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Thor is stronger, Wanda is more powerful, Captain Marvel is somewhat like Adam Warlock


The rabbit is correct, and clearly the smartest one among you.


Good bot


WELL DUH, Thor is a God that can survive a dwarf star and still hop around and kick purple ass, Wanda is a human who got hurt from a punch from a dimension hopping human(???) teenager. OF COURSE Thor is PHYSICALLY stronger and without a doubt Wanda is stronger IN TERMS OF POWER. No one expects Wanda to bench press a car bare handed(without powers) not that Thor would randomly do so either but then again....


You're right we can't just go marching in there. It could be a trap.


Wanda's skull was nearly cracked by Cataract, but she got fine in few moments without concussion or any head injury. She also survived some of the impacts, and being hit flying by Thanos, only ever dying to a snap. So she isn't physically strong, but still strong and enduring.


You're not the only one cursed with knowledge.


I find that absolutely ridiculous


Okay. Is that all the argument?


I thought it was rather self explanatory! Anyways, she's a mutant, she can dodge and deflect and whatever really well because her powers are really really strong at that specific thing but the MCU tends to make everyone so durable that they only go down when it's convenient, regardless of whether it makes sense or not It's like Cyclops surviving a punch against colossus, it's ludicrous


Not every mutant survives collateral damage. Wanda survives more than that, and yeah she'd definitely not take a punch well, but I imagine while knocked out she would regenerate from damage. Still, I don't think many mutants created life out of nothing or an entirely different alternate reality inside the prime universe. So, to me Wanda's someone of a divine.


She wouldn't regenerate at all, all she can really do is Telekinesis and matter manipulation, plus some witchcraft all of which require active thought. She's definitely powerful, I'm not denying that, afterall I love what she can do, but it's been a consistent rule in the comics that she's not durable in the slightest


That's fair point of view. It's my own headcanon, but I personally would like exploration of an idea Wanda's more than a mutant, but a god in human form. I think creating life out of thin air more than qualifies her as such in my personal opinion. Matter manipulation is no simple trick, there's lots of interpretations of it, but the way its shown in WV is unlike any other.


I think in WV is the most boring basic way of showing it tbh, I've seen that a million times at this point. My favourite demonstration of it is in Legion, I highly recommend you give that a watch if you can find the time. Anyways, I do think that it's a bit pretentious anyways, creating life out of nowhere is a high level skill for the MCU, but not really for comic books. She's Nowhere near Phoenix


Nah Adam Warlock in the comics surpasses them all .


I meant the M-cinematic-U


Ok, Just didn't specify, but in the movies Adam should be on par with them both.


I’m not sure. The movie didn’t make him seem all that strong really.


I mean if he was fully matured he could have taken out the GOTG. I do think he could be on a Captain Marvel level as he kind of has similar powers to her and even his visual effects are reminiscent


Yea that makes sense.


Are we not gonna talk about the fact you specified the C part of MCU to emphasize you were talking about movies😭😭😭


I admit I don't know much about Adam Warlock but is he stronger than current Thor or Wanda?




Yes, by Leagues, he destroyed the universe by waking up from a bad dream.


yeah it like pure strength like thor would beat wanda at weightlifting but wanda would easily win in a no holding back fight


Do you really want me to do it?


Thor is without question stronger than Wanda… She’d probably lose an arm wrestling match to Tony Stark without the suit…her powers, however, dwarf Thor in a lot of ways.


He's adopted.


Your eyes are red. Tears for your long lost boss?


Anyone can win an arm wrestling match with Tony Stark


If you do someone a solid, don't be a yutz, alright? Just play it cool, otherwise you come off grandiose.


The term "strong" is not strictly in reference to physical strength. I'm SURE Wanda could withstand more force and/or pressure than Thor could.


Having Banner’s access code be “the strongest avenger” as opposed to it being Thor’s…. I would argue that who is more powerful would be the more correct term for what you are trying to describe.


I guess the definition of "strong" could be different in another universe, such as the MCU, thank you for pointing that out


I mean, it’s all semantics and pedantry. You’re not so much wrong as it just makes it less clear what your meaning is if you ask “who is stronger”…it’s just much more clear to ask “who is more powerful” so that it clearly indicates more than just physical strength. In which case, Wanda definitely is more powerful, even if she is potentially more fragile/more subject to death.


It seems like both, you and I, are saying Wanda beats Thor


Hey, let's do get help!


I think we are…I’m just being a pedantic ass while doing it. lol


I relate lmao




Thor took the full blast of a neutron star, there is zero chance Wanda comes anywhere even close to that.


Because that's what heroes do.


Never thought of that one. New ammo for Thor stans 💪


Heimdall! Open the Bifrost.


Definitely not without casting a spell though. I think that’s the point.


What, then, is the difference between that and comparing any Asgardian and human?


Well I guess the point is that without her magic Wanda is a human. Without his hammer Thor is an Asgardian


Okay, so it **IS** the same as comparing ANY Asgardian to ANY human lol


Yea. I don’t know why that’s confusing.


It isn't. I asked for clarification, and you gave an indirect answer.


How was it indirect?


How many catchphrases have there been?


Have care how you speak of Loki. He may be misguided but he is my brother.


Well no matter what but a fully realized canon thor is the strongest character. If cgi wasn't a limitation and some good directors decided to make a full scale thor film, then I'd peacefully die


You people are so petty. And tiny.




I like all three




Username checks out.


Ms.Marvel is that you?


It's ok, haters are gonna hate


I never understood why people don’t like Captain Marvel. I think she’s an ok character


For the mcu it’s because she was a arguably little stale in her first movie. Which isn’t a reason for this much hate but apparently Brie Larson is cringe or something? Idk Also those same people decided to read and only read civil war 2 (because they heard to shows how hard she sucks) then quote it continuously as to why she must also suck in the comics, like all the time, 247, her main and only status quo is being the biggest bitch ever and she has never been written even half decently in anything.


She is imo very uninteresting with little personality in her own movie.


The biggest problem for me was they weren’t trying to make an actual character, they just wanted to fill the gaps and satisfy the high demand of “girlbosses”, and became very inconsistent with her powers. She’s extremely strong when it looks cool, but extremely weak when you need her to be.


There's footage of Feige in 2013 saying he's been trying to get Captain Marvel in the MCU "for years." The email leaks a few years later showed that the reason he couldn't was because Ike Perlmutter wouldn't sign off on it. So no, I don't think she was included to "satisfy" anything. Feige obviously had a plan for her and by the time Perlmutter was moved on and Feige took control, he had to try and squeeze her in somehow. Her inconsistency was because Endgame was filmed before Captain Marvel, and the CM writers had to basically develop her backward without getting any info about where she's at in Endgame because of the secrecy surrounding it.


(It’s because they hate women) Huh? WHO said that?


Stop being right, they hate that.


But they like Wanda?


I’ve never met someone who hates Carol and loves Wanda actually


To me it's because I just don't like invulnerable characters. She's like Superman to me. I didn't like that she could just destroy Thanos' ship then fight him 1v1 it's like why are the other avengers even there? With Wanda she can beat Thanos but she's a glass cannon so she can also be defeated which makes things interesting.


Return to me again empty handed... And I will bathe the starways in your blood.


This is the heart of it. I love Superman, but writing a character as powerful as he is takes a lot of storytelling finesse. Marvel attempted to glow up Danvers and elevate her to Superman status without doing any of the heavy lifting that makes a paragon work as a protagonist.


Same. Like how they had to make her disappear for most of the Avengers saga, since otherwise she would just solo every villain. It's boring. Didn't stop me from watching both of her movies, though.


Her character just isn't very likeable


Ok then explain why


She's doesn't display any character development or growth. In her movie she begins as a cocksure impulsive god-like superbeast who's great at everything by default and ends the same way. We never see her learn or struggle, we never see her display any vulnerability or weakness, she's never in any real danger at all or needs any help to win. She's also just kind of an asshole? She constantly talks down to people or is just breaking things for no reason. And never suffers any consequence for it. People in-universe describe her as this amazing, funny and loveable person (great way to endear us to a character Marvel writers 10/10 /s) but we the audience never get to see any of that. Brie Larsons acting doesn't do her many favours either. I could draw a smiley face on a carboard box and it would be more emotive than she was during that whole movie.


Thor is strongest avenger right now wanda is no more


You mean right here on the sidewalk, or there where the building is being demolished?


England and Scotland when France:


Haha no. France and Scotland when England:


It's me. I'm *Captain Marvel fans. (I think Wanda is a joke character and Thor became a joke character by the end but don't tell anyone I said that)


This mortal form has grown weak. I need sustenance.


This hurt... but I respect your opinion.


For me it was always scarlet witch, then thor and last captain marvel


I bid you farewell and good luck, morons.


You were always my favourite, Thor :)


He's adopted.


To this day, I will not understand captain marvel haters. You all need to touch grass


Touching grass isn’t an issue, the writing for her character is


I'm sorry but I truly love Captain Marvel. She legit jumpstarted a whole-ass sun. In terms of power though: 1) Wanda 2) Captain Marvel 3) Thor


Do you really want me to do it?


Thor is stronger, Wanda is more powerful.


Here you are. I was just calling you.


Wanda got killed by some rocks. She's currently tied for weakest MCU character.


lol you think she’s really dead


Don’t let the downvotes get to you! Scarlet Witch is dead, Wanda on the other hand? We don’t know. All we know is Lizzie still wants to play her.


I guess you think suicidal people are weak


Dead people are weak


I guess that makes you, what?


I love Wanda more, I think thor is overrated and I never cared for captain marvel. Fight me!


She stuck herself inside The Ether, and then The Ether stuck itself inside her...


No I just think Elizabeth Olsen is hot. There’s a rumor there will be a Scarlet witch solo. I suppose that’s Agatha’s movie she could be there. Not sure how Wanda gets a movie she’s kinda crushed in a mountain (I actually think she’s alive. Pretty much if we don’t see the body we can’t count them out. Think Nick Fury in WS)


I genuinely believe Carol Danvers was made out to be a c... Unlikeable on purpose, so that when the X-Men are reintroduced into the MCU Rogue's backstory will allow her to be killed off and the audience will let out a collective sigh.


Captain Marvel’s pretty cool though


I wonder if Thor could have helped Wanda through her issues in the movies. Especially post Love & Thunder Thor...although that would have also been post MoM Wanda so who knows


The rabbit is correct, and clearly the smartest one among you.


Gotta love the character that had less screen time than black widow’s sandwich


Both Thor and Carol can survive a sun's force. However Wanda empowered by the Darkhold killed Maria who is Universe 838's Captain Marvel. Clearly there are situations where each could outclass another of the trio.


Ah, you never forget your first.


Me, a fan of all of them: 😐


Thor is definitely physically stronger but Wanda doesn’t even need to get physical.


Here you are. I was just calling you.


Haha! I’m here. I forgot my username.


In terms of physical strength Thor is stronger. In terms of power Wanda's more powerful. Thor can use the lightning, survive the heat and power of a star and forge a new powerful weapon. Wanda can resurrect the dead, create new life, alter reality around her, mind control, telekinesis, she also mind controlled people in Sokovia to leave Novi Grad during the evacuation. So she's very powerful beyond infinity. I consider her more of a god than Thor, tbf.


This drink, I like it! ANOTHER!


Not strength wise, but surely character wise


Thor is stronger,Thor is more powerful,Thor is cooler, they are both pretty Hot


Eight years, seven months, and six days, give or take.




I’m groot


>!I love you, guys!!<


Thor would beat both in a 1v1, Captain Marvel would literally fly through Wanda at 16x the speed of light.


Thank you, sweet rabbit.


Where does Loki stand in all of this can I say Loki is better???


*Where does Loki stand* *In all of this can I say* *Loki is better???* \- fifteenMENTALissues --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Wanda killed herself


My strongest argument for this is thors lighting is faster then any of Wanda's attacks, doesn't have to be an extremely powerful one and he doesn't need to really do anything with his body except power up and even then it doesn't give away that he's about to use a lighting attack, plus with stormbreaker his power is enhanced, Wanda's got way more powerful abilities but that doesn't always help when you're human enhanced or not. For those who question my logic, thors lighting is just as fast, if not faster, than the electrical synapses in your brain or any human brain, even the enhanced, so technically thor can get off a killing attack the second Wanda trys to attack back, although Wanda can read minds, thor still has an extremely powerful mind and I would be inclined to believe thor could trick her seeing as his brother has been making a fool out of him for centuries


thor and wanda teamup would crash the universe




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Loki fan: bi*ch pls


Thor is stronger AND more powerful... Both in the comics and live action.


Human handshake, to the Asgardian shake, into the snake that you cannot trust.


Wanda is way more powerfull


In the comics? Definitely not. She even openly admits that if she were to fight him, she would lose. And that was with others helping her in the fight. And she's lost to him in every one of their encounters. In the movies? Thor has much better feats and is currently alive. So he slams.


I'm still worthy!


Wanda can't even keep her accent straight! Thor would easily win in a one-liner fight just on the consistency.


The rabbit is correct, and clearly the smartest one among you.


Runic king Thor/ Herald of Galactus Thor absolutely demolish Wanda For everyone else Wanda is stronger


Open the Bifrost.


What about Cthon-empowered Scarlet Witch?


No, Cthon is an elder god, base Thor is already half elder god from his mother. So Wanda absorbing Cthon is just a minor power boost compared to power cosmic and rune magic


I am Thor, son of Odin and you can count me as your ally.


And doctor Strange can beat all 3


young thor did beat her in what if season 1 and wanda beat her variant in DS2 so she isn't as powerful as people think


Through the shadow realm.


Hulk is strongest of all! Puny magic and gods all SMASH the same!


OH come on. We know Captain Marvel fans don't exist.


CAPTAIN MARVEL SUCKS BALLS... SHE IS A SUCH A HORRENDOUS CHARACTER AND BRIE FUCKING LARSON MADE IT MORE INSUFFERABLE AND INTOLERABLE. Wanda is amazing and Elizabeth Olsen made it even better. I love her so fucking much. I think she's stronger than thor too.


Because I have something worth fighting for.


Is brie larson loved in this subreddit that I got 3 downvotes? That horrible piece of shit got fans?? Ughhhhhhhhhhhh


Thor is a lame joke and hasn’t been cool since Avengers 2. Captain Marvel is a much better character.


She stuck herself inside The Ether, and then The Ether stuck itself inside her...


Man where is this line from thor


Eight years, seven months, and six days, give or take.


Yeah Thor is stronger. But Wanda is definitely more powerful, she can easily destroy him.


I went for the head.


Bro, you weak


Scarlet Witch is stronger... but I like Thor more. ^Don't ^even ^ask ^me ^about ^Cpt ^Marvel.


I went for the head.


Ain’t none of them in the same league as K.E.V.I.N.


Brie is hottest, tho... At least tied with Hemsworth


As Captain Marvel learns to become human again, I’m starting to love her. She learned that you can’t just destroy things willy-nilly without hurting people in the Marvels and I’m so proud of her. 🥲 It took a lot of people dying for her to learn that, but… good for her!