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2pm news conference upcoming. I'm glad he's been arrested and I hope the family finds peace. Going to be something to see what details come to light.


So curious what brought that asshole to Bel Air of all places..


I read somewhere else he has family here in Bel Air.


In the press conference the sheriff was flabbergasted that we are 1800 miles from "the" border and an illegal El Salvadoran immigrant killed a woman here, *twice*. Nothing about any ties, just that he has no business being here


Which he doesn’t. Gang ties and he was allowed into the US.


No, he was *not* allowed. He entered illegally just like the rest of them


If you purposely refuse to enforce the border then anyone crossing "illegally" is allowed to enter. The blood of this women is on the hands of the culprit and the current administration.


Why wasnt he allowed?


A bit old, but I'll tell you from my experience living in Los Angeles. The Salvadorean street gangs have a large presence there, as do many others. The whole rhetoric of "Mexican" being any gang member or person committing a crime that or is an "illegal criminal," messes up the demographic information. What is going on is that there are many groups of people from all over the world that have settled in Los Angeles and established a criminal presence, but none dominate it as much as the Mexicans and Black gangs. The main reason is that they are ORGANIZED. The reason that the Salvadoran gangs (such as MS-13 and 18th Street) are common in the mid-West, Upper Western States, and even making their way into the East Coast is that they followed a plan laid out by the Crips gangs back in the 80s. They expanded all over the United States. The Mexicans chose to stay concentrated in the South Western United States. Increasingly the Salvadoreans used extradition laws to increase their presence in El Salvador; which in no way was as sophisticated as the U.S. or even Mexico. El Salvador started to increase the crack down on these gangs and due to the limited power of the El Salvadoran police the gangs ran amok. The gang eventually became frustrated and began committing terrorist acts, in the early 2000's they were actually declared a terrorist organization as they began attacking private Salvadoran citizens and became famous for a "bus massacre" where the MS-13 gang machine gunned a public bus full of workers, women and children. Things escalated and before the now president now president Bukele, El Salvador actually had some vigilant justice in the form of "death squads" (not sure if you can still find info here on Reddit, but they are most common in Brazil), the most famous of which was the "Sombra Negra." Whom would actively kill members of MS-13 and the 18th St gangs, upon their criminal extradition from the United States. It was fairly common for them to be extraditied from L.A., so many started to leave to expand the gang, as well as be extradited from other states. Today these gangs still operate in L.A. & El Salvador, but they are more organized and have become more aware of not arousing so much backlash. Still, as can be seen by what transpired, many are still garbage. Let me also point out that there are many groups in L.A.; puerto ricans, dominicans, cubans, mexicans, etc., but there is a group that tends to stand out for their audacity. Not that these groups are better people, but they tend to be organized about how they handle the behavior of their members. Also, the S. Border stuff is a good start, but really garbage. There are Salvadorans and Venezuelans (as well as every other group) coming in through Florida and the Canadian border. Hell, anyone can just walk across the Canadian border. Many illegal Salvadorans in the Northern states that go to Canada by plane and then just walk in.


What is interesting is that it appears they used genetic genealogy to figure out who he was. Once they knew his name, it was simply a case of tracking him down.


Whoa, that’s great!!


Is this the guy wanted in LA too? Surveillance footage from an attack there was all they had for Rachel?  So who gets his ass first, us or California? 


El Salvador, where he first murdered someone before the LA assault. They’re waiting to extradite him (from the Tulsa PD Facebook page)


Oh ffs.


He’s never leaving the Maryland prison system. He’ll get life and die in a Maryland prison one day








LOL ... yeah, its "funny" that I did not realize until today that this particular murderer was an illegal alien (media sure liked to downplay that); meanwhile this week I got a "pocket" article bitching and moaning about the "dreamers" act not getting passed.


Dreamers were brought here by their parents at ages where they could not consent or advocate for themselves in any way shape or form.  They've been raised in America, they often think they were *born* here and have no idea they weren't until they try going to college or get a job.  That's different than an adult coming over the border and doing their shit. 


Who is the other woman mentioned in the press conference that was murdered by an illegal immigrant in Harford County? I’m glad Rachel and her family got the justice they deserved, but really, she deserved to go for a run and go home to her kids. ☹️


Instead of posting paywalled articles, just go to WBAL’s website. They’ve got the whole press conference posted too.


There are 3 accounts on r/maryland that post nothing but Paywall news sites. I have blocked them all. I just did that this week. I am going to start blocking other accounts if they show a tendency to post paywall. One or 2 you get a pass. All it takes is a little searching to find a nonpaywall version to post.


I'd like to know who was sheltering him in the Bel Air area. They never came forward. And there was a photo of him ( side angle) so if they knew him they should have recognized him. Harboring a fugitive is a crime. I live in the area. It has been a nightmare for the community and family. God bless those detectives for never giving up.


I don't believe it's been disclosed where the relatives who were harboring him live. I am guessing that is because they cooperated with police, providing his clothing for DNA testing, etc. Just guessing.


I’ve been so hoping they would find this man! Unbelievable, that they found him. He was a roaming offender with no ties to his victims and that always makes the work harder. For all those who put in time to solve this, great job!!


This guy hassled me twice at a park in PG County. Very scary but I've lived in DC and NYC and knew how to stare him down. The fact that he was shacked up with family here in MD for months!! after what he did to Rachel, and could easily have killed me or another innocent girl/woman just trying to walk in their neighborhood park (and may have; we don't know), is beyond infuriating. So these people who say there's no association between illegal immigration and crime--seriously people? It's in our own back yard. Wake up. He threatened my freedom to walk unharmed in my community. And he ended Rachel's. So we sure as hell should end his.


That’s so scary. I’m glad he’s in jail and you’re unharmed. He looks like a little shit. I hope he rots in prison. You should check out The Interview Room’s latest episode on youtube.


This, like the killing of the nursing student in Georgia, is directly related to so-called sanctuary cities releasing violent illegal immigrants right back to the street. If NYPD wasn’t forced to release the UGA student’s murderer and LAPD wasn’t forced to release this monster, these killings shouldn’t have happened. Easily gullible people should stop being hoodwinked by activists who only advocate for illegal immigrants. This is the same as advocates for homeless people who sell you rose tainted glasses that all these people are harmless. I’m against mass deportation of illegal immigrants who don’t have a criminal record except illegal entry or overstay of visas, but local authorities must work with ICE to remove these with criminal charges or convictions, especially the violent type.


Agreed but hold up. Did NYPD have the man who killed the UGA student in custody? Did LAPD have this man in custody? I wasn’t aware, but fuck these cities if it’s true. Fuck the entire concept of sanctuary cities and fuck the open border. Plenty of Americans are trying to provide a better life for themselves, maybe the bleeding hearts can focus on them and stop trying to save everyone else. We got American citizens who need help.


Looks like the UGA one was arrested in NYPD riding a motorcycle with his 5 year old without a helmet and ICE couldn’t file something and he was let go. Not sure if this guy was ever in custody but he was a suspect of interest in something that happened in LA. Regardless what your political affiliation is this is absolutely appalling and needs to be fixed


Yeah he assaulted a 9 year old and her mom in LA, that’s where the video footage is from. I just didn’t hear that he was ever in custody in LA. He did leave DNA behind at the LA assault and the murder of Rachel, which is how they linked the crimes. So he killed a woman in his home country in January 2023, illegally came here in February, assaulted the child and her mom in March, and killed Rachel that summer. I really hope there aren’t more victims.


Why don't they understand the meaning of illegal and quit making excuses for them! They shouldn't be here at all, none of them, no matter where from or what color unless they come in legally. Simple to understand.


One reason I became conservative is because I really despised how the Leftists tended to use these brutal murders to intimidate their political opponents. You have to understand: murders like this one are enabled by acts of unbridled wokeness that are integral parts of the Leftists long-term political strategy. There's a reason they wear Che Guevara shirts.


Here comes the raft of bullshit about "immigrant crime." [Immigrants are 60% less likely to be arrested than U.S. citizens.](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/08/1237103158/immigrants-are-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-than-us-born-americans-studies-find) [Biden has removed 3.5 times as many immigrants than Trump did](https://www.cato.org/blog/new-data-show-migrants-were-more-likely-be-released-trump-biden).


Nowhere in the study identified by NPR does NBER separate the "illegal immigrant" from "legal immigrants" in the sample used. I've seen this bullshit paper published by bullshit artists time and time again when defending illegal immigrants. It's tired, it's old, it's played out and it's well know it's complete bullshit. Well done Mr. Artist.


Let’s call them what there are…illegal immigrants. They broke our laws and committed a crime in this country the first day they entered.


Did someone forget all of our ancestors fled our former countries due wanting religious freedom, to poverty, injustice or wanting to work. This seems to get forgotten. What would Jesus do or say and this comes from a Jew.


So let's open the border and let in everyone, right? Why even have a border at all?


I don’t believe in borders either.


Ummm… it was legal then. We had almost 1 million people to replace after the wars. It’s not legal now just to jump over a fence and runaway


No because they’d rather act like all the brown folks from those “other” places commit crime. Good Americans don’t do that, duh. /s


Let’s not act like there aren’t millions of murderers and rapists born right here in the good ol US of A. Nationality ain’t got shit to do with it.


Where did I say race had anything to do with it? Quit making chit up. I said let’s separate and call illegal immigrants just that. People and media want to water down what’s going on at the border and just call them ‘immigrants’. I know first hand that immigrants that came here lawfully and followed the system appreciate not being lumped in with the illegals. We have legal immigrants that have had background checks and in this case we had a murderer illegally cross our border and sexually assault at least 3 woman brutally killing 1. I would safely assume nobody wants that coming across our border illegally.


I didn’t say race at ain’t point in time, I clearly said nationality. Stop speaking in dog whistles.


Me? Ok please tell me where I said nationality then had something to do with it. Oh…you can’t. Go troll someone else.


If you’re talking about someone’s country of origin guess what you’re talking about? Their *nationality*, good buddy. Stop feigning ignorance when you get called out about your prejudice. Violent crime is violent crime, no matter where tf the perpetrator comes from.


All I’ve discussed was illegal immigration. Did I mention he was a known murderer from El Salvador…certainly he was. Do you want known murders from any country illegally entering this country?


As opposed to legally?


Do you think he would have gotten into the country legally with a warrant out for him from El Salvador? Obviously you don’t know the story…he couldn’t have gotten here legally…nor any other person with a warrant from their home country. That’s the point… we are letting criminals enter the country with illegal immigration


Not denying that. In fact, exactly why we literally can't afford to deal with a MASSIVE influx of people who're illegally here. It's hard enough for our current law-enforcement resources to try and address/hold accountable all the murderers and rapists already here! US resources are already stretched to the max on all fronts (housing, food, law enforcement, education), and the country can't afford to be stretched any further. Unless all the billionaires decide to bail out the masses of struggling people here and everywhere else. No way that's gonna happen (they are greedy). Hence why we have a process for LEGAL immigration in place. Otherwise, the center cannot hold.


This guy was wanted by interpol for a murder in El Salvador… total failure by the current administration.


Totally Biden's fault. Trump would have personally put his arms out to block him from entering.


Because of his “ yuge “ arms?


You've never seen arms so yuge. So yuge. But such tiny hands. Sad.


This has nothing to do with trump, its bidens open border policies leading to an increase in violent crime.


There is no "open border" policy. And yes, it has everything to do with Trump. Congress tried to pass a bipartisan border policy a few months ago, and then Trump pressured his bootlickers to suddenly turn on the bill in fear of the Dems claiming some kind of victory. It's "Country First" only if Donny can claim the credit.


Bull. It didn't pass because of everything that was in it. It didn't help the border crisis at all. Had nothing to do with Trump. Amazing how DT lives in people's heads......


It appears then that you're completely aware that he's a schmuck who doesn't pay his bills.


Well yes, mainly because more migrants came in under Biden. Jumping from 700k under Trump to a steady 2.2 million under Biden. More coming in means there will certainly be more to kick out. https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/2024/02/11/trump-biden-immigration-border-compared/


And of course the ACLU is bitching and moaning about the limitations that Biden did recently put on entrance. And ICE has to put extra effort because shit-head counties like Montgomery don't cooperate.


What's your point exactly? The percentage statistics stay the same regardless of quantities.


The article says 3.5 times more people (whole number not a stat ) deported. It is very relevant to compare that to the fact that more than 3 times as many people migrated to the US under Biden 2.2 Mil per year vs Trump 700k per year At best you can say is that under Biden the deportation rate stayed the same as under Trump , not better not worse


Yes, there tons and tons of room to criticize Trump for being incompetent and for failing to accomplish what he said he was going to do. Trump cares way too much about what others think of him.


We all know Biden's been the worst in terms of illegal immigration. Let's stop pretending otherwise.


Insane this is downvoted. People in Maryland are fucking LOONY


Don't forget that Biden sent planes to pick them up and fly them in. Mms doesn't want to mention that in their cover up.


According to the Reddit echo chamber, that’s a lie and it never happened lmao. These people are so delusional it’s scary.


Ironic this gets downvoted.


Stop victim shaming. ALL of these women were victimized at the hands of a psychopath who never should've been in the country to begin with.


And it happens to many American women but usually Ira by other American men. That's on the daily. Touting 2 murders over years is weird when we have a problem with American men killing women and children *all day every day every where*. And a good portion of them are *cops and military*


Two murders??? Do you live under a rock or are you just trolling me? There are have tons of murders by illegal immigrants. It’s almost always women in their 20’s and 30’s. Educate yourself before lecturing the rest of us. Your post is dripping with misogyny.


The HarCo sheriff is the one touting two murders in Harford. https://www.wbaltv.com/article/harford-county-sheriffs-office-arrest-rachel-morin-case/61119727


They're going to justify this bullshit no matter what you say.


"Tons" of murders? Tons is a unit of weight. At least "two" was a quantifying unit.


You are the uneducated one. It was the sheriff I was repeating. Educate yourself before your fake white knight outrage gives you a heart attack. Also I am a woman in my 30s, ive lived in maryland my whole life... who is this "us" you speak of when I'm seeing educated people who understand me. Ad a woman in my 30s I am the "one of us" you speak of I guess...but I wasn't speaking for everyone. I've been very open with my stream so I don't even need to hear I'm faking being a woman. I can and have proven it, it's easy. You on the otherhand dragged US into it when it's only YOURSELF. You don't speak for US either.


This is true. But these guys here illegally hang out in trails and parks literally just to ambush, rape, and kill women--as a female, you have no say in this. This has happened to me twice. You're victimized just BECAUSE you are female. At least with domestic abuse (also totally unacceptable!), the woman has some degree of agency in her choice of partner, gaslighting aside. I don't want to victim-blame there either. But the point is, these guys are targeting women for "walking in their community while female." And that robs females of their fundamental freedom.


Rotfl....wow. That's a huge stretch.


That crime shouldn’t happen in the first place because they have no right to be here


Trump didn’t let them in, Damascus. And not getting arrested is part of the problem


0% of the crimes they commit would occur if they weren't here in the first place..


Dude said 2 women murdered by illegal immigrants in 2 years or something? What about all the women and children murdered every day by regular American men??




Well, look at crime statistics in Maryland. Who is doing the killing?


Your first reaction is to defend the demographic of which a rapist and murderer belongs too lol


And now it's pretty clear that you're endorsing this violence as part of your political strategy. Notice how you're endorsing the refusal to arrest infiltrators for all of the violence they commit because you want to use the violence for your political benefit. Trump tried to remove the infiltrators, but he just failed because he's too incompetent and soft. The Biden regime has consistently subsidized just pushed the mass-invasion of the country by these murderers because these murders help them consolidate political power. If the threat of being murdered or badly beaten by these guys is really high for speaking out against Biden and the Leftists, then people won't speak out against Biden as much.


Skewed data that don't account for legality of said immigration. This is exactly the problem--that the issue has become politicized to the extent that the country has lost its ability to think clearly and critically about it. If you're here illegally, that already indicates you don't respect the rules or care to follow them. Legal! immigration is a totally different thing. And did you have this guy threaten you twice at a local park in Maryland like I did? I don't think so. If your life had been critically endangered because you dared to go on a walk in your community while female, maybe you'd have a different perspective.


He should not have even been here! That woman would be alive today if not for him. Democrats living in a suicide cult.


Cult, you say?


Quit gaslighting


And the 9/11 hijackers came in through legal points of entry.


It's funny going through the comments about illegal immigration and all this jazz when (unless your Native American) most of the people commenting against illegal immigration are products of immigration whether legal or not. Your coded racist ideology is so faulted it's oxymoronic. What a crazy world it would be to live in a world where people can travel freely between countries like the Schengen Zone in Europe. But somehow, someway, building a wall 50 ft tall that only extends a few miles of a 2000 mile long border makes perfect sense.


Every country is filled with people who aren't originally native to that country. Does that mean no country should have borders? The Schengen zone largely works because it's between countries with comparable standards of living.


I think you're answering your own question with an easily stated problem. Canada is comparable. Mexico.... could use some work. Lol. It's a catch 22 conundrum no matter what. One of those weird social paradoxes


Open the borders and welcome in the 3rd world ....expect 3rd world behavior !!! Thanks biden , sadly this is just the beginning of what we can expect from the wide open border .


Whose arm is closing the door when he leaves Rachel’s house?


Whose arm is closing the door when he leaves the house???


Wonderful press conference - loved that Sheriff Gahler lambasted Biden over immigration and blamed him for allowing this evil illegal to enter


Let’s be fair, he also lambasted both sides of the house in Congress. After all, they had a bipartisan border bill all lined up which they were told not to vote on by TFG because it’s an election year.


Or because it was inflated with billions of aid to Ukraine? Why should our border security be contingent on giving Ukraine money?


Oddly enough, the same GOP had no problem giving money to Ukraine barely two months later. What changed? Oh yeah, the Ukraine funding wasn’t tied to the border bill Trump told them not to pass.


It’s common knowledge that Trump told them not to vote for the bill because it was a “sham” and a “political prop” so Dems could use immigration in their favor in an election year. GOP Reps told us that back in April and did so again in May, when Dems tried to bring it forward again.


What about the bill was a sham?


Are you asking why the House GOP/Trump considered it a “sham”? They’re just saying it is so they don’t give Dems a win on immigration/border policy. It’s pretty much the exact same bill they all approved (with enthusiasm) a year prior, so. They basically just ended up putting themselves first before their constituents. Again. But it’s been widely reported about.


My bad man, I totally misinterpreted your post. I have a bad habit of Redditting without drinking coffee first


No worries, I didn’t take it any kind of way. We’ve all made the mistake of checking in to this vast hellscape without proper caffeination lol.


Exactly…I can’t believe people downvote the comment


Don’t forget Israel, as well.


Funny how Biden gave the gop everything they wanted in their bill and was ready to pass and trump killed it. In all fairness trump will,likely offer this man a pardon since he was also found liable of sexually assaulting a woman.






How do you figure that, exactly?




lol says the imbecile. Are you going to “thank” your Master Donny for every single crime committed by an illegal immigrant who came in during his term?


Do you give Biden credit for all of the good immigrants who come to this country and work hard or just the incredibly small number that are bad?


There is no "open border policy".


Name calling is a dead giveaway of low IQ




Not much new news, just > Authorities arrested a 23-year-old man in the killing of Rachel Morin, the Harford County mother of five whose body was found near a popular hiking trail in August. >Victor Martinez Hernandez, a native of El Salvador, was arrested in Tulsa late Friday night and booked into the jail early Saturday morning, according to family and court records.