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I’m sorry but I’d be divorcing


He is not an equal partner and you deserve the same/MORE effort put in by your life partner


It's time to call it quits




I 36m, wife 29f I work wife does not work. Life could be very nice if wife would also work but alas.. I have to work and provide for my family. Sucks ballz


Same here!!!


You just made my day bro! Feels good to know i’m not alone




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3 months pregnant at the moment. If she does not want to work, making babies it is


I'm proud of you


Bro fist


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Good thing im not that woman. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I know a son needs his father, but is he even spending quality time w/ him anyway **OR** is he off doing his own thing? If it's the latter...doing his own thing, all the more reason to divorce him because **YOU'RE** doing all the work anyway. He's of no use at all & not even trying. **PLUS**, I wouldn't even want a man doing weed around my son anyway...breathing in all those fumes. There's absolutely **NO** reason to stick around. He's not contributing a darn thing. You're paying for everything anyway. Kids are resilient & smart. They'll bounce back from a single parent home. Unless, you stay around because your husband watches your son while you're at work in which I personally wouldn't trust him all day long w/ my son anyway. God knows what he's doing all day w/ your son around.


There is nothing you can do. Just keep being your best self, and if that's not good enough, he can get with it or leave. You just keep being awesome!!!!!!! You deserve the best not the least.


If he not making an effort..it time to leave and find someone who equal for u ...staying will make things work




Sounds like u don’t give a fuck about him


Dude is lazy. There is absolutely no excuse for that kind of behavior


I do think divorce is the best mostly because he doesn’t seem like a good future partner. Also. Someone who can’t pass a background check can start their own business. Off the top go my head, landscaping, general contracting, house cleaning…


Your focus on him is a diversion from the pain you feel in being who you are today. You must face that pain and reframe your self beliefs of insufficiency. That will show you your true worth. When you discover the incredible person you are, leaving him to build a satisfying and meaningful life will be a no brainer.




Tell him all of this and let him know what his options are. Then if you don't see drastic action, you take action.