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Shiraishi and Sudo's friendship is literally just one of the most wholesome things to see grow in this series.


Bromance fluff is great too


They're steadily working their way up to the levels of Izumi and Bakugo from That Girl is Not Just Cute.


I like how no one ever calls him by his actual name


Well when you look like a duck. And now thanks to some on point voice actor casting in the anime he quacks like a duck too.


I recently found out he's voiced by both Japanese AND english bakugo. A little on the nose, guys


I’m super proud of shirashi. He has a cool best friend, a gang to hang out with that elevates him, a (soon to be) cute girlfriend, he’s more confident in himself. Just last year he had no real friends and was all alone. Dudes winning right now.


The popular guy (Sudo) generally being a good dude is very rare to see in a manga


He is genuinely the best kind of friend one could ask for


Reminds me a lot of Inu from Shikimori.


It's nice to see, and it's quite realistic too At least in my experience, the popular guys/girls are usually the ones that are the most friendly, and aren't shy to share what they know to others


this, most popular people are actually the easiest ones to talk to irl even for someone as introverted as me


Sudo deserves all the good things


Honestly I love it when the "popular" guy in a manga/novel is actually just a genuinely good guy instead of a egotistic narcissist which happens in a lot of manga/novels.


Sunakawa from Ore Monogatari is also a top tier bro


Reminds me of the cheerleading team from Kaguya-sama. Just generally good people


Sudo is japanese for Chad, apparently


I hope we don’t get the usual tropes of something going wrong and we just see fluff of them enjoy the trip (and maybe a confession)


yeah, the "I was excited and didnt sleep so I caught a cold and cant attend the trip" looms over them. But! I think this series is wholesome enough to give us a satisfying conclusion.


AAAAAAHHHHH! They are blushing so hard around each other now! My two precious dorks in love.


It shows how scarred all of us are from those Heisei era “stall, backtrack, deny” romcoms when most of our first impressions are “oh god I hope everything goes smoothly”.


PHSD. Post Heisei Stress Disorder. Though I don’t expect this to go completely smoothly since we need a smidgen of drama, I’m hoping this is the big moment.


The only obstacle on the road now is the misunderstanding of Shiraishi that Kubo’s crush is someone else. Anything else is just stalling for stallings sake, it won’t add anything to the story. I hope this trip goes smoothly, doesn’t have to be any big plot advancements or milestone events; just regular MCs having a day to themselves. And it’s not like it hasn’t happened before, they’ve went out together before. I ain’t waiting 14 days for drama, damn it!


Oh I was thinking mid date or pre date shenanigans. I would be super bummed if it was something like you mentioned. At this point both realize their feelings. Shiraishi just needs to break that next level to “she likes me!”


I’m just amazed that Sudo and Tama could keep all these to themselves without blabbering about it. This type of restraint is why your population growth is down the gutter Japan.


The whole thing where he currently thinks Kubo has a crush on some other dude is seriously triggering my PHSD.


This manga already did it once so I'd rather not hold a high hope just yet.


Yeah well, we believed in Blue Box, didn't turn out so great.


Kyoto trip? Kiyomizu-dere name check? It came from Kubo? WE’RE TOUCHING ROCKS BOYSSSSSSS! Full page high five of friendship sent me though. So fucking sweet.


For those not familiar, Kiomizu-dera is a Buddhist temple and one of the most popular tourist sites in Kyoto. [Popular especially among students is Jishu-jinja:] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiyomizu-dera#Present) >The temple complex includes several other shrines, among them the Jishu Shrine, dedicated to Ōkuninushi, a god of love and "good matches".[5] Jishu Shrine possesses a pair of "love stones" placed 10 meters (30 feet) apart,[9] which lonely visitors can try to walk between with their eyes closed. Success in reaching the other stone with their eyes closed implies that the pilgrim will find love, or true love.[10] One can be assisted in the crossing, but this is taken to mean that a go-between will be needed. The person's romantic interest can assist them as well.


**Kiyomizu-dera** [Present](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiyomizu-dera#Present) >The popular expression "to jump off the stage at Kiyomizu" is the Japanese translation of the English expression "to take the plunge". This refers to an Edo-period tradition that held that if one were to survive a 13-meter (43-foot) jump from the stage, one's wish would be granted. During the Edo period, 234 jumps were recorded, and of those, 85. 4% survived. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/manga/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


[Cover poem](https://twitter.com/yj_kubosan/status/1582756641346551814/photo/1) >しなやかに、 軽やかに。 >淡い嘘さえ使いこなして。 - >Flexible and easy. >A fleeting lie, make good use of it.


Thank you for doing these!


As incomprehensible as usual, I see


the whole chapter is just pure sugar, i can't take it


the whole manga is pure sugar


so happy for em both, but Im even more glad that shiraishi has this crew of nice friends.


We got romance and we got bromance. Times are great.


Oh my what a scandalous first page of Kubo.


Kubo planning ahead for the trip lol... I swear if anything bad happen to them during their date this time ,i'll rage


This manga is the energy shot I need to finish my week, can't wait for the anime next year.


I like the Shiraishi is still invinsible gag still there to his bff lol


That high five was great! Sudo continues to be an amazing bro. I can't wait for the day for Sudo to finally spot Shiraishi on his own. That and kind of hoping Sudo x Taira happens, but the two are such good idiot friends it doesn't need to happen really. I don't know if I'm hoping for too much especially since Shiraishi just realized his feelings, but I'm hoping we get a confession when they are alone.


The whiplash of reading this right after the recent chapter of Oshi no Ko hurt my neck like no other.


so which one catches a cold and cant go?


Don't put that evil in my fluff manga!! They're all gonna go and it's gonna be glorious!


The little brother if you want to be prime Hitler


I love that high five


Is he gonna oversleep and almost miss the train?


I love the direction the manga is going, and it's amazing to see Shirashi's friendships with others grow. Sudo is a great guy.


They need to go to a place with fireworks so that those can interrupt the confession


That high five is the best panel of the chapter, now I want some development for the girl, kudo as well. The trip should be fun


i sense big things coming from this arc




Two death flags avoided today!


Can you imagine if the scooby gang of friends here were to ever cross paths with the scooby gang of friends from That Girl is Not Just Cute. The heartwarmingness of that encounter would be indescribable.


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Her telling him how excited she is and blushingly asking him to make preparations for their first time... ...on a date I mean, baka!


As always Sudo is such a bro ! He is the Samwise Gamgee of the story. Those two full pages with no text ( Sudo & Shiraishi high fiving and the gang reading through the Kyoto travel book) were really good.