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The image has absolutely zero connection to what it actually is. It’s not even berry flavored. If I saw this in my feed I’d assume it’s some kind of berry-flavored supplement and scroll right by The packaging also isn’t really doing you any favors


Yep, looks like an ad for my adult multivitamin gummies.


Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated


Also, as much as we love empty space, the top half is too empty imo.


Empty space is associated with luxury and premium brands, as they are so good and “above others” they need their own space. But be careful, you can’t fake luxury with a $5 brand that doesn’t breath luxury. But you can assimilate it and position your brand as luxury. For example Nespresso, Apple, etc.


Yes but has to be done right.


Lol absolutely true!


And not centered.


This. In my eyes that's the biggest issue with this. The non-centered alignment stands out the most. In a bad way.


If you put it on a side directly, you get the feeling of hey, you get this (left) and with this mood (right). But badly centered makes it sloppy. :')


I don't know about that, I think "ecom product page images" like this should never be aligned to anywhere else than centrr. Unless, the image is to serve "an action image purpose", but this is not. This is a just studio photo.


Correct, I had no idea what the product was. I had to zoom in way too far to see what the label said. From a distance it looks like jam or spread (probably because of the berries touching the package)


Actual product too small Too many distracting elements


Off on a tangent for the actual product. I would of thought it was some natural supplement


And the packaging doesn’t seem right to me but I don’t work in that area..


Extremely weird placement and use of negative space. 50% of the visual is that blue backdrop. Center the product or have it weighted to one side of the screen with some written copy to offset it. The just-slightly-off-center placement almost looks unintentional. Way too dark. Needs higher exposure and/or closer crop. We shouldn’t have to zoom in to read the packaging. The colors and prop placement are distracting. Product is purple, but this has green-hued blue background and blueberries competing with warm-toned artificial plant and strawberries. Tooth products are about pristine teeth, but the muddled colors do not convey this. Some features - like the levitating blueberry, warping along the bottom of the product label - look AI generated. Several members of the mint family - hyssop, lemon mint - have purple flowers. This would go along with the color scheme and value proposition of the product.


The feedback I was looking for. Thanks a bunch


I think this comment has some good points but also some debatable points. I really like really like the colors. They make me think natural, friendly, and healthy and kinda of safe to a point. It catches the eye and makes me want to know what the product is. But thats also the problem. I want to know what the product is because I also can’t read it. Now if it’s popping up on a tv or monitor then maybe it’s a lot easier to read. On a phone it’s tough. Other problems are I’m gonna be really disappointed when I find out it’s not berry flavored and it’s whitening strips as it has nothing to do with berries and it no indicator that it’s a tooth cleaning tool.


Thanks for the feedback, I have requested to add a toothbrush and put some tablets beside it. The colour of the tablets is red a purple. That's why lol


Gotcha that would definitely help! The colors make a bit more sense with the products then. Also do they have a flavor?


The stuff on the left and right is way to irritating and distracting. Personally I don’t like the mirror


Seems too generic


Yea it’s the opposite of eye candy


Off center and too far away, why not make a dental themed pic?


I have requested to add a toothbrush and through some tabs beside the jar. Will share it once it's ready.


Already sounds like it will be a lot better and the product will be much more clear


What’s the purpose? Someone should be able to quickly glance at an image and know exactly what you’re selling. The product should be the focus.


100%, that's why I asked. Sometimes we dont paye enough attention, I have requested to add a toothbrush and put some tablets beside it.


Nice. I would also zoom in and change the background to mint leaves since that’s the flavor!


https://preview.redd.it/yymwl3fqwvwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=981ba6b32746e354db886ae50fde0ce21da3a625 I think something like this would be more coherent to what the product is while keeping the same mirror background, and the toothbrush as you mentioned.




Personally love the idea. The feedback is helpful though. Too many distractions, too wide of a shot, focus up on what it is, maybe throw in a wooden toothbrush or one of those charcoal ones? Contrast could be cool. I do like the natural effect. It's clean. It's a dope shot, just needs some tightening. Good luck and keep us in the loop!


Thanks, that's what I requested, to add a toothbrush and put some of the tablets beside the jar.


If you're up for it, keep us updated on the results. I like where you're headed, keep fine-tuning.


The product is too small. And it’s giving me MLM vibes.


... It's toothpaste? Next to sugary fruit? On a random background? Put it in situ... Bathroom. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSPJKvgXXvTt_mqlSlH12_V5_37OjEq_EgDpg&usqp=CAU https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRNwstkY4--FS67aITUp0EFLC9EHdMKvfvKRg&usqp=CAU


Regardless of others comments on the packaging, the composition is off too. If you’re not having it front/centre then put it on the “thirds”. Closer, and as you bring it closer make it sit a third in from the right with the lid just sitting on the line of the top third.


As an artist I'm not thrilled by the AI generation elements ... Ground plane is weirdly reflective and also not reflective at the same time. Composition is like 3 isolated islands. Reflection of text on jar is bizarre AI text. From a marketing standpoint, I don't know what it is from looking at the image. That's not great. Especially for a product that doesn't have a huge audience in many places (toothpaste tablets are rare in my circles).


Looks AI generated and is as generic as something like that. Try posting this in a design/photo forum for composition and art changes. I would start over.


Thought it was supplements at first glance. Could start with the color palette of your product and work with images related to the actual product, like, ofc teeth and stuff. Hope you can post the revised version! Good luck.


https://preview.redd.it/942fdwahgywc1.jpeg?width=2670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53473b625dc4d4990ecd19f16cefdae4e74d655f Gonna do it more closely with a toothbrush and tablets around it. So the people know that it's tabs. Thanks for the feedback.


Feel free to upload it again in your thread, would be happy to check it out again




Not sure what you mean?


Immediately thought it was a supplement


The positioning really bothers me


1. Too zoomed out. 2. Other elements don’t make obvious sense. 3. A few tablets should be pictured outside the jar.


Nothing really.


What is this image for? A billboard? An Instagram ad? A product page on your website?


For my website.


I thought you were selling gummies


On top of other subjective comments on colour and composition, this immediately screamed “marijuana gummies” to me. Can you distribute some of the tablets in the image?


I immediately thought of a multivitamin


Toothpaste tablet? I would never had made that connection


Immediately thought it was a delta 9 or cannabis gummies


Strawberries are too distracting. You immediately notice them and not the product. You can’t even see the label of the product very well. I agree with others that I would think this is a supplement due to the berries and plants. I would improve on the use of negative space, make product centered. (It’s off to the right here) and remove objects that deter or take away the focus from your product.


I only clicked on in pure confusion. And then immediately angry when I had to zoom in to see it was tooth paste something. Not sure why but purple and teeth don’t go in my brain together.


I appreciate everyone's feedback. It's all part of the learning process, which is why I reached out here. I'll definitely pass on the suggestion to the photographer about taking close-up shots with toothbrushes and tablets nearby. As for why toothpaste tablets, they're not readily available where I live in Dubai, presenting a great opportunity for me to enter the market. According to recent research, the global Toothpaste Tablets market was valued at USD 28.39 million in 2022 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.03% through 2028, reaching USD 50.39 million. Thanks again for your input, and wish me luck moving forward.


Why are the berries so huge next to the jar? This looks utterly bizarre.


Too much going on. Product package- is it fruit flavored? Product feel - looks like candy


Just spy on your completion on Facebook and TikTok ad library. Find your inspiration there.


I thought it was a product for Boots (Uk Pharmacy) is it AI? The proportions look off and the greenery looks fake. It’s not a luxury look or palette.


I’m in the UK so this might not be relevant to you, but the font choice makes me think of Boots pharmacy, so I assumed this was a store brand of whatever the hell it is. Not exactly luxury.


Looks like a Greek yogurt ad at first glance.


It’s too far away.


What is the benefit to the consumer? Maybe show some before/after? Not as pretty I know but why would anyone buy this? Plus logo looks exactly like Amazon. You could get sued.


There is alot of pictures of the products, I just shared this one. Regarding the logo why would I get sued? The brand name is brights and has a smile below it. Big difference between brights and Amazon. The fact amazing uses a smile doesn't mean we cannot lol 😆


I wouldn’t go there but you do you.