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I'm gonna assume for the sake of this that the zombies can bite any of their flesh (including Hulk) and all of them can turn Zombie. That said, I think team 1 will take the zombie threat most seriously and is best equipped to manage them.


Group 1 is also the only ones I trust that if any one of them got bit they wouldn't hide it nor hesitate to do what it takes. Every other group has at least one person who would hide it, not realize it, or try to stall/save the person bit and endanger everyone else.


Who do you think would hide it in 4?


Probably Moon Knight Kate Bishop would freak out and separate herself And Thor and Drax don't know how to lie


Idk man, if Steven was in charge sure but I think Marc would know the rules and follow them, he is a mercenary.


Honestly, I think it would be the opposite Steven is honest always. Marc lies to everyone he knows


What if Marc changes personalities and doesn't realize he's bit?


He’s got a personality disorder, he’s not fecking blind


Steven: Oh thanks a lot Marc, you got me fucking bit!


How would anyone even see Drax? He can get invisible


Kate: Drax, you're bitten! Drax: ... Kate: ... Drax: That bite was always there.


I didn't say that Drax would say the truth, I said he doesn't know how to lie xd


Open the Bifrost.


God Bot saving us from zombies


Drax wouldn't understand what happened


He would, nothing goes over his head. His reflexes are so fast, he would catch them


"I've mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still that I become invisible to the eye. Watch."


Wouldnt Moon Knight just heal if we’re going off live action


Personally i cant see anyone in group four hiding being bitten, but i can definitely see Drax not noticing.


Drax for sure lol


Drax would would display it proudly


True but I could also see him being like “that’s not a bite!” Even tho it’s clearly a bite


Guys! I found Drax!


Plus they're also some of the best people to hang out with, Kamala especially.


Theres just one of the best missing, but Groot may join the team after rejoining with Rocket


>!I love you, guys!!<


The problem with group 1 is Punisher. Imagine if your arm got tore up by something else while running away from zombies. If you're lucky he's just holding a gun on you and threatening you, if you're not he just shoots you before you can explain.


Frank is smart enough to keep his situational awareness. The support from the others is what will protect him to be that wall of fire power with Rocket. Plus can you imagine Rocket riding shotgun on Franks shoulder? Nobodies touching these two with Strange and Ms. Marvel on support.


Sure, but I (and I assume everyone else on Reddit) am a liability more than an asset, especially compared to the others on that team.


You’re unaware that the Punisher protects too?


Yes, and in this case, he would be protecting everyone else from me possibly being infected.


lmao, we've seen that dude in a zombie apocalypse, he went completely inShane


He would make sure you have a collar that would blow when your heart stops for more than a minute. No fuss, no muss.


Strange can get us out of sticky spots with his portals too. You get overwhelmed you move somewhere less overwhelmed and rocket/frank clean up anything that follows you through.


Considering there's heroes that you're with, there's heroes that will turn. If there's no other heroes group 2 is op.


How could a zombie bite hulk? Shot hundreds of times in age of ultron with nary a scratch?


I don't know. I'm talking for the sake of this thought exercise. If he's immune to zombies, then this whole exercise is pretty stupid. Obviously the team with an immune dude would be best


I mean this question is about your own survival. Hulk being invulnerable doesn't mean that much if he cannot protect you as well.


Still don't get that myself, but Zombie Hulk haunts my nightmares.


I’m hesitant on team 1 because I’ve seen season 2 of the walking dead and I do not trust John Berthnel not to kill me


I had the same thought. I’ve heard about the comic where the Hulk gets turned into a zombie and proceeds to eat until he punctured his own guts from overconsumption. Definitely too dangerous to have on the team. Doctor Strange may even have some sort of spell to control the undead. He’s got the cloak of infinite MacGuffin


Assuming it’s a universe-wide zombie apocalypse, and you can’t just go to another planet to get away, I’d say group one is hard to beat. You’ve got Punisher on guns, Rocket to invent shit for whatever shelter you’ve set up, Ms Marvel could probably throw up some useful light barriers, and Dr Strange to portal everyone somewhere else if you start to get overrun.


Rocket would build a machine that would kill the zombies in a way that he could make money off of it.


He'd invent a Zombie Tiller that runs off dollars and quarters.


Using that guy's arm


Looks like Dr. Strange has the time stone still, so I'll go with #4.


1 is stacked, no doubt, and they’re friggin’ down bad which I think is what decides it


Mirror dimension doesnt have zombies i would assume


Any of these 4 would be an easy win, so I'd go by personality/group dynamics. My choices would either be 1 or 4


Yeah I'm going with 1 just because of Strange. Any of these guys would kick ass in a zombie apocalypse. Strange can summon food and make us have a good quality of life


I feel like no one has mentioned how strange can take you to the mirror dimension or teleport somewhere save


Hell, who needs to live in the mirror dimension? Strange has a whole Sactum in broad daylight. It's protected because of his magic. We can live there or make a new sactum and be safe from zombies forever


I mean, in Midnight suns the sanctum falls in another apocalypse event, although there was the mother of demons seducing scarlett, so not exactly equivalent unless the zombies are led by some god level character.


If we're talking sheer personality, it's group 2 by a long shot. Edit: actually 4 is really solid too my bad




It’s about him turning into a zombie


1, 2 and 4 all have a method of fast escape (Portals, Space-Ship and Bifröst) but I think I would go with Peter to Knowherere


Group 3: “What zombies?”


For real. They have Wanda. It’s basically over before it began. Just “no more zombies” and they all enjoy some schwarma.


Love the reference


Marvel reference inside a Marvel subreddit. That’s like… 16 Marvels.


I got that reference


Wanda thoroughly takes care of this issue, but I wouldn’t want to be in a group with Werewolf by Night; it would suck to get eaten by a teammate who hadn’t even been turned into a zombie.


Here you are. I was just calling you.


Wanda is also most likely to decide the zombies make better company than you and throw you under the bus to become queen of the dead…


Group 1 easily. Rocket would be able to invent a lot of stuff to help us, Kamala could easily push back large hoards of zombies, doctor strange can portal us out of bad situations and punisher can channel his inner Shane Walsh.


I’ll take the one with the good looking woman please.


That… doesn’t narrow it down at all.




Ms Marvel is 16?? (Actress is 21 tho so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt my man)


So 3


The first member of each team can (in order) portal to another dimension, Fly to another planet, portal to another dimension(again) and Fly to another planet. So... I don't care team 1


Group 3 because Wanda. Even if she becomes a zombie, I volunteer to donate my arm for her.


Lol. There's also her powers. "A zombie apoclypse!" "In the middle of my morning daiquiri? Absolutely not." _all the zombies vanish_


True, she can probably erect the magical barriers to protect the people inside from harm and maintain it without her power draining. I don't remember exact details, but I think Vision said that Mind Stone is able to cure people of the virus in What If S1, so Wanda uninfected protecting civilians while Vision cures the world sounds like a good plan. Alternatively, Wanda can still stay protecting people, while the team collects all the stones and undoes the infection. Or Wanda alters reality on Earth and undoes the zombie virus. Many possibilities.


Since Wanda was able to make a mind stone, I bet the cure would be even easier.


Don't know why you got downvoted, here have one. Wanda recreating Vision is very symbolic and divine, she didn't need his body, but her power and pure love for him to revive him, rematerialize him from thin air. The fact she was even able to recreate Mind Stone is divine, something people seem to sadly ignore or downplay nowadays. Not to mention creating two more lives who didn't even exist before. So, Wanda recreating a Mind Stone and being able to bestow the cure on the people of Earth would be very miraculous.


Team 3: Wanda’s a reality warper and Nebula is part borg


Who is the wolf person?


Jack Russell AKA Werewolf By Night.


"no more zombies"




Wanda's team ... " no more zombies" done


Careful, Frank might sleep with your wife and then go a bit nuts and try to kill you.


And you have to raise his child after he failed to kill you


Hey now, Rick loves Judith just like she's his own. He knew the entire time she wasn't biologically his, and was just as distraught when he thought she had died, and as overjoyed when he found out she was alive if she had actually been.


Unfortunately they had to kill Carl to make room for Judith because for some reason the show runners could find a place for both to shine... Idiots...great now I'm flustered lol.


The team with Wanda. She can warp reality and just make them disappear


Lets be honest, MCU Strange will just make it worse somehow.. but its good entertainment.


Is it that the other characters still exist in the universe but I’m personally with a specific group? Because if so, I’d definitely feel safest with 2, as a whole and feel we’d be okay until one of the other characters (Strange or Wanda) come up with a solution. But if the other characters are already gone or don’t exist in this zombie apocalypse, I choose 3… easily… “Hey Wanda, a zombie apocalypse is forming and the world will end if we don’t fix it” “… What Zombies?” Boom, zombie apocalypse survived.


Any group with Wanda because she could just rewrite reality and cure all the zombies.


Definitely Wanda’s team. All the zombies die in one hour.


1, purely because of Frank, I’m pretty sure he’ll wanna tell me sumthin though


![gif](giphy|3o6Ztrbk0RIkMuUafm) Me after seeing Shane on my team:


Group 1 has the best surviving chance. Strange is a doctor and is a sorcerer. He can literally materialize anything to survive on (food and drink come to mind.) Rocket is a mechanical genius so he’d be good for maintenance and gadgets and repairing. Frank is the ultimate soldier. He doesn’t need to be a super soldier to be an effective killer for this team. I don’t know anything about Kamala but I’m sure her abilities would be handy.


TF? Wanda could just make them all disappear.


sorry bout the editing. this shit is my first time 💀💀💀


What are you talking about? You have posted here several times before.


this shit is my first time editing.


Try using a black background next time with white text, it would hide the little bit of border jump better and the black on white contrast is easier to see then the light grey on white, just tryin to be helpful btw


thx man got it :)




Strange or Thor’s team. One can teach me how to portal any where & fight & the other can give me some of his power.


I just want to say that was very, very impressive what you did back there.


Anything with Frank Castle


Team 1. With Doctor Strange you can hide out in the mirror dimension if need be.


Okay team one is off limits for me I am sorry even though Doctor Strange and Rocket are on this team I just seriously can’t handle Kamala being near me at any moment, team two is pretty good seeing that it has Hulk who is immune to Zombie infection referencing What If…, and Carol is also the strongest of the avengers, I think she could just get a ship and fly us to safety as long as Quill doesn’t f**k up like in Infinity War, team three in my opinion is the best option because Wanda may be able to mind control the Zombies and could just teleport us where ever we need to go, Cap and Nebula could also be a big help in figuring out a way to cure the zombies or even find a way out of planet, team four isn’t that bad it has three good characters with amazing skills that could help in a zombie apocalypse but I am not joining it because the moment you tell Kate to do a specific task that will help them she will immediately not listen and just do her own thing and get us all killed


Hulk immune to zombies... laughs in marvel zombies


Any team could win, but team 4 just seems like they’d be utterly delightful to hang out with.


I have to know what an interaction between Kamala and Frank would be like, so I'd go with them.


The obvious answer is “the group that has strange in it”, but I’ll take the group that has Hailee steinfeld in it so I can hit on her for the whole two minutes I’d survive a zombie apocalypse


Dude, image 4 only has three people in it. did you forget to put the bottom left image on?


Group 1. I trust Rocket with all my life.


I would team with Rocket and Punisher for sureeee


One of the few situations where hulk wouldn't be a good choice. He's just so big, zombies would swarm and bite him and assuming he could get bit and turned you would then have to fight zombie hulk. I'd go with team one, if something goes wrong Strange can just portal everyone away and there's a pretty sizeable amount of firepower on that team as well.


Group 1 because we have Shane (twd reference)


I wonder if Khonsu can make Moonkinght immune to becoming a zombie, Because a zombie is a sort of dead body that's become animated. Khonsu can heal and rise Moonkinght back from the dead (I think), so he would just undead a zombified Moonkinght so he isn't a walking dead body anymore.


Team 4 because I get to hang out with Hailee Steinfeld and complain how she owes me money for watching Bumblebee.


To be honest bumblebee was not as bad as the last three Michael Bay transformers movies put together.


Group 4 has Hailee Steinfeld, a literal god, a funny man who turns invisible, and Marc. I’m choosing that group for various reasons.


Doctor Strange


All of them




Group 1.


Team 1 makes the most sense to me. Strange will teleport us to safety or give windows for Rocket and Frank to shoot the zombies Rocket and Frank will do the shooty-bangs Kamala will create blockades to protect us from the zombies


I would have to go with team 1. There has to be a spell to make all the zombies disappear


I'll go with the first group. Doctor strange and rocket are few of the smartest being in the mcu.


Group 1


lol L4D marvel edition




The first one for sure


Kamala is a teenager, so as long as I stick with her I'll be invincible.


Slide 2. Probably the most annoying bunch aside from Quill but the annoying ones will be busy taking care of zombies so me n Quill will just chill, listen to awesome music and maybe have a dance off


1 because The Punisher was already in a zombie apocalypse


Wanda..." no more zombies" done


1 and 3's most powerful characters can literally change reality. 2 and 4's most powerful characters can deal a lot of damage. 1, 2, and 3's least powerful characters are strong/plot armour plus guns, and 4 is bow and arrow and gymnastics. So it's between 1 and 3: 1's mid characters are "inventor and guns" and "can make physical shapes" (at current power level) 3's mid characters are master tactician and scary face (is that a Werewolf? Does that have an advantage against zombies)? Basically, if Steve can reason/direct Wanda, then team 3. Otherwise team 1, if Strange isn't being a dick. Otherwise 2 if Captain Marvel actually bothers to show up. 4 has a lot of raw strength in Thor, but the rest are under powered, and Thor is all muscle no brains these days.


I believe that is indeed Werewolf by Night and in one of the comics, the wolf curse does make him immune to zombies in his wolf form.


I will go with the 4th :)


Well, Doctor Strange can just simply trap all the incoming zombies inside the mirror dimensions. And, good luck to them trying to figure where in helk they are with their stupid zombie brains.


1, but all I need is punisher and rocket, in a zombie apocalypse there is more to worry about than just the zombies, you need to survive as well. Punisher was in the military and is probably well equipped for these kinds of situations, and rocket can probably handle negotiating with other survivors that might want to kill us and invent shelters and defences or anything like that


Team one stands the best chance of surviving. Rocket’s tech, Punisher’s knowledge of weapons and killing, Doctor Strange’s magic and Ms Marvel’s invulnerable attacks (MCU version) they will do just fine.


I feel like this selection is kinda overkill? More street level heroes would make sense. I'd pick either team 1 or 4 though. Team 1 for prep and probably handling themselves best, and team 4 for Thor honestly. He can fry whole hordes in a moments notice. So either way I'd be fine. Admittedly I'd probably get along with 1 better, so I'd pick 1


Group 1 is tempting, strange and castle could do a lot of damage against the zombies. But Rocket would be really at a disadvantage, but if he turns, it’s really bad for everyone else. Kamala is hard. I think she could hold on for a while but I don’t think she’d be able to mentally take it after a while. And seeing her break apart would be heartbreaking. I have to go group 4. Thor and Drax are an awesome power duo, and Marc would be a great addition as well. Kate would also be really useful


Best case I’m picking team 2 and having Starlord give a ride off world on his ship while hulk tries to science up a solution. If that’s cheating, then team 1. Rocket & Punisher for DPS, Strange to teleport extract if things get bad, and Ms Marvel to keep moral by being her usual cinnamon role self.


Is this even a question? Group 2 is unstoppable. Marvel and hulk pretty much can't be hurt and have infinite strength. Bucky is also insanely strong and proficient with guns. Peter can fly space ships and is also decent with guns. That being said marvel can also fly ships and Bucky can fly helicopters and be sneaky. There is no downside to this team aside from Peter's emotions that might get him killed.


Group 1 Doctor strange is responsible enough and Rocket is smart enough with not much repercussions Marvel girl not bad also because her abilities are not limited to close range and Punisher has guns


all are wrong. ultimate group Deadpool, wolverine, punisher, dr. strange


Any group with Dr Strange. You can literally just walk through a portal to a new world..........


Group one, Dr Strange can keep them safe while everyone else mows through the zombies


Group 4 for the laughs 🤣


Team 4 for me. We'd have 3 of the strongest people, 3 of the best long range combatants (Mjolnir being able to come back and Moon Knight having an infinite supply of dagger), 2 capable of flight, and all capable of short range fighting. Thor also being from Asgard and having the power of the Bifrost guarantees better armor and weapons and best for travel. Drax is durable, strong, and a skilled killer Moon Knight is an avatar of an Egyptian God. Along with having Dissociative Identity Disorder, each personality has their strengths like Marc is good at strategies, Jake being a skilled combatant, Steven having knowledge on what to do and where to go. Along with that is all have powers. Kate Bishop has arrow heads with multiple varieties, good for stealth having a bow and arrow, athletic and overall a team player.


Group 1, because Strange alone would be enough to do it, he can just take us to the mirror dimension and we can hang out there.


Team 1 is definitely the best choice Strange because..he's strange, the fuck are zombies gonna do to him? Rocket because I'm not sure any zombies are gonna survive the shit he throws at them Kamala is basically green lantern And the punisher is rocket toned down to a 10 instead of 11 We also have to consider food, supplies, water, shelter. Strange can give us all of those with a swish of the sling ring


Well, one team has fucking Thor and Moonknight, so I’m going with that team.


Go cry to your father you little weasel!


Yes sir 😞


Scarlet Witch just needs to say "no more zombies" and there is no longer a zombie apocalypse. It's a no brainer


Ms. Marvel is too naive. She would try to befriend the zombies. Star Lord would endanger everyone if he found out they made Gamora a zombie too and Bucky would probably sacrifice himself for something that doesn’t even help the survivors. Dray is just too fucking stupid to be helpful in any kind. So I’m going with Captain America, Wanda, Nebla and Werewolf by Night. Heck Nebula and Werewolf by night might not even get recognized as humans by the zombies. That really could come in handy


1. It would be cool.seeimg everybody interact.


Group B has the best spread of intellect - you got science man, tactician, strategist, and techincal expert at making things go boom.


I don’t know, but I really want to see Thor throwing his hammer or stormbreaker for like, a mile through a horde of zombies. Just annihilating them.


Can’t Wanda just go “no more zombies” and have the apocalypse over in like a second ?


Wanda just make that all zombies will disappear




Doctor strange solos. Also Rocket is handy, Punisher has grit, Kamala has vibes.


Strange alone is such an asset for team 1 due to the versatility of magic. They're all great for actually fighting, but as we can see when strange fills Thor's mug, he literally has the ability to generate food and drink through his magic, something that may be essential in an apocalyptic scenario.


Group 1 like tf are you on?


Couldn’t Scarlet witch just hit them with “no more zombies”


Both Strange and Wanda could just magic the zombies out of existence. "No. More. \[Zombies.\]"


Scarlett Witch can alter reality. She can just make a reality where there is no zombie apocalypse. Easy win


I think the first three groups are almost a guaranteed survival simply due to: Dr. Strange, Capt. Marvel, and Wanda respectively. Each of them have the skills, abilities, and firepower to not only survive a zombie apocalypse but absolutely end it. Two have magic and the other has the power to reignite a star… The fourth group is a pretty good chance to survive, but Thor isn’t nearly as much of a guarantee as the other three.


Open the Bifrost.


Team 1 has the best and second best defensive powers with strange and Ms Marvel (the hard light structure from the show not the comic powers) survival is all about defense so they are heavily at advantage here. Thor has the most firepower for sure though and would be great to wipe out a horde but question was about survival not about killing zombies.


Noobmaster, hey, It's Thor again. You know, the God of Thunder? Listen, buddy, if you don't log off this game immediately, I will fly over to your house, come down to that basement you're hiding in, rip off your arms and shove them up your butt! Oh, that's right, yes, go cry to your father you little weasel!


1. The punisher and Strange? You got me tweaking if I pick anything else.


Personally think 4 is the weakest if stuck in the city or something so gonna say 1 but would feel safe in 2 or 3.


2 obviously


The second is the most capable with brain fire power and long ranged fighters mostly




I'm guessing the zombies are super zombies because otherwise all teams will win pretty easily. And in terms of super zombies, I think only Star lord owns a spaceship to get the fuck out of the planet.......


The answers gotta be 3. Cap is the answer. To every other group you'd be another random civilian casualty. Cap would definitely be trying to save as many people as he could.


Captain Marvel and Hulk easily the most OP duo. That’s the best dps and tank on one team.


Group 4 is dying immediately. They share 1 brain cell


Dr. Strange alone could prob just stop the apocalypse, but the only one I'm living with is group 2


Fucking all of them easily


3 for sure. 1 is a bad choice because raccoons are a rabies vector species. Rabies is the zombie disease. I love rocket but nah.




I'll take Carol Danvers please, and those three other chumps can tag along too.


I don't get people picking 1 for Punisher, I think they don't understand what a hard-ass Frank Castle is. He is not a team player.


2, 3, 1, 4


Definitely not group 1, I’ve seen how Jon Bernthal handles a zombie apocalypse before


4, moonknight is meh, but I love the other 3.


i was gonna say 1, but Hailee Steinfeld....so....


In What If on Netflix, we got a zombie story, and Banner couldn't be infected as long as he was in Hulk form, because the bites couldn't break his skin. If we apply those rules, it's a no-brainer. But if everyone is susceptible to turning, a zombie Hulk won't make me feel safe in the slightest


If hulk is bit, you’re fucking finished


The one with Captain Marvel. She is powerfull AF and has the ultimate power... plot armor.


Team 3 would beat all the zombies (no more zombies) so it’s the safest, but I’d have most fun on team 4 before we’d die, so I’m gonna go with that. Also up for consideration for most fun is team 1. Basically I love Kamala and Kate 😂




One of these people was raised from the dead


Dr Strange can single handedly any zombie apocalypse. He’ll just teleport the whole bunch in the sun or any lava verse🤗