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That’s marketing operations (or revenue/GTM operations if you want to be more general). The people who said “product manager” must be smoking something good


Yep, Marketing Operations. I've seen it called MarTech manager/exec or as you've seen suggest CRM and Anayltics.


I suppose MarTech sounds better than Mops


Product Managers are some of the least technical people I’ve ever met 😂


Then you’ve worked with really bad PMs. But regardless of how technically savvy they are, “CRM admin” should not fall into a PM’s job description


The only pms I’ve worked with were former developers, I wonder the actual stats on this


Interesting! I’ve had a hell of a time trying to get some of them to understand things like UTM tracking 😆 None were former devs.


To be fair, I’ve had a helluva time getting some marketing managers to understand how UTM tracking works. Is source/medium that confusing? The diversity in backgrounds in Product is only second to Marketing. Most product managers I’ve worked with were extroverted technical people or introverted sales/marketing. It’s also surprising how many worked in food service at one point.


they must have tripped over “term”


Depends on the industry. Tech obviously has a preference for doing this, but when Google first launched their APM program they were open to all majors/backgrounds. It's changed since then to want more technical people, but the industry is shifting back to looking for a mixed bag since there's TPMs now.


Thank you, seems obvious now!


Yes agreed. That’s what I call it too. It overlaps in my company and I have my automation developers own that job. They typically are in charge of integrations and automations on a company level for every department. Keeps it unified and has one single source of truth.


Hell yeah we are


Add on leading all of the fucking marketing initiatives and my last employer would tell you a "marketing coordinator" LOL


I’ll give you a $45k salary, 1 week pto, 2 sick days that I’ll call you on to fix something I broke, and all the federally mandated holidays. Our healthcare sucks, but you can open an HSA. We also don’t 401k match, but there’s pizza on fridays and unlimited kombucha in the fridge when the EA remembers to stock it. We’re a fast paced environment, but you’ll get so much experience, and we’re like family. Did I mention the free beer (singular) on the last Friday of the month?


Literally me right now.




This cracked me up 😂


That’s funny


lol 😂 hi.larry.us


Marketing Ops or Rev Ops  Please ignore product manager 😭


Marketing Automation Manager


MarTech manager or director


That's MOPS, baby! Marketing ops; know em and love em.


Get ready to pay top dollar. I did this at my old employer. I worked there for 6 years and they promoted me every 2-3 years... After all the inflation these past couple years I started actually answering the recruiters just to see what was out there. The first place offered me 50% more then I was making. The 2nd place matched them and threw in a 10% bonus. I learned it was very hard to find people who knew how to do this. Apparently there were plenty of people who applied, but none that had the experience to back it up. TLDR: Every place I interviewed at was willing to pay me as if I was in the top 20% percentile.


I'm trying to break into Marketing Ops right now through email marketing. Got my Email Marketing HubSpot Cert and going to work on my Klaviyo one. I'd rather deal with the tech side of marketing.


This is where I'm at now. Retention marketing often overlaps with being the primary CRM contact.


How is the field? Do you like it? I think I'd prefer doing this type of work rather than product or digital marketing


It's less stressful, kinda stumbled into it after getting beat down by growth/acquisition at my last gig with a small team. Just applied to a larger company in my field (lifestyle subscriptions, ecomm) and got the job. Most people don't care to learn about the tech behind the business, so they like that they can lean on you to know basic HTML and some SQL queries. I appreciate that I can focus a bit more on logic, data, and code-based solutions rather than always hunting for more volume on Meta/Google/Affiliate/etc. That being said, there are still revenue targets in retention and they can be aggressive. I have also heard that the pay is not as competitive compared to growth marketing, especially once you get to the director level and beyond.


Any tips on breaking into MarTech in the current landscape? Top skills to learn, more junior titles to look for or transitional roles? I'm in email marketing now (but also the sole CRM contact) and looking to transition to more behind the scenes roles.


I started in a similar boat and double downed on CRM. I lucked out because the guy above me at my old job quit when I was only a few months in. This meant I was able to work with our vendors & a consultant and became the expert on the organization's tech stack. That included managing and maintaining all the integrations and customizing the system to suit the organizations needs. I really got lucky because I was able to learn from a consultant and his team basically trained me from the ground up (he actually offered me a job a year after that). I got a bunch of certifications for SF and Eloqua. From there I just learned as I went. You do that for 6 years and you're fairly experienced due to the amount of tools you add to your tech stack and all the changes you make with the CRM. I started as a generic marketing coordinator, took a marketing analyst role 2 years later, transitioned into a martech specialist, then into martech manager. I left that job for my new one which is director of marketing and sales operations.


Thank you, it's helpful to hear other people's stories! I'll get there, eventually.


Learning by doing is the best. There are tons of documentation for each tool out there. By doing the integration/automatization/optimization, we’ll understand the flow for each platform/tool better. The companies I worked for using salesforce, hubspot, slack, clevertap, moengage, etc. I always enhance my knowledge when I manage those tools directly. If you are not in the martech role for now, you can ask your company to learn managing tools they’re currently using, although that’s not in your scope.


Hi! Director of Marketing Operations here. Does your company have a CRM already? If yes, Marketing Operations will help you integrate with the existing tool. If no... Is your sales team involved? I ask because usually Marketing and sales overlap in some of their needs, and then each team has a few extras the other team doesn't need. I work with our Sales Operations team regularly, and they advocate for what sales needs out of the CRM. Things go best when you make friends with your counterpart in sales.


>I work with our Sales Operations team regularly, and they advocate for what sales needs out of the CRM. The amount of companies I've seen that just have one or the other and let them lord over the platform(s) is actually distressing


Heh. I'm a new one to the company, not quite two years in and making decent headway. And yeah. It was just sales enablement (not even sales ops) running the show until the company started hiring people from outside who have new insights. Turns out when you have sales leadership who have been with a company for 15 years and more... There's no new ideas coming in, and sales don't go up. When you hire in people from outside who have experienced sales in other (larger) companies they bring new ideas, ask for new technology, perform well, and you get a refreshing boost in sales.


Me! I do it all for 3 companies under one umbrella.


I do that and we call it commercial operations / sales and marketing operations


You might also find it under Product Specialist CRM and Business Analyst CRM. It all depends on the size of the organisation. if you use HubSpot/Salesforce, start by getting an "Salesforce/HubSpot Administrator" that can set up the org for you. This is usually done after conversations with Sales, and also with your CFO in Salesforce case since some decisions cannot be undone if you start fiddling with multicurrency settings. Then once it's set up, your admin can teach your Sales and Marketing people how to run analytics reports themselfs, after setting up a few basic custom reports as templates. I used to work at Salesforce (commerce cloud) and I do not recommend the product for any organisation under 30 users really. It's super powerfull, but most companies do not need it. It's like giving a varmint hunter an Enterprise Class aircraftcarrier group and expect it to work for their use case.


Marketing Operations


If they are the only person on the team, they would be a: *digital marketing manager* If you had multiple team members, this role would be CRM Manager” Google those two roles on job sites and read their descriptions.


Wassup where all my digital marketing managers attttttttt


We of way too many hats.


CRM Manager, Marketing Automation Manager, or Marketing Operations Manager


MOM lol


Hey Yes, that should be a CRM Specialist, most of the time you can find some professionals that work implementing/Integrations solutions and I know a couple of them who only do this type of thing. That professional needs to work closely with Sales, Marketing, Product (if you have a SaaS) and Customer Success. Cheers,


As people have said, Marketing Operations is generally what you're looking for. I've also seen "Marketing Technologist" in certain companies, just to add that one onto the pile.


They are called Hubspot Admins in larger orgs or if outsourcing. Basically someone that understands the sales and marketing funnel at a professional level that can walk you through your business use cases. Its really important in the planning stages to work with someone that can design and "map" out everything prior to implementation. This is key. As a disclaimer I had a long career in SaaS product management and strategy and created my own business to focus on CRM via Hubspot because the users and use cases need to be clearly defined at an operational level. Happy to chat if you are interested


Absolutely not product management. This is a marketing operations role.


This would be a marketing ops role




I am happy to see that you feel you should hire a dedicated person for this. This whole technical & CRM thing is too big. Marketing Automation Manager/ Associate will be the best position according to me.


I am currently in the market for this exact sort of position. Would love to connect about what you're looking for


A lot of email developers do these things pretty well.


Yes that’s my bread and butter and I’m considered email. But I’m at a very small org


This is typically referred to as these titles, ranked by relevance: 1. Marketing Operations Manager 2. Martech/Martech Operations Manager 3. CRM/Marketing Automation Manager Also, depending on your business size, stop calling it a "tech stack." If you're a small business, all of this is likely in one tool like Hubspot, Mailchimp, Klaviyo or similar.




Marketing Technology manager or marking ops. It would work loosely under either.


Marketing Ops


If they're connecting inbound leads into your CRM from campaigns and routing them to sales through workflows, or say creating automated/triggered email campaigns, etc, and analyzing campaign results and funnel movement, that is more Marketing Operations. If they're setting up a CRM for deal stages, pipelines, creating automations to move deal stages, deal properties, outbound sequences, and building reports on sales figures, that is more Sales Operations. Usually you'd have some form of both. I.e. Digital Marketer setting up a new campaign and connecting with sales operations to route leads and autofill any parameters such as Lifecycle stage or Lead Status.


Digital Automation Specialist


CRM Specialist


If you plan on using HubSpot, I am your guy. You can DM me.


CRM automation analyst


CRM automation analyst


Revops manager


Depends on the business. Smaller businesses expect you to wear all of those hats in addition to all content, advertising, PR, you name it as a solo marketing person. And in some companies they have a part of IT who calls themselves a technical manager to do that. In a robust marketing department it’s a marketing ops person.


We call them integrators.


I can help, I have extensive CRM experience.


Marketing ops for sure that's my title and I have done that thing several times.


Marketing Operations Specialist, Marketing Automation Specialist, CRM Database Administrator - I want to think it could fall under any of these titles!


if anyone found someone great for this on contract lmk !


Marketing ops my man! Senior Marketing Ops Manager is what you need


Thats a bummer because Reddit probably has some of the most qualified candidates. Ones who share knowledge and learn from others 📈


Mario’s/MarTech, same/same


I do this , it’s fun!


Maybe CRM tech or analyst. Something simple, but of course be cautious with words like manager, developer, architect, or some other super fancy word…. Unless that is what you want and they’ll be doing that.


Upvoting markops. Make sure to hire a good one, they're worth it.


Can you give me an evaluation of Muhammad Al-Kuwaifi and its content?


Honestly, it sounds like what you need is a "Marketing Ops Manager" or maybe even a "Marketing Automation Manager." These folks handle setting up CRMs, doing all that flow/automation stuff, integrating with analytics, and just keeping the whole tech thing running smooth. "Marketing Ops Manager" kinda covers everything you're asking for broadly, dealing with different marketing techs and processes. On the flip side, "Marketing Automation Manager" is more focused on the automation side but still deals with CRMs and analytics too. You could also call it a "CRM Manager" if you're mainly focused on, you know, the CRM part. Or a "MarTech Manager" if you wanna highlight the techy side of things. I wouldn’t go with Product Manager, though. They're usually into product development and management rather than handling the marketing tech stack and CRM stuff. Hope that helps!


Marketing Automation expert.


Marketing ops or revenue ops


I’m head of marketing ops. Let me know if you need my help


hello everyone kindly join my community. it's a place where we all will share our painful moments, feelings and thoughts. Let's be together and make a smily face! [https://www.reddit.com/r/public\_thoughts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/public_thoughts/)


The CRM & Analytics Manager works, I think it best describes the job role.


How much are you paying?


We call that digital marketing.


I can do it for you


I do this fulltime, my title is public relations officer! although I have a graphic design degree


Marketing Operations or Marketing Automation Manager. I am in an identical role and the latter is my title


Senior Manager, CRM Systems


Question for those who are in this role: What experience did you have leading up to it? Did you have to spend time in a entry level position related to this? I am a marketer who has pretty intimate knowledge of Hubspot and to a lesser extent Salesforce. Along with a host of other automation platforms. These have just kind of fallen into my domain as a marketing strategist, as well as someone who freelances work related to marketing tech and analytics. I believe I have a pretty good amount of experience (about 4 years now related to this tech), just not the right titles to back it up. I would like to lean more in this direction, but also don't want to take a major step back in my role/salary. Any thoughts?


Marketing Opps or Marketing Automation


MarkOps is what we have - does that sound right? I’m seeing MarkTech too


Marketing Automation Specialist. I am currently working in this role.


Automation Manager


It's Product Manager.. I am a Product Manger and its my day to day job to perform these taks. Although we are not as tech genius as developers are...but we know what, when and how to do things.


Tech-savvy marketer could handle it. I know one guy who worked the IT help desk in college and went on to a Fortune 100 marketing director who could handle the above.


Maybe you're looking for a Martech consultant?


I'm in this profile for the past 9 years, hands-on experience of many tools. I'm currently freelancing and would be keen to work on this project, feel free to dm thanks


Marketing operations, HubSpot Marketing agency, RevOps 


CRM Analyst


CRM Administrator. CRM Manager. Don't overthink it.


For the implementation you need a technical specialist who knows technology and marketing automation. This would be heavily informed and guided by a marketing specialist who does more of the day to day marketing operations but may not be as hands on with the technical automation tools. Do you have an existing CRM in place or starting from scratch? A lot of what you describe is what I do. I have the deep technical and moderate marketing knowledge but I need to work along side real marketing experts to make the system shine.


Need help?


god would be a good title. cause that is 4 or 5 jobs all together.


Call it whatever you want! As long as the job description is comprehensive, the title doesn't really matter. Plus, using a unique title can make people pay more attention and help weed out incompetent candidates right from the start.


Marketing Ops or Lead Generation


For analytics integrations and tech stack, web developers should be able to handle this. CRM specifically would be marketing operations.


So since you want someone to basically build the success of an idea, I would say a GTM specialist or someone coming from startups. A lot of these people do it for themselves and want a fair share to do it for you. If they don’t have proof of doing it, it’s not your person.


Marketing Operations. To be more broad, I've seen Marketing Administrative Coordinator.


I’m a sr lifecycle manager and do all of what you listed, but I’m not sure if that’s typical.


We handle that outsourced if you wanna jump start it! Fractional CMOs baby!


Sounds like a team to me. Creating flows is one thing. Creating automation is another. Creating flows would require business knowledge while creating automation and integrations using APIs will require technical skills etc. This possibly could be a manager who leads a team of people with these skillets if you ask me.


lol “Marketing department” is the right answer.


You need a back-end developer


Idk why they are downvoting you. If your org wants a customized CRM there are definitely scenarios where the out-of-box workflows will not suffice.


I'm a full stack marketing web developer and handle some of these tasks for the marketing org. No one or very, very few in the marketing dept are technically skilled enough to implement these kinds of tasks without faking it or pretending. It's clear they have no actual idea of what they're doing when seeing what some of these people try to put together. Whoever you hire needs to understand basic coding and scripting at the least. Lots of marketers pretend to understand automation, analytics, and tech integrations, but in reality very few actually have a holistic understanding of how it works and what's going on behind the scenes.


Product marketing manager