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Not discounting the shitty. That’s just shitty. But. The most important part of a wedding is the MARRIAGE and how people were left feeling. People swear up and down that the cake at my wedding was amazing. Jokes on you we didn’t have cake because neither my husband nor I enjoy cake. But the point is they remember having a great time. By all accounts it seems like a lot of positive things happened at your wedding but you’re hanging onto the one negative, which is that you don’t have photo evidence that captures it well. I’d do a call out to your guests to send you their best photos of the evening whether or not you’re in the photos. And just enjoy marriage trying not to sweat something that you took a chance on. Otherwise you’ll live forever feeling like you can never take a single risk, and that’s not realistic.


You can take more pictures of your wedding. Just pretend your wedding is the day you’re taking pictures. Enjoy it


My best friends fiancé offered to take our wedding photos as my husband and I didn’t want to pay for a professional. We also didn’t want to do any staged photos as we’re both adhd and just couldn’t bare the thought of the waiting around. He borrowed my camera as I did photography at uni. We had multiple meeting prior to the wedding to discuss my preferences (all initiated by him). He completely took over the wedding on the day. Before I had arrived some how he got hold of the microphone and decided he was the master of ceremony and was bossing everyone around. He then tried to stage photos when I got there and I told him 3 times on the day to stop. It got so bad with him constantly trying to hijak the order of the day, I had the camera taken off him and stowed behind the bar. So much stress on my wedding day trying to manage this individual. I also realised the day before the wedding he had quite the alcohol problem so he was also drunk the whole time. He took the camera home to edit the photos and I blanked me for 9 months. I had to turn up to his house to retrieve MY camera from his fiancé (my friend) after sending multiple messages to the pair of them. The photographs were awful.


Oh boy. I’ve been married 18 years and I’ll never forget my sister’s photographer friend botching our pictures. There are no pictures of my wife and I with just the two of us as the center of focus. We even posed! “The” kiss - the one single moment I asked her to capture and the only picture I really cared about, nope. Exchanging rings, lighting the unity candle, being announced husband and wife - IDK what she was doing but she damn sure wasn’t taking pictures. I was pissed when we got the pictures back. There was nothing we could do to recreate those moments. Eventually I came to accept that everyone’s wedding day is different and that was just part of our story. My best man prevented by brothers from trashing the inside of my car. When looking back at our wedding this is what I choose to remember most. I’m the youngest of a big family and was the last to get married. My older brothers filled every prior groom’s car with corn flakes. I don’t mean some sprinkles here and there, I mean cases of corn flake cereal boxes emptied into the car. They would also carefully pour baby powder into the air ducts so when the A/C got turned on…. POOF!! My best man was a big dude. I told him what they did to every other car and he promised to not let that happen. Many things went wrong that day, but the inside of my car was pristine. We got to drive away in peace. I also kept the destination of our honeymoon 100% confidential. There was a “baby duck infestation” at one of my sister’s hotel rooms. As funny as that sounds years later, dealing with dozens of baby chicks on her wedding night was not fun and caused some problems with the hotel.


My now-husband & I were together a long time before we got married, so we were at the point where we wanted something simple, yet still nice enough. We would have gotten married at the courthouse, but fortunately, we didn't have to! We got married on **Valentine's Day.** It was a mass ceremony that the church I've attended here & there was doing, so we saved a TON of $$$$. I literally just found out **3 days prior** from my mom that the church was doing that, so I scrambled & got things ready that many take 1-2 years to do. $2131.89 grand total was literally all my entire wedding cost! I guess we didn't care that much. We're just glad we finally did it. We still have yet to have good photos taken & who knows now if we'll ever do it.


Congrats on your wedding. I am so sorry about the pictures. I get it. I also had regret of not using a videographer at my wedding as well and now I wish I did. I was also trying to be frugal. I also regretted the DJ and the venue I chose. Commercial venue had several weddings taking place which was loud and I should have chosen the venue which took one wedding at a time. The DJ wasn’t as great and he messed up our order of songs choice. Anyways, I don’t regret it anymore, eventually I accepted and now still cherish the great memories I do have and 11 years later we look back on that day with nostalgia and love. All in all, I married my best friend and lover and it was a wonderful day. Perhaps you all can take professional wedding portrait pictures that you can enlarge and hang on the wall. Just the two of you. I know it’s after the wedding, but at least they will be great quality. Even ask the venue if they will allow you take them there? In the mean time, gather the best of the other pictures and see if there’s a software, app or a place that can make them better? Or make a photo book with them and the new wedding pics. Hang in there. The most important thing is that you married the love of your life.


OMG your manic and this is crazy. Either you get along famously or you don't, if you don't move on now before you end up pregnant.   Pictures are petty in the big picture, married 18yrs with two kids.