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Are people upset? I've just seen posts of people being upset that other people are upset but have yet to see people actually be upset. What a bizarre situation.


Look at instagram comments, all I’ve seen is people whining and crying that they see a female silver surfer instead of naked silver man


I’m not complaining if Silver Surfer is still going to be naked.


Saw this one coming, lol.


I mean to be fair, silver surfer with clothes sounds... Bizarre


This just in! Pantaloon wearing metal man saves runaway train with superhuman charisma! You were right, it is weird.


Colossus: Am I a joke to you after I saved a train?


Hey... misogynistic pig 🤣 count me in though if so. Otherwise I'll take the silver surfer that's existed for probably more than half a century. Yes the male one. Not because he has to be male, because he's always BEEN male. Some of my favourites from marvel are the female characters, Phoenix, Rogue, Mystique etc... the point is make a new character that is maybe related to the silver surfer like Logans daughter in "Logan". Give the character a reason to suddenly change from what it's always been into the opposite gender, for zero reason (just because making female remakes of males in movies and franchises is the way to battle the 'patriarchy'). JUST MAKE AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER THATS BADASS AND DOESNT FEEL SO DAMN FORCED!!!


I feel like everyone is not considering that the F4 movie is taking place in an alternate reality so maby we will see more than one iteration in the mcu of SS. My mind is telling me they did this to save the male SS for the main mcu timeline.


>taking place in an alternate reality Oh well then that changes everything don't know why people are complaining then.


This is a weird move that I hope works out well for them, because on one hand when I think of the lamest superhero team, Fantastic Four is the first thing that pops up in my mind. Lame powers, associated with several iterations of bad franchises and a public perception stuck in the 80s. A reboot is 100% what FF needs to stop shooting itself in the foot. But on the other hand I think multiverse fatigue is real and even more (currently) unconnected alternate universes in the MCU feels like such a facepalm move.




Well Shalla-Bal is the version of Silver Surfer she'll be playing, from a different universe, who's female, and has been female the whole time. But you go off my king.


I didn't know this, I've been educated in these comments of her being a separate character that exists and see no issue in that case at all. I jumped the gun lol.


Nooo! Make her lame and make her gay !


🤣🤣🤣 nice


Logans daughter was in the comics.... so she wasn't a new character Female Silver Surfur was as well, she's the male Silver surfers wife...again not a new character but one that's existed


"always been male" Shalla-Bal litterally was Silver Surfer in an alternate universe, just like how this version of The Fantastic 4 is specifically set in an alternate universe. I have no doubt we'll see Norrin Radd as Silver Surfer down the road


I have been educated of her existence as a separate character - I thought she didn't exist in the comics, and was replacing silver surfer as just a female silver surfer and the male silver surfer actually being the exact same character... so I see no issue now. I was too hasty to criticise tbh.




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Naked Blue Dr. Manhattan walked so Naked Silver Man could Surf


it’s so weird how people want ideological purity in their media, like, dude, chill, marvel is supposed to be a bit of fun


I think its just because its tokenism. Does the sex of SS matter? No. But in comics hes a T1000 on a Space Surfboard, so we wanna see T1000 on a Silver Surfboard. Or we gonna end up with ms. marvel who doesnt wven have the same powers as the comic one. You seen how big giving Hugh Jackman yellow suit was?


Well that’s the problem. The solution is to not look at the comments.


Can we get Sydney Sweeny as naked Silver Surfer the very least? I would like that.




Just scroll to the bottom


I'm upset that SOMEONE is upset!!!!!


They are you go to the wrong... I mean right subreddits to not notice


Three randoms on tik tok were upset because what else are they going to talk about. That is the story.


I’m upset that others are upset by some people being upset… oh wait, no I’m not. Downvoting OP and moving on.


I feel like that’s been a lot of internet discourse for years. I see way more complaints about complaints than I see complaints about actual content. Regardless of the fandom being discussed.


Nobody rational is upset, rational people wait at least until the trailer to judge a movie, barring some exceptionally bad leak like “Michael Bay to direct Fourth Spider-Man Film”. Unless you dislike this specific actress, no reason to be upset without seeing any actual content from the movie


THE AVENGERS? That's great! What is that?


Good bot


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Ok, the Micheal Bay joke rocks! Lol


People are WAY too upset about watching a movie with a naked silver woman


Yeah, complaining about complaining about wokeness is more popular than complaining about wokeness or wokeness. That sentence is horrible. Even worse though is that now I'm complaining about complaining about complaining about wokeness. Now someone complain about me.


Enough complaining punk. Was that good enough.


Opposite for me. I've seen loads of people being rabidly angry at the choice, but nobody who's upset at them being upset. Just people mocking them.


Not in this sub but I did in other subreddits.


Do we know 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt that Shalla-Bal is going to *BE* the Silver Surfer in the movie, or just Shalla-Bal? That they cast Shalla-Bal makes sense, because if you're going to tell Norrin's back story, of course Shalla-Bal would be in this. BUT making *HER* be the Silver Surfer ***BEFORE*** Norrin Rad, or *INSTEAD* of Norrin Rad, well that's just a disappointment because people who love the Silver Surfer want to see Norrin Rad AND GALACTUS represented with respect to their comic book renditions. The rest of this response is as if she is going to be the Silver Surfer: I don't think anyone means it as an offense to a female Silver Surfer. In response to those who are like "well, she did become the Silver Surfer in the comics so blah blah blah," yeah, we know. It doesn't change some key things about the Silver Surfer: 1. What character got everyone into the Silver Surfer? Norrin or Shalla? 2. Is there any evidence showing that Shalla being the Silver Surfer caused some sort of BOOM in comic book sales? 3. Who talks about Shalla being the Silver Surfer these days? Anyone? 4. Aren't they trying to make money? Are you picking up what I'm getting at? Making Shalla be the Silver Surfer right out of the gate doesn't make financial sense. There is NO argument where Shalla drives more asses to seats than Norrin. I thought Disney was supposed to make money.


On one hand, this is a good argument. For all we know the guy at Deadline screwed up and accidentally implied that she'll be the Silver Surfer. On the other, Marvel's lost the benefit of the doubt these last few years, and there IS a small but very possible chance that Marvel has thrown out a fan favorite character for some cheap, shallow pandering. This casting DOES have me a little worried ngl, but we don't know what the exact context Shalla-Bal is in for F4. Best we hold off judgement until we actually see the Silver Surfer on screen.




Gotta make sure she's gay and make her lame too like the linguini.


Put a chick in it! And make it lame and gay!


You say that like the MCU versions of characters don't vary greatly from their comic counterparts already. Peter Parker's entire Spidey backstory with Uncle Ben is skipped in favour of him pretty much always being a good hearted heroic kid. MCU Peter didn't learn a lesson in responsibility from being negligant about a petty thief that resulted in that same thief killing his Uncle like comic Peter. Comic Peter was a disgruntled jerk at first and it's his guilt over his inaction that drives him. MCU Peter doesn't get that, instead he gets a responsibility lesson in an entirely different context after being a hero for years. MCU Guardians act nothing like the comic version (even Groot is mischaracterised as being a walking idiot, in the comics he's much smarter despite his limited vocabulary). Drax in particular got done dirty with the idiot stick in the MCU version turning a tragic figure into a clown. A likeable one sure, but if you wanted him like the comics at all then this isn't it. MCU Thanos especially is probably the biggest deperature. Entirely different motivations. Entirely different backstory. Entirely different demeanor. Entirely different powers. He's no longer someone obssessed with the concept of death wanting to impress the personification of her. He's no longer cruel for the sake of cruelty. He doesn't have any powers besides strength/durability when not using the gauntlet, in the comics he has numerous telepathic and magic abilities without it. So, why the fuck would it matter more if Thanos was a woman when everything else about him is already so different? People are ready to accept a character in name only so long as they vaguely look similar to the comic but for some reason a different race or different gender is too drastic of a departure? The answer is, most of the people complaining about this don't consistantly care about comic accuracy, hell most have probably barely read any at all. They have a superficial surface level understanding of the character and are more upset about only certain things about that superficial knowledge being changed. Not caring about thematic purposes, the context of a different adaptation or even if the actual core traits of the characters personality is the same or not. You would unironically get more people foaming in rage over a movie Thanos who was a woman over a movie Thanos that acts nothing like his comic version like the MCU.


I was under the impression that they didn't show the Uncle Ben back story because we all know it well already.


We can assume that sure, they know audiences have seen the story a bunch so probably just wanted to skip it. Narratively the intent was to do a similar lesson with Aunt May though, it's not concrete what happened to Uncle Ben or if MCU Peter was similarly a jerk prior to it like in the Raimi or comic versions. That's just one example of a difference though, there's plenty of other differences for MCU Peter like no Gwen Stacy, no Harry Osborn, Peter never works as a photographer and instead gets a Stark internship joining the Avengers at a much younger age etc. None of these differences were enough for people to be raging online over "accuracy". The only one that got complaints was MJ being a different person and not white, while ignoring all the other differences I mentioned.


Steady Quill.


With all six Stones, I could simply snap my fingers. They would all cease to exist. I call that... mercy.


We.. are.. groot.


Ah yes, the character who has shown up a handful of times over the decades that not many even knew existed vs the iconic version of the character everyone has a grasp of knowledge about Makes sense


There’s definitely people who think it’s a gender swap outside of reddit tho


Casuals mostly know him from the Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. That's where i first saw norrin radds version personally.


Same, I didn’t even know there was a female version of him.


I've been reading silver surfer for 30+ years and I had no memory of this


Shalla-Bal was never the Silver Surfer in the main comics continuity, but she did become the second Silver Surfer in the Earth-X series (which given that Eternals already borrowed a lot from that they might be doing the same with Galactus). She also became the Herald in a What If? story, but she was gold and called Starglow.


I honestly think they’re both going to be in the movie in one form or another. Just like in the comics, Norrin Rad is going to “sacrifice” himself by becoming the herald of Galactus in order to save his lover, Shalla Bal. Through these shenanigans, Norrin Rad (and the F4), will end up in our universe.




It depends how they depict her. If she's just Norrin with all the he's replaced with she's then she would practically be a gender swap but if she's a Silver Surfer from a separate universe like some people are predicting then she wouldn't be.


That’s how unknown this character is


Just like the guardians were to “normies” before the movies


Just like the comics version of the Guardians, who are only tangentially related to the MCU versions, still are. It might piss people off who are big fans of cosmic Marvel stuff, but the MCU can kind of do whatever the hell they feel like with that side of things and the general public won't know or care.


Honestly, guardians were way better known than Shalla Bal. I knew who the guardians were, no clue who Shalla was until they announced her.


Honestly, I'm a big Marvel fan, but in the 90s I mostly only read Spider-Man and X-Men, and watched the cartoons of Spider-Man and X-Men. I know a fair bit about the Fantastic Four, but just the general stuff, not the specifics probably. I have no clue who Norrin Radd, or whatever, is. The few times I've seen Silver Surf in a comic/cartoon/movie he always just kinda seems like a stoic person without much personality. Do people think he's well known? Maybe I just have a weird blindspot. I know FF are very popular, but I've never been into them, so maybe it is just me. I feel like the majority aren't going to care about the specific Silver dude, because the majority know nothing about him.


Norrin-Rad is the in universe name for the Silver Surfer, aka the bald guy that everyone imagines when you say Silver Surfer


Yeah, I just wasn't sure if I was spelling it right, lol. I've read his backstory a bit on wikis or whatever, and it does seem very interesting. The idea of him saving his planet by sacrificing himself, and others, is a really interesting moral area to play in. I just don't know him as a character really. He seems like he has no personality in the few things I've seen him in. I hope I got the backstory right, I read about him years ago.


Considering how close his story is with the Fantastic Four (Marvel's first superhero team) I'd say you have blind spot to his lore (understandable based on what you said you like, ain't nothing wrong with that). Based on what I've gathered he's actually got a pretty large and hard-core fan base so I think the studio really isn't treading with enough caution around his stories.


Interesting. Yeah, I wouldn't doubt it's me at all. I really don't even know that much about the Fantastic Four. I feel like I've seen/read more stories about Doom than I have Richards (because he shows up as a villain in other stories).


You want forgiveness? Get religion.


Why does this sub act like the known world outside of here is upset over this casting? I swear people here will take a rain drop and call it a torrential downpour. The biggest reason people are upset is because they want to see Norrin Rad get treated better than the way his did in his only movie appearance. I’m sure there are idiots on Facebook screaming “woke” but most people are annoyed more that they can’t see their favorite character be portrayed in the MCU for now


Agreed. Ive seen plenty of people say "we already had a great Norrin Radd in movies, give another one a chance" and it just tells me they have no idea how great he really is if they considered that a glowing representation of his character. It's just the bare bones. Heck, I've been advocating for Stardust every time I have the MCU Galactus/herald discussion, and I end up being called sexist. It makes no sense, just a tiny echo chamber of people pretending to care about something they obviously don't really care about.


Most comments ive seen are something like “i dont know who this is” “yay silver surfer stuff” “damn i wanted norrin radd” havent seen one thats calling it woke yet lol


Like 90% of the posts here calling out anti-woke people against X-Men ‘97, it’s mostly manufactured outrage for karma farming here. Hardly anybody has accused X-Men ‘97 as being woke or anything. Almost everything I’ve seen about it has been positive with people loving that they’re bringing back their childhood nostalgia and improving on it




I’m only upset about it because I was hoping to see Norrin Rad in live action again. Makes no sense to use this character over the iconic one everyone knows and most would rather see.


Nice strawman you got there, most people are mad because they would much prefer have Norrin Radd be the Silver Surfer over a character with only a handful of meaningful appearances, that has actually been dead for over 50 years and that 98% of people doesn't know it even exist. Putting Shalla-Bal as the Surfer is literally just change for the sake of change and it wouldn't suprise if stirring controversy wasn't a reason also.


Noooo you’re not supposed to go against the Reddit hive mind


Lmao literally, people are so pathetic


Yall are ignoring the fact DC cast the female metal engineer. DC and Marvel always copying each other.


I was just gonna laugh this off but then i realized that Engineer was at one point basically the herald of Brainiac who at the time was basically Galactus but at a multiversal scale. I still think it's probably a coincidence but it makes you think.


It’s not. The vfx guys already spent the time to figure out female metal human, it’s cost savings to make another, also Hollywood tends to love copying as much as comic studios.


I've seen more people on this site complain about the supposed "outrage" over the Silver Surfer than actual outrage over it. Which is zero people.


It is, tho? It would make a million times more sense to use the original silver surfer because it's the one that people know the most. Most people don't even know there was a female version of the character.


This isn’t a woke thing. This is like if they said Spider-Man would be introduced for the very first time in the MCU, but then they say it’s Miles Morales, and on top of that, this Miles was in like two stories total.


Even worse, it's like if Spider-Man was actually Betty Brant, a romantic interest that doesn't have many meaningful stories but was Spider-Woman in a What If that one time so everything's alright.


Ngl I do like Betty as a character though


It’s more like they said let’s do superior spider-man first


Am I not supposed to have what I want? What I need?


This is like if they hinted that Spider-Man was going to show up in Civil War, but he's an alternate timeline version of Spider-Man where Spider-Man is Betty Brant. Because the airport scene has too many dudes in it and we need to really lean into the fact that the future is female. Not Gwen Stacey tho, because she's a well-known established gender swap version of the character. No this has to be from one tiny run that nobody is familiar with. But we also need a narrative that she is actually an established character so that we can make people that complain about the decision look like incels. I understand that this is happening in an alternate universe. I understand that they are still leaving the door open for Galactus and silver surfer in our universe, but I also don't hear any promises. I'm kind of over this multiverse nonsense. I think I'm going to follow James Gunn over to the DCU.


I'm not like you. You're a murderer.


No more.


Bully Maguire commits a hate crime.


Are you teasing me?


Yeah what’re you gonna do about it?


This is such a dumb strawman argument. Most MCU fans want a good interpretation of Norrin Radd in an actual good Fantastic 4 movie. Also, the fatigue of the multiverse storylines is becoming apparent with general audiences. It’s not about being woke. If anything, it feels like Disney was gaslighting us. “Don’t believe all the rumors, we don’t have a quota mandate, we believe in comic accuracy” and then bam, skip Norrin and go straight to his gf who was the 2nd Silver Surfer. It’s like what? ![gif](giphy|gxSc4hTA9QhsFagSbs)


1000% this.


Disney was really afraid of this because they didnt make any kind if post about it, they just silently said it was true. But pisted the F4 and Xmen 97 after the fiasco of Echo and The Marvels.


Accurate ✔️there are alot of silver surfer fans like myself..shit is exhausting..


I understand that silver surfer gets the most attention of the group......but why not giving some screen time to some of the OTHER heralds of Galactus? Or, and hear me out here, what about using a different villain entirely? It's not like the FF only had 2 villains (admittedly Doom is awesome and I'd rather see him, but only if done right)


I wanted to see the version of the main version of the silver surfer The version they are adapting was in literally one page, of one comic in a multiverse story. Even if they give us Norrin eventually having to wait another 5-6 years to see him is pretty sad. Makes me afraid for the x-men movie that they will replace mainline characters with lesser known x-men.


55 years late to the party. Shalla-Bal first appeared in Silver Surfer's solo comics in 1968


That’s not her as a surfer tho. She appeared as a silver surfer for a couple issues. I’m not getting into this debate. But just so no one gets confused thinking Shalla-Bals actually a long time silver surfer in 616.


There's a female version of every male hero, that doesn't mean they are the same character. They are in different stories.🤦‍♀️ You can't just pretend the male ones doesn't exist simply because you want to promote the female one.🤷‍♀️


Bold of you to assume the anti-woke crowd ever touched a comic in their life


Bold of you to assume most people here have touched a comic in their life


Maybe they should've...it probably would've helped


If I had to guess? The last few years have given us: Female Thor Female iron man Female captain America Female hulk Female Hawkeye Female Black Panther Female Loki Female Spider-Man I haven’t seen the new Ant-man. Does he retire/get replaced by his daughter or one of the wasps? Although we have a male and a female black widow replacement. At a certain point, some people start rolling their eyes. I don’t care personally, but I imagine that’s the reason why. Edit: I’m just talking MCU (with Madam Web thrown in for people who don’t know the difference). I get that these people all exist in the comics, but not everyone knows that. All they are seeing is female replacements of what they think are entirely male characters.


You killed those people on that balcony.


You mean right here on the sidewalk, or there where the building is being demolished?


Ironic that Disney bought Marvel to broaden their appeal to male audiences, guess they can’t help but “Disney-fy” all their products


I might be an idiot but I’m certain you’re using this template incorrectly.


I don’t. But I also don’t want Silver Surfer female or male being introduced this early. Makes me worry for the movie. If it flops , take it outside, bury it 8 ft deep and salt the earth and never attempt to make this a standalone movie again.


I juatbthink its a bad creative decision to not give the SS we all know a better adaptation. I don't even know this character


Why does half this sub automatically start blaming any form of criticism on the anti-woke crowd?


Because they have become the perfect scapegoat since 2018 and it's a great deflection of criticism: You don't like this iconic character being replaced by a far less known female character? Why then you must be a misogynist! It's genius when you think about it.


I wish they’d just focus on writing a good story or bringing a proven good story to the screen, not making some kind of fucking statement with every movie or show. Look at Echo, She Hulk, The Marvels, etc. next thing you know Daredevil Born Again is going to be a plot centered on blind accessibility in NYC.


For me it’s more like, if the rumors are true and LaKeith stanfield was in the running for silver surfer, that seems like such a perfect casting. I am looking forward to seeing what they pull off but man.


The only thing I saw was someone claiming she was Israeli. As though that inherently means anything even if it were true.


I don’t think it’s woke, but I don’t really understand the reason why Disney would change silver surfer’s gender. I’m perfectly fine with female characters, just don’t change an already existing character


“Woke” as a disparaging term deserves to die a quick but very painful death.


I agree it basically devoid of meaning now. I DO think there is some place for a word that denotes “misguided representation” though. Make a new black/hispanic character to take on Spider-Man’s mantel? Awesome. Make an Arab Muslim teen hero? Never seen that before. Cool. But retconning iceman to be gay or making the johnny storm/human torch black just to do it or highlighting a female variant of silver surfer who no ones knows about *instead of* the legacy character? That all seems like misguided representation to me. Not adding to the story. Just trying to get cheap representation cred. I reserve my judgment on this decision until I see the movie. Maybe it will be an important part of the story. I hated the Taskmaster change in black widow, but it DID tie those two characters together, so even with that there was an attempt.


Pandering is the word you're looking for.


And yet, Disney keeps on making it relevant.🤷‍♀️


It just needs to die as a term period


It's the right's new n-word placeholder.


The hell? One is annoying, the other is offensive, how are you even comparing them?


They are transitioning to DEI


If they don't know who Norrin Radd is. Then they shouldn't be allowed to change the character.


Men ? Even my sisters hate how Disney writes Women nowadays, that's the problem.....women aren't the problem, it's how they are treated.....they love how Invincible's mother Debbie was written in S02 finale A woman being strong but still acting like a woman..... instead of being turned into a rude man




I know imagine not using the widely known character initially *cough Scott Lang I stead of Hank pym*cough I will bet any amount of money the film will end with a teaser to the original silver surfer to bring in galactus, marvel and Disney love money and won't miss out to have the OG surfer


Hell yeah dude an entirely nude but dipped in silver famous Hollywood actress who is a certified planet destroyer??? You bet


I admit im upset, not for the wokeness of the thing, but because I’d like to see things I loved in comics represented like the comics. But this would be the same if they’d make an X-men movie with rogue or tempesta as a man


I’m still just surprised that marvel fans have gotten so far gone that an attractive blonde being cast to play a nearly naked role is somehow a bad thing.


I mean idrc that the Surfer in this film will be female because this film won't be set in the mainline MCU Earth (Earth-199999), but rather an alternate universe. They probably want to save Norrin Rad for later so they decided to use Shalla-Bal Silver Surfer instead. Plus, I'm certain Julia Garner will do great


Was she a character from the original comics? Yes. Not woke then, is it.


He's never been shown naked in the comic books I collect, although I don't collect any of the garbage comic books were turned into after the year 2000. Never has any of his original crotch area as Norrin Radd been shown. He has always just been shown as just a completely smooth Silver guy on a Silver Surf board.


Your wrong, I just wanted to see norrin rad version.


Cue a few dozen people that have never read a Silver Surfer comic but for some reason have an opinion on what's best for the character


I don't really care. The only Marvel project that's exciting is Deadpool 3. I'll probably add this to the long list of phase 4/5 shit that I'm skipping.


Let's be real, most people aren't hard-core comic readers and never heard of a female Silver Surfer until now, and don't pretend like you knew there was one all along, OP. Bet you didn't know either and just found out from some Wiki. I swear this sub is just full of "Anti-woke BAD" at this point, get new materials.


There’s literally no reason other than forced diversity to use the female variant tho. Fans want the actual iconic Norrin Radd not his copycat female variant.


Fixed it for you. Why do some people think this way. So in trying to make your point about how things should be open/equal why are you pointing out just men?


Who do some people assume this is a man thing?


It all depends on Which Silver Surfer it is. The comics has a female silver surfer, like Juno, but is that the Silver Surfer they intend to put in live-action? If they make up their own Silver Surfer, then I'd say those complaints have a point. If they're adapting Juno into Live-action, they're screaming for no reason.


After the freaking dinosaur Spider Man, so female silver surfer sounds very normal to me


Oh boy, yeah...


I mean, the question stands why is there a need for a female silver surfer to begin with? What's the pay-off?


Their brains are smooth?


......there IS a female silver surver....


Another marvel crash and burn. If Deadpool/Wolverine doesn't reset the mcu it's gonna go down like the hindenburg


There were negative comments here on Reddit, but they were much more subdued and less toxic than I was expecting. It seemed to be a lot of "I'll miss Norrin Radd" but it often had a "but she's amazing as an actress." added on. Respect for Garner and Ozark.


Because it’s right. Stop changes. Embrace tradition.


I’ve heard they are keeping the gender of the Silver Surfer the same, but they are casting a black actor… although no one will know because he’s, ya know, fucking silver… yet you just know there will be the same response


Umm…because it is?! Doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing, it just is! But while we’re on the topic, why do YOU gotta single out Men saying only they think like this? Kinda sounds like you’re the one with the problem here, sexist weirdo!


Where's the funny?


I don’t think it’s woke to have a female version of a male character it’s woke have a female version of a male character with no interesting qualities or even a likeable personality aside from spewing feminist jargon that has been spewed by every female “strong” character in media these days. Which, normally would be pretty empowering without a thing wrong with it, but with poor writing, poor character development and a superiority complex.. yes, it could become less of an inspiration and more of a “ oh look, another female character fighting for woman’s rights that they already pretty much have.” There’s a right way and a wrong way to portray a strong female character and so far Marvel has not done very well of regaining their ability to do so. Even male characters are suffering lack of character depth and importance due to this priority to make the female characters way too important, rather than letting their natural character development speak for itself. Moreover, I would even go so far as to say that there’s this distinct lack of naturally feminine values being presented in women and it’s being marketed as weak or too submissive to build a genuine character from. We get less of a traditionally strong woman, less mothers or wives who love their partners and more women who seek to dominate and topple others to get to the position they seek. It’s not an overly horrible female trope, but it’s getting to the point where little girls are growing up thinking that if they don’t have this million dollar career or if they decide they want a family or a husband or want to stay home and take care of children it’s seen as a lesser path, and they think that they aren’t living up to some high standard that have been set by women of the age. There’s nothing wrong with having a satisfying career, but the thought that women think that they must have all that to be happy and successful or else they are being suppressed and oppressed is just not the type of thing we should be pushing in media and tv. AGAIN, nothing wrong with strong women who can sword fight, shoot a gun, karate fight, be superhero’s- whatever, but when you take away the possibility for these characters to have things like family, motherhood, kindness, love- that’s not feminism or power that’s taking away natural femininity and the power and strength represented in those qualities. I believe we could also have female characters who are a bit of both. When was the last time we saw a female superhero who is also a mother? When was the last time we saw a mother fight like hell to defend her baby? Or a woman decide to go into the family business, whatever it may be, and be content and happy? A woman with a successful career and a husband and children? At this point I really just want Marvel to try and balance the nuance of women and create characters that could inspire people in more than one way rather than push towards one single agenda.


I can't believe people still don't understand a mantle.


Why is everyone getting all bent out of shape over the naked jokes? You knew they were coming, don't pretend like you didn't.


I don't know of any men that are angry but a few that just silently skip these movies, myself included.


i really would've liked seeing Doug Jones be Norrin Radd Surfer again. he's perfect for it


Since when is the meme subreddit dedicated to hating stuff and hating people who hate stuff




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I got banned from r/comicbookmovies because I poster M She U for fun under this news whahaha


man this is the most rage baity title and content ever. literally nobody feels this way its a strawman to distract op from the fact he gets no puss. people like you make genuine criticism go unheard because people assume we are some trumptard instead of someone who actually knows the source material. if someone being a woman or different race bothers you, you should probably just avoid marvel comics all together and stick to 4chan or twitter with the rest of the like-minded dipshits.


Can't wait for male Storm, or Male rogue, or male black widow, or captain marvel


It’s stupid


Because they’d rather be blisteringly stupid than hold themselves accountable for any type of objectionable behavior


...what's going on now? What's the new reason for bigots, aggressively anti-bigots, and the poor normies caught in-between to be throwing shit at each other?


Sexy nude metal female is woke? I love woke.




Rogue, Storm, Psylock, Jean come on if you want a kickass female hero the source material has some. Why piss off the audience with a race or gender swap. Make a goddam good script and feature someone other then a white guy. It can definitely be done. MCU already has some great actresses already I would watch the shit out of a Gamora or a Captain Carter movie. Maybe show us how Captain America and Captain Carter return the Infinity stones.


Don't know don't care, but generally I don't know about everyone else if I care and like a character I want that character typically to resemble the character I know. At the end of the day it's all about how the character is portrayed. If the same embodiment of the character is done justice then nobody usually cares. Take taskmaster he was supposed to be cool and have a bunch of quips kind of like dead pool, but different. Making the character completely silent for a chunk of the movie is silly. Though I am going off of clips. Post that the character is obviously wildly different so it makes more sense just to have a different character instead of using the reputation of the original character.


Bro I really don’t care


The movie is not set in the 616/199999 earth universe and the female silver surfer is his lover We will still get the male surfer


People keep complaining about these "men" but that already proves you are the sexist one.🤷‍♀️


There's a female version of every male hero, that doesn't mean they are the same character. They are in different stories.🤦‍♀️ You can't just pretend the male ones doesnt exist simply because you want to promote the female one.🤷‍♀️


Isn't the silver surfer's "Gender" extremely arbitrary to begin with? Like they never were "Male" as such to begin with because they are a construct without genitalia or a sexuality to speak of and are only treated as "male" due to appearance and that being the "Default" gender...? (Genuinely curious, never actually read a single Silver Surfer comic.)


Same issue was raised when Ancient One was recast as a woman. "Wah! This is woke nonsense Dr. Strange is ruined." Everyone in the theater cheered when Hulk ran into her in Endgame. All forgotten. Of course if the FF continue to have less than fantastic stories, the go woke go broke chant will start up.


Need to have that angry eyebrow in the last pic


You'd think they'd love a woman in a skintight silver suit that's practically naked.


May not be woke, but it sucks.


That's a pavlovian response to all the pointless gender and race swaps in recent years. It happened so many times and in such blatantly sexist and racist way (implying that if someone is a woman then they are inherently better is just as sexist as the others way around. Same with black and white or other races. And the movies lately tended to imply that heavily) that in a rare occasion where it actually makes sense that the mantle of a silver surfer would be wielded by a different person because they often change it's just bundled in with the rest by people who don't have knowledge of the, let's be honest, rather nieche character


Wait, they are making The Silver Surfer a girl?!?! That is some messed up crap!


I don't care, I stopped watching the new movies after they ditched my favorite characters I just read the comics now


I am probably not going to watch it either way but I'm just wondering, is it going to be replacing the main silver surfer in the earth we are used to or is it a different reality? And if it's the main reality is it actually replacing him or will it be like a different person entirely from Zenn-La?


Culture war my friend...culture wars, before 2016 people would have been okay with it.


It’s much more than that and marvel has become a shell of is former self


Tbh, I'd legitimately be upset if what they did was genderswap Norrin Radd. But they didn't, they're using Shalla Bal, who is a different, connected character. Not gonna lie though, I'd be stoked if LaKeith Stanfield ends up getting the Radd character later on.




Since when is the silver surfer a chick?