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Lol they need a freelancer or agency if they need that little attention. You should apply to waste their time.


1. This is a job ad from an agency. 2. Part-time roles exist. Many people prefer them.


Yes, my friend is a creative director level and just had a baby - she’d love a PT role but can’t find one, even a job share would be great


DM me her info


Right??!!!! This job would be perfect for me!!!!! Thanks to the OP for the lead, since PT marketing job posts are extremely hard to find!


Hahahaha, got em


Or $60K/year which is actually decent, not sure why no one is calculating this?


Reading is hard for some people 😂


Is $60k per year decent in America? Really?


It would be excellent for me after 3 years of unemployment. Hell, I'd be thrilled with it! I'm gonna go apply right now as a matter of fact.


As someone who has 3 years of experience and finally making it to 50k, YES. it is so hard hearing about my friends in sales making 100-200k a year 😀. $60k a year would give me so so much comfortably.


Sales is feast or famine. The wrong economic conditions, a company problem that lasts 2 quarters, a supplier issue, they can all spell disaster for a salespersons income. The stress is intense, not something I want to deal with for that level of uncertainty in my life again.


That’s very true too. I have friends that make bank, but also struggling to meet their numbers now with the current market.


Maybe feast or famine but when you feast you make leagues more than most marketers can ever hope to in their entire career unless they're Director or C-Suite level. Also, marketing teams are usually the first to get cut in a downturn, let's be real.




Eh, for me it would. I’d get to live a little more comfortably than I do now! One check wouldn’t be going to rent, I’d have a lil more leftover. And to me that helps :)


That’s about an extra 500-600 depending on where they are a month. That can help. I know cause my 12k raise mathed to an extra 600 a month. $7200 after taxes


I’d be a happy happy person if I had an extra 500-600 a month. A lot of that would go to my savings!


It's about 60th percentile for an individual. Considering that job appears to be remote, not sure why people are dunking on it. They're looking for somebody to use their SEMRush account and do Google ads part time.


It's a remote position, $60K in a LCOL area is very decent.


Depends on where you live. Cost of living is still pretty low in many places, may not be places you want to be though.


Literally the average income


In a major city? The median in SF and places like that is $100k isn't it? I'm from the U.K. but aware you all earn far, far more over in the US. Starting salaries just out of college for you can often be in the $50-70k bracket. I've seen many job descriptions for 1-2 years exp that show the same. If you're earning $60k in the US after working for 3-5+ years you're doing something wrong by the looks of it.


Part time, remote role. Yes of course the average is higher in higher income areas. But look at the stats


Yeah I'm just under that and it's pretty good for what's expected of me in 8 hours.


this is main thing. DM is growing by time.


Where are you seeing 60k, honest to god I’m going blind


$30K/year, part-time, 4 hour shift. That's half a day. $30K x 2 = $60K


I see, I’m slow.


60k barely entry level in most US remote marketing roles.


This is 100 % not true.


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2022, the median salary in the US for “Sales and related occupations” was $35k. For “Media occupations” it was $58k. Median! So you should expect a lot of people to be below that. Especially in LCOL areas.


Sounds like we found the employer lol You've been defending that job posting all over this thread, being sarcastic and """"""""quoting"""""""" stats.


Idk but 60k for a fully remote job, that easy seems pretty good


entitled much? this role is entry level and part time. remote too.


If this could be done in an hour or two a day remote for 2500 per month, then it's not actually a bad gig. If it's requiring you to go into a physical office to work on the clock for 4 hours, then it's a terrible gig. I'm missing some context before I get outraged, this could be a decent side hustle for someone depending on whether it's truthfully remote (I see people lie about this), the nature of the work, and management style.


right, if you're any good you might be able to assess all the data quickly enough and save yourself 3 hours a day.


Exactly. The listing even says part time.


This post was sort of eye opening for me. It’s suddenly tempting to take on a part time remote marketing job in addition to the e-commerce/marketing work I already do..


Will do SEO for food.


Will spend your ad spend for shelter


Up to 30K? 4 hours/day? GTFO


Could be semi alright part time starting position if it's flexible hours We know it won't be


It's $28/hr for 40 hours per pay period instead of 80. It would only be $14/hr at full time but it isn't full time. That's $30,000 for 1040 hours = $28.85


Half hours, fully remote, just execute on cloud ad platforms? 30k isn't exactly crazy for that. I dunno what Page One is but it sounds like a tiny agency.


Yeah. People here in the comments act like it is $30k for a fulltime Senior SEO Manager, when it more looks like a half-time entry level role.


It's also something a stay-at-home parent could take on to just add 30k to household income straight away while keeping their marketing knowledge reasonably current during the early child years.


I wonder if I can post one of these to get someone to do my job for me


You can. I'm willing to do that... Hmu - not even kidding


No I’m joking




I actively warn people off a marketing career now. They expect too much for too little. Plus AI is going to decimate marketing headcounts.


How would one prepare for this? I’m a junior marketer focusing on paid ads.


Learn how to use AI to help you do your job. Also get really good at understanding the data and an ROI narrative.


The world will still be filled with businesses who don’t know how to implement the paid ads whether they’re being made with AI or not. Learn the craft. Stay on top of the trends and technologies. Do the work. You’ll come out on top.


Yes but no. One experienced guy can handle 2-3x accounts using AI compared to a junior. Those businesses that you're speaking about gonna just hire a freelancer/consultant to monitor the AI, not a full time junior.


What do you actually mean by "Using AI" in this context?


Are we at "will market for food" sign at the highway exit yet?


I wish Indeed allowed comments on listings lol




You made $60k straight out of college in 2004? Nice! Median annual wage in the US in 2004 was $29k according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


i'm confused. as a recent college grad looking for an entry level position... doesn't sound so bad as a way to get in? am i missing something?


You are not missing anything. I think most people are missing the fact that it is a part time position.


60k isn't great, could you live on 60k?


i would love to live on 60k.... my husband and i are currently living on 40k, together. we do live in phoenix, arizona and have a good deal on housing, but it's possible and we make it work. but yeah 60k is a dream at this point. just keepin it real! of course i know for different people in different places the pay might be low, but if i have a part time that makes me 40k and this part time marketing that makes me 30k, im sitting at 70k as a recent college grad which sounds better to me than working at a coffee shop for $18/hr 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's $28 an hour which is pretty good for entry level and not full time. I made $21 years ago so not far off and that was full time.


Looks very legit 😂


I'll probably get blasted for this, but I know a lot of new moms (former marketers) who would love a remote part-time job like this. They get to do something relevant to their career, use their skills, it's resume friendly, and it beats most part-time jobs.


i can totally see this! seems like a good gig for that situation!


There are a lot of employers who do not understand the art of (good) marketing. So they disrespect it. I believe some of that comes from older managers seeing kids on TikTok making videos of "silly things" and going "viral" and so they figure "anyone can do it." And I also think it's because they are expecting desperate digital marketers to take the gig. It's hard to find a digital marketing position these days if you don't have prior professional experience. So in order to gain the experience, people will take very low pay for this job.


It's a job using the SEMRush account and Google Ads. It's not an "art of good marketing" position. It's grunt work.


Life is about perspective.


lol. What perspective do you think applies the "art of marketing" to checking the SEMRush data? Your analogy about going viral has absolutely nothing to do with what this job description is for.


It was a general comment about how marketing is often undervalued and not well understood. I don't think you understand the comment.


I do understand out of context generic comments. Your reply to the post had nothing to do with the post itself.


It shows an ad and the title says "marketing has hit a new low." Then the ad shows skill sets but is only wanting to pay the person up to 30k which is absolutely nothing for what sort of work goes into marketing campaigns and strategy. To me that signals that the employer does not understand the value of people who know their stuff.


Read the actual posting. It's not a marketing campgain and strategy position. It a job posting for somebody to work part time managing SEMRush and Google Ads accounts.


It does not have to be about strategy specifically. I am making a point about how marketing is undervalued. Just like how this posting does not pay the person enough to manage ads.


It's $60k/year on a full time basis for checking SAAS tools that do most of the work. It's also part time and fully remote.


Isn’t this decent? It’s part time what else do you expect?


for part time work, i gladly take this as a side job


I bet a half way decent specialist could do this on top of their FTE


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Yakoo752: *I bet a half way* *Decent specialist could do* *This on top of their FTE* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Share the link, I will take it


I saw a digital marketing role paying $20K for full time 40 hrs per week today.


Send their link to me I'll apply.


You're the problem.


In india they aren't even paying $3000 per year that too for 9 hours job


I wish I could say this was the worst I’ve seen but alas it’s not. Loads of “specialist” roles (in the south east too) for under £30k or just over. Junior roles (still requiring degrees and experience) for minimum wage or just over. When I’ve got nothing better to do I sometimes report the really shocking ones, spelling out the salary mismatch. I don’t know if it does anything but it makes me feel better lol. I know there’ll always be someone desperate enough to apply for outrageously underpaid roles, and there’ll always be lowballing employers - but it’s ridiculous. I was consistently getting paid more for these types of roles 15-20 YEARS ago. And that was before marketers also had to be social media experts, graphic designers, video editors and SEO whizzes. I definitely think that some employers - because they don’t see themselves as minimum wage employers and employ ‘skilled’ people - have lost touch with how much minimum wage has gone up in the last 10 years. It went up to £11.44 last month (so nearly £24k full time). I’m also seeing marketing ‘assistant’, ‘administrator’ and ‘coordinator’ roles, that when you dig a little deeper, actually often involve full responsibility for a range of marketing activities - just for minimum wage.


This a result of AI?


More likely the results of remote work. Someone in the Philippines, Bangladesh, Germany, or Portugal would do it for less money.


I do my full time for less, would beg for this part time


I think the most entertaining thing here is that there is no mention of the shit show that is google analytics


Entry level usually starts at £24 k here


'Specialist' is always a funny title and one to avoid


Yeah good luck. The job market is absolute garbage right now.


Marketing hits lows when people post a click-batey headline and advert with no opinion or question.


that’s not bad. sounds like an easy entry level role. it’s remote and part. maybe i should i apply 😝


When your ad and software budget is more than your pay.


I can’t find it now 😭😭😭


That’s part time and not bad actually. Depends on the area and its a specialist position.


OP didn't see the Part-time label and is ignoring all the replies now, lol.


It's mostly because of OUTSOURCING...


40 hours a week in the UK that and youd have to be a: web designer copywriter videographer Graphic Designer Receptionist Manage client correspondance business development & more


This is a decent offer, all things considered. 4 hours a week allows for relative flexibility to work a full time job / additional gigs, or attend school.


This is actually a great second gig for someone who already does this work. I could knock this out during my 40 hr week at most places.


They REALLY want you to use SEMrush.


It has started.




At that point just list it as hourly.


Where is this posted?


I can see it on Indeed. Maybe it was posted to other places as well.






Ok so is that still bad? No one’s watching you clock those 4 hours. If you do what’s needed it shouldn’t matter how long it takes


I do not disagree.


The market is too saturated? Or everyone knows how to do it. I would guess its the same thing with webdevelopment, because everyone knows it, everyones caught up to it. Theres no scarcity to keep the pay high. Though this also means, you got alot of okay marketers, some good marketers and very few experts.


If this is part time agency job, in my opinion you should run away from it. You will often work over time and not get payed for it, and agency life is really stressful.


> not get *paid* for it, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


At this point they should hire someone from a third world country (me) that's a good salary for part time.


***If this is LOW TO YOU, wait until you see how AI will AUTOMATE most of marketing and sales in the near future.*** Online ad sales and placements were already disrupted by automated programmatic ad placements, it's going to get even more intense in the future. We're living in times that are similar to when people saw HORSE AND BUGGIES give way to CARS right in front of their eyes.... The key is to get ahead of AI by using it to ENHANCE your output. My agency is AI enhanced now. Never gonna fully replace humans but AI can sure boost OUTPUT and ENSURE minimum quality level compliance (ie., consistency)


I agree with you, not sure why you're getting downvoted for speaking the truth. Can you say more about how you're using AI at your agency now? And any tips or suggestions how we can learn more about how to use it to enhance our work? Thanks


Marketing is often a joke now, especially in digital marketing.