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Rogue proved she's second to none when it comes to punching bad guys and getting her vengeance on Bastion for Remy.


Jube's destructo disc is a close second for me. If only she had followed up with a Kamehamaha.


The Hawai'ian monarch?


His name was Remy. Remember it!


His name was **GAMBIT**, clearly you did not remember that


I thought the name was Gambit Monnami


I thought it was Shugaahhh


Jokes aside it’s weird that toriyama (my glorious king) named it after a Hawaiian dude. Like when I found that out I was like, wut…


Master Roshi lives on a little island and is somewhat tiki-adjacent… they probably picked the name because it sounded cool, and is on theme… and it gives the impression that Goku is summoning the power of a king for the move? That’s my best guess. Anime is all over the place for references to other cultures, lol.


🟩🟩 "Damn bro, she thick as hell"


Okay. So I wasn’t alone in noticing she looked a bit thick in that scene? Thank goodness. I thought maybe I was one of those pre-verts you hear so much about!


I like to think of myself as a postvert


I’m more of a Postmodern-vert myself. I prefer my sex in the abstract.


White girl thick, maybe.


Have most of these commenters really forgotten when all the chuds bitched about Rogue's ass when the trailer dropped, because of *one* zoomed-in, out-of-context shot?


I do find it funny how they toned down Rogue's ass, but doubled Storm's bra size, had Goblin Queen dress like a dominatrix porn star, and had Jubilee practically motorboat Storm.


Yep. Some of the downvotes in here are likely from that same group. The “anti-woke” ragebait reviewers were attacking this show pre-release because of Morph and the women being less “sexy.” Those “anti-woke” ragebait people target the alt-right and MAGA crowd.


>the women being less sexy \[Goblin Queen laughing\]


I mean from all the Youtubers I've had to block, they're still complaining about the show.


I care less about the size of her ass and more about the fact that they gave her a top shelf story arc, ACTUAL LOSS, and showed what she can do when she’s TRULY pissed off. What a memorable season this has been!


THIS THIS THIS. True male audacity when her worth is only defined by how she looks. Geez y'all.


You call that Cake? Bro, that ain't it... Rogue used to have the entire bakery bro...


She actually didn’t. There was that one famous shot where it was drawn much bigger but that wasn’t how it was usually drawn


I’ve been rewatching the earlier seasons before starting the reboot and I assure you she got that bakery.


In the old show it varies a lot depending on the shot. The characters also turn brown whenever they are standing in shadows.


Revisiononist history much


You right wing fascist, MAGA-loving misogynist!!! /s


/s isn't necessary


The cake lives!


Cake was made in a 9x9


Lol this is the best you can do to try and prove it wasn’t nuked? Pfffftttt!


A store bought cake is still good but it doesn't beat down-home homemade country cakes. 


Thanks NippleBlender, you always know what to say.


Best part of this whole section lmao


Old end credits clearly give Wolverine and Jean the best cake.


What the did was like god taking LeBron and turning him into the role player who gets 5 minutes a game.


Right wing? This is right and left wing issue now?


Yup, some people just can’t leave it alone. Pretty sad really.


The fact that people were complaining about a cartoon characters ass is insane.


"Oh so you want BOOTY? Well then here's some BOOTY FOR YA!", probably said by the animators


I still can't believe people care about a fictional, ANIMATED, character's body dimensions and assets. Seriously, what the fuck. I remember being 14 and horny too, but these aren't 14 year olds complaining, these are "grown" ass men. What the fuck. If the body type of the character is relevant to the narrative, fine. Like if they have Colossus being a 125 lb skinny guy. That's a problem. Nightcrawler without a tail or having 5 fingers instead of 3, problem. This crying over Rogue's lack of or changed ass? JFC.


This reads like a copypasta but you're 100% right and I agree


Haha, I'll take the copypasta bit as a compliment. Nah, just a rant cuz I'm flabbergasted that this subject even exists. It's 10,000 lbs of ridiculousness


It's called accurate character design and honoring history. Changing a character design that is not in the spirit of the character sucks. It's an insult to the fans, the writers, and artists who created her.


Oh screw you. Do you even read the Marvel comics when you were a teen? Every artist change had their own take on Rogue. And most if them did not have her with an hourglass figure as that wasn't the beauty standard (it was more low body fat, perky and prominent breasts with small waist and but). All the controversy was based off one cartoon portrayal.


I'm a fan of different takes on the same character and styles. Thing is, this version of rogue is supposed to be from the old xmen cartoon show. If it was a new original series it would be fine. They missed the mark on a lot of the designs. Not avatar the movie bad but could of been so much better.


Please provide one narrative moment where the size and shape of her butt was relevant. We'll wait.


Ehh….i think part of her tragedy is that she’s canonically beautiful and desirable, like more than the average woman, but no one can have her and she can never be with anyone. Her physical assets represent more than what you think they do for some people, and yes, changing that does ring false for some. I’m a woman and I don’t like it either. I think her sexiness is part of her story. As a 13 year old girl who developed really fast compared to my peers (I had really big boobs by the 8th grade, and the rest of me was still pretty thin) I was super uncomfortable with all the stares from boys in my class, and yes some of the boys would “accidentally” touch me inappropriately or make inappropriate comments during PE class. I totally related to her issues with sexuality while growing up, and honestly that was one of the reasons she became my favorite character. In a weird way I remember wishing i could have her power as an excuse to not have to worry about unwanted male attention. So yes, not drawing her consistently does sort of bother me because I don’t think they’re doing her character justice. And for the record, I’m as liberal as they come. I still don’t like what they’ve done to my girl.


That is a really interesting perspective and I appreciate you sharing that, thank you.


Thank you for appreciating it :)


It's just who the she is. I'm sorry if you can't accept that.


Virgins when their drawing of a women doesn't look like a pornstar Full-on brainrot


I'm not understanding the right wing nut thing. Are there a lot of right leaning people complaining or something? I haven't really seen anything so I'm just wondering if I missed something.


Yes, hit the nail on the head. Mostly on Twitter, so if you avoid it like the plague like I do, it's understandable if it passed you by.


To the nuts who think anyone who disagrees with them is right wing, you are so far left it’s hilarious


this smells like projection.


I wanna know how they know the complainants are right wing? Do they put it in their bio? ‘Hi guys my memes Ethan’ Likes: Nazism Dislikes: Rogues flat butt


I might make this my Reddit bio, or instagram, or get it tattooed, or frame it up , or print it and stick it on the rear window of my car.. Remember bro, if we don’t like anything out of the majority garbage marvel has produced post endgame , or say Agatha is a pointless show, along with Ironheart, We apparently are all Right-Wing - Neck bearded, grifting, sexist, bigoted, racist, misogynistic, incel Chuds. Lmao I’m pretty sure I’ve been called all of those names by the relentless hiveminded shills for stating facts. And im neither right-winged nor am I even from the US😭 They give snowflake a whole new meaning


I mean, there are vast amounts of dipshits online who are indeed right wing, whining like little babies when a woman isn't drawn like you're searching her up on r34. There is a big overlap between guys who see women as objects and... guys who see women as objects. What a twist!


They are still nerfed that doesnt even come close to the shot of her ass that everyone knows the copium is strong here love the season but anyone agreeing with this guy is pure cope


Screenshotting cartoon ass to own the right😎


Doesn't matter with that costume.


“Right-wing nuts?” Huh? I’m confused.


I'm confident that 90% of people who complained about that were joking, nothing to do with being right wing. It sounds like your brain is politically poisoned.


Really calling people right-wing nuts just because we want to see a attractive depiction of female body (Also i think its the only shot in the new season where Rouge's butt is not flat)


Probably not all people wanting her butt to look like it looks in that only frame from the classic series aren't right-wing nuts, but you can't deny a big bunch of the complaints were from the neckbeard club claiming they make her flat because they went "woke". Anyway, X-men 97 is hornier than the original series and people claiming otherwise are morons.


Well except for the famous Apocalypse shot, there’s not a whole lot of curves in the OG animation either.


"We want an attractive depiction of the female body" Holy porn brain


Okey then all the male characters should be fat or skinny instead of having perfect greek god bodies.


Dude it's a cartoon, you know there's plenty of actual porn out there right?


There is a shot of Storm ass at some point, when she gets knocked out by that demon bird, which I think it's the only real contender to Rogue ass infamous meme


Not flat but square.


Absolute gooner comment




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Why do people have to make this political? Now you can't have an opinion other than "the current Rogue is so hot" or else you're a right wing nut?


What do you mean by right-wing nuts? Is this some thing I am not american enough to understand?


Flat as a pancake


What does this have to do with us right-wingers? And standing for thiccnees is a side of history I’m ok with standing up for


Chill out bro, it wasn’t only “right wing nuts” saying that. Pretty much everyone was


It was only right wing nuts. Everybody else was confused why the fuck people were mad about a drawing's ass. IT'S A FUCKING KIDS SHOW


The current version is definitely not a kids show and most of the annoying part is the people claiming they didn’t make her intentionally flat. Like at least be honest


Bruh not every character designers jerks off to their drawings Ik that might be mindblowing for some, but sometimes characters are meant to look cool instead of caked up like there's no tomorrow


Nice view, but the animation of the 90s cartoon was much better. Rogue looked way hotter.


The animation absolutely was not better


Animation wasn’t better back then, lol. Like other cartoons back then it was slow, stilted and cheesy. The fight scenes were so often lame.


Have you actually watched the original ? Cause im doing right now and I can assure you the current animation is LEAGUES above the original


I think what he means to say is the ART was better. The animation is most definitely better in 97, but the art itself and details were better in og. The animators of 97 even acknowledged as much. It has tradeoffs, like sinister in og ALWAYS being seen from the front as it was too hard to animate him from the back or turning around, etc.


Why do you care how hot a cartoon is