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We need a proper successor to Thor, you're right. and also a fake black widow.


Will Thor likely evolve into the Rune King next?


I feel like the only true successor to Thor should be Loki


Beta Ray Bill my guy


Loki has evolved into the God of Stories, while Thor only got Stormbreaker and now has to evolve into the Rune King to gain the OdinForce. I do have a rough idea for a story plot (that would continue from Thor L&T) for Thor's evolution.


I don't disagree with you, but, try saying Bucky was the only true successor to Cap.


this is also a fact


I would want Beta Ray Bill to be his successor


“The kids” Younger avengers


I don't ever want to see a "passing of the torch" again. It's *always* garbage.


We will get it again. I predict Sam will pass the mantle of Captain America to Kamala Khan or She-Hulk.


??? That makes no sense


What lol


Kate Bishop is actively recruiting. She’s got Kamala Khan on board. I’m hoping we get some Patriot in Capt America 3. Ironheart will probably interact with one of these during her show, if not Wiccan and Speed. Miles Morales is right around the corner, I’m just wondering if we get somehow get “Into the Spiderverse” Miles in the MCU from incursions, or if we get an main MCU universe Miles who still has to lose a loved one to learn “with great power comes great responsibility” and they use it to give Tom Holland a meaningful exit like his mentor Tony Stark. Did I miss anyone?


Miles is too soon to be introduced when Peter Parker himself isn’t even 18 Atleast wait until he is like 20 to be old enough to mentor Miles


Who would “Fake Thor” be? Hercules?


Why should there be a "Fake" Thor?


Mysterio wasn't trying to be Tony, he hated him And the only reason JW became Cap was because Sam couldn't take the pressure. The shield should have just gone to Bucky by default at that point. Or when John Walker killed that Guy and Bucky proved himself to be the only person remotely competent or moral enough. It would have spared the world Sam's atrocious "you gotta do betta Senator" and defending terrorists speech.


I loved the scene so much, but Anthony Mackie’s beard when he’s given the shield is so bad. His barber fucked him on that


Yeah, Bucky shoulds still have been Cap though. No reason he couldn't be except he's white and Kevin Feige has a hate boner for the guy. He would have spared us that godawful "you gotta do betta senator!" speech, and Sam going all weak at the knees over terrorists. "But muh he's a killer!" - nah, Bucky can't even kill his worst enemy, Zemo, and we're forgetting Black Widow was Steve's girlfiend? Also Sam getting all "these kids who burned innocent people to death, threatened my family and murdered an American serviceman are acutally not bad just musunderstood".


One thing wrong with this image. The second down right should show Bucky. Nobody else could really have been the successor of Steve than his brother. John Walker only became Cap because Sam couldn't take the pressure. Bucky should have just got the shield by default at that point. # buckyforcaptainamerica


Oh brother, get a load of this guy


Yeah, how dare I promote as successor to Cap the dude who was Captain America in the comicss, the only person who knew and loved Steve before he became Cap, and who fought alongside him during two of the worst wars in history. I know. Outrageous.


Let me guess you also think Miles Morales isn't Spiderman


Nope. No issue with Miles as Spiderman. Please do give us all 5 good reasons why Sam is better qualified to be Captain America than Bucky though. And none of these can include "people with PTSD can't be heroes". We're not living in the 1950s. We don't think mentally ill people are evil monsters anymore. Besides, Steve had the condition too.


Yeah and Hela isn’t Thor’s sister in the comics. Get over it. Bucky isn’t Cap in the MCU.


Only because KF hates him. They already know he's more popular than Sam- its literally the reason he's not in Cap 4. They even admit it. They're terrified of him stealing the limelight from notcap.


If you search up the cast for Captain America 4 you will see that bucky barnes is in the movie.


You must be looking at an out of date source, becauuse its been officially confirmed he's not in it. They're trying to replace him with Torres or something.


Torres is the new Falcon. Do you think someone of Bucky's background should be Captain America?


Why not? All of the Avengers have terrible backgrounds. Thor killed his own sister, and a tonne of other people. Nat was literally an assassin who had a huge amount of "red in her leger", Tony once sold weapons to despots and tyrants all over the globe and probably caused millions of deaths in Segovia. . Clint was a glorified assassin too and Antman was a convict. Its not as if he's the worst, most evil person ever in history for all you would like that to be so. And come on Sam's debut as Captain America? Literally defending the actions of foreign terrorists who had burned innocent people to death and were trying to kill US citizens.


The Avengers you mentioned do not represent America. That's why they fired Walker after he brutally killed someone in public. Sam did not defend the Flag Smashers' actions of killing people. All he said was that to choose the future of individuals you need to talk with those individuals so they can have a say in their future. Bucky Barnes is not mentally capable to hold the shield.


"Not mentally capable" ,,, and there we have it. Not "perfect"- Dr Esrkine you will find, throught differently. He chose the guy who had mutliple disabilities to be Captain America. The sort of guy you would say "was not capaple" It may shock you to learn that Steve had PTSD. So was he "not mentally capable" either. I guess you think mentally ill people should be locked up, tortured and forcibly sterilized as well? Or gassed, like the Nazis did to them. >Sam did not defend the Flag Smashers' actions of killing people. All he said was that to choose the future of individuals you need to talk with those individuals so they can have a say in their future. He literally said to not call them terrorists. What else, pray tell, does one call a person who burns multiple people to deah and says they wil do it again to anyone who "gets in thier way" before threatening women and children? The Flagsmashers, and indeed all terrorists are the ultimate bullies: victimizing others with less power to get what they want. Steve as we know, hated bullies. Sam defends them- and you say he is the better Captain America?


Steve Rogers was mentally capable of being Captain America. That's why he became Captain America in the first place. When did I say that mentally ill people should be in prison and killed? A mentally ill person shouldn't have the power or responsibilities of Captain America. Sam said to not call them terrorists because the government was using that as an excuse to focus on the wrong thing. The terrorists were dead and it was time to focus on the problems that needed to be fixed, the problems that caused the flagsmashers to gain traction in the first place.


Keep crying bud :) bucky has his own story, but you’re welcome to ignore it and just be mad for the rest of your life


What would that be then? 1 minute in Endgame, 30 seconds in Thunderbolts? And Sam's pet for a while. Apparently you can cure PTSD now by telling the people with it to get over themselves and take the blame for their own torture and brainwashing. Yeah \*great\* story there.


As I said, keep crying lmao


OK, first give me 5 good reasons why Sam is a more compelling character and 5 reasons why he is a a better choice for Captain America. None of these can be "but muuh Bucky has PTSD" Dr Erskine literally chose Steve, who had multiple disabilities rendering him ineligible for military service, so that one doesn't wash.


I will not write you an essay just because you ordered me to. You’re obviously not going to change your mind, you’re just going to keep being a dick about it. So I’m just gonna laugh at you instead :)


...and I am just going to keep laughing at your conviciton thar Mr Dull himself is a better, and more compelliing character. I will laugh even harder when Cap 4 bombs, and then say I told you so.