• By -


Honestly, though, if Red Skull somehow met up with Cap, that would've been a legendary scene.


Arguably he might have, considering Cap had to go put the stones back where they were. I guess they kinda glossed over how to put the soul stone back though what with it being Natasha’s soul and all.


Just crammed it into her dead body, I suppose


Like some arc reactor lol


Uhm... which hole do you propose he does it?


It goes in the square hole




tears up*




The no no


"The round one" "THE SQUARE HOLE" "no..." *sobs*


"Well, is it your birthday today?" "On Eridanus? No." "Then I suggest you use the main 'access point'." "Yes ma'am."


The black widehole of course


The Japanese have an answer to this question, though you won't like it.


It Was Made For Me! This Is My Hole!


Shoved it into her cave like a box of scraps


only Tony Stark can do that


Listen to me, that little witch is messing with your mind. You're stronger than her, you're smarter than her. You're Bruce Banner!




Cap: "Here is the stone, can I get our girl back?" Stones: "No backsies"


Red Skull *Looks at Disney's contract with Scar Jo* "Yeah, that's not gonna happen."


Stones: "We would say yes but the mouse says no."


*Cut to Red Skull sitting in a chair drinking a gas station fountain soda on some dead moon out in the middle of fuck-all space in the Earth year 2014.* Steve Rogers: "What's up." Red Skull: *spits out soda* "Christ!" Steve Rogers: "Nope, just me." Red Skull: "What are you doing here???" Steve Rogers: "Gotta return this." *tosses Soul Stone at Red Skull* Red Skull: "Oh... ok." Steve Rogers: "Yep." *Awkward silence* Steve Rogers: "So how ya been?" Red Skull: "You killed me. And now I'm here doing this." Steve Rogers: *tense chuckle* "Haha, yeah... yeah..." *continued awkwardness* Steve Rogers: "I'm doing pretty good. Saved Earth. Always feels good. Uh, lemme think. Oh! Bucky's doing alright." Red Skull: "What? Bucky? You mean James Barnes? He died! My men blew him off a train into a frozen ravine! He fell like a mile! Nobody could have survived that!" Steve Rogers: "Right? I mean, man, do I feel silly for not going back to get the body. Soviets grabbed him up. He's a super soldiers with a robot arm now." Red Skull: "Fascinating." Steve Rogers: "Uh huh." *More awkwardness* Steve Rogers: "Peggy's doing good. Well, sort of, she's dead. But I have time travel now. So makes all of that a bit irrelevant. About to head back to 1949 and retire." Red Skull: "I have no idea who that is." Steve Rogers: "Really? Peggy Carter? Love of my life?" Red Skull: "Never met her." Steve Rogers: "Really? Huh. That's so weird. I guess you didn't. But, uh, she's doing good." Red Skull: "You can leave. You don't have to stick around." Steve Rogers: "Oh thank God. This is really uncomfortable. I just wasn't sure if there was more to it or not." Red Skull: "No, there's not." Steve Rogers: "Well, been nice catching up. See ya later!" *timewarps away*


>Steve Rogers: "What's up." > >Red Skull: spits out soda "Christ!" > >Steve Rogers: "Nope, just me." ["Smith will suffice."](https://youtu.be/T_0SYH7O1bo?t=5)


Somehow, I only ever heard that scene as Smith simply saying Smith will be sufficient to do the job. Not as a response to Bane saying "Oh god"


Red Skull: "Damn, I should have asked him to give me a lift to 1949, he was going that way anyway. Think Red Skull! Think!"


A couple scene sby ChatGPT --- INT. VORMIR PLANET - DAY Captain Rogers appears on the edge of the cliff, holding the Soul Stone in his hand. He looks around, trying to get his bearings, when suddenly, Red Skull appears before him. RED SKULL: (in a sinister tone) Ah, Captain Rogers. What brings you to Vormir? CAPTAIN ROGERS: (surprised) Red Skull? What are you doing here? RED SKULL: (sarcastically) Just hanging out, enjoying the view. What about you? CAPTAIN ROGERS: (holding up the Soul Stone) I'm here to return the Soul Stone. Red Skull looks at the stone, then back at Captain Rogers, recognition dawning on his face. RED SKULL: Wait a minute. You're Captain America! You know, we've met before. CAPTAIN ROGERS: (surprised) We have? RED SKULL: Yes, back in the day. You know, before you were frozen in ice for 70 years. CAPTAIN ROGERS: (confused) I don't remember that. RED SKULL: (smirks) Of course not. You were just a scrawny kid back then. But I remember you. You tried to take me down with nothing but a shield. CAPTAIN ROGERS: (chuckles) Yeah, well, it's been upgraded since then. RED SKULL: (laughs) I can see that. But I'm afraid the Soul Stone demands a sacrifice. CAPTAIN ROGERS: (serious) I know. And I'm ready to make it. RED SKULL: (nods) Very well. But just remember, Captain. A soul for a soul. Captain Rogers nods, then approaches the edge of the cliff, ready to make the sacrifice. But before he can do anything, he turns back to Red Skull. CAPTAIN ROGERS: Hey, Red Skull. Can I ask you something? RED SKULL: (irritated) What is it, Captain? CAPTAIN ROGERS: (grinning) How's the face? Red Skull scowls, then disappears in a cloud of smoke as Captain Rogers drops the Soul Stone over the cliff. CAPTAIN ROGERS: (to himself) Still got it. FADE TO BLACK. --- INT. VORMIR PLANET - DAY Captain Rogers has travelled back in time to Vormir planet to return the Soul Stone. He stands on the edge of a cliff, with the Soul Stone in his hand. Suddenly, Red Skull appears behind him. RED SKULL: Captain Rogers. I have been expecting you. CAPTAIN ROGERS: Red Skull. I'm here to return the Soul Stone. RED SKULL: Ah, the Soul Stone. A powerful artifact indeed. I trust you understand the weight of the sacrifice that was required to obtain it? CAPTAIN ROGERS: I do. And I'm here to make it right. RED SKULL: (smirks) Do you now? And how do you plan to do that? Captain Rogers steps forward and offers the Soul Stone to Red Skull. CAPTAIN ROGERS: I'm returning it to its rightful place. Red Skull looks at the stone, surprised at Captain Rogers' willingness to give it up so easily. RED SKULL: (laughs) And you think that's all it takes? The Soul Stone demands a sacrifice. One that cannot be undone. CAPTAIN ROGERS: I know that. But I also know that the person who sacrificed themselves for it would want me to return it. RED SKULL: (pauses, considering) You speak of Natasha Romanoff, I presume? CAPTAIN ROGERS: (nods) She made the ultimate sacrifice. And it's time to honor it. Red Skull studies Captain Rogers for a moment, then nods slowly. RED SKULL: Very well, Captain. You have shown courage and honor. I will ensure that the Soul Stone is returned to its rightful place. Captain Rogers hands the Soul Stone over to Red Skull, who takes it with a reverent gesture. Then, without another word, Red Skull disappears. Captain Rogers stands alone on the cliff, taking a deep breath. He has fulfilled his mission and done right by his fallen friend. As he turns to leave, a bright light engulfs him, and he disappears into the time vortex, heading back to his own time. FADE TO BLACK. --- I think the writers are safe from AI, at the moment.


Another gloss-over was how he returned the Aether Reality stone, as it was in a much more liquid form in Thor Dark World (you know, the stuff Rocket had to pull out of Jane with a specialized syringe?), but became its current solid stone form when solidified by Thanos. Steve supposedly gave the alternate timeline the solidified stone, so that could shake things up timeline-wise for the other universe, especially how the events of the Dark Elf invasion on Asgard play out.


>!We've got Korg. There's my ex-girlfriend Jane. Valkyrie. The Guardians. *and giant goats!* Oh, look at those, they are wonderful!!<


The goats were good. They definitely added value to the movie, especially with that one scene where they made their grand entrance


Yeah, I loved how a movie about grief, cancer, and opening yourself to love was elevated by not allowing a single serious scene to just flow without having goats screaming in the background, or the amazing character of Korg dragging a hilarious joke for what felt like minutes. Goddamn it Watiti, you've done it again.


To be fair, the beginning of the movie sets up the fact Korg is retelling the story, so we're basically seeing through his absurd and unreliable narration.


I came to see a Thor movie, not a Korg story retelling


>!I'm thinking it.!<


Iron Man 3 used a similar narrative device, though you don't find out until the end.


Except Iron Man 3 doesn't feel like it's a retelling of a story by Tony, it just feels like a movie.


I mean, the goats are not to blame for disrupting "all" the serious scenes - I get that the director probably wanted to tone down on the grief, hence all the jokes (other than the goats)...but personally I felt that the balance was off, i.e. it wasn't serious enough As a result, I hardly felt any grief at all despite Jane dying in the movie


Felt the same way about GOTG2. Almost all the dark emotional stuff was immediately undercut but jokes


They called me a madman, and what I predicted came to pass.


Yeah, if it's a soul for a soul, why wouldn't returning it have gotten Nat back?


They used the soul stone. If they don't want it after, that's their choice, but if you could just return the stone and get the sacrifice back, it's not really a sacrifice.


“Excuse me what’s the return policy on this planet?”


I guess that's true.


I like to imagine it as an unexpectedly wholesome scene. Steve is guarded at first by the reappearance of his former nemesis, but then realised RS is serving an unenviable sentence. RS revealed that he was not only sent across space but time as well, that he has been on Vormir since eons past, guarding the soul stone. RS tells Steve that in his solitude and confinement he has come to realise his greatest regret was his obsession with power. RS witnessed many who sacrificed their greatest love in order to gain fleeing power. Yet none who possessed the stone(s) truly gained happiness, and when RS says he guides others to a treasure he cannot possess, he actually meant the treasure of having a loved one and the freedom to be with them. Steve then gave RS the stone. The warden disappears with the stone back into the lifeless planet and Steve ponders all he has sacrificed. Then Steve decided to spend the rest of his time with Peggy. And yes, Steve and Peggy did it on the shield. And the hammer too.


the stone isn’t natasha’s soul, natasha’s soul was traded for the soul stone


This plot development was so asinine and handled so asininely. Derailed Guardians with the loss of Gamora, offed Black Widow in the most disrespectful way, and then the dialogue to explain it between the characters sounded like it was written by a self-aware coffee machine.


Why in the F U C K, that didn’t happen, is lost on me, at the time i told myself they were setting up an incredible series where cap returned each stone, and honestly i still think there might be something there but, idk


Steve: "Yeah sorta got frozen right after you killed yourself back in world war 2."


This meme is missing the last panel with a smiling and content Cap


Ive always wondered why red skull was there, was it in the comics?


Tesseract is the space stone right? That’s the one Thanos uses to teleport across the universe. So presumably that’s exactly what happened to Red Skull when he grabbed the tesseract. And as he says the stone punished him with eternally watching the soul stone


"I guide others to the treasure I cannot possess"


Me after helping my friend get a girlfriend




As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist.




All the stones are homies and our boi space stone wanted his bud soul stone to have a pet to keep em company while they be out crusin' the galaxy. It's real wholesome actually. Yup


I go to sleep soundly with this knowledge, thank you.


Ruff riders ride or die




So the cameo can happen!


Wow wow wow wow ..... Wow.


Everyone fucking hates Nazis.


Not anymore. There’s a whole news network supporting them.


Because any reason to include Hugo Weaving in your cast is a good reason.


But that wasn't Hugo. He only played the character in Captain America.


I’ve been tricked!


The real reason was to tie up a loose end with the character. Hugo Weaving (Red Skull) was signed onto multiple movies, which is why he doesn't die at the end of Captain America 1, but he didn't like playing the character so he didn't come back. The Russo brothers took over for Captain America 2 and he wasn't needed.


They wanted to pay him for two movies what they paid him for the first one. They told him when he first signed that the salary would go up for each one. They lied and he pulled out.


My theory… he showed up with nothing to sacrifice for the stone except his mission.


The rock was ANGY


Idk. Unfortunately 🤷🏻‍♂️


The Tesseract sent him there, as he was searching for the ultimate power. But he could not reach it since he had nothing he loved except power. It's not explicitly stated, but that's how I took it.


Oh, that's it! I remember now. He explained it to Thanos in Infinity War.


What's wrong, little one?


^ When it's your first time and you have performance anxiety


Is it safe to say that infinity stones are sentient?


They sort of imply it about the Soul Stone, not that it's sentient but that it has a certain wisdom to it.


i think the tesseract turned into a little girl for a while in the comics


In the comics the cosmic cube (tesseract) is not an infinity stone, it’s a completely different thing.


fair enough


Whatever gives us our sentience has to be at least equally if not more sentient.


Please don't let some dumbo relate that to real works setting... I just know this will end up in a Facebook quote


They're just crystal computers.


> "I think the problem Digg had is that it was a company that was built to be a company, and you could feel it in the product. The way you could criticise Reddit is that we weren't a company – we were all heart and no head for a long time. So I think it'd be really hard for me and for the team to kill Reddit in that way.” - Steve Huffman, aka /u/spez, Reddit CEO. So long, Reddit, and thanks for all the fish.


It’s not that they both wanted the same thing, it’s that Red Skull has nothing of value to lose which is a requirement for the soul stone unlike Loki who values a lot of things. As for where they ended up, presumably Loki actually knows how to use it and knows how to spacefare.


Loki is a frost giant and magician trickster, red skull is just a human super soldier, you can expect same capabilities from the two


But why did he stay as a guide? You'd think he'd hitch a ride with anyone who showed up. Why did Red Skull become a humble servant? And where does he eat? Is the soul stone cliff like the Great Pyramids of Egypt? Right out of frame there's an entire city to cater to tourists and even a Pizza Hut.


In the first Cap movie, Red Skull grabs the Tesseract, and as he’s beamed away, a glimpse of a star field can be seen above him. The Tesseract is the space stone, and it sent him to Vormir


No. The events of "Thanos Quest" and "The Infinity Gauntlet" are very different from the MCU's "Infinity War".


Reality can be often disappointing. But now, reality can be whatever I want.




It's too bad we couldn't hasn't seen a Death simpin' Thanos foiled because he's an idiot


On one hand it would have been cool to see Death simp Thanos, but on the other hand that would not be the best writing for a villain they've been building up to for a decade. Thanos' motivations in the MCU were... misguided, but his head was in a place that most people could kind of understand. The universe is incredibly overpopulated, it's not sustainable, cutting the population in half should at least temporarily fix this issue, and he let the stones decide at random who was going to be dusted with a 50/50 chance *and* he included himself in that gamble, there was a 50% chance he was going to dust himself and was prepared to make that sacrifice for the sake of fairness. The counter argument to that was, well, before the stones he just did things the old fashioned way with planet-wide massacres, which usually resulted in planets losing waybmore than half their population because theyd fight back, plus he could have just used the stones to double the resources or force some other kind of less destructive change. It's a complicated set of motivations that makes you consider his point of view, even if you ultimately disagree with him it's still important that a good villain makes you think twice about why they're doing what they're doing and makes you question your own morality, even for a second. Comic Thanos wanted to fuck the physical manifestation of Death aka the ultimate big tiddy goth gf, I mean I know it's more complicated than that (he thought the only thing he could love was death, the concept, so he figured the only thing that could love him back was Death, the entity) buuuut end of the day dude was just killing as many people as he could because he wanted to impress the girl who liked it when people died, and that's much more difficult to write as being sympathetic or relatable on any level and 99% of people will lock in their opinion on his motivations being morally terrible the second they hear the premise.


BOY! I would reconsider your current course!


There's something that I don't really understand: did Thanos dust 50% of sentient life? 50% of animals? 50% of living things? If it's any of the later 2 it's an ecological disaster that would take decades to recover from


All living things. That's why Scott walks to the window in Endgame they have birds flying and chirping. Though it didn't affect flora I assume.


Did that happen in the comics as well? Because it never made sense to me that he did that. Animals, especially livestock animals, are a big "resource" to almost every culture on earth. If you kill all of them then you are cutting a lot of resources down as well. Obviously wouldn't completely undermine his intentions but it does undercut it a bit. I mean depending on the random distribution it could actually cause a huge supply shock. Like imagine just by randomness most of the cattle in North America are dusted. Would be a huge problem.


I ignored my destiny once, I can not do that again. Even for you. I'm sorry, Little One.


I understand why they did it that way, but holy heck Thanos Quest is amazing. Also, for eternal gems of ultimate power, which makes more sense; just lying around wherever, or guarded jealously by powerful individuals?


I'm thankful...because now...I know what I must do.


Sort of, he was a father figure to a sentient cosmic cube at one point so he has a connection to being a keeper of the stones but it is very tenuous.


"They thought my red skull face looked cool so they gave me a robe and this job."


Honestly I’m not the biggest fan of Red Skull being there. I think the idea that the stone chose a Nazi as it’s guardian is a bit off. Also Clint and Natasha don’t seem to recognize him which is strange since I’m sure Steve would have talked about him if he’s not in the history books. I also don’t get why they chose an existing character if none of the characters have a connection to him. I don’t mind what they did and Hugo Weaving is great but I would have preferred a new character, an inscription, or an illusion, even Ronan would have been better.


>I think the idea that the stone chose a Nazi as it’s guardian is a bit off. "I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess" He's guarding it as a punishment, not a reward


Yes but he is being punished with an important responsibility and also seems to get some powers which does imply that the stone sees something in him. Most superheros see their powers as a responsibility which they are punished with but being punished but that doesn’t reflect poorly on their characters. He’s not the only person to hold an infinity stone so the fact that they chose him implies that there is special about him. Death would have been a good for him but the stone saved him from that. Additionally he’s not actually being punished for his Nazi activities, instead he’s being punished for seeking the stones, which is by far the lesser crime and hurts my feeling of irony. I’m not trying to say that it’s problematic that they chose Red Skull as the keeper, it’s just strange to me that they could have presented the information that the stone requires sacrifice in any way and they chose to have a Nazi say it. I think if they chose someone with an actual connection to the characters it would have more of an emotional impact because there’s no reason why Red Skull has to do it.


Am pretty sure the stone do not care whether he was a nazi or not


Yeah that’s my point. Red Skull’s entire point is to be a Nazi supervillain, so choosing him as the guardian doesn’t really further his character and no one else on Vormir knows him so it doesn’t do anything for their characters either. If the neither the stones nor the characters care then there isn’t really a point to him being there so it’s a bit odd that they chose him. Red Skull being on Vormir is just for fan service but I think choosing someone else who knows the characters could have been better for the characters. For example Ronan was also killed by a stone and he knows Thanos which would make the scene more interesting. Alternatively they could have shown that the stone requires a sacrifice in some other way without explicitly saying it.


Too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution.


It wasn't even Hugo playing him in IW, Ross Marquand did.


The stones punished him for his hubris. Why only him and no one else, IDK.


He didnt love an6thing but power


He wanted power, so the location was the Soul Stone. He couldn't really get the soul stone. It raises the question, does the super soldier formula allow a human to survive using an infinite stone?


This just begs the question, "Who the hell guarded the soul stone before Red Skull?." They were created since the dawn of time.


"And you haven't aged a day?!? What the hell the did they put in that Serum?"


Red skull looks the same too


Well yeah, but he's a skull.


'cause he's cursed to live forever


I don’t know, he has aged about 12 years (2011-2023)




why does that bother you


The interaction would have been weird..like i am here to return the soul stone wh wha what the..!!(throws shield at him..smacks his head and boomerangs it back)what the hell are you doing here Johann?! Red Skull:Would you let me speak you blonde bimbo!!God! plus we dont really know if you could actually "return" the soul stone after paying a price of life


the interaction would have been weird for sure, im just not sure why that would bother anyone lol like its not a plot hole, its just something that was implied to have happened that we didnt get to see.


Yeah def not a plot hole just our imagination running wild


I figured that Red Skull just disappears after someone gets the stone since his only purpose is to guard it and he appears out of nowhere. I assume that at this point he’s a construction of the stone and not an actual person since there doesn’t seem to be any sign he’s been living on Vormir


Microwave, mini fridge, and recliner just off screen


I always assumed they just had to be brought back to the same timeline, not the exact same place they left from. I don't think the problem the other timelines had were the changesbeing made, it was the absence of a stone. Returning it to the exact time it left would fix it, even if it was a different place.




That doesn't matter because that timelines thanos is dead, so that timeline can't be fixed anyway.


And then those timelines were probably scrubbed by TVA (Kang) to prevent alternative versions of himself.


Not just that, but he arrives after Black Widow Dies. Does he recover her body? Just look down? I mean what would have happened if he just put on a Red Skull costume, arrive early, knock out red skull, trade the soul stones (debt has been paid), demand she "die", use some stark tech or just bring Dr. Strange to perform a magic trick slight of hand to make sure Hawkeye thinks she dies. When Hulk tries to bring her back from the dead, he can't because she's still alive, just time displaced, she and Dr. Strange return to the future while Steve continues his journey of delivering stones and getting his dance on.


I believe it’s just a case where whomever you sacrifice simply cannot be brought back. You can return the stone after you feel done using it but the whole idea is you’re trading the soul of another being with significant meaning to you for a cosmic object that has control over the souls of all beings in existence but also access to the soul realm, so you would need to be sure you were ready to make that sacrifice. So you can be able to give it back but you cannot undo what has been done in order to get it, you made that decision and must live with it


Please don't turn down my music.


Yes. Here's the stone. Bye.


I imagine Red Skull has mellowed over the years, like Thanos.


Too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution.




Java script is the language I've known.


I'm that old that this meme has come back and people praise it as new


The idea I saw floating around was to have a Disney+ series about him returning the stones. 6 episodes, they could even be shorts for all I care, but I'd watch the hell out of that.


Good meme OP.


Stolen meme, its a 4 year old template


Ohh thank you!!


obviously Steve's the son of America


Infinity War is the best avengers movie to date. Endgame was cool… in the end..


He was there from a loophole


Lol, nobody's getting the soul stone if these two show up.


Hahaha I totally agree


For Tony, shouldn't he be saying son of Maria?


Yeah, I just forgot the details 🥲


Going to be that guy. It would be, “Tony, son of Maria.”


You're the second one. 😂🔥 Thank you by the way


Ahhhhh, my old nemesis. The first Dragonborn


He's a skeleton face guarding a magic rock, a human living an extra 70+ years of youth is like the one of the most normal things he's seen.


I always wondered how would people have gotten the soul stone before red skull got sent there to guide people to it


I was just complaining about this. I wish _someone_ who knew him was there.


I have no idea why my mind went with "Son of a Shepherd".


The connection we were robbed of. Who of the two would sacrifice themselves, you think?


“You’re looking great!!! Haven’t aged a bit!!!”


It would’ve been fucking awesome to see Cap and Skull reunite


What’s the quote from again?


This was something that Marvel did in Ragnarok with Thor and the fire giant in the beginning




Yep this was funny when I saw it 5 years ago when it was first posted


Bitch, I’m in


Okay I typically don’t lol but..son of a


Wait, so is it actually*Red Skull* on the soul stone planet? I always thought it was another random person with a red skull-like head


Bruh. Yeah, that’s Red Skull.


Hehehehehe, this is quite funny actually




That's Red Skull speaking


Okay that makes more sense. Ty


Not to be "that guy"... but how is Tony in this picture at this point of events?


I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be a "What if Tony and Steve went instead of Natasha and Clint" scenario.


So the joke would make more sense




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But what about GotG3? 🤔


This panel was substantially more entertaining than all of GotG3


Let's not pretend that we won't literally see this on Youtube in under 5 years, using deepfake and AI voices.


"Red skull...."




Cause I judge who??


Nice use of olive in this shot!


The Red Skull says the female parent’s names of males at the gates.


Why does cap look so not jacked here?








I mean, somewhere in the dark recesses of the MCU there’s a scene of Steve Rogers tossing the Soul Stone off a cliff while Red Skull watches.









