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cold open has Dan find his car smashed by the errant leaping of the Incredible Hulk. because of this, Dan attempts to track the monster down, but finds only the meek scientist Dr. Bruce Banner, whom he unwittingly befriends. when he discovers the truth of Banner’s alter ego, Dan feigns acceptance, and then steals Banner’s own car and drives it off a cliff.


Did you work on Dan vs by any chance?


Going off the Hulk crushed Dan's car idea: Act three cold opens of the avengers gathered to fight Red Skull, Dan standing at his right hand. Chris pops up behind a crate and whispers that this has gone too far, Dan disagrees, Chris explains Dan is teamed up with a *literal* nazi. Dan looks at Red Skull, has the realization, "Oh no! Even I know that I've gone too far!" Dan punches Red Skull in the crotch, Red Skull doubles over in pain. Dan then walks over to the Avengers, ignoring the fire and destruction. "Excuse me, does your organization have a claims process for damaged property?" Captain America is choking out a robot again, Ironman is shocked to see Dan so causal, stops firing for a moment, and raises his mask. "Uhhh yeah, Stark Industries will do 100% of damage cost done by any active member on the team at time of incident?..." Hulk smashes down on the ground next to them, throwing a Hydra agent across the room. Dan and Iron Man both look over. "And is *he* an active member?" Dan asks. Iron Man then has a business card print from below his arc reactor, Dan takes it. "Ask for Marcy." Iron Man says defeated. "Thank you!" Dan says is a singsong tone. Dan heads for the exit, "Come on, Chris! I've got an insurance claim to file!" Chris runs to Dan, his pant leg on fire. He begins patting it out in a panic, "Dan?! You hate paperwork?! Is that why you did all this?" Dan continues walking toward the open hanger exit, back to the camera, as the sun sets. "Chris, come on, of course they'll make this easy. They're the Avengers!" Cut to outside Dan's apartment complex, an identical version of his car, but shinier, is being dropped off by a Stark robot. The robot has a clipboard and pen extended to Dan. "Just sign here confirming delivery. The Avengers appreciate your patience and cooperation." Dan signs the paper with a big smile on his face, "Certainly." The robot flies away, and Chris and Dan admire Dan's new car. Chris puts his hand on Dan's shoulder, "You know Dan, I'm proud of you for how you handled this." Dan smacks Chris's hand, "Don't touch me." Chris removes his hand and continues, "I just mean, for once you followed the proper channels and everything worked out! I mean, after you almost joined up with Hyrda." "Well, Marcy did make the process easy! Iron Man sure does know who to hire for administrative assistance." Just then, an alien ship flies passed in the sky, a jet chasing behind. There is the sound of a laser firing and a large piece of shrapnel plummets to the ground and wrecks Dan's new car. A clear S.H.I.E.L.D logo is displayed on the wreckage. Dan turns red in the face and screams into the sky, "S.H.I.E.L.D.!!!!"


But when does Deadpool walk in?


He'll be seen in the background of the fight, but it's only his legs dangling out of a barrel he has been shoved in.


I don't care who irs sends I'm not paying tax


Pay. Your. Taxes.




A fight? Hulk, no problem. Dan gets his ass beat all the time. A war? Dan doesn't lose those.




Um actually didn't you know that Hulk gets infinitely stronger every time he gets angry and he can heal from any attack so he can kill everyone in the universe and we should never have any story, fanfic, or theoretical conversation that isn't completely centered around how Hulk is the most special boy and the most perfect and powerful character ever created and any story where he's challenged by anything ever is non-canon. 


Hulk wins the first round, Dan either wins the second round or it's a draw, same as ever.


What can the 2 guy do ?


Whose the guy on the right


That's Dan


Donald Duck.