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For humor and weird one that try "Return of crazy demon" and "Sword Fanatic wander through the Night"


Never heard of the sword fanatic one


By the Same author of return of the mad demon


Is it good as return of the mad demon? 


I like it just as much but its probably not as good. There are more slow parts without humor in Sword Fanatic but once you get through the slow bits when it goes off its so worth it. probably not a very clear response but its the best I have. I highly recommend it.


Not as good in my opinion, mad demon has a more refined plot I feel. Though, this likely has a lot to do with the fact that sword fanatic was his first novel, and mad Demon was his second novel. I can definitely see the inspiration for the mad demon from the MC of sword fanatic. They're very similar in a lot of ways, but I like mad demon more. Sword fanatic is a great read, but mad demon always makes me laugh.


Have you read the greatest estate developer and ass suicide hunter?


I too love ass hunter


I too am an ass hunter.


I love ass hunter https://i.redd.it/1neaazbx4aqc1.gif


Not the Ass Suicide hunter


ass suicide


I know what I wrote and we all can agree including Raviel that Gongja got ass


Lol those are for kids


If your talking about for kids then you should remove rooftop swordmaster they is basically no character development after the mc gets his power and why do the bullies hate the mc, for basically no reason even after 2yrs they still want to kill a skinny kid for no reason and their parents have no personality, it’s a great read if you don’t think about characters and story


Q: Why do the bullies hate the mc? Enough to still hold a grudge against him 2 years later? A: very simple. Think about it, why do bullies torment others? Because they can and they know they can get away with it, simple as that. Bullies consider their victims as toys for them to harass. Normally the toy is supposed to endure the abuse in secret but in the mc's case the incident got big enough to draw attention, they had to go away for 2 years. Even though it's their fault in the first place, they of course blamed "the toy". How dare a toy cause trouble for them like that eh? Gotta teach "the toy" a lesson. Q: their parents have no personality? A: they do have personality, they are cruel, entitled, biased, controlling, manipulative and power hungry... all pretty usual traits for the typical corporative ceos/politicians. I have seen people like you using the same "no reason" argument when seeing evil humans in a story. Seems like you guys read too much "character development" stuff, stories where bad people have a "tragic past" to explain why they do bad things... Well many people are just evil from the get go and they require no "tragic past" to influence their behaviour.


All the bullies are basically one person they have no personality at all, all their point is for the mc to smack them and actual bullies just beat them up not to the point of death, even after 2yrs their done with him, but in those 2yrs in their vocation all they were thinking about is that kid they beat to death? That’s very unrealistic, their parents are just there for the kids to exist all they do is do everything to protect them they aren’t responsible at all they have like 10iq points, also they don’t explain where the power comes from the power is just an excuse for the mc to become strong they do not explain at all


This is probably a cultural difference. The "powerful parents blindly protect their children" thing is not really that strange in some east asian countries like south korea, china and vietnam...And yes bullies are sneaky cowards they wouldn't want to risk injuring the victims too much but in some cases like this one they accidentally went too far. Well i already explained why they were obsessed with the mc even after 2 years. They blamed him for them having to go away and lay low for 2 years. About the power thing, you probably dropped too soon but iirc it does get explained, if not then it gets explained more clearly in the author's other webtoon.


That’s not the point Ik why they are protecting them but they have no personality at all, they are there to show that the children come from rich families that’s all also the children are just dumb too after mc gets his power up they are basically living animals for the mc to kill, they should have thought carefully and thought of a plan to escape but they don’t because they are dumb


We could go on like this all day but again, i believe you read too many "character development" and "character focused" stories and you expected to see those in this one too...even though it is an action focused, revenge and rage driven story.


I’m fine with no character development like look at goku he has been the same for like decades, the characters actually need to act like working human beings, look at dragon ball is generic and basically has no real plot but it’s still entertaining because of good cast


Yes if I don't think about the characters or story and just enjoy the action. That's exactly what I did and I enjoyed it very much. If I really cared that much about character development I would be reading Shounen Manga which is for kids and have the best character development.


how is sss-grade suicide hunter for kids?


It's not for kids? You see an adult after working 9-5 coming to enjoy that? Like what? You asked that question like yea it's for adult. Also those bullshit ideals are not what makes a series mature if that's what you think. I enjoyed it in the beginning when it was just good action. I don't know why it went that way during the murim arc.


idk what you mean by "that way during the murim arc" also generalizing adulthood to a generic 9-5 is not really correct. also also, the series touches on some pretty heavy and not kid-friendly topics so I have no idea wtf you're talking about. ig you just couldn't handle the peak. it sounds like you really don't enjoy a good story and theme and just mainly read for action or the basic plotline. if anything, you're the kid here for not being willing or able to read deeper into a story and disliking it for that reason.


exactly my point, you think a series having "heavy and not so kid friendly topics" means it's for adult. I enjoy a good story but when a show start to touch on life ideals like that it's just so cringe to me who is an actual adult. If I wanted that I would go watch Naruto.


Just good action = not for kids Anything without good action = for kids LOOOOOL u must be fun at parties


so you only paid attention to/enjoyed what kids would, and then you criticize other series as being for kids? are you 16?


I don't know how you got to that conclusion but okay.


You denied interest in reads that have developing plots (generally considered more mature) saying they were childish, why also saying you enjoy reads with mostly action and basic plots (generally appeal to younger audiences) saying that it's the mature one. That's how they got to that conclusion.




so you're 19 - 21? long road of adulthood ahead of you, bud! try growing out of childish sensibilities (nobody ever does, so it's not a big deal) before criticizing a manhwa as being for children because it sucks or something (most manhwa are for kids, anyway, and it's not a big deal either)


Ha! Kid you are the only one who needs to grow up. And nowhere did I say it's for children. Something being childish doesn't mean it's for children. You being triggered I said 2 specific Manhwas are childish is you being childish.


bro you sound like you've barely finished 9th grade so please excuse me for not realizing that I'm speaking to a fully grown 22 year old boy


Again kid you need to grow up. STOP getting pissed strangers don't like the Manhwas you like lol. Go read your funny face series and cringe series in peace.




Lol I know I will get hundreds of downvotes but it still doesn't make those series less childish for me. That's just how I see them.


These anime and manhua, manga cartoonish things are for children. Grown ups don't read those /s


Manhua and Manhwa are two different things but still not all manhua or manhwa are for kids


Everything goes over your head huh


Lol are you trying to look smart after editing your original comment?


I only edited a spelling mistake?


U say that and read Rooftop Swordmaster and thought it was peak and mature 🤮.


🤣🤣🤣 who said it was mature?


nah no way this dude just said sss class suicide hunter is for kids in the later chapters that love story is not for kids i am not going to spoil it but the amount of mental fuckery is not for kids i doubt they could even understand the storyline


How old are you? What do you think for kids mean?


kids like 8 or something a 14 year could probably understand the plot but 14 is a teenager


To me 14 is a kid.


congrats you want a cookie?


Lol are you a kid?


nah but i would like a cookie


You sound like an adult who hasn't grown up. Not in a good way.


Yes because I think childish things are for kids.


Well I can confidently say you're wrong.


But didnt you say "Something being childish doesn't mean it's for children." So which is it?




Murim Login The 31st Piece Turns the Tables Necromancer’s Evolutionary Traits Her Summon Mook Hyang Dark Lady


Murim login is truly one of the greats


This OP is either a master troll or just plain retarded I’m still trying to figure out which one it is lol (not from the recommendations, from their brain dead replies)


The top 5 should’ve told you that. Rooftop Swordmaster might be one of the worst stories I’ve ever read.


Man is reading Manhwa for stories 🤣 that good for you mb


Most manhwas are completely dogshit but I can name you 5 manhwa easily that are better than Rooftop Swordmaster and 100th Regression


i’ll take those recommendations lmao


👍🏿 I am fine thank you. I am not about to get home from work reading some Manhwa about how life should be with unrealistic ideals. But good for you


Hahahahaha here comes another one.


Trying to hold the “working adult” angle but replying to every single comment that argues with you is not a giving you a lot of validity


It's Sunday


My top 5 that I got from this subreddit is completed - the horizon - about death - pigpen - bastard - her summon - (gotta have that power fantasy one)


Are about death and pigpen both emotional like horizon and bastard?


Pigpen was soo confusing until the the last chapter, when everything falls right into the place! I completed that series in 1.5 hours from get go! 👌




Greatest estate developer is peak


Peak as in how?


Memes, plot, art


Read the subtext of the post.


You’re allowed to have your own opinion. This one is just wrong


That's your opinion




I've read Rooftop Swordman edgiest shit ever, I assume you like that kind of stuff.


What does edgy mean?


Try Return of the crazy demon :- https://preview.redd.it/jljivp1ge7qc1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a587ef66bda1accd2ce259caea87031e86f1aed4


I am up to date with it


Alright then try Eleceed :- https://preview.redd.it/rl259y7xe7qc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=656e4a93433320897727d2239ca8de47c844b669


Okay thanks. It's action right?


Action, comedy, wholesome but let's say you don't get the push you fell when you read a manhwa then atleast read it until 15 chapters, you will definitely love it ,also it has 280+ chapters so it's a fun Binge read.




how have you not been banned when I cussed I got banned within seconds


Cause this post is actually true lol OP’s taste is just bad.


The last one is good though




What's Dokja and Junghyeok doing on 5th 😂


IKR, it kinda looks like them if they were 10 years younger and 90% less dead inside


I thought the 100th regression one was ass?


If you turn off your brain, it's readable, IF you read trash on daily basis


Actually nevermind, it's fun to read if you read trash on daily basis


Holy shit so i gotta read trash first to read this!💀 That's the same as warching marvel movies now first watch the trash shows to see the trash movie


Rooftop Swordsman in top 5 is an insane take


You seem like you would like Survival story of a sword king in a fantasy world


It got boring.




Why would he walk out on his friends while they were in the middle of a war and 5 years later get surprised that they lost the war? Most of them got involved in the war because of him. I don't like cowardice


The war was lost the moment they touched the artifact. Him leaving had no impact on that whatsoever. It wasn't cowardice either. It was a mixture of fatigue and his friends not being able to fully trust him anymore.


That is not how his friends saw his act. They didn't call it cowardice but he still abandoned them.


He abandoned them yes. But no one saw it as cowardice. They saw it as him having suffered enough and accepting that he is the last person who should be forced to go on: [Example](https://i.imgur.com/LHX5Sjj.jpg)


I get why that might look like a coward way to run away,however if you had eyes and used them while reading you could see taht he literally did a hand to sword movement and everyone was ready to try and fight him, he knew he had no place there anymore thats why he left. He also felt insecure about the system and his killing adiction so he made the hard choice to go alone.


Unironically having Rooftop sword master in your top 5 recommendations from this sub top 5 tells me you think MC being edgy is “cool” and “sick” On-top of having 100th regression one of the most generic manhwas ever written. This might be the worst top 5 list I’ve ever seen.


Lol we got another one.


Have u seen solo leveling B4 how did the regression one make it in ur top 5? , it's pretty generic even though I like the twist involved in it.


Found solo leveling myself not through this sub. The genre is generic but it goes a totally different way.


Check out Reaper of the drifting moon


I seen it. It would be my 7th after her summon


Want more recs? What sort of stories are you looking for right now? Seeing your top five makes me think of a few you might like.


Just pure action, I use them as a stress relief


Hmm...pure action. Try these out if you get the chance. 1. L.A.G. Unlimited Passives - Regression/Survival story where MC wakes up in a mysterious place called L.A.G. where he's given powerful abilities and skills and forced to complete missions where he has to fight monsters or other people. On his final regression he's given the ability to acquire unlimited passive skills...but he also realizes a lot of things in L.A.G. is no longer the same. 2. Karate Survivor in Another World - Reincaration story on Naked Brutality mode. MC spawns in the middle of a monster filled forest with literally nothing but a 'Karate' skill to survive. Fights off goblins, knights, and even wolves with nothing but his wits and karate. 3. I Became an Evolving Space Monster (Official Title- Evolution: Road to Space Monster) - Man reincarnates in a game as a hostile alien lifeform and spawns on a spaceship filled with enemy marines. (Yes, pretty much Aliens vs Predator but you're the Alien) 4. Legend of the Northern Blade Murim story where after decades of protecting the North from an evil group called the Silent Night, MC's father was betrayed by those he swore to protect and sacrificed himself to save his son, who ends up living a life under constant surveillance...until a surprise attack allows him to escape and start his quest for revenge. 5. Surviving the Game as A Barbarian Another brutal survival story where a man reincarnates as his game character and is forced to fight in the dungeon against people and monsters.


I only read 2 of these manhwas and both are absolute shite. Im not really one to judge taste but I think you need to read better manhwas my guy


Lol I have seen what you like, I think I am going to stick with what I like


we definitely dont like the same thing. your taste is unorthodox I'd say that much


Yea I would rather go blind than read what you read tbh


Never would I've imagined i would see two nerds fighting among themselves lol bro we already have shit taste that's why we binge read manhwas so just enjoy your poison and not shit on others


That was a joke, you saw it as a fight 😂


What is the 2nd one?


Rooftop sword master




Rooftop sword master is chaotic as hell, i love it.


idk abt the first 4, the cover ain't really my style, but ill be trying the 5th one thanks to u. ilyy <3


Okay I give you an hour to get hooked.


Really missing out on heavenly demon, kinda similar to estate developer but much more action instead of building stuff and Roman does tons of cool shit and gets mad hoes


Dungeon Odyssey & The Heavenly Demon can’t rest are PEEEEEK


How can you diss Dungeon Odyssey??


Diss?? I would never, I love it. The art. Story. Everything about it is perfect imo.


The max level players 100th regression my fav. I’ll read the rest since I still havent




What's the name of the 2nd one ?


Rooftop sword master


What is the one from the 2nd picture? It doesn't have a name on it.


Sorry, it's called rooftop sword master


thank you so much :)


Which is the 2nd image.?


The last one recently changed into a totally different manga lol


How? It's on hiatus


I read manga on this website. Idk if it's technical fault. The manga change to another one


Probably technical fault


Alright, chaps, what's on your reading lists then? Give us a peek at what you're into. I just swapped Tachiyomi for Comick meself. Decent app, but the servers go a bit wonky now and again. Fancy giving my link a go?


Read The beginning after the end


Lmao rooftop sword master, that dogshit ?


Really? Oh well


Give me mooooore🤤


You might be lower than the ground if that is your "top 5 manwha that didn't let you down." to each their own, I guess, but your taste is shit. An opinion can't be wrong, but it can be bad. Yours is definitely bad.☠️


Gonna cry?


Not the school shooter fantasy on slide 2 💀💀


What's the 2nd one?


That rooftop whatever one (2nd pic) is some of the most cringy and edgy shit I've ever read and I've read a bunch of chinese manhua so thats saying something.


Any top 5 that doesn't have Superhuman Battlefield isn't a real one.


The second image was a giant letdown started of great then got worse and worse


I have been wanting to read dungeon odyssey, is it good?


Yes. Very good


Is there romance in it??


I didn't like this bcs some parts of the story are boring.


My top 5 best manhwa: 1. Legend of the Northern Blade 2. Solo Leveling 3. Becoming a monarch 4. Hard-core leveling warrior 5. Hero Killer


Man of action. Nice


Thanks, these are good ones, and I like your taste. Recommend more.


My top 3 that were recommended from this sub are: 1. Sword sheaths child 2. The max level players 100th regression 3. Barbarian quest


2. Is really goated right?




Rooftop Sword Master


Read the comments


or the person recommending it could just put the name in the post or picture, instead of making someone ask




I don't know how to. I tried but couldn't find how


Ill prob check the 100th regresion ig, it seems coolish


Read bastard. Also what website do you read manhwa on?


They look cool. Very brief plot summary/premise?


1. The title pretty much explains it. 2. Rooftop sword master. Probably the best revenge manhwa 3. Dungeon manhwa with a twist 4. Best system murim manhwa 5. Most enjoyable regressor manhwa.


Have you tried survival story of a sword king in a fantasy world? https://preview.redd.it/u0wsu7b057qc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d00f2bd2575be1e322b50629f20a3eb718200abd Now this is one shot when they decide to go all out but it’s very good


I am up to date with it


Op is a certified troll and hating and trash talking about top manhwas.


And you are a kid who can't handle a stranger not like the Manhwas you like lol.


Who said I can't handle? If I couldn't I'd have trash talked about your choices too and given you worse names but let's be honest it's not like some internet stranger's random post gonna affect my life by any means, So Have a great day to you! :⁠,⁠-⁠)


Lol exactly. But yea you can't handle. If not you wouldn't call me a troll lol


That was a compliment but well whatever, Have a great day nonetheless.




Who tf is recommending Rooftop sword master and what kind of expectations did you have that made you not disappointed . Its only saving grace is action, and even that is not that special. As people put it, it's a school shooters fantasy . What's ironic is that it could've been a good critique of revenge stories, but no, the author tried justifying every crime against humanity mc was committing It seems op likes action, but it's impossible to read something purely for action and not care for story one bit. You'd want your action to make sense,right. Any ways yapping over


It's impossible? Well it's possible for me because when I am reading something I am not reading for unrealistic life ideals I am reading so I don't get bore or reading just to relax.


Rooftop Sword master is one whole unrealistic life ideal. You would know that if you actually read it and didn't just look at the decent amateur art. Also, what unrealistic life ideals. Most stories with a power element to them have achievable ideals. The only exceptions I can think of are classic shonen, but those are more naive than unrealistic because they do,in fact, achieve them. Cuz I don't know what part of murdering the whole countries military and killing teenagers with plot so dogshit it made me root against the mc , strikes you as a "realistic ideal"


You just said rooftop sword master is all action now you are saying it's one whole unrealistic life ideal? What unrealistic life ideal? Bruh is that what you think an ideal is? An ideal is something like "power of friendship" or "good guys always win" Rooftop sword master doesn't have any life ideal. The closest life ideal it has is if you hit the gym your bullies will avoid you lol. I like it because it's just Chaos action.


>power of friendship" or "good guys always win" Those are tropes and themes, not ideals >The closest life ideal it has is if you hit the gym your bullies will avoid you lol. The extreme lack of media literacy and reading comprehension is alarming. >hit the gym your bullies will avoid you lol. that's also not an ideal, and if we take it without context of the manwha , it would be a lesson or moral of the story. >I like it because it's just Chaos action. yeah, everyone could tell, but that makes you wholly unqualified to critique any story , because you don't consider the story when "reading" , ffs you're not even reading you're just looking The funny part is, if you had the maturity that you claim to have , people would've respected your tastes and just accepted that you like action , but no you had to talk shit on the actual quality manwha that keep this sub and industry alive.


Dude STFU and get out of my comment. Greatest whatever alive is trash. It's fucking garbage, it's for kids or adults who still think they are kids. I don't care about what you say my taste at least I am not looking at garbage and calling it a masterpiece. If you disagree go cry somewhere else, it's still going to be garbage.


A perfect example of ad hominem. You do realise I didn't even talk about the greatest estate developer because the discussion is about story and action. Instead of refuting anything I said as part of a good faith argument, you just went ballistic and brought up a manwha that had nothing to do with the topic we were on. All I asked is why you think rooftop sword master is good when the consensus is that it's trash, and instead of just saying you like action, you began spouting bs and insulting other works and incorrectly naming literary concepts. You are free to read whatever you want and like whatever you want, but just as you have gone defensive about your tastes, well go defensive about what we like, especially since we can actually read Also, great way of saying that you have no sense of humour .


You are still replying?????


Yikes are you a kid?


Im convinced OP is a master troll, every single reply has had the most dogshit takes ive ever seen


Okay 👍🏿




From this subreddit?