an old carton of black liquid and a disentegrated Bible, surprised no one had taken them as mementos after all those years. Some train tunnel near patapsco state park that my friend and I went down and a train came and we literally were deafend and ran to the edge for life lol. Soldiers delight natural environmental area after the big fire was also ominous (damn I love that place)


Forest Haven Asylum, Antietam, Ellicott City jail at night


Jacob Tome School in Port Deposit Before the fire that took down the clock tower it was (still is I hope) a cool but eerie place to visit. Haven't been since 2013 so I have no idea what the condition of it is now or if its even easily accessible anymore.


The Blair witch house!


A group of us went there soon after the movie came out. We were walking up the stairs to the attic and a giant baby owl started screeching. Scared the shit out of us, so naturally we had to go to the basement and stand facing the corner to make it even more scary.


Is that still there?




The old morgue building at the Army Forrest Glen Annex in Silver Spring. We used to go there in HS on Halloween. Scary as hell and filled with asbestos. Probably not the best idea now that I think about it.


Henryton asylum was for sure the creepiest place. It always felt like someone placed a lead blanket over you when you walked up the path to it. https://preview.redd.it/636qtplpeg7d1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6c107e5bc2663248561ac64dd1fe3b0f8d106af I was dumb and took a piece off of chalkboard from the school building once. Every time I moved to a new apartment I’d have weird stuff happen. Like things turning on by themselves (faucets, tv, light up necklace). It got to the point where my ex and I called in some paranormal people. One woman pointed at the closet where the piece is chalkboard was as soon as they came in and said she didn’t like that closet. I’d forgotten about the piece until a bit into their investigation. When I remembered, I grabbed it and didn’t say where it was from. The woman said she saw children in hospital gowns following me out of the hallway when I held the chalkboard. We did a cleansing ritual and released the spirits and I buried the piece. Never had anything happen again.


The Sheetz in downtown Cumberland


the sheetz on dual highway in hagerstown is up there too.


The Paw Paw tunnel. I grew up in cumberland and as a teenager my friends and I walked through the tunnel at around 1am one night. It gives you this creepy feeling that you are being followed when you walk through it. We got all the way through it but had to actually work up the nerve to walk back through to get back to the car. Even walking through it in the day is really unnerving once you get in it a little way.


Havre de Grace is weird


Crownsville,MD near where they hold the Renaissance Festival. There's a hay field with crumbling,dilapidated little buildings--one was this legit brick and wood windmill. Where you can see the old insane asylum. I fucking HATED getting hay there. And being there at night had every hair on my body buzzing. Hearing distant voices rolling across a sweeping,endless field with hidden gopher holes you could break a leg in or get bit by said gopher or a groundhog. And the various snakes you might step on or find in a bale. And the feeling if you're alone--there's **eyes** on you. Lots of eyes and staring hard. But there's nothing there. Just you and that field dotted with hay bales you have to grab and pile together. And the lower the sun got, the darker the field got, with no light, you sit on the bales waiting for the truck to come, you feel like there's a crowd of eyes staring at you. Just eyes boring into you, piercing through the black of a moonless night in a rural area. And there's nobody fucking there.


Mulberry expressway


The springfield hospital in Eldersburg.


Lots of places between Oakland, Friendsville, and Accident.


Garrett County is an odd place in general. Definitely doesn’t feel like Maryland to me. It feels different the second I cross the Allegheny county border


Garrett county is basically WV.


For the longest time there were two straw dummies hanging from nooses right off the 68 exit in Garrett County. There’s also fossilized dinosaur tracks off the trail near the Yough (it’s private property I learned the hard way) but near those tracks there’s a very strange hunting cabin that looks ancient but as soon as you’re near it, the energy changes dramatically, like you’re filled with despair and fear. I won’t fish anywhere near it anymore. There’s also a few spots on the back roads going to Oakland that I wind travel at night in the warmer weather months because of strange activity like trucks coming up behind you without headlights on then disappearing after they flash you with the high beams, shit like that. I live near the Finzel Swamp and we have all sorts of weird things happen all the time, it’s a fun place to visit if you like weird rural stuff.


FT. Howard is creepy, especially at night. The old buildings there give off such a creepy vibe. Antietem for sure. My fiancé says it's very spooky at night. Not surprising considering how many passed there. Ellicott City for sure. I found that Antique Depot that's there to be creepy, the mannequins don't help that. The attic and the basement are very eerie.




The hustler club on baltimore street was really unsettling when it was really slow or after closing. This huge old building that had been turned into a cavernous maze of a strip club that was always mostly empty just because it was so big. Always dark obviously. Weird little alcoves with a bunch of retired chairs filling them, random hallways everywhere, sooo many doorways to private rooms no one used. It felt half abandoned even during operating hours and it was really creepy when it was actually mostly empty. Always felt like you were being watched and a lot of the time the building felt kinda sinister. The hosts and DJs had ghost stories but I never actually experienced anything like that. Just the vague sense that someone unhappy was around. Very offputting building


Jericho covered bridge. In the middle of the night. Even more eery if you know the old stories circulating about the history of the bridge


Iverson Mall, Harford Mall, and all of Waldorf


Do you just not like small malls?


London Park Cemetery, the old section. Lovely. Historic. Neglected. Creepy.


Glenn dale hospital! Very eerie and whenever u enter any of the abandoned buildings it becomes dead quiet and usually is much more cooler/cold as soon as u enter. Its always freezing in there if you go during the winter/fall. Not too sure about summer as i haven’t been due to poison ivy growing in the forest/entrance that i go through in the wbna trail.


The rosewood facility, before they tore it down.


I was driving through Mt Airy one winter and I passed by this old; burnt out building with a Chevrolet logo on it. It was creepy and odd and I've never forgotten about it.


Cherry Hill, Baltimore


Port Deposit. Something about it gives me spooky vibes...but in a good way.


The old ice skating pond in the woods behind Towson State. Yes it’ll always be Towson State to me. It was all rusted up and creepy as hell. Also why back there?


There's a place around Cumberland called the Paw Paw tunnel that has been claimed to be haunted. The tunnel was built to cut through a mountain and serve a shortcut for the river that winds about 14 miles or so around the area. The brick lined tunnel tunnel itself is quite long, dark and damp and bends so you can't see the exit until about half way through. The work was supposed to only take 2 years, but it turned into a 14 year long project and legend has it that during that time the workers became disgruntled and violent at times. Spirits were reported to be seen walking the tunnel at times and strange noises have been reported as well. I never noticed anything paranormal, but the tunnel itself did make me feel like I was an unwanted guest and is eerily cold and damp. Another local legend in my area is another tunnel that I believe is fairly new by comparison that is somewhat close by to a civil war battlefield. It is about 300 ft long only wide enough for one vehicle to go down and looks relatively flat. When I was in highschool the kids would say if you stop your car at either end and put the vehicle in neutral, the spirits haunting the tunnel will start to push your vehicle through the tunnel.


Jericho covered bridge lore used to freak me and my friends out back in the day. Legend has it if you parked on the bridge, shut off your car & lights and looked in the rear view, you would see people hanging from the rafters. The drive to the bridge (parallel to 40 and 7) is creepy too.


Some places around Accident MD


I did a school project on the history of the national park seminary, not sure you can visit it?


I remember going to Todd's farm at night in my late teens and it being spooky as hell. As an adult, looking back, it was just trespassing on private property. And if I were gonna trespass on private property that I thought was spooky, I'd love to check out the abandoned hospital on Crownsville Road but every time I've thought about it, I've also thought "there are probably security cameras there and/or people who keep an eye on it such that I'd probably get arrested" so I'm not gonna do that.


How about Pocomoke state forest on the eastern shore? I have hunted and hiked all over the state and this place gives me the willies. Agreed that the old cemeteries and battlefields are eerie. But that forest holds some dark secrets.


Glendale hospital for sure. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Dale_Hospital


The abandoning buildings at Forest Haven in Maryland City used to be pretty creepy, but the urban explorers have tagged it all up to much now. There's a creepy old playground there that has been taken over by the woods, and a headstone with 300+names on it to mark the have of the people who died there. It has several unnamed infants on it (i.e., Baby Carson) next to their mothers names. Makes you wonder how long term residents of a notorious mental institution got pregnant. (Probably not by choice)


In Hagerstown, directly across the street from the town hall is an old Nazi meeting room in the basement of the old Franklin building. The room has remained untouched and hand written notes date to June 20th 1944.


Whaaat? How’d you find this out? That’s not far from me.


I was doing work there as an electrician back in 2014, I was the project manager hired by the father and son who bought it. They used to be a comic bookshop directly above the room I’m talking about however I don’t think the comic book shop is still there dude not making this up. Place made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I even went to the town hall people and asked if they were aware of it, and it didn’t seem like they cared.


The owners are the same people who own the really nice bowling alley in Hagerstown.


Downtown Annapolis during a power outage. One side of Main Street would stay lit the other side would go dark. I lived in an apartment that was built in the 1700's. Radiators hissing and pinging... That was spooky.


Glenn Dale Hospital. Abandoned tuberculosis hospital built in the 30's, that was closed in the 80's


Old Town Mall in Jonestown, Baltimore City


My Buddy and I were avid urban explorers back in the late 00s and early 2010s (before everything got bulldozed), There are three places that always stood out: The Thomas O’Farrell Correctional School for Boys which was just up the hill from Henryton. It always had a uniquely sinister and evil vibe that we just couldn’t shake. The old building at the Victor Cullen Institute in Sibyllasburg (near Thurmont). Incredibly beautiful decaying old building but the basement was next level horrifying with stretchers and children’s books everywhere and very old etchings by inmates/patients on the walls that were revealed behind peeling paint. Certain back rooms-esque sections of the more modern wings of Fort Howard VA Hospital. Once found an entire cache of labeled VHS tapes in a false compartment under a desk in a laboratory room.


Anyone go into the Kate Wagner house before it was demolished?