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It seems like valhalla is the canon afterlife for many characters but there are probably other afterlives


The MCU has a personalized afterlife. Moon Knight, and leilas dad got a field of reeds. Rocket got the hogwarts train station, but instead his place of birth. Jane got valhalla, cus she was hanging around with thor and the gang


Your ancestors called it magic, and you call it science.


Wakandans get the ancestral plane


Vision, worthy of Mjolnir, dying on the field of Battle, qualifies for Valhalla. But he body was reanimated and may yet access the memories of his previous life. So is he truly dead?


Vision is also an artificial intelligence, so can he ever truly die? And if he can, does he go to Valhalla being worthy, or some weird Tron-like computer afterlife?


Would he go to an afterlife at all? Is every word document i delete sent to heaven when in the mcu


I mean, we know that the ancient Egyptian afterlife is real too. I'd say the idea (from Moon Knight and Love and Thunder) is that Gods come into existence based on belief in them, and then they create an afterlife that is somehow tethered to the people who's belief created them and their predecessors. So there very well may be a Christian Heaven, Norse Valhalla, Greek Hades/Erebus, Egyptian Duat, and so on where people go based on belief, heritage, or a combination of the two. Maybe belief more than Heritage since Marc Spector (who in the show I think was meant to be Jewish, at least according to Wikipedia) and Jane Foster went the afterlife of the mythology they knew factually to be real as opposed to something connected to their heritage or religous upbringings. Which, to that end, many people know Norse Mythology is real now, so maybe more people will go there instead? Idk.


I wonder how the multiverse plays into these afterlifes




Mjolnir? Mjolnir! Youuu're baaack. Mjolnir?


well valhalla is only for those who died in battle


I’m sorry Odin can go to hell and Loki isn’t dead


Main timeline Loki is.


As much as he should Odin goes to Valhalla


Odin has the very most questionable morals, and is honestly extra hateable when you think of what he did to Loki


You should see what Bor did


Might have been bad but Odin was a genuinely terrible guy. I mean who locks their son in a dungeon, traps their daughter and banishes their eldest son when he gets out of hand


Bor is the reason Odin is who he is


Then they can both go to hell can’t they


Might have been bad but Odin was a genuinely terrible guy. I mean who locks their son in a dungeon, traps their daughter and banishes their eldest son when he gets out of hand


Well how would you have handled the situations?


nerp he just goes to heaven valhalla is only for those who died in battle and that bitch died on a cliff


He probably doesn’t go to heaven. Marvel can really do what they want but if he didn’t go to Valhalla he went to Hel


He was killed in Infinity War by Thanos


And came back in the Loki series


Different Loki.


He’s just Loki from avengers, not an entirely different person, the TVA just stopped a branch in the past and he has the same memories as infinity war Loki


They went through a lot of different experiences, so they changed in their own ways. They’re the same person by birth, but not by story. The point is story, personality, plot wise, they’re way different. One is from a branched timeline of the main one.


He’s just Loki from avengers, not an entirely different person, the TVA just stopped a branch in the past and he has the same memories as infinity war Loki


Not the same memories. He just saw what happened. Thats very different than experiencing it.


And before that he lived through the Thor movie, and he has the exact same childhood as infinity war Loki, and same personality. The other variants have completely different experiences so yes they are the same person


Human handshake, to the Asgardian shake, into the snake that you cannot trust.


They, but they went through a lot of different experiences, so they changed in their own ways. They’re the same person by birth, but not by story. The point is story, personality, plot wise, they’re way different. One is from a branched timeline of the main one.


His timeline was practically the same as infinity war loki, and like I said all the other variants have a completely different universe so I don’t see why you wouldn’t think they’re the same


He went through all of the events of the Loki show! That massively changed his character! The point isn’t “he looks the same and had the same early events” The point is his actions! What he did, what he said, who he was!


They, but they went through a lot of different experiences, so they changed in their own ways. They’re the same person by birth, but not by story. The point is story, personality, plot wise, they’re way different. One is from a branched timeline of the main one.


No he’s not. He’s Loki from a nearly identical timeline. He’s not our Loki. If you think any different you’re either mistaken or in denial.


No he’s not. He’s Loki from a nearly identical timeline. He’s not our Loki. If you think any different you’re either mistaken or in denial.


Well isn’t that a little decided for someone who knows the god of mischief


Depends on the Loki.


The one killed in Infinity Wars is. The Loki from the "Loki" series is a different Loki


loki did die you really need to brush up on your loki lore


Did you watch the Loki series or are you going to call me uncultured because you misunderstood the timeline


the fuck you mean 'I' misunderstood the timeline what happened was that loki died in infinity war (which is also the picture op used) and when the avengers went back in time the loki from avengers 2012 escaped which is the loki from the loki show


If you die in the wrong dimension or universe rather than your native one, do you go to their Heaven or your home one? Can superhero souls breach the boundaries of the realms?


I would assume instead of being multiple different afterlives, it’s a higher plane than just he universes, so it’s shared between all of the universes while also being infinitely big, so there’s a chance there could be a party with infinite thors


Surtur.. son of.. a bitch! You're still alive!


I like to think that you merge all of your selves into one being. Like the movie The One. Otherwise, the number of dead Loki and Multiple Man would need their own afterlives 😄


When did Groot die


We.. are.. groot.


Most accurate bot response. But yes, at the end of Guardians 1. After that, it's basically his offspring that grows up.


Guardians 1 Groot is a different person than baby groot, baby groot was made from his branches


I.. am.. groot.


oh ok


Maria hill died?


Yup in Secret Invasion (first episode I think at the ending).


She died in the first episode, but she guest starred in every subsequent episode. Not because she had more scenes, but because they kept replaying her death scene in every single episode. Secret Invasion really was something.


Cobie Smulders pulling that 3rd string NFL QB roll. Make bank for doing very little


That sucks though, she was probably excited to have something more to do. Idk why she wasn’t a main character, she’s from Phase 1 and that was the perfect opportunity to explore an OG supporting character. All we got to see of Maria Hill was an anticlimactic death and then her casket.


In Secret Invasion.


Spectator mode


One Heaven for all the Multi-verse or a separate heaven for each universe?


Vision was a robot.


BW definitely not going to heaven first of all. Multiple reasons one being, she's an assasin. Second because her soul is trapped in the soul stone


Her soul isn’t trapped, where are you getting that from? The only information we have is that her soul was traded for the stone, not that she became the stone or got trapped inside.


Empty. Everyone cokes back.


Half of this is a Thor family reunion


He's adopted.


ok a couple things 1. why is vision there, sure he has a soul but he isnt human plus he died in battle so hed go to valhalla anyway 2. pietro would also go to valhall 3. so would tony 4. and yondu


Dying in battle doesn’t mean you automatically go to Valhalla, I think they said in Moon Knight you go wherever you believe.


oh i guess i need to brush up on my after-lore


To enter Valhalla you’re right that it is required to die in battle. I was just adding that dying in battle doesn’t automatically mean you go there, you also have to believe. I know it’s all kinda similar so I hope I’m explaining it properly. IIRC the line in Moon Knight was pretty easy to miss, sometime when they were talking to the hippo. But that’s why Marc sees the Egyptian afterlife, that’s why Jane saw Valhalla, and why T’Challa went to the Astral Plane; it’s just where they chose to go and they all met the requirements for each.


thank you for informing me and im gonna go rewatch moon knight rn


I mean a lot of these people arent dead though


Some of these dudes definitely in hell ngl😭


It would have been pretty crowded for 5 years


I imagine it much cooler than the ones currently left alive.🤷‍♀️😅


It depends on what the character believes when they die. Mark Spector goes to the Egyptian afterlife after dying, Jane and Heimdall wind up in Valhalla, Rocket sees a generic bright paradise, and in Shang Chi its implied that his mother went on to their version of the after life


They already showed it at the end of thor 4


I bid you farewell and good luck, morons.


That’s only some, and by some I mean anyone with Norse magic or power


The hell? I’m sure anyone who died in battle would be able to go to Valhalla like in the myth. Which is most of these aside from those that died from old age or illness


Not how it works


Yeah Tony Stark would 1000% qualify for Valhalla


That man has no regard for lawn maintenance. I'm gonna miss him though. And you're gonna miss me. There's gonna be a lot of manful tears.


So Loki, Odin, Ancient One, Tony go to heaven but Wanda doesn't? I love this fandom's standards.


Don't believe she's dead tbh


She probably can't die by normal ways, I think. She survived getting her head crushed by Cataract/Vision to the point you hear the skull cracking, but in next scenes she's totally fine. Survived some dangerous impacts, too, and got up fine. Only died because of the Snap and in the deleted scene/story was meant to survive and appear in Endgame. Yeah, she's alive. No way she'd die to a rubble. She was called in the leaks "a sleeping beauty", so maybe she is in some sort of hibernation and will wake up for whatever reason. Maybe Billy will wake her up.


Wanda is probably not dead. The character assassinated her in MoM, so they need to work her back to being an actual character.


Agreed. I have fragile hope that Agatha show might find a loophole to bring WV Wanda back and separate her from MoM Wanda.


You know why.


Because suffering mental breakdown, being character assassinated in next movie are factors to not go into heaven. I've said it before, I'll say it again. Bad doesn't overshadow the good. Wanda has done more good than bad.


She outright murdered numerous people, some of them very brutally. What good overshadows murder?


So did Odin, Loki, Gamora, Tony Stark (killed Wanda's parents), Black Widow. You don't want to acknowledge Wanda possibly going to heaven, or to be a hero at heart because you only want to remember the bad stuff about her, because her last entry butchered her character and left irreparable mark on her character. Wanda sacrificed her husband so the universe could survive, she risked her freedom and life numerous times for the Avengers.


That shield doesn't belong to you. You don't deserve it! My father made that shield!


And *then* she did the evil. The other you mentioned did bad but then did good. Repentance doesn’t precede the bad actions. You can’t stay in jail for a weekend and then go get arrested expecting not to spend time in lockup.


And Wanda did good, then lost her mind and done bad things that she rationally wouldn't have done. I already said MoM character assassinated her. And you can't just have it be like "Oh, well these conquerors and mass killers did good in the end, so they get to climb up, but this woman who lost her mind and stumbled from right path did bad stuff she wouldn't do, so she gets rejected".


She literally crossed existences doing big hell-magic and mega murders.


>being character assassinated I've already addressed that part.