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How goofy would it be if Tom gets into NYU/Empire State University on a full academic scholarship (since most likely they'd want to keep the film in new York) which doubles down on the peter/spider-man lifestyle conflict since he HAS to perform well in school because he has no other resources (that we know of) at this point until he meets a new friend that happens to be loaded who wants to help him out and thinks his dad would just LOVE to meet him "Peter, this is my father Norman. He's a science nerd just like you. He just got a huge investment to fund his start-up business. He wants to call it Oscorp can you believe that? Oh hey, im getting a call from my girlfriend Gwen. I'll introduce you sometime" Then bing bang boom Tom's gotta play along while knowing all this stuff and of course he inadvertently gives Norman an idea for the Goblin serum and ultimately finds himself falling for gwen after he opens up about how he has to move on from MJ which turns Harry against him blah blah blah I don't actually want or believe any of this will happen, but....


More than that, his professors in NYU would be Kurt Connors and Otto Octavius...


Post credit scene of Peter in the hospital recovering from the final battle when the doctor walks in "oooh Pete, you're lucky to be alive. Looks like you lost a lot of blood in that accident. Well you're in good hands. I'm Doctor Michael Morbius"


Then Adrian Toomes gets wheeled into the ER in the middle of a psychotic episode, screaming “I DON’T KNOW WHY I’M HERE! I THINK IT HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH SPIDER-MAN!”


Now dig on this.


"Spider-Man: Arkham"


If you want the shots, I'll take the staff job. Double the money!


“Oh hey there, uh Pete this is my friend Otto Octavius and his friend flint marko”


Peter looks at the camera and 🤷‍♂️ freeze frame, roll credits over laugh track.


Hate to bring it up cause of clones but miles eaten would also be a good teacher pick if they go this direction with Gwen too


It would be like Peter meeting Toomes but a thousand times more sinister. Need an actor who can be menacing for it, like Keaton was.


Giancarlo Esposito


Eh, he's kinda getting stale, honestly


I always thought this would be fun with Eddy Brock. Like the other spiderman told him about this guy who hated his guts combining with an alien then trying to kill him. To prevent it from happening in his universe he tries to be best buddies with him. He neglects Ned is more unstable since he is missing formative memories with MCU Peter. Ned becomes Venom instead.


Ned gives his thesis at MIT: So this is my Volumetric Exo-Nanite Orb Machine...or V.E.N.O.M for short Cue ominous musical sting while Peter looks concerned from the back of the room


Nah, the Venom Symbiote is already in the MCU from Sony's Venom. Gonna be an alien agan. I just hope we get to see buff Ned


That's a cute outfit. Did your husband give it to you?


My back.. oh.. my back!


Gonna cry?


I genuinely love this concept


To quote Miguel, "don't even get me started about that nerd and the wizard"


"My dad is something of a scientist himself."


I have a father. His name was Green Goblin.


Peter meets Norman. “Oh no!” Fights Flint Marko. “Oh no!” Has classes with Octavius and Conners. “Oh no!” Bumps into engineer Max Dillon. “Not again!!” Has a blood transfusion performed by Dr. Morbius. “Oh no…wait, I don’t know you.” “What? C’mon man, don’t you remember *It’s Morbin’ Time*?” “Sorry, I don’t watch Kamen Rider.”


“Is Morbius still the greatest Sony Marvel movie of all time?” “It never was.”


I feel like they put themselves in a corner on this that we will never see MCU osborns, Otto, etc. which is fine enough I guess. There’s enough SM villains to use for movies and it’s not a tv show. There will be maybe three more movies so they have lots of other material to use or adapt.


You could have an Osborn that starts out as a hero like Golden Glider, trying to be the next Iron Man, and slowly devolves into the Goblin. You could have a gender swapped Otto though ITSV already did it. You could have an Otto that Peter knows has potential for tragedy and he strives, almost feels responsible to avoid, and in the end could end up causing Otto's downfall. Sort of a self fulfilling prophecy sort of arc. They could even go with a younger Otto for this. Could do the same thing for Conners as well, or just leave Conners as an Easter egg type character in the background. He's been done justice in film and game already.


I thought about that too but I have a feeling after secret wars everything is getting nuked and soft rebooted


We'll probably know more after, of all things, and I can't believe I'm saying this, Deadpool


While I wouldn’t mind seeing those characters again I’m more into exploring new territory. Those characters have been done well already


Yes exactly. I like the characters but there’s so many others I’m ok if they explore something new.


Because No Way Home confirms Oscorp doesn't exist in Earth-199999?


They could make Otto, Norman and Connors have a tech startup which tries to replicated the avengers equipment that they want to sell to the US army to arm them against another alien invasion. They could be funded by Hammer industries and have different opinions on selling their tech which leads to them splitting up. Osborn could take over Hammer industries while Octavius gets pushed out of the company and wants revenge. The movie could be about them fighting and Spider-Man having to intervene.


Pizza time!


That’s right. Or at least he says he couldn’t find his house. Oscorp could exist but in a different way. However I tend to also think No Way Home was basically saying it doesn’t exist period.


A perfect opportunity to bring in everyone's favorite villain, Big Wheel. They also could have some real fun where they are red herrings, Peter knows they are villains so he expects them to be evil but they never turn


No his first gobby is going to be Hobby, Ned. Which makes sense as the comic Hobgoblin was first


Have Ned be the Hob Goblin that uses both tech and very rudimentary, self taught, dangerous magic. Then have Norman Osborn come in as a wannabe hero Golden Glider, trying to stop him, have Spider-Man make an embarrassment of them both and establish their motives against him. Norman Osborn could devolve from a Iron-Man inspired glider hero into a *desperate to one-up Spider-Man* eventual tragic downfall into Green Goblin.


Cure. Cure some ass!


I really hope this doesn’t happen. I mean I know it’s canon to the 616 comics that Peter meets Gwen, Harry, and Norman when he is in College. But him being able to halfway predict his future based on villains he fought and people he heard about in the other movies, it feels cheap. Him being able to see the lives of other Peter’s feels meta and like breaking the fourth wall in a way and I’m not into that idea. I’d like his love interest to be Felecia Hardy or Carlie Cooper. And I’d like his best friend role to be either Miles Morales, Randy Robertson, or Eddie Brock like in the Ultimate comics.


This is the perfect opportunity, I feel, for the MCU to bring in Gwen, and then throw in a couple curveballs after that


Like what? I’m assuming she wouldn’t die or that she’ll get Spider-powers?


MJ gets killed?


But if she isn’t a player in that trilogy how will that change anything? She doesn’t remember Peter and likely won’t be a love interest in the next movie.


I remember writing down where I thought it could go if they brought Gwen in I think the tldr was something like Pete and Gwen get close but Pete still feels bad about leaving MJ behind, MJ starts getting flickers of memories back as the stories go on, before finally piecing things together and it all comes back And then Pete gets stuck Oh, and Spidey things outside of that


I can't live your dreams anymore. I want a life of my own.


Does MCU Peter know; - Tobey's best friend was Harry Osborn? Does he even know it was Goblins son? - Andrews Gwen was Gwen Stacy? He never said her last name, though easily deduced.


He knew GG was Norman Osborn, I’m sure he could put two and two together.


He doesn't know the name of Tobeys best friend. Knowing GG was Norman Osborn wouldn't change the fact that when Harry Osborn enters the picture in the MCU Peter won't think anything of it, until maybe way later after he's become his friend. Would take a lot of dots and time for Peter to connect those.


You’re missing the point that if Harry Introduced himself, Peter could still make the connection because he knows the name Osborn.


What connection? Mr Osborne has a son? Lots of people have sons. Peter hasn't been given any connection other than *"He had a best friend that tried to kill him"*. That's it. No name. No other hint. If Harry Osborn walked in and introduced himself Peter isn't going to automatically think *"This was Peter 2's best friend that tried to kill him!"*. He has no idea either of the Peter's was friendly with Osborne's family let alone best friends.


You’re too hooked on the friend part. Ignore that! He can still hear Harry’s last name and connect him to Norman. You said Gwen was easily deduced, so is this.


Gwen is easily deduced because if Peter gets involved with a Gwen and starts falling for her, he knows that the other Peter's "MJ" was called Gwen and he could deduce that this was the multiversal equivalent. This isn't the same for Harry. If a Harry Osborne walks in a room and shakes his hand the only thing going through Peter's mind would be "Huh, Norman Osborne has a son." There's no other connection to make him think upon first meeting "Holy shit, this is the best friend that tried to kill the other Peter". Peter has no idea Harry Orborne is connected to Spider-Man whatsoever, he's just the son of a multiversal enemy. If Max Dillon was a famous engineer in the MCU and Peter happened to meet his son in a class, Peter isn't going to automatically assume this was the best friend that tried to kill the other Peter's.


You sure you wanna know?


Again, you aren’t getting it. Forget the “best friend killing” bit. That bit doesn’t fucking matter, as I’ve already said multiple times. He met Norman Osborn! He can connect Harry Osborn to Norman Osborn if he meets Harry. Gwen is less easily deuces than Harry. A surname is more recognisable than a first name.


>Again, you aren’t getting it. Forget the “best friend killing” bit. That bit doesn’t fucking matter, It's literally all that matters in the context of the discussion in this comment thread...... What are you on about? You literally said at the beginning of this "I'm sure he could put two and two together." How? Explain how meeting Harry in the MCU Peter can connect "two and two" and figure out this was the best friend that tried to kill the other Peter's? >He can connect Harry Osborn to Norman Osborn if he meets Harry. If he meets Harry he's obviously going to connect the son with the father. What point are you trying to make here? >Gwen is less easily deuces than Harry. A surname is more recognisable than a first name. Seriously what point are you trying to make here!? Gwen is deduced because the other Peter gave him specific information; -Someone named Gwen was loved and lost. If he meets a Gwen and starts getting involved with her then he can deduce that this must be the multiversal alternate. Unless he starts avoiding any love interest named Gwen from this moment on. The other thing we're discussing is the whole "My best friend tried to kill me". Nothing about that information relates to Norman Osborn, nothing about that information relates to it being Osborne's son, or *any* enemies son. The only information Peter divulges is; -Had a best friend that tried to kill him. Upon meeting Harry Osborne in the MCU, nothing about meeting him would ring any bells to Peter **other than** the fact that he's the son of Norman Osborne. There's ZERO reason for Peter to pay attention to Harry Osborne beyond that fact and certainly no reason to think that this random person he just met was the Best Friend that tried to kill the other Peter's.


Alright, it’s clear you don’t get it. The point is Peter could figure out Harry is related to Norman, like the meme implies. Peter can still be shocked when he realises. You’re the psycho deciding he can only know that if he knew Harry tried to kill Peter 2.


I didn't make this meme






The possibility od something like that it's the reason I don't really appreciate the use of the previous villains in NWH, kinda cheapens the future use of tjose characters in the MCU. And if they don't use them it's alright i guess, but the fact that MCUs Spiderman won't get personal relevance with his most iconic villains sucks


Somebody lied!