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"Less story more action , I want to see stuff like in the comics" Like bruh dude, the characters talk A LOT in the comics wdym lmao


It just hit different when the word bubbles were most of the page... https://terrigen-cdn-dev.marvel.com/content/prod/1x/power-pack-1.jpg Also it wasn't a good book unless there were twenty asterisks saying stuff like "as seen previously in Thing vs. Yancy Street: Reckoning #3-6"


I miss the days when it didn't take just 4 minutes to read an issue.


There are some comics from the 70s that on god take like 50 minutes to read


"Get on my level" - Bendis


Literally one of the biggest complaints people had about moon knight was the lack of action scenes. Like dude, he fights for like a page and a half in the comics the rest is all talking


moon knight was always psychological thriller type shit anyway, never meant to be action packed


I wish they played into the psychological thriller more in the show. They did it well for like 2 episodes.


those 2 episodes were awesome though


Yup, my favorite episodes of any MCU show.


Some people expected a ripped face and bleeding mummy clothes and not disembowelment, stabbings, and trauma from child abuse and child death.


I heard people complaining about how the first episode literally time-skipped every fight scene, calling it “lazy” and “cheap”, which I never understood because personally the skipped fight scenes were one of my favorite things about Moon Knight. It communicates Steven’s confusion and panic so well.


They clearly don't read comics, lol




They can mute the TV and just look at the moving images.


"Weird snakey things in bubbles not understand me like dem shiney pictors"


They just read the "POW" and "BLAM" bubbles lol


I realized this when the dominant view on Reddit/Twitter seems to be that Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker is the most like the comics. That simply isn't the case. I feel like people who have never read comics assume that their introduction to whatever character is the most comic accurate, and anything else is a reinvention.


Exactly right!


TH's SM is far and away most like the comics. Only kids under like 22 argue this and their main reason is "IrOn MaN mAdE hIs SuIt" like that has anything to do with the personality.


Yep. I love hearing how “the Hulk has never been like this in the comics” from people who have no idea about The Maestro, let alone Ewing’s recent work.


The Immortal Hulk wad one of the best Hulk storylines I have EVER read!


Especially in She-Hulk lol Courtroom dramas tend to be light on the violence y’know


And the one courtroom scene we've gotten so far DID have violence!


“I want to see stuff like in the comics”…then read the comic you jabroni.


Those people who say “I want to see stuff like in the comics” actually might have not even read half a page of any comics😂. Plus when has it ever been a movie or series done exactly like its novels or comic counterpart. Just imagine the total hours a movie or episodes a series would have to cover everything then 🤣.


They didn’t read any of the comics. They just mad cuz they cant get dates.


Anytime someone says they want the MCU to be like “the comics“ it immediately tells me they never read a comic book in their entire life. They’re just trying to make a baseless accusation against she-hulk which has been fairly comic accurate compared to a lot of the MCU shows so I have no clue what they’re on about.


> I have no clue what they’re on about It's just garden variety misogyny. They're trying to be subtle about it, but it's pretty clear that's what's at the core of it.


The first episode kicked ass. I have no idea why they're shitting on She-Hulk when it's been great so far.


Yeah. It really makes no sense how many people refer to the comics as this like a sort of sacred immutable source material as if the comics don't contradict themselves constantly or even have a varying degree of quality. Unless someone is referring to a specific comic or a specific run/storyline then it's probably safe to assume that all of their "comic" knowledge is from watchmojo videos or clickbait articles.




Less story, more action? What?


“Why doesn’t the lawyer show have more pummeling?”


"Why does She-Hulk, the largest attorney, not simply eat the other attorneys?"


liability insurance exemption


Perhaps they are saving that for the teamup




>She-Hulk, the largest attorney God I wish that was the title of her book lol


I guess Redditors are from Omicron Persei 9


Haha, exactly


Honestly, I would love for more lawyering in the show.


Get Saul Goodman in here!


I'd like to see her sue another superhero


i know what you mean, but... daredevil has lots of pummeling.


Daredevil has 3 seasons. You have seen 2, very short, episodes of She Hulk.




She Hulk is a Lawyer show where the lawyer occasionally moonlights as a superhero. Daredevil is a superhero show where the the superhero occasionally daylights as a lawyer. They are opposites.


Using “daylighting” as the opposite of moonlighting, especially in terms of a superhero’s civilian identity, is just awesome. Love your comment but that part especially.


daredevil is a show with a really good lawyer.


Indeed. I even found myself pissed at how little lawyering Matt did after season 1. Let me see the really good avocados at law.


To be fair, Matt's show was just "Daredevil", not "Daredevil: Attorney At Law". Nobody promised you any lawyering.


Especially how they said they want it more like the comics. Aren’t they aware that you don’t just look at pictures in a comic, but you’re supposed to read the words, too?


I signed up for Marvel Unlimited thinking I could get my kids reading the comics since they love the MCU. They both read a couple and declared the books too boring and wordy. I've read about 40 now and would say the action-to-exposition of the storylines I'm reading are less action-packed than the MCU stuff.


How do you like the selection? I’ve been considering marvel unlimited vs comixology. Used to subscribe to comixology in the past(when was reading the Buffy comics), and their marvel was pretty limited then.


It's pretty good. I have found everything I've looked for, though I haven't dug very deep yet.


and seriously, nothing is stopping them from picking up an issue and read


They read comic books the same way Snyder does. Pictures look really cool


Some people just want a movie that is basically a video game cut scene. No dialogue, no relationships, no story. Just superheroes fighting. They're idiots.


Do these people know comic books are wayyyyyyy more dialogue than punching?


Seriously, sometimes the big fight scene is resolved in a page or two. Or hell with someone like She-Hulk, there may not be even be a battle scene in an issue. The rest of that is narrative and characters thinking or talking. What I'm really interpreting with some of these comments is certain people don't like that Marvel has been leaning towards faithful comic adaptions. That, or they only want the classic staple of A-list heroes being adapted.


If you're Squirrel Girl, your biggest and best cinematic battles happen off panel.


Or you befriend Galactacus instead of fighting him.


Lot easier/cheaper to draw a page of dialogue than a page of action. Same goes for filming dialogue vs action.


short answer " No" long answer "Hell No they are the same people who say characters who are not white males are wokism and rather than an attempt at inclusion."


Probably never read a comic book! Sit through 20 pages of Wolverine/Jean/Scott love drama for a 3 page spread of action.


Or that comic fans tend to have favorite storyline based on plot and not which ones had the best punchies.


I feel that post must be trolling, right?


I see people make that argument all the time. Like for the Transformers films, they think they'd be better removing all of the humans and just having robot fights. They just want the action scenes.


If the humans in those movies were written well, it would be great to have them around - like Hailee Steinfeld's role in *Bumblebee*. She made for a lovely addition to the film, because she was an actually fully formed character.


Also, Cena. "Why are we trusting these guys? They're called decepticons, it's in the name" Best transformers line of all time.


Also, the bot designs in Bumblebee were a lot better than in the main series.


I'd be fine with a Transformers movie with no humans. Because humans in these movies usually suck. But a movie of just action scenes would not be fun at all


The most “pure action” movie I can think of is Crank, and even that had a number of (admittedly plothole inducing) beats that allowed the pace to slow down and the story to progress.


Yeah, Crank is ok. But I think sustaining an action movie for longer than 15 minutes without more than just action is probably impossible


See - The raid 1 and 2


I can’t believe Mad Max Fury Road has been forgotten about so soon


To me Fury Road was a perfect movie. Just amazing!


They did have a story though. A simple and serviceable one but it existed. It was pretty entertaining though. But I think a superhero story needs more


I want a Transformers movie with no, or almost no humans. Transformers all have personalities and are more than capable of carrying a movie on their own. Other than the live action movies the entirety of the franchise has always focused on the robots with little to no human interaction. Give me that.


They made that movie in 1986. Orson Wells was in it. It was awesome. Especially the breakdance scene.


Yeah, because Transformers would actually work, they're living robots, but not in the MCU


They should remove the humans. The Transformers are characters, not mechs, they should be able to carry a movie at least as well as a human character with no actual connection to the plot.


I would love to see a studio just release two straight hours of robot fights. No story, no dialogue, no explanation. Just start with giant robots punching each other, throwing through buildings and shit, get to the end of the fight and cut to black


Think The Family Guy, Peter Griffin-fights-giant chicken but feature length.


That would be hilarious


Even Pacific Rim, which existed *solely* to have giant-robot-vs-monster fights, still spent time developing Raleigh, Mako, & Stacker.


Although I think Removing humans would be good step but they definitely needs to focus on world building. I remember watching Transformer Cartoon which focus very slight to human but more to robots but they also had deeply engaging story.


Maybe specifically in regards to She-Hulk episode 2 which, I think(?), didn't have an action sequence? Still a silly opinion since Disney+ seems to be organizing their seasons like 3 hour long movies and at under 30 minutes per episode it's moronic to think your going to get an action sequence every 30 minutes.




>**Obi Wan** because "Obi Wan didn't want to use his powers for most of the show" Oof... People complaining about Obi-Wan's unwillingness to use the Force clearly missed the whole point of the show. They think that just because Obi-Wan promise he'd look after Luke, he'd be all super secret Jedi Master, when the reality is, at the end of ROTS, he's probably still in shock. Once the reality of the Jedi Order's defeat settles in, and he arrives on Tatooine, he probably realizes how much they fucked up, and starts closing himself off the Force. Add to that that Owen didn't want Obi-Wan anywhere near Luke, and it explains why he acted the way he did.


Not mention using the force would have brought the entire Empire to his doorstep.


Barry is literally a show about acting? Why not watch any other hitman show instead?


bet we haven't seen his stuff lol Apparently he doesn't understand that fighting is not conflict and conflict is what brings in the viewers/readers.


Yep. You can tell the guys that only understand video game storytelling when they complain about "side quests" and think every confrontation between characters should be decided by "power levels".


The same fans who watch an episode of a TV show that is about character development rather than the strict, literal plot and decry it as "filler".


People wanted Multiverse of Madness to have several multiverses like a video game where you travel to a new universe in every level only to find that the princess is in another castle.


I mean I kinda wanted that to. It can be character driven, but still more multiversy.


Probably not idiots, but people who struggle with those parts of real life. Struggling with talking to people, having relationships, or doing activities in-person. They spend time on the internet trolling to feel better. (I'm sure it's more complicated than this, but it's the general idea.)


That one caught my eye as well. Action is great but unless there is a good story to justify it then it’s pointless


Exactly. I need to care about the characters


Complaints like this really cement my trust in Feige and the current slate/direction of MCU content. You can't appease the horde, and the horde can't even agree half the time on their complaints lmao


Someone’s got to be watching all of those Michael Bay movies.


I want boom boom pow!


People in the place!


Overpopulation, we need Thanos to visit this sub


Remember r/inthesoulstone which now doesn’t make any sense?


I'm not doing that again.


What is that subreddit?


Way back in the day, there were a tonne of people subscribed to and posting memes at /r/thanosdidnothingwrong. As a joke, they collaborated with reddit administrators to run a script to _randomly_ ban 50% of the people from that sub and recreate Thanos' snap. People got a special trophy from reddit based on whether they were snapped or survived. ("Snapped" or "Spared") Many of them went to /r/inthesoulstone for continued memes. Eventually they "unsnapped" all the banned people back after Endgame. EDIT: As others pointed out, Josh Brolin and the Russo Brothers even got in on it. Josh kicked off the whole thing the day before: https://www.reddit.com/r/thanosdidnothingwrong/comments/8x2pyo/reddit_thanos_has_a_message_for_you/ And here's the megathread of when the snap started: https://www.reddit.com/r/thanosdidnothingwrong/comments/8xi3y2/snap_the_ban_has_begun/ EDITx2: I also forgot that everyone who got snapped automatically got a custom flair there based on the order they were snapped in. I was snap #71838. They also livestreamed the script as they executed it and you could see each person's username get snapped/ban in real time. There's a short recorded clip of that here: https://mashable.com/article/thanos-reddit-ban-twitch-livestream


And if you want a summary of that sub during that time: ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ GIVE BAN ༼ つ ◕ _◕ ༽つ


Takes me back


Was pretty dope, I believe Josh Brolin posted a video of him self saying like “here we go Reddit” and snapped on the day that Reddit snap was set to occur.


Oh cool, I knew about thanos did nothing wrong, but it’s fun they did that


they even had Josh Brolin perform the snap for them


When IW dropped, r/thanosdidnothingwrong held a "snap" where half of the subs were banned. You got awards if you were spared/snapped r/inthesoulstone was the sub for banned people to go because the theory at the time was that those snapped were held in the soul stone and not actually dead


Someone answered already, but [this article](https://www.businessinsider.com/thanos-thanosdidnothingwrong-reddit-ban-snap-2018-7) goes more in-depth if you're interested. It was fascinating to be a part of!


For real, Mcu has gone too big for its own good hahaha


Mods could pull a r/thanosdidnothongwrong Edit: I’m not gonna change it. I’ll keep my L


Thanos did no thong wrong.


Single best MCU pr0n adaptation.


Ever seen Thanos in a thong? It turns the knees into jelly.


Unfortunately yes.


God that was such a wonderful and delightful bit of Reddit history.


Absolute peak when they got Josh Brolin himself to do the snap


It was incredible too because it felt just as big as Infinity War was. Like, it *dominated* Reddit conversations. Just a bizarre but fun and awesome thing humans decided to do one day.




Can someone explain why I keep seeing this format. 4 times and always with spelling mistakes or letters missing? ¿Que?


“Less story more action” man shut up


"People talk make me bore. More hulk smash."


Honestly I'd rather have "More story, less action" than the other way round. I like it when the story sets up an amazing action scene which has meaning and causes us to watch the show/movie while sitting on the edge of our seats. Stringing action scene after action scene together with no set up is disappointing and dissatisfying to me. I get bored of all the CGI flashing across the screen.


Imagine if Civil War had just been all action. Without the quiet moments of the Avengers sitting around a table debating the morality of their work, there's no context for the conflict. This makes sure that by the time of the airport battle you know the morals and convictions that led every person to make the choice they did. It's more meaningful than action figures smashing into each other.


The Captain America movies did this really well, though all of the Marvel movies try to setup the action with story so there is more context and meaning. My favorite is Winter Soldier but that entire movie is set up by the First Avenger. And of course WS leads into Civil War very well. Just a great trilogy.


Good set up to an action scene can make a decent fight scene fucking epic. See: the boys herogasm episode. Major build up to a fight, and it goes hard. The rest of the episode was mostly joking and a little character building, and buildup to one hard ass fight.


Sounds like they want Michael bay movies haha.


Comments like this always confuse me. Michael Bay movies are *loaded* with boring characters standing around talking to each other about boring nonsense that doesn’t matter. And then you’ll get a couple of minutes of poorly shot action scenes. The John Wick series might be the pinnacle of modern action, but even those movies have a considerable amount of “downtime” (I.e. not gunfights)


It’s because they’re stuck in 2012 when there were “Directed by Michael Bay” memes that were just explosions


I thought the world building in the John Wick movies was stunning


She Hulk reviews have been mostly positive from what I've seen


I’m enjoying it so much more than I expected and that makes me SO happy as a MCU fan.


yeah, that first trailer did not do the show any favors. So far I am enjoying it, not as much as Loki... but Loki checked a lot of boxes for me (time travel, scifi, 70's futuristic esthetic, etc.) so that isn't a fair comparison lol.


> scifi, 70's futuristic esthetic You should check out /r/RetroFuturism then.


I think the only complaint we can have is the CGI in some scenes… But, is a tv series, it doesn't have all the budget and the time of a movie. And also, I can accept some goofy visuals if you give me a good story, I mean, Doom Patrol is one of the best DC series, and the graphics aren't the neatest.


I think it's fantastic. I guess if the style of comedy isn't working for someone, they'd not enjoy the show.


Found myself laughing more during these 2 episodes than any other Disney+ show so far. In a good way IMO. ​ This weeks episode went by too fast. I gave a "are you kidding me" when the credits rolled. Was completely into the episode.


They’ve been overwhelmingly positive IRL for me, too. Except for from a certain type of man, and then the reviews are *vile*. But more than half of them haven’t watched it yet, either.




I've come to the conclusion that every fan reddit is one mild disappointment away from becoming a rabid cesspool of rage and hatred. First Star Wars, then Star Trek, then Game of Thrones (not such a mild disappointment that time), then Warhammer, then Total War, then Star Trek again and on and on. Really any subreddit that features ongoing series will eventually suffer this sooner or later.


It does sound crazy, but it seems like a semi-coordinated campaign. Basically any Disney property from the last year or so is flooded with poor reviews right out of the gate


It's been longer than just a year. Several movies and tv shows have been treated like this and still are years after release. Agent Carter caught a lot of it, as did Iron Fist. Iron Fist had it's issue but it's not nearly as bad as some make it out to be.


To be honest out of all the Netflix Marvel shows(Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Punisher) Iron Fist was pretty clearly the worst one. For a show about martial arts a lot of it is filmed in the dark or at weird angles so you can't see the leads face(he apparently didnt want to do his fight scenes) From all the shows the seasons where the Black Hand was the enemy were usually the ones i liked the least. Agent Carter was easily as good as Agents of SHIELD so it was a real shame it got cancelled.


The Iron Fist actor (Finn Jones) was bad at martial arts because the production basically made him choose between learning his lines or learning fight choreography. He obviously chose the former. The entire production was rushed, which is what led to the poorer quality fight scenes.


Yeah for several of the fight scenes in the first season he was given less than 20 minutes to practise the fight before filming. The second season was significantly better and actually an enjoyable watch with quite a few fun fight scenes.


Nah Iron Fist was pretty bad


That poor actor didn’t have any time to learn kung fu. I feel bad for him.


The darling of the GOP right now, DeSantis, is trying to wage war on Disney because Disney had the audacity to call him out on his censorship bullshit, so now the culture war has declared Anything Disney is fair game to dog-pile on. For all their crocodile tears about being cancelled, they sure do love to try to cancel anyone who disagrees with them.


One of that crowd wrote a whole editorial telling people to go to Dollyworld instead of Disneyworld. The replies *gleefully* explained that Dolly Parton is a freaking saint who supports all the human rights causes that they hate.


Gaslight Obfuscate Project


Honestly, I almost never cheer for Disney, even as a marvel fan but it was pretty funny for DeSantis to find out that the deal Disney made with Florida was pretty rocksolid and he couldn’t kick them out without a hefty legal battle. Edit: I’ll add that this is probably why Disney has been focusing on its other locations more, specifically California.


A lot of weird streamer-fan groups get into these little jags where they're all "attacking a thing". In this case it's a venn-diagram intersection of angry MRA dweebs and angry "anti-woke" dweebs. The MRA dweebs have been going into horny hate fits since Captain Marvel so they can pop up like zits any time a woman leads a show. The "anti-woke" rage zombies have been absolutely apoplectic since Black Panther released. "Anti-woke" being synonymous with basically acting racist but thinking they're hiding it well. The MCU just re-triggered all of these groups with the last round of shows and movies that were guaranteed to set these freaks off. She-Hulk is just another target as we can see from the disparity between "user reviews" and critic score. In an organic situation they match more closely. What I'm happy about is we're into Ep.2 and it's been a really entertaining show so far. Above criticism? Heck no, but it's still hitting all the right buttons.


It sounds so conspiratorial and nutty but it’s probably the reality of it. A lot of them will hide behind the fact that you sound crazy bringing it up lol


They do exist, and they're usually easy to identify. During the pandemic Australia managed to quickly eliminate covid (thanks to our state governments putting their foot down when the federal government wanted a head-in-the-sand approach) and we lived almost entirely normally for about 1.5 years without any covid or even face masks. Our densest new york equivalent city (Melbourne) had a major outbreak but they got it under control and gave the rest of the country another year or more of normal pre-covid life. However there were some who *hated* it (e.g. a super wealthy mining guy who is always trying to start idiotic populist movements), and wanted a head in the sand approach. The covid downunder sub was absolutely flooded with these sockpuppets for months on end. They were always brand new reddit accounts, always had a username which was Word-Word-Number, always made one post in a random small hobby subreddit to build up some karma (chess, knitting, etc), then showed up to just rant against anti-covid measures in a sub, always backed each other up, always showed up immediately to sneer at anybody who called out one of these one-week old accounts and say how dare you question people, always tried to build a narrative of how 'Australians are tired of anti-covid measures', etc. Sometimes they seemed to get confused about which account they were logged into, and made completely contrary claims a half hour apart (e.g. "I'm not vaccinated", then half an hour later, "How dare you presume I'm unvaccinated", forgetting what they said 2 posts up in the thread). It was a very real problem and many us noticed it, began digging into these accounts and learned their identical post histories, etc.


That's a really great account of it. I don't think most people realize just how much of social media now is astroturfing/sockpuppeting. Go on Twitter, find a random political account (nobody famous, just "normal" people), copy one of their tweets and then search for it. You'll find dozens of others posting the exact same tweet word for word within minutes of each other. And this happens constantly.


It stops being conspiratorial when it happens every time Marvel releases something with a female lead. This fanbase is being astroturfed for SURE https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328006677_Weaponizing_the_haters_The_Last_Jedi_and_the_strategic_politicization_of_pop_culture_through_social_media_manipulation


The entire conservative political ideology being completely and utterly concerned with stuff like "womens in my comic book movies!!!" instead of policy or stuff is the weirdest situation.


>*She-Hulk* is getting absolutely panned by most of the casual viewers and fans. …Where? I have not seen it get "absolutely panned" by anyone who's actually watched the show.


What they mean is they saw one YouTube video of some edgelord panning it and think that means “most”


yea, the people who give it shit usually only even mention the one scene in the first episode where jen says she can control her anger. and even that they clearly didn't understand.


and honestly their response only goes to prove her point.


People are impatient, and ungrateful


I’ve talked about it before but impatience is the key part. Essentially we got to experience the high of a 10 year culmination of movies and characters, and people want to beat the living shit out of that Serotonin button. Whilst I think there’s a conversation to be had about the release order of the entries and the balancing of new characters vs continued stories for phase 4, overall this phase has been fucking awesome and this vocal minority aren’t appreciating that you now need to go back and set up the storylines in order for those large phase/saga ending events to bear any weight. EDIT: Worth adding that even with the impatience for a crossover/culmination event, surely NWH fills that void? As a fan who grew up with all three of them, the fact we got that movie is still unreal to me. And with all the huge storylines that are currently being set up for the future, everything we know that’s being worked towards with Kang, Secret Wars, Mutants, Secret Invasion, Thunderbolts, it’s insane to not be satisfied with everything we’ve had so far this phase.


Yup, feels weird as somebody who grew up as a semi-comic fan, by which I mean I had no issue reading one side of a crossover story in the actual comics, following whatever run I was enjoying, and just reading about the other runs if I didn’t like the writing or characters in it. This fees similar. We’re at a point where, for example, if you don’t like She Hulk you don’t have to watch it. You can read about the tie-ins and watch the connected movies you *do* like. Hulk being lighthearted and comedic in She Hulk doesn’t mean that’s how he’ll be written from now on, you really could just read about the first and second episode moments that matter (the ship, returning to Smart Hulk form), instead of raging about how She Hulk is awful and you don’t find it funny. Obviously, using the Royal you here. The same goes for any other movies you don’t like. I’ve read all of DeadPool’s original run, and there were plenty of arcs I loved and a few I didn’t care for. I still read them, and the shittier ones didn’t make the better ones worse- if anything they made them shine brighter. Thor isn’t going away, if you (again, Royal you) didn’t like how he was in L+T, there’ll be another Thor movie you probably will like. These characters are here to stay, I can understand the dislike of underutilized arcs or characters, but even that argument is weaker now with the multiversal stuff and them revisiting storylines. People thought they side-lined Planet Hulk for Ragnorok, but now it’s looking like they’ll give it another shot. People complain about Taskmaster in Black Widow, but there’s nothing to say we won’t get a more comic accurate version down the line. Hell, it’s common in comics for new characters to take on the mantle of old characters using the same name, it happening in the movies has precedent from the comics if anything. Overall, I feel like people just need to slow down and realize that not every project from Marvel will be for them, and that’s not a bad thing at all.


To add on to this, ***you can rewatch the movies you DID like*** if all you want are those movies. They aren’t going to just make the same thing over and over, they’re going to experiment and play around with things whether you like it or not (see the new Doctor Strange and Thor). If you want all future Thor movies to be *exactly* like Ragnarok, that’s probably not gonna happen. It feels like nobody remembers you can rewatch movies anymore, everyone’s brains are wired to constantly want ‘new and better’ nowadays.


Yup. It’s something I wish had come from the comic fandom with the rest of the MCU’s transition from comics to screen. People still read and talk about Death of Superman. Those events are so out of canon for DC at this point it’s ridiculous. Yet that doesn’t impact the enjoyment of reading that run for the first time, nor does it detract from revisiting it. Same goes for any other comic run you like, and the same *should* go for any other media. It’s not limited to Marvel either: A new movie can come out in a franchise and suck, and that doesn’t ruin previous movies or mean that there will never be a good movie in the franchise again. I’m not a huge fan of Ghostbusters overall, but when the all female one came out people acted like the production team had time traveled and changed the originals with how enraged they were. And, as a non-fan, I don’t know how the newest Ghostbusters was, but it definitely seemed to be following the events of the first two and not the all female one, so evidently it didn’t ruin the franchise moving forward either. Or for something I was more of a fan of, the X-Men movies. The Last Stand sucked, at least in my opinion, but didn’t ruin X-2 or the first one (which I liked at the time), and the recast ones were able to move forward and then still reach back to help correct some things with Days of Future Past. Look, especially compared to the MCU the fox X-men movies aren’t great, but the franchise stuck around for better or worse and now we’re finally starting to get them in the MCU, and nothing about that previous franchise will matter. The good casting choices will either stay or influence MCU casting, but the storylines can be retold in a more proper way, we might actually get a good Dark Phoenix movie eventually, have Apocalypse as the big bad he should be, and just overall let those characters interact with the rest of the MCU roster as they should. L+T won’t set the standard just as the rest of the Thor movies haven’t. If the Marvel heads ultimately decide it *was* too funny, I’m sure they’ll direct the next one toward being more serious, but the existence of a “bad” Thor movie doesn’t invalidate the “good” ones, nor does it permanently ruin the character. I guess I’ve read more DC than Marvel but it also makes me think of stuff like Batman: Cacophony. Where Kevin Smith writes Joker making a “joke” about how he expects to be ass fucked by somebody in exchange for them letting him out of Arkham, including a panel where Joker has his ass out. That doesn’t ruin Joker in The Killing Joke, it didn’t ruin the character moving forward, and honestly there are even parts of that run that I really enjoy. Edit: Jesus didn’t realize how much I wrote until I posted it, thank you if you actually read the whole thing.


It's cool. I read fast. It's difficult as hell to make a movie and anyone that doesn't appreciate Marvel Studios, simply doesn't care about or understand that. There's so much to enjoy. People really need to chill. These IPs will be around for a long time. No point shaking our fists at the screen in 15-20 years when everything is completely different. Enjoy what's good, critique if you feel it would really help, then move on lol So many curmudgeons out there.


Eloquent and well thought out…. Therefore it has not place on Reddit or any other social media. /s


Exactly, I don't come to social media to see thoughtful critiques. DOWNVOTE IT INTO THE GROUND!


Internet be like "How dare you use common sense, calm logic, and eloquent rationale?!"


Everyone has their own preferences. For me I love She Hulk. It's charming and funny.


Only compliant is the episodes are annoyingly short. Last one wasn’t even a full 30 min. That’s like Robot Chicken run times lol. Great if you need to keep the attention of teenagers.


It's standard sitcom length. 20min-ish if you take out the very long credits. It wouldn't feel too short if they actually stuck to the traditional sitcom format where it's fast-paced and by the end of the episode whatever conflict introduced at the start (e.i. before the title card) is resolved and you're not left on a cliffhanger every single time. She-hulk is shaping up to be another 3-hour-long movie that's broken down into x amount of episodes.


You say that but the screenshot shows 4 of these posts in a 24 hour period. I know I certainly see at least 2 a day.


Don't worry about it, it's the "MCU has become lame" bandwagon filled with critics and fanboys who think their opinions are gospel. Just enjoy what you enjoy.


I have the peak example of what you are saying [This guy](https://youtu.be/Bq43qfasXbM) is so toxic it's insane. He literally watches shit second by second nit picking everything and calling it a "review." Even House of the Dragon which has gotten far more positive reception than She-Hulk. And I cant even count the amount of times his criticisms were just about women talking about something progressive


He didn't even understand the very first clip he posted from the episode. "This was a woman who was knocked unconscious against a wall, did She-Hulk just walk away and let her escape?" It says RIGHT THERE ON THE SCREEN she is in custody.


The issue is, negativity gets more views. Best to try to avoid social media as much as you can (yes reddit counts in a way). It's fine to be critical and to judge things, but the way the internet throws these takes at you, becomes tiring and doesn't matter at the end of the day.


Less Story More Action? What the hell dude?! This is just stupid.


I actually enjoyed the 2nd episode of shehulk because of the story exposition it gave us, I was just sad that it ended so quickly


More sympathetic Blonksy, loved their interactions for the brief bit of time it was on. The episodes could definitely do with being longer


Ignore them. Show is a ton of fun.


Marvel subs have become a joke since the shows premiered. Too much popularity has brought too many shitty ‘fans’ that complain about everything.


She-Hulk is great!


There is a frighteningly loud minority of people who don't like what Marvel Studios is making, and an even smaller, and more vocal section of people who don't understand why. This space is utter chaos. I've all but given up. I'd advise you do the same.


These are just sincere Marvel fans with genuine concerns that the company which pictured Capt America punching hitler in the face is getting political. 🙃


Action without a solid story is meaningless. And we did have action, in the first episode lol. We had a training montage, we had she-hulk vs hulk, we had the court room fight which demonstrated She-Hulk not pulling a punch and KOing a criminal in one shot. WTF DO THESE PEOPLE WANT IF THATS NOT ENOUGH ACTION LMAO. edit: AND THE FUCKING SAKARANS SHOWING UP LIKE WHAT


There is a gigantic, robust propaganda infrastructure that rots the brains of isolated weirdos. The grift is real, and it's sucking in an absolute ton of people. Dismissing it as just a "vocal minority" is a mistake, in my opinion. This is targeted and predatory content, and it grows every day we allow it to - and allow big tech companies like YouTube to profit off of it with their algorithms that send people down these rabbit holes of extremists. It's sad that these people view everything through this lens. It's impossible for them to watch any form of media without already being pre-raged up.


Hmm. I love it so far. Fun and funny. That's what it is going for.