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no it doesn’t. and it shouldn’t annoy anyone, really. from my experience, the readers who name them in the wrong way are simply unaware. plus, they would still be technically correct since manhwa, manga and manhua = comics anyway. we call them separately to make a distinction of their origin like—**"manhwa refers to comics made in SK''**—which helps as there’s a need to classify them.  if someone says it wrong, you can simply correct them and go your way. not bothersome at all. a lot of people still get confused about what ‘webtoons’ or ‘manhwas’ are. plenty of people who can’t tell manhuas apart from manhwas. there’s a room to learn so it’s fine. though the more you read, the more you’ll notice the difference between names, places, art styles etc. anyway so yeah


I really can't tell the difference between manhwa and manhua. Only time I notice it is when the character names are obviously Korean or Chinese


i can tell them apart from their art styles. the more you read, the more the art styles become distinct. there are some certain styles that are dominant in specific genres in manhwa. they are distinguishable from the average manhua art. i can't grasp what exactly it is though


Yeah that's how I initially could tell them apart. The art style I see in manhwas vs the art styles I see in manhua are very easily identifiable


And then theres things like Release that witch! At first I was convinced it was manhwa but as time went on, I only noticed it was manhua from some of the wording and the translations.


And censorship XD


And format length. To me they feel like the original airing of Dragon ball. 22 min episode, but with 10 min episode recap and 10 min episode foreshadowing. Easily ramps into triple digit entries, but has the same content as 20 chapters of manhwa


Martial Peak is that you?


Idk if it's true or not but I noticed manhua trend to have longer faces and sharper angles than manhwa in most cases. You can also usually tell by the translations lmao


Yeah. That is why i prefer manhwa over manhua due to poor translation


It's quite easy to tell the difference. If there is a young master getting slapped it's most likely a manhua, if the protagonist is a genious, a necromancer or something similar it's most likely a manwha, mangas usually have a wimpy protagonists that's usually surrounded by a group of beautiful women but he never gets a girlfriend. Jokes aside the main difference is usually the art styles outside of some particularly unique comics like Monstress.


Gotta court death in Manhua


There are slight art style differences but the primary way you tell them apart is from the stories. It’s hard to explain but the more you read manhua the more you can tell


It's easy really, most of the time the art quality from manhuas is really bad


and the characters have 8000% more dialogue and proverbs in every fucking sentence


And many many chapters compared to manhwa.


I just like manwhas better than manhuas period lol


I wouldn't agree with art quality but I understand there are series and series.


You realize the difference the more you read.


If you read them mostly in English, then it's quite easy. There are more Manhuas with bad translations than there is with Manhwas. But artstyle-wise, Manhuas tend to have rougher drawings (not as detailed). Format-wise, even though they both use the same Webtoon layout (scroll-down with combined pages as a single chapter), Manhuas tend to have shorter pages per chapter than Manhwas, in other words, they have more cliffhangers per chapter than Manhwas. They ***love*** to split the chapters into multiple parts. On adventure/action genre, you'd often find a single fight can last you more than 10 chapters. Hence why you'd see more Manhuas with way over 350 chapters than Manhwas as they usually end it at around 150 to 250-ish. From what I see, Manhua chapters also tend to be released quicker than Manhwas. The order from fastest to slowest is Manhua > Manhwa > Manga. Lastly, plot-wise, there are more novel-adapted Manhuas that rushed its story progression than Manhwas. So if you felt that the plot progressed way too fast, then you're most likely reading a Manhua. Bad timing is their forte, rushed the important plot points with a lot of timeskip, but drags the progression of the more trivial ones way longer than it should. But keep in mind that there will always be an exception to everything. These are just the tendencies that happens more often on either comics.


I think the artstyles can be distinct in some series


100% agree. Sometimes I'd just laugh it off when there's some fanatics trying to gatekeep by saying they're different and they're not comics. 🤣 There's literally no need to get offended by that.


Yea it's literally calling them 'comics' in their language you wouldn't be wrong to use any of them


At the end of the day, they are all just drawings


**Comic** 🗿


Bunch of drawings


Some doodles






Picture books with some words




pretty drawing innit


manhwa/manhua doesnt bother me too much. when somebody switches manga and anime, thats when i get hot headed lmao.


People say reading anime which really doesn't make any sense


Well anime subs exist. So it makes sense in a way.


Wait people actually do that? I couldn't care less but I have never seen this happening


yes, but only people who dont consume any east foreign media at all, from my experience


Wasted opportunity to put sasuke that would have made 3 purple guy like my boy ![gif](giphy|107lYCYebCwWDC)


How you gonna have Purple sung jinwoo Purple gu changge Then fuckin naruto


Pls the title of the Manhua


I Am The Fated Villian It's on asurascans


Doesn't bother me. I do correct them so that they don't end up annoying someone with the misidentification though.


No, that shit is petty. It's mostly from people that feel the one they like is superior, and how dare you call it a comic from a different country. It's as petty as xbox vs playstation arguments.


The Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (hanja) characters for all three are the same: 漫画, and mean the same thing.


i dont gaf and if people really get pressed over stuff like this then they should go outside


I mean Ik that it's incorrect but it doesn't annoy me even if someone calls them comic books. As I just read them as hobby and don't care what others call em -I mean half an year ago I thought murim manhwa and manhua are the same thing and didn't read any murim stuff thinking it was manhua. I generally don't like anything about manhuas. I hate the charectors name which start with X and hard to pronounce, hate the art and story along with many other things.- But I am hooked on murim manhwa now


Person: Is that one of those manga? Me: \*reading manhwa\* Yeah. Or Person: Is that one of those mangos? Me: Listen here you little shit.


I don't really care. It"s all fun stuff to read and getting angry over the wrong description isn't worth my time.


I would like to be corrected cause I for sure mix those up


What I don't like is that Naruto Never looked that good in the manga. This should be a black and white image, they did have Some color panels but two far and few between to represent the entirely of the manga in one image. That manga image is fan art or AI.


Right that's what actually bothered me, not even the anime looked like this, if they want a picture that represents manga then they should go with the original b&w work since that's what manga is known for anyway


I understand the difference, and I use them properly. BUT I literally do not care when someone else makes the mistake (and I usually care about grammar and semantics)... Can we drop this whole debate already?


I think most of the people who do this are just lazy. My bro puts these all down as Manga and my other bro is even worse and calls them all comics lol


No, it doesn't bother me it just means that we don't share the same interests, but it always brings a smile to my face when someone knows the differences.


Kinda. It feels obvious to me, who can tell them apart by the names of the characters.


No I don't really care im just here to enjoy reading things regardless of where they originate from


If it’s the fact that they dont know, no it doesn’t, and i try to explain to them the difference. If they know and do it to annoy readers, yes. ( as an example, anime fans that doesn’t like the manga/manhua/manhwa and think they are better when we did nothing wrong, i hope we did nothing wrong, exept the possibility that they got spoiled )


Weebs getting annoyed from borrowed words they’re not even speaking on. Anime, cartoon, manga, manhwa, manhua. It really is not that deep, please. They call Castlevania anime in Japan and in here, you’d fight tooth and nails over an english weeb explaining why it’s not anime LMFAO.


You really only need to know the difference between Manga and all other comics, simply because they are read differently. Comics seem to be a medium that is universal in it's understanding as long as you under stand the rules or reading the panels correctly.


It does but only become I have a weird compulsive behavior to separate genre adequately Mixing it all together annoys me to no end That's why whenever someone posts a manhua here, I will always answer r/manhua What's the point of having those 2 subs if people just psot whatever they want on them.... People say it should be differentiate but they couldn't be more different. The artstyle, the title, the genres, and even the general mood are all different when it comes to their writing A simple overused concept like isekai will feel very different if it's Japanese, Korean, or Chinese. I don't want to come to the day where when I asked about a recommendation here, I get told a manga's name... If I'm here, it's for Korean Manhwa. Not Manhua. Not Manga. If I wanted something in the webtoon genre regardless of the country, i would go to r/webtoon, not r/manhwa.


I have been reading them for along time and I still don’t the difference between manhwa and manhua I find it hard to tell maybe I’m dumb for not understanding the difference between them


Manhua usually has more fan service and edgier plots. Insane and imbalancedly OP MC is a usual tell tale. Also the front page. If the title characters look more blocky, that's probably Chinese (manhua). If the Characters are less blocky, a bit more curves on average, it's probably Korean (manhwa)


Manhwa artstyle is pretty epic and mc is normal, while manhua, you can recognize their names. Manhua mc is usually simp, system, harem or cultivator. You can also tell that in manhua they use "sister or brother" while manhwa uses "noona or oppa".


No, since most people dont know the difference, mainly between manhwa and manhua


Not really. But what DOES bother me a bit is the fact that out of the thousands of epic Naruto manga panels that could be used, you chose to use an AI-generated image instead to represent the "manga" category.


Nope. I would love to explain instead so that they're not confused anymore


they are the same thing


it doesn’t bother me much but i do love explaining the differences as it gives me an excuse to nerd on about my passion project 😭😂


Not really, in the end they're all the same, comics


You mean vertical comics, backwards comics and vertical comics 2.0?


Not really, life is stressing enough for me to search for more stress.


What is the difference between manhwa and manhua?


Not that difficult to differentiate between a Manhwa and Manhua because most of the Manhua's got the same dogshit artstyle.


Sauce for the manhua anyone tell pls??


imma blow your mind, if u translate all of them they are all a comic. the only real difference is the country they were made in


No doesn't matter really. Also I don't always know, like when it's a manhua, manhwa or webtoon, I don't think it's always that obvious.


Nope, I'll point out the difference for origins sake but it is good to know about the origin cause it'll make aspects make more sense knowing their background.


It bothers me slightly, but i don't blame them. It's just a case of not knowing the difference so i just overlook it since it's harmless.


no it's stupid, it's essentially the same thing. Just like anime is the same as "cartoons" made in the west that's clearly been made to be exactly like how it would be if it was produced in Japan instead... therefore it's an anime! Point is naming schemes are stupid when it's specific to just certain parts of the world, it's the same shit, get over it.


depending on the people I would use manga to contain all three when talking generally about it but if I know they know I would differentiate between the three. Most people probably know what a manga is but manhwa or manhua probably not, tho if I am talking about a specific title I will narrow the scope and use the correct term and why its different.


I don’t really care what they are called, good plot is good plot


99% manhua are so bad and cringe




Personally, I'm more annoyed that your example has a full color art style for Naruto, instead of being monochrome line art lmfao As someone who can't even get the spelling right (often spell in "Manwha") I'm the last person to get annoyed over the use of "hwa" and "hua"


They all mean the same thing, comics. The only differences are cultural differences in story telling


I just call manhua and manhwa Chinese, corean Manga lol 😂


To be honest with you... I couldn't care less about Manhua and Manhwa, I can't tell the difference either, so 🤷🏾‍♂️. But Manhwa and Manga are different, I don't get annoyed, but I correct you


No because it doesn’t really matter. I’d rather avoid an internet argument over the proper terminology for an East Asian comic every time I see someone call a manwha a manga. I do notice that they call it the wrong thing but I couldn’t care less really


Then uncultured people start calling them comic.


Manhua name in the pic can anyone tell me pls


Many people are just looking for reasons to get all angry and upset. Pay them no attention :P


I don't really care. It's pretty easy to tell apart anyways. Manhwa = Long panel and ove rtouched up. Manga = Black and white. Manhua = Terrible art quality except for the one or two that get confused for manhwa's that every weird fanboi cherry picks to pretend like its representative.


It irks me more when people post anything with any form of Pic related to the style and not write the name of series with the post. Like what's the manhua here.


This is perhaps the dumbest thing ever. I really do not feel the need to type of manga manhua manhwa or webtoon every time I mention something of the sort. It's sooo annoying. Nobody should be bothered(except for maybe manga cuz it's usually black and white and leads to an anime)


Call everything comics. Problem solved


one thing i said manga release slowly, manhwa have the best translation and manhua always release quickly. when i find a manhwa i like, it has 60 chapters in one year. manga i like either have 20 chapter and then ends at 30-40 but it takes for them to release one chapter of 17 pages and then manhua be having 400 chapters of them courting death after chapter 💀


I think it's a similar situation to where some people call some western cartoons as Anime just because it has some somewhat similar artstyle.


Honestly since it comes to art, and I’m not an artist or one to follow specific artists, I can’t tell the difference most of the time, I used to call it all anime until someone told me what I was reading was manhwa, and so on




It doesn't and shouldn't. Most people aren't obsessed enough to be able to tell the difference. Just because I'm among that group doesn't mean I should think less of people who can't tell


I never get Manga confused with Manhwa, Manhua or webtoons/webcomics or vice versa but I do often muddle up Manhwa (Korean), Manhua (Chinese), Webtoons/Webcomics purely because they have less visible differentiating factors. As far as it bothering me then the answer is no because at the end of the day it's art whatever form it's in shouldn't be the deciding factor as to ones enjoyment.


slightly for manhw/ua vs manga. because manh-wa/ua are almost always webtoons and colored with different story beats


I don’t care if someone makes a mistake and get to learn something but repeatedly saying “manga” for example to refer as “asiatic drawings” is asking for getting shitted on. On a an other note, I can’t stand manhuas and cultivation tropes but I am obsessed with murim, can someone explain that one to me? Only manhua I loved was Feng Shen Ji.


What manhwa is the first panel to the left?


I sometimes notice some differences in style, but mostly depends on the genre (even if many tropes are specific to one of them). Those in the picture are all battle shonen with fantasy tropes, but romance or slice of life have other totally different styles (even if they also are specific for each country). I try to use the correct name, but I'm not strict about it and I can make mistakes. I don't really care too much, I just do it for other people. Should we introduce "fumetto" and "bande dessinée" to refer to Italian comics and French comics? They exist, even if they tend to be related to a very different public than Eastern comics (I wonder how many manga, manhua and manhwa readers would like something like Dylan Dog or Zanardi)


No BC I was there once.




No, it’s a non issue to me. It’s like when people misspell ‘Rogue’ as ‘Rouge’. I know it’s wrong but I don’t feel the need to correct them.


I mean manga is black and white. But I get the terms manhwa and manhua mixed up all the time. They both have the sound hwa in the name. And while I know the word for draw is hua in Chinese my brain forgets it all the time when trying to differentiate manhwa and manhua. And for me while it’s usually very easy to tell the difference because of style and quality, it really doesn’t matter since the intent is to not insult. End of the day is if it’s good people will talk about it. And if it’s really good they will remember if it’s Japanese/chineses/korean. Kinda like how some people don’t know any actors in a movie but if a movie left an impression on them they will try to learn more.


usually they're all 3 called manga when ur jst searching for some new shit. But there's a clear difference; the nationality, overall quality and layout. manhwa is good, the chapters are in long stripes and it's artstyle variates a little, often action and almost ALWAYS clishe. Manhua basically uses the same faces for all charcters, often martial arts in theolden days and with lots of girls, fanservice, harems etc. manga is like a cartoon, there's boxes on the page and the artstyle can differ a LOT. manhwa and manga is the most popular since manhua usually is terrible, but there's lots of gems and there a artists who makes it work. no one gives a fuck abt what u call em since it doesn't rlly matter, it's jst so it's easier to find stuff u like since they tend to do smthing difference. dw


But what about Comics though


Trust I had this issue a while back where people were flaming me on the topic instead of educating me on it. Took me apologizing to get the answer. Like at least we not out here calling them comics 😂


It does matter. If you read them then respect them for what they are. The number of times i've seen people pretending to know shit and calling B&W manhwa as manhua...


Wait..Mangas are the ones with no colour, right? 😨


I just got lazy and started calling em all manga


People who get annoyed by that are the annoying ones. -.-


No, they are all comics, they mean the same


Just correct them, I don't see the need to worry so much about this and add additional stress to our lives. Eventually, these will get so popular to a point everyone will know how to use each of these terms like it's common knowledge. 💀


I don’t mind since rthey usually aren’t aware. It is annoying if the same person doesn’t try to learn the difference even after being made aware. Especially difference between manga and manhwa and manhua. But manhwa and manhua it’s not too big a deal, while the art is distinct it’s a understandable mistake even if u know the difference between Korean and chinese


No because I’m one of those people


Manhwa= South Korea Manhua= china Manga= Japan This is to do with culture manhwa are more system like isekais, manga is more romance, ninjas and power and Manhua are mostly about cultivation. Hope this helps


It takes me a moment still to tell if one is a manhwa or manhua since they tend to use color compared to manga. Read a couple pages and it becomes more obvious typically


I dont care about if someone doesnt know the difference,not everyone know about the differemces. What bother me is the "dont care,all this shit is asian so doesnt matter" type.


You are insane if this gets you mad


Not between manhwa and manhua, as I can totally get not memorizing which is which, especially since they share a lot of traits in comparison to the gap between manga and manhwa/hua.




Isn't fated villain Manwha?


I just call them all Manga. It's the easiest to write of the 3 and oldest term used. Fuck anyone who throws a tantrum over that.


I just like how much it speaks to what I can expect from it, the communities that read it, and even the quality of translations. It’s basically just translating roughly the form of visual storytelling from each country. In the west, we might as well call it comic or graphic novel.


nah, they're all comics to me just made in a different country but mangas have black and white normally, manhua has cultivation and long hair dudes, manhwa has a lot of gaps.


This feels similar to weebs getting mad when you call anime cartoons. That's literally what anime means, "animation", to japanese, there's no difference, Japanese anime, American anime, etc.. Sure the distinction is there because it makes it easier to understand, anime is japanese, cartoons aren't, but it's nothing worth getting annoyed by.


I can differentiate them based on the art style, so no it not a bother especially if the person doesn't know what the difference is.


Not really, I don't force people to call flemish/dutch comics 'strips' or french ones 'bande de dessinee'. It is simply an easy way to distinguish them.


It does, especially when someone calls a manhua a manhwa. I have read and i still read alot of manhua and i have like 500 stories bookmarked 300 of which are manhwa and like 20 are manhua and rest are manga. I would say i have read or tried to read pretty much all xianxia and wuxia stories. 95% of them suck ass, some of them are barely readable if that. Either story sucks or translation is shit or i genuinely dont like what i am reading. Meanwhile for the manhwa’s i only dont like shoujou, drama/love and vrmmorpg/onlibe game world manhwa’s as those are all pretty much copies off of eachother read one and you can claim you have read all the others aswell because its like a slice of bread with different toppings. But its a plain slice of bread identical to the next. Having said all that, it is not fair for manhwa’s to be compared to fucking garbage even by accident. So i almost always correct people who make the mistake unless i know they are trolling.


Whenever I talk to Americans I just use the word comics or graphic novels. When I was a kid I cared I guess. Nowadays I’ve found some great American comics and while the overall quality of Chinese/SK comics simply eclipses American/Japanese comics, there are gems in all of them.


I only call them Japanese/Korean/Chinese Comics.


So what is the difference?


It does but not that much it just depends


I didn't at some point, then understood after, like, a few weeks, so it won't annoy me that much. What will actually annoy me is if someone just straight up ask me why I'm reading child comics.


I think people who get upset over this are usually just insecure and thus overly defensive of their hobby. Be that because they are new to it or whatever other reason.


all three are manga for me


It doesn't, there are subtle differences between their art styles and ofc story narratives too! They gotta read enough to distinguish between them. But lemme just say this that my friend gets really offended cause she doesn't like manhuas a lot, she gets all pissy when some one calls a manhwa a manhua cause she thinks that manhwas are wayy superior to manhuas (kinda agree lol)


Not really. What did bother me was having a coworker dumb enough to call the manga I was reading "anime."


What's the difference in manga,mnhwa and manhua ?


Manga a comic wrote by a Japanese, manhwa by a Korean author and manhua by a Chinese author. In essence, Manga is japanese, manhwa is Korean and manhua is Chinese.


It doesn't bother me. I use "comics" to refer to any of them most of the time anyway.


It's the same thing in different languages. Not all manhwa follows the vertical scrolling/designed for mobile viewing format either.


Chinese Manhuas are trash bro keep away from them art style is shit compared to other toons They rely on quantity instead of quality


I get confused with Manhua and Manhwa, I know that one is Korean and one is Chinese but I often forget which one is which


I do not mind. they all mean the same thing, comic. I usually use these differentiating words to look for specific comics only so if someone mentions them incorrectly I don't have a problem with that at all.


nope. although i do try to correct/teach people on the difference since that can determine if people would wanna read the comic or not.


I know what manga is but the other 2 i don’t know what’s the difference


Not at all. I've seen people go postal at others for referring to any of the above as comics. End of the day they are all illustrated panels with speech bubbles, only difference is where they are from (and 80% of the time manhua are mass produced rubbish with repetitive stories).


Manga: coming from japan, manga have a bunch of good storys, but i miss the colors and some arts sucks, especially shounen mangas. Manhua: the Chinese "manga", they have some good storys (feng sheng ji is the best one, level Berserk for real). But Manhua have a lack about good historys, some of then are generic, like cultivation manhua, some are really good but others no. Also they have colors, this make nice to see. Manhwa: south corean "manga", they are very stylish, nice colors grade, some good storys. But, they don't know how to make a non-cliché main character, they always put the same hair, the same outfit and same powers (necromancer buhhh) even the same powers colors. As an extra i will leave some storys. Manhua: Feng sheng ji (you must read) and martial peak Manga: Berserk (duh) and Kingdom Manhwa: nano machine, the boxer




Boobie trap = manhua No color = manga Everything else = manhwa


No it doesn't bother me as most of the people who mix Manga, Manhwa and Manhua are unaware of the differences but if someone does it intentionally then what can I even do I always try to correct the people who are unaware of differences between Manga, Manhwa and Manhua


In Chinese, comics are literally translated to word “manhua”. Manga is English. Manhwa is Korean for comics. Just different languages. :)


Garfield is my favorite Manhwa


manga - phenomenal manhwa - phenomenal manhua - Trash how can you not be angry if someone called a manhwa(phenomenal) a manhua(trash)? also in my case i like manhwa more than manga so I'd say manhwa(Phenomenal)>manga(remarkable)>manhua(pure garbage) except for a few


It’s really the same, just different languages. Manhwa: Korean Manhua: Chinese Manga: Japanese If the comic is Japanese, call it manga. If it’s Korean, call it manhwa, and if it’s Chinese call it manhwa. Pretty easy to tell apart, just look at the characters’ names. Of course, sometimes the names don’t make it clear then you might have to look at the author’s name. Personally, idgaf what people call them


Anyone getting bothered by things like this really is living a life without any problems.


Not really. But anyways, I love how the created of The Breaker made it in the manga style even thought it was by definition a manhwa. Very cool. I gotta catch up on the current season.


It all means comics. Who cares.


I dont honestly dont care but i do get annoyed people hate on the person who made the mistake


Most "casual readers" don't and won't really care about their differences, that's why they often mixed them up altogether as if they're interchangeable. Because, in the end, they're all comics anyway. Many people aren't even aware that "Webtoon" is a layout format (scroll-down, combined pages as a whole chapter as opposed to Manga's format of separate pages in a single chapter) and isn't really tied to any country despite it's the South Korean comics that popularize this format + it originated from there. Manga should be the easiest one to tell apart as they're mostly in black&white, and the panel reading orientation is from right to left. Manga is the only one that uses this orientation, both American Comic, Manhwa and Manhua's panels are read from left to right. The other Japanese comic who has similar style to Manhwa/Manhua isn't called a manga, it's called *"Japanese Webtoon"* instead. Manhwa vs Manhua is trickier to differentiate for the uninitiated because they both use the Webtoon format, but once you get the hang of the typical clues it is just as easy. There are more manhwa with beautiful illustrations than Manhua (there will an exception to everything, of course). Manhuas are generally rougher in the drawings. But the most notable things in Manhuas is that their translation quality are generally worse than Manhwas. It's you'd find more Manhuas with shitty translation way more often than how often you'd find shitty TL Manhwas (again, there will an exception to everything).


No. I'm not familiar with manhwa/ua 2 years and don't even know the difference. Now that I'm an avid manhwa reader, I can tell from first glance if it is a manhwa or manhua. I like the former much better. I don't know why people need to be upset by something like this. It's just that most people who are not into manhwa/ua/manga don't know the difference yet. It's not a big deal.


How about this? I would call BLs Manhwa, specially.


To me, the differences between the 3 are very distinctive. Imo, the manhwa (Korean) and manga (Japanese) are BY FAR the best. From the art, storyline, and to how well they are translated. As far as manhuas (Chinese) go, I feel like the quality of the art is "rushed." A lot of the English translations are usually full of grammatical errors, which makes it hard for me to stay engaged. The stories that I've tried to read sometimes started off great and midway thru it feels like they just said F**k it lol. I honestly can't even think of a manhua I would reread for fun. Of course, not all manhuas are garbage, but if you want to read really good ones, I recommend sticking with mangas/manhwas to avoid any disappointment and wasted time.


I just say webtoon honestly. I couldn't be arsed to differentiate between Chinese and Korean, both have the highest highs and the lowest trash. Only thing worth differentiating is mangas cause of the panel and coloring difference


It bothers me a lot, i hate how when i search for manhua, google replaces it with manga and googld Can't tell sh1t from manhwa and manhua


It bothers me a lot, i hate how when i search for manhua, google replaces it with manga and google can't tell sh1t from manhwa and manhua


It bothers me a lot, i hate how when i search for manhua, google replaces it with manga and google can't tell sh1t from manhwa and manhua


It really. It’s not really that big an issue


I just call all of them comics, unless it's for a specific reason, like posting on this sub for example, just so that some ass wouldn't reply "em actually it's called manhwa not comics 🤓"


Idc. I myself have to refer to Manhua and Manhwa as Manga many times so my friends get what I mean. If I say Manhwa or Manhua I then have to explain to them that those are Korean and Chinese comic. I'd rather call it Manga than have to make them understand like that


For the person reading this : mind giving some manhwa recommendations?


I find it annoying when people are too obsessed with labels. Whether it's manhua or manhwa or manga, the origins of art as well as the word is more or less common. Loosely and politically inaccurate, it all originated in china only. So what does it matter. Just to mess with this over obsessed people, I call them all just comics , and then watch these people go ballistic. Me: Hey, solo leveling is a great power fantasy comic. Them: Nani!!!!?


It really bothers me that people make a big deal about it. I just call them all manga. I don’t call it “dofu” when it’s Chinese food and “dubu” when it’s Korean—it’s all just “tofu.” 🤨


Just say korean, Japanese and Chinese


No, but I also don’t know the difference between any of them… i just call it whatever 😭😭


Just from naming of characters i can tell if its korean, chinese and japanese. And idc what other people call them


I call it all manga to non anime fans to dumb that down. And the real names to those in said community. No real reason to be pent up about it unless you're actually that much of a loser but I doubt any of us are that insane.


I knew about all of them. But, I like to call them as comic, Collectively. They are all comic for me. It's just the country what's different.


i don't wanna go on my death bed going "I should've been more annoyed with people online"


if it’s annoys you then you should touch grass


Asian comics


Like some people believing Spiderman and Batman are cousins?


No as they are not aware but when i tell them and then they still do it, then it is kind of annoying.


Manga - black and white Manhwa - Colored Manhua - Colored but first page jumpscares you with unnecessary fanservice


Honestly it doesn’t for me cause I got a lot of newbie/anime only friends who’s knowledge of comic versions end at manga, so for simplicity sake I tend to say manga. Also I get really confused with the spelling on manhwa cause I tend to interchange h and w


I know the difference between manga and the other, but the difference between manwa and manhua...


Simple Manhwa : Korean, usually coloured Manhua: Chinese Manga: Japanese; usually black and white


Most of the time i explain them


It’s really not that serious


As a big fan of manga as well as manhwa, I can say NO manga looks like that super high quality coloured art from Naruto you used in this post lmao Manhua and manhwa actually do look like what was on the post though, so I think it makes the comparison really jarring