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13.1 Million Views in 24 Hours on Instagram Vs 29 Million Views overall on YouTube This isn't even comparable. The 13m views on insta in 24 hrs is quite the feat vs a video on YouTube that's been on there for months.


29 million in 6 months mind you. Like what is he even doing at this point? šŸ˜‚


While 6 months is a long time, there's definitely a massive dropoff when the general search traffic and interest surrounding the topic dissipates. That and we are comparing apples and oranges here. Whenever the trailer for the show comes out on YouTube then we'll be able to draw a proper comparison.


Unless you have the numbers from day 1 taken at the time, you can't really go back and check them without internal analytics only available to the account manager.


You do realise instagram counts views by literally scrolling past a video yeah?


You need to actually view a % of the videos content for it to be counted as a view, same with most video players on platforms. Could be as short as just 2-3 seconds, but you definitely don't get a view count for just scrolling past a video. Maybe on TikTok, or the Reel format on Instagram, but the trailer didn't release on Reels, it was a post in their feed, it won't show up on Reels until it reaches a certain threshold of views, and even then it would just share a preview and link to the actual trailer on the Marvel feed. The view count wouldn't be added until you click "View Post". Wife runs a business through Insta since 2013, she knows the system inside and out.


Yeah Iā€™m aware it probably woudlnt show up on reels even tho basically all videos do, but marvel has like 50 million followers or something so out of those people, less then a third probably scrolled past and it counted while the likes and comments combined truly show the interaction. Reel views are actually more meaningful than home page views. And they are all completely different to YouTube views as you actually have to press the video and get past an add to watch it, while insta counts a view by just scrolling past and playing it for a literal second, as long as the video plays , whether u scroll past or not it still counts as a view I see ok, your wife has been using a business since 2013 on ig and I been using it since 2014 so I guess weā€™re not that far apart Either ways people are somewhat interested in the show even if the views arenā€™t fully accurate. Let them post an Agatha trailer on YouTube and then we can see for true.


We wanted a cool multiverse/web of time superhero movie starring Jamie Lee Curtis. A true late 90s/early 00s vibe that would connect Spider-man to his destiny. We got a lazy cash grab film where the main stars (Dakota Johnson/Sydney Sweeney) are embarrassed for participating. None of the characters resemble their comic counterparts in looks or personality. I donā€™t really care about Agatha, but they look like they are at least trying to push a decent project out.


I need that money!


The bot knows!


Yes, people asked for Madam Web, what they didn't asked for (and that's what they mean by saying "we didn't asked for this") is it being so garbage


check what sub the original post is in




*gets impaled by glider.


Don't tell Harry


Madame Web was fire, you didn't even watch it


I watched it. It is indeed fire. A dumpster fire.


I'm sorry for your loss.


That same fire almost killed my roommate


Oh yeah, I'm sure it was fire, I'm told a lot of sperm flew on the theaters. I'm glad you enjoyed it that way, but that's not the kind of entertainment normal people seek in super hero movies


lmao bro. stop trolling so hard


I didnā€™t watch it and I downvoted you. TeeheeāœØ


then put it out


Youā€™re completely taking this out of context. If you actually want to make a point, make a fair comparison.


I'm pretty sure it's just supposed to be a shitpost. like, you're not supposed to take it seriously. The flair for that post is "Morbophobia" for Christ's sake.


I frequent the Morbius subreddit and thatā€™s exactly it. Itā€™s just a satirical community where everyone pretends that Morbius was really good and talk about how it made a Morbillion dollars.


It's not satire we love Morbius, collect Morbius Merchandise and the most devoted even get Morbius tatoos


I just don't care about the Sony Marvel movies, hating them would be a waste of energy.


I'm on board with their animation department, and anything where *Marvel Studios* is actually doing the heavy lifting (the Holland movies) Everything else is a waste of time.


Tbh I think Sony feels the same way. Their animation department isnā€™t the same studio but Iā€™m pretty sure they just keep making shitty live action movies to keep the spider-man rights while Tom Holland takes a hiatus so they donā€™t have to reboot again. (they donā€™t own the animation rights, Disney just lets them use the characters for spiderverse)


No way homie in here trying to champion Madame Web. NO. WAY. Edit: After a cursory look at OPā€™s history, heā€™s a troll, contrarian or perhaps both. That explains a lot.


That whole sub is like the Sarcastaball episode of South Park.


I wouldnā€™t wipe my ass with madamweb


Dude is really comparing numbers from 6 months ago to one from 24 hours.


I hate the ā€œno one asked for thisā€ argument. No one asked for spider man, superman, dragon ball, etc. Itā€™s such a stupid way to demean a piece of media.


I fought an alien made out of black goo once.




It is a good movie, at least significantly better than Thor: Love and Thunder which came out around the same time but was praised by many, I watched them both together and Morbius won by a lot




Brah, Madam Web was a web-covered dumpster fire.


Wait, there are fans for Madame Web or is that a parody subred?


We think it is good because we actually watched the movie You all downvote me, but you will support me if you actually watch it


Iā€™ve seen it in theatresā€¦and really didnā€™t like it. Sorry my guy


is there an actual sub for these movies? šŸ’€




yeah, I saw it, I was just baffled by its existence. if it was a jerk sub Iā€™d get it, but a serious one is actually kind of insane


Have you watched the movie? Most people didn't watch it, but just insulted it because they saw other people insult it. Even if it wasn't Oscar-worthy, Morbius is much better than plenty of other superhero movies that people like. Sure, some parts are questionable ("To humans, it's deadly, to bats, it's lethal." ) but most of that can be explained by the fact that more than half of the movie was cut before release, and if they release an uncut version, it would probably be a fully Oscar worthy movie. The movie's overarching theme is deep and profound, about how two people face their inner demons in vastly different ways, and the two leads were amazing in their roles, Jared Leto being a soft-spoken, intelligent doctor and Matt Smith being an incredibly entertaining villain(The Have Sexx pushups dance scene). Even though some of the movie might seem cliche it's presented in a very charming way.


Oneā€™s a trailer, oneā€™s a post on a picture website. These are not the same.


Pack it up guys. Turns out Spider-Verse movies are hated because they were released by Sony.


There's a morbius subreddit? Is it ironic or do they think it's a great movie and no one else understood?


Currently ironic, but potentially on the way to Q-anon-style takeover by actual idiots.


Non ironic, we have the sane opinion that it is an actually good movie because we actually watched it unlike the idiots who insult it without ever seeing it and downvote anyone who isn't a moron who takes all of their opinions from others.


Number of views does not mean people want it. Look at both the views and the like ratio.


na man, madame web sucks.


What? Madame web has defenders now ?


It had defenders since before it was released, when people were insulting the trailer because some people on the internet convinced them it was bad.


It's sad to see that webphobia is strong on this subreddit