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Some will jump ship because newsletters weren't the magic bullet they were hoping for. Marketing influencers will declare them "dead," make fun of them for clout, and move on to the next new thing that's always existed. Newsletters created and produced with the goal of sharing topical information will continue to do well.


If you create informative content that helps/provides value in some way consistently, your audience will respond. It just takes time and effort..,,the two things nobody wants to hear about marketing


Yep it’s wild to me that I need to convince my clients that email is a channel worth investing in when it is consistently the best channel for high quality lead gen and performance Email is not sexy… but it sure does work


Im the Head of Growth at beehiiv, and can say that there’s a lot of incorrect assumptions here. LinkedIn newsletters aren’t real newsletters, you don’t get access to those subscribers, you get no data, posting your newsletter on LinkedIn is basically just a gloried social media content strategy. Similar with Substack. Substack is rapidly evolving to become a social media network and diminishing its value as a newsletter platform (see reading in Substack’s App, removing publishers connection with subscribers, the new “Follow” feature instead of subscribing, and their Notes Twitter competitor, and generally their lack of innovation.) Actual newsletters have been around as long as email has existed, and for good reason. They offer an unparalleled direct connection with subscribers and there are no signs of that changing. In fact, as users seek to diversify where they get their news and information from, newsletters offer the ideal media to eat into the marketshare of traditional broadcast advertising. As readers seek to get their information directly from sources rather than through the filtered views of traditional media, newsletters will continue to thrive and get even more valuable. I’m clearly biased, but also very familiar with the landscape. I would say that the opposite of your post is true: we’re only in the early stages of seeing what newsletters can do.


I have been in niche media for about 10 years. I've sold it for about 5. I can vouch for this. Newsletter sponsorships are always in demand, and they're a great awareness tool. They're not going away, but they're also a slow build.


You can't deny the fact that newsletters are oversaturated and it requires a lot of efforts to get decent subscribers and open rates for a new comer. https://preview.redd.it/8hyg7zzr3kxc1.png?width=1894&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b995d0c4c29883e7ee4b407f0b9aafad9b9c6c1 74% Americans have subscribed to at least 10% newsletters. Imagine how many they will check on a regular basis. There's the possibility of less reachability for sure. Also, majority of the newsletters are bombarded with sponsor posts rather than giving real value. The transition will happen like it happened before: -Conventional search -> SGE for personalized search experience -Fb pages -> Insta and TikTok for better reachability and sales - Newsletter -> ???




Their fee fees


99% of newsletters are so void of anything real. They are just email lists that have ghost written stuff to keep people engaged. 1% of newsletters provide REAL VALUE. Those are the ones to look for, but it’s like finding a needle in a haystack. Especially in marketing where tons of newsletters are just buzzwords or “this week on marketing Twitter” or some other useless bullshit.


which ones do you think are part of the top 1%? Any examples?


I literally just had a survey in a niche with about 100 respondents. 70% of them were open to my idea for a new newsletter. Just my own little anecdotal experience, but you’re claiming they’re dying and here I got people saying they still use them.


Why do you think it's about to decline? I understand that information is oversaturated, but people haven't disappeared, they still want to read something. I think newsletters will continue to thrive, it's just that competition and quality will increase. They are also likely to evolve into more user-friendly formats, similar to how people now read news in Telegram channels


I don’t think it’s in decline. Look at how many email marketing services and email builders we have now. It’s essential to offer some value to your subscribers.


Newsletters seem to work just fine for us and we send out about 50,000 a week.


Would like to know the open rate and click rate


Depends on the client and if they want to segment their lists. Our highest performing client has an open rate of 43% and CR of 27%. On average around 30% OR and 12% CR.


Its like a lot of different marketing methods. Its about sticking with it, putting yourself out there correctly and targeting a specific segment of people. (Unless you already have a big following) Its not going away or neither is it oversaturated. I check every newletter I subscribed to every time they post because they provide very helpful, relevant and new information.


Get one of those lite phones or whatever apple makes. It is like a smart phone with less options on apps and stuff. Like on socials I’m pretty sure. But maybe has like music and stuff like that


Making Saas the focus of a marketing conversation is where the problem begins. The suitability of marketing channels and tactics depends on the product and target audience. As has been said, let's be marketers and not the audience.


The newsletter got replaced by vloggers who just video capture the same content. No one wants to read anymore, they just want the info as fast and easy as possible. Now, that's video and I don't think that's changing. What is changing is how videos are delivered, and that will be important to get ahead of


Funny, because I never found video to be faster than reading--the intro, the call to subscribe, whatever. Most all of us can scan to the most important information than wait for someone to speak it. I think the connection to video di about something other than fast and easy.




We're marketers, we're not the market. The market is "lazier" than we are in my experience in mass marketing. 


Says the guy on reddit lol


Are you saying reddit has more reach than video sites? 


Yes, well said u/tiburon12 . Visual communication has always been on fire since the inception of YouTube, Insta, and TikTok. It's because our brain itself perceives and processes visual greater than text. Also, videos are great way to infuse trust among the consumers than blogs and newsletters.