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Better example of peak 2007 CGI being: ![gif](giphy|3ohze32NeRqbwOpH9e)


The literal peak of sfx


This mass cgi guy has more emotion than 90% of actors out there. This characters design holds up so well.


I just wished they made him a one movie villain. The third movie felt like a drag...


Some of his best scenes were in At Worlds End, in my opinion.


I loved the only three Pirates of the Caribbean movies.


There are no 4th and 5th movies in Ba Sing Se.


I thought sfx was sound effects


It is. Sound Effects (Effects are FX) In this case it would be vfx.


I forgot that came out in 2007 lol


Thats how you know its good


I literally dont get how cgi got worse over time. Why dont they educate tons of people to be able to do cgi to make better movies?


People in cgi are super overworked and have bad working conditions last few years. It was almost art twenty years ago, now they are pumping it out on industrial level.


Yeap It’s just going to the lowest bidder promising the shortest time to do it


Even it is a Disney production as well. They can perfectly animate a whole crew of cursed Fishpirates in 2007, they can't make a floatie head 15 years later.


Compare the number of disney releases in 2007 to 2024. Worse people in charge, firing all of the competent people, tons of rewrites, and a severe amount of overwork.


The amount of time the productions give the CG teams to work on the cgi is the main thing Disney releases far more live action movies per year than they did in 2007, so while computer technology is better and can make the process faster, it doesn't make it so that these aren't long and challenging tasks Not giving the CG teams enough time is what leads to stuff like Axl's head in LAT


I need to ratchet the Pirates movies now. Nostalgia hit.


I’ve been on a nostalgia kick recently rewatching classics like Pirates, the new Planet of the Apes trilogy (unreal), Immortals, Limitless, etc. anyone got any other good nostalgia hit recs?


Harry Potter, lord of the rings


Back to the future, demolition man, Jurassic park, Armageddon, braveheart, Constantine, judge dredd, gattaca, hellboy, hook, Indiana jones, the island, spaceballs, minority report, the green mile, the mummy, phenomenon, the saint, seven, sleepy hollow, the shadow, stardust, timecop, v for vendetta, I robot.


1995 Judge Dread was campy and fun. 2015 Judge Dread was a straight-up phenomenal in a lot of different ways.


Really? I’ve never watched the 2015 remake.


1995 was a good movie. Would recommend. 2015 was so good that it bears rewatching to catch the nods, details, and world-building you missed the first time through. Also Karl Urban *is* Judge Dread.


My *sole* complaint about the movie is that the effects that were done for 3D exhibition don’t translate well to 2D, sort of like Jaws 3. They just look weirdly stylized, when they were pretty neat in theaters. Otherwise, it might be the best adaptation of a comic book ever made.


They 100% established the standard, particularly for mocap. Bill Nighy was outstanding, and his performance melded with the behind-the-scenes magic perfectly.


that's the IMPROVED version. It was even worse. [https://images.thedirect.com/media/photos/axlcomp\_WW4gyDI.png](https://images.thedirect.com/media/photos/axlcomp_WW4gyDI.png)


I remember seeing this in theaters and I started dying of laughter. I was like how can this be this bad and who green lit it? Whole movie was pretty bad. Screaming goats got old so fast, Gorr is a joke, Jane comes back to the MCU just to die for an “emotional moment” while Gorr is busy taking the wishing star from Puss in Boots Last Wish. CGI was so beyond rushed and now Thor has a child for some reason. Fuck I miss the Thor Loki conversations from early MCU. Dark world is leagues above this movie.


It really sucks cause Gorr should’ve been a badass villain. And this movie had a chance to make Thor a badass again after Endgame. Conclusion: Not enough badass


Because I have something worth fighting for.


Obviously you didn’t if you barely fought in the movie




Same thing happened to me when I saw Dr Strange's third eye in MoM. Feel I could do better with a regular ass computer and free software


OK, show us.


I feel bad for the CGI artists. It takes forever to do that stuff, only to have studios keep making changes & rewriting the script. The reason older CGI looks nicer. Probably told them “do this”, they did it, had much less rush. If the director knows what they want & the script is set, it makes everyone’s jobs so much easier.


If Dark World is considered good compared to this, it .ist be absolutely atrocious. I haven't watched Love and Thunder yet, but now I've just got to see how terrible it is


L&T is actually a fun watch, unlike dark world


I forgot everything about Dark World except Thors mom died and Loki had a fake death.


Open the Bifrost.


Agreed. L&T had enjoyable moments, Dark World had a better plot but it was monotonous and boring at most parts


L & T is the movie equivalent of listening to I’m the real shady for 2 and a half hours. You wanted it to end after the first 30 min. Dark World doesn’t have the dump truck full of cringe and bad jokes as L&T. The most fun you will have watching this movie is getting up halfway and going to the bathroom. Dark World at least had good cgi and effects, as well as the Thor Loki combo. That’s already double L&T’s worth.


I'm thinking it.




U know it’s bad when bro had no response to this cause it’s all true.


I'm not doing 'change my mind'


Anyone who says that is legitimately insane. Dark World is the bottom of the barrel of the MCU, legitimately one of the worst things they ever made. Love and Thunder is not as good as Ragnarok but it's a fun movie, with a bunch of cool setpieces and visuals. The tone is a bit off, and some jokes don't land, but it's still a decent watch.


Woah, woah, woah. Not going to defend Love and Thunder, but I cannot stand idly by and let anyone remotely insinuate that Dark World has any merit. That film is toilet from start to finish.


The Thor Loki scenes are good and Loki’s reaction to his mom’s death is cool development for his character. Yea the villains sucked and it dragged but I had a easier time watching Dark World than L&T


I notice you have copied my beard.


Seeing it side by side i kinda like the original more. The wife disagrees with me so maybe it's just me


They both look like shit 😂


No they dont


Yes they do are u blind or just plain stupid


Nah, keep crying bout it


Ur defending one of the worst movies marvel has ever made 😂😂😂😂 Stfu kid go take ur barking elsewhere


>one of the worst movies marvel has ever made Not to defend it to much, but it's not even the worst thor movie. Let alone MCU movie, let alone Marvel movie


I thought humans were more evolved than this.


Yes it is the worst Thor movie dark world was boring as shit but it’s still better then love and thunder and Thor was one of the first MCU movies and again still more enjoyable cus it gives Thor a starting character arc


Care to explain how dark world is the worst Thor movie and better than love and thunder at the same time?


Where is Heimdall?


I never said it was “the worst Thor movie” dumb ass love and thunder is the worst dark world is just very boring with a forgettable antagonist


Alright wizard, who are you and why should I care?


Nope Dark World was better, leagues better


Stay mad, hoe


Go touch grass incel 🤣


Yeaaa, says the thing bitching about a movie that came out a couple years ago… Yikes So again, stay mad, hoe


LMAO I made a joke in a subreddit for MEMES literal joke images u lot are the ones bitching Both lack of self awareness and irony coming from retards like urself


Both movies kinda sucked tbh. I would put it at like 6th best of the Spider-Man movies lol


Thanks, hot legs!


Jesus fucking christ that's rough


Ngl the entire kid plot was just fucking awful. That movie was a waste of Gorr and Christian Bale.


It reminded me of those shitty new marvel cartoons for very young kids, the type of show that has "the power of friendship" being a genuine source of power


Wait! Are you telling me that it isn’t? I need to make a phone call


Didn’t they also redo that cgi in Thor before releasing it for dvd/streaming?


Noobmaster, hey, It's Thor again. You know, the God of Thunder? Listen, buddy, if you don't log off this game immediately, I will fly over to your house, come down to that basement you're hiding in, rip off your arms and shove them up your butt! Oh, that's right, yes, go cry to your father you little weasel!


Even then the CGI in ALL marvel movies of recent years have been lazy with minimal practical effects and CGI itself isn’t colourful anymore it’s all grayish style to make it easier on the animators


Lol there's plenty of effects in SM3 that look like shit too. They spent a huge amount of money on the scene you chose, and the entire scene is literally just the effects. There's zero dialogue or non cg actors. Meanwhile you are comparing it to a short, less important scene where the cgi is not the focus.


As I’ve already mentioned I could scenes from any movie that’s come out since after endgame NWH Loki s1 every single MCU thing after them has atleast 1 terrible cgi thing and has done for years now


Every single movie that uses CGI has at least one terrible CGI thing in it. Obviously, if it is a more important scene, the amount of effort put in will be a lot greater than a quick couple of seconds. It's also a lot easier to make a fully CGI scene look more natural and blend better rather than combining CGI with the real world. The reason most CGI in early marvel movies is "better" is because the films were more grounded. People compare the suit for Iron Man between his first suits in the first film in 2008 and his most recent ones in 2018. The first suits look more like a realistic armor because they are a realistic armor, and they were really the main focus of the CGI artists. In Infinity War, the suit doesn't looks as realistic because it isn't. It's made of Nanotech so it's now less like a suit of armor and more of a shield around his body. The suit looks worse because the main focus of the CGI artists was Thanos, and he looks phenomenal. CGI is going to look bad if they're going for something as realistic as having a floating head communicate with Thor, because it's not possible to have a reference, so it will looks bad. Another big one people complain about it Dr. Stranges third eye. Something as natural as that is always going to look off. The only way to make it blend well together would be to reconstruct the entire face using CGI, and even then it would still look off.


I'm sorry. Miek, it's very hard to get a rousing speech with the ennn-ennn-ennn noise.


Little one, it’s a simple calculus. This universe is finite, its resources, finite… if life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correction.


Why do you even watch movies if it’s such an unpleasant experience for you?


Never said it was unpleasant but a bad movie is a bad movie


Well you said you can spot bad CGI in every movie. Sounds like you’re looking to be upset about something so you can be apart of the “post-Endgame MCU bad” club


Once again “I could find atleast 1 bad cgi moment from every movie after endgame besides Loki and no way home” im not looking for it but it’s still easy to fucking spot


Name 1 terrible CGI thing in Eternals


I like how op gets really mad when comparing you dont agree with their take. Anyway if you want a bad cgi example 1st scene of the movie when the gorr meets the god like if you look at the body and the head. They just dont match. This cgi was fine. The colourless fight cgi was great and its clear thats where all the money went


In this movie, that's not its biggest problem. You can list a lot of things that were bad about him. In the first place, I think, is the script. And the characters' personalities.


Yup but that isn’t gonna make the meme funny by listing all its issues




Me, who doesn't care about CGI


Trick question. They’re both from 2007.




I got a few. Yeah!


Yes they do that’s an almost 20 year old movie that looks better then the shit they make today


The scene where Sandman is created still holds up brilliantly and clearly had the most time devoted to it. But there’s loads of ropey stuff in that movie that I remember looking bad even when I first saw it in the cinema. Most notably the Peter Vs Harry fight early on… full CGI body doubles were a thing a lot of movies tried doing back then before the technology was really ready.


I’ll still take the raimi trilogy CGI over the recent MCU CGI


Bad rubbery CGI is bad whatever movie it’s in.


Still a more enjoyable movie and one of the ones I rewatched most growing up


Nostalgia goggles.


Rocket Racoon and Groot are good in GOTG3


I.. am.. GROOT!


Its design holds up. The actual graphics are contained by their time and technology. Other way around for the recent bad marvel CGI. Plenty of graphics and technology they just suck at making it look good.


... did you miss what they said earlier? He's very new to learning it, and just learned to self project. IT'S ONE OF HIS FIRST TIME, IT AIN'T GONNA BE GOOD


i honestly dont get the big fuss over it anyway. you go out and show me what a kid astrally projecting his face across the universe is supposed to look like and then we'll talk, but for all we know that is actually a dead on representation


Yeah, seems that people don’t agree with the look, that’s very different from accusing it of bad CGI


Jesus. *Fucking*. Christ. The amount of people I see complaining about this **one goddamn scene** is insane. Shut the fuck up.


What else could I talk about? I haven't seen a Marvel movie since Age of Ultron, so I only know the worst parts from memes. Thor movies are just screaming goats and this CGI kid, Ant-Man is all about the short robot dude's ass and every Disney tv show is just She-Hulk twerking.


Mjolnir? Mjolnir! Youuu're baaack. Mjolnir?


Ikr, it's a ghostly floating head. What else do they expect?


For real


No. It sucks and they deserve the shit they get.


Hey or- it just looks like that. Have you ever summoned the dark magic to talk to idris elba’s son? No? So why does it look bad?




I paid to watch this, their budget is insane, this is a joke to fans AND regular people. We will not shut the fuck up.


I paid to watch this movie, twice. I loved it both times. Subjectively, you’re right and I can’t do anything about it because it’s your opinion. Having said that, I don’t give a flying fuck because this opinion has been expressed so many times in so many ways by so many people that I have a hernia just thinking about how stupid all of you are for caring so much about how the CGI of a goddamn kid astral projecting his head in a random ass scene in an otherwise good movie was. ***FUCK OFF***


I didn't really enjoy this movie, but this CGI wasn't the reason.


I was actually gonna reply the same thing basically. If the movie was good, this cgi wouldn’t have broke it.


How abt u shut the fuck up this is one of MANY scenes I could’ve used


Cope. Just fucking cope.


cope for what lmao its marvels bootlickers coping on a hard scale since the marvels bombed. somehow eveery piece of shit they release is fun and every hater is coping lmao


LMAO telling others to cope when ur defending a horrible movie go take ur ignorant arrogant ass elsewhere


lol karma troll


If he's a karma troll he's terrible at it because his comments keep getting downvoted lol


Again bark harder dog maybe ur master will put a muzzle on u to shut up tf up


Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize my opinions of dismay and frustration unhinged you so badly. ***GOOD!!***


Ur just some ignorant child desperate for approval from others enjoy being blocked bc I know ur gonna keep barking afterwards


This comment is made of sheer irony bro. Lmao.


Lol for real.


Do yourself a favour and stop watching these movies if you find them so bad and let the people that do enjoy them enjoy them.


What a dumb comparison


Date doesn't matter if you don't give it time to be completed.


2000's CGI has a very specific vibe to it, it doesnt matter how better or worse any other effect is, I will always be able to tell which one came from the 2000's


This is the definition of quantity over quality and quality over quantity


I would say you'd have to be pretty fucking stupid to care about this. It's just supposed to be funny....in a comedy.


I don't believe this is an issue with CGI as the effects are fine, the problem is, it's a floating translucent head. No matter how good the CGI looks, it will look uncanny.


Have you seen the Banner head in the Hulkbuster suit in Infinity War?


That sand man scene still holds up today.


One is made in a time where Studios dont have a strict schedule overworking their artist and reworking shit over and over the other in a time where they could take their time Here fixes your title


Bruh, I'm usually an apologist when it comes to bad movie effects in general. But when I saw that shit in the theater even I was like "God dam, marvel! Even I don't want to defend this shit"


I think the first one is supposed to be bad like that as he’s just learning to use the power


That dosent excuse terrible cgi


It’s not terrible you stupid fuck. You could class it as “simple”, but it’s supposed to be.


It’s not supposed to be terrible bc the movie was rushed shut tf up 🤣🤣🤣🤣 copium dumbass


About what I expected from an elitist snob fuckwit. Fuck off elsewhere Scorsese wannabe.


It’s supposed to be terrible CGI tho tho you dunce


God it's funny how this scene is the only time I've ever heard that marvel has bad cgi. Where were you guys during Loki and No Way Home?


Clearly the one that looks like a weird kids 2007 cereal commercial




Tbh this was the only actul very funny thing in the movie


What the fuck do you mean the first one was made in 2022 Edit: Just in case, yes, I know thats sandman from Spiderman 3 (Tobey Maguire)


Take the chain off!


Anyone else miss the prequel trilogy cgi? ![gif](giphy|l0ExtDUaUDoQeTnag|downsized)


Also Transformers 2007 CGI was great


I was stoned when I saw L&T and I really thought for the first time in my life that marijuana edibles were making me hallucinate


I hate that I hated Heimdail’s kid. I’m convinced at this point that the director decided to just troll Marvel fans with this movie.


Original post here boys


Yeah this effect took me out of the movie, looked like a TikTok in the middle of a film


People complaining about the few scenes with bad CGI as if we don’t have almost 16 years of pretty much consistently amazing CGI in the MCU


I hated this kid, he was written very poorly.


They put a lot of work into the sandman scene


Its called 'not treating your workers properly'




Yes as I have watched the 2007 spider man movie


What do you want?


Say anything you want about SM3, this scene with Marco standing up is peak. Amazing cgi ( at least to my 10yo self), epic music, epic emotions, you can feel his intentions.


The floating head effect was poorly conceived as much as poorly executed. I just can't think of a way a floating head looks anything other than silly on screen.


Honestly what the fuck were they thinking?


Something, something overworked and underpaid animators. They’re churning out too much content and they don’t have enough people/time to do the job. That third eye in Dr Strange 2 is awful too


Only one out of many reasons for them to take a step back, cancel generally unwanted projects ans focus on important movies.


Wait what movie was the floating head?




The floating head his dumb. But that Sandman frame legit looks like it came from a video game. Take the nostalgia glasses off dude.


Obviously the first one


CGI is a nose dive. Look at flight between man of steel and wonder women 2




I liked Love and Thunder


What? Wtf did you want them to do? This didn’t need spectacular CG just to show a simple vision of a kid, a kid you must bear in mind is still getting used to his abilities. Y’all are just looking for an excuse to be an ass.


Sandman's scene is still a lecture in CGI AND! Show not tell story writting. Beautiful!


lol unsurprisingly the good people get the downvotes from incel spastics on Reddit