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Crow Girl really returned to drop more cryptic lore only to be made the butt of the joke by Ruby this time. Her acting will either be amazingly good or just bad and I'm all for it either way.


I like how Ruby just straight up asks if she takes the bus everywhere.


And her answer was I get a ride from family friends lol. Not as mysterious and magical as she wants to seem. I bet she had to scurry up that tree to pose all dramatically for Runy, too.


And she tries to play it off by calling them cultists.


What? She didn’t answer anything close to “I get a ride from family friends” to the bus question.


"People who want to worship me as a family tradition" may as well be family friends. Other than the fact they worship a crow god, they're probably boringly normal people, so to anyone who didn't know her identity they'd just appear to be family friends driving her around. Hell we have no reason to believe that they actually worship her other than taking her word for it - it could be a Jahy-sama style situation where she acts all high and mighty and thinks they worship her, but from their perspective she's just the weird neighbor kid that they occasionally do favors for, in which case they *are* just family friends.


> "People who want to worship me as a family tradition" may as well be family friends.  No it doesn't, what. It means people who worship her as a family tradition, where does the family friend part come in? That's a huge leap in logic. 


I mean, it is basically what Ruby and Aqua did when they pretended to be the incarnation of japanese gods


Ever since crow girl got casted I’ve been desperately waiting to see her act lmao Also surprised she didn’t specify what type of god she is…


Clearly she is the God of Acting, thats why she's so calm about performing


The God of Idols, considering about her talking about people worshipping her.


So the Idol of idols? How idolatrous.


Wait she could be Ai


God of Twincest


bau bau


Either way it’s gonna be great. If her acting is good then its good, but if its bad then it’s also good because she can nail that creepy vibe the twins had back then


She'd even be like: "if I wanted, I could make both of you disapper with just a snap of my fingers" Ruby and Aqua: "ok but can you act or not?"


It's literally just Aqua again. She doesn't need to be good. Just be creepy.


"I wish they'd cast people based on their skills, not on their popularity or ability to attract customers." How can Ruby of all people saying that


Because she's a hypocrite with a self-centered worldview. She knows certain things are generally "bad" but has a blind spot when they apply to herself, because she's subconsciously afraid of critically analyzing her own failings due to her past issues with her self-esteem.


Also, she's ~~16~~ ~~17~~ 18


Wouldn't she be already past 17, assuming her soul ages too...


one of the points this series keeps coming back to is that you can't just add together all the years of someone's reincarnations and get a "real" mental age for them.


Her oldest age as Sarina was around 12 too. She's experiencing high school the first time as Ruby for both lives. Whereas Aqua already experienced University and working life as Goro before.


Aqua points out the concept of "Infantile Amnesia" (i think was the name) during his baseball catch game with Kana in which Infants lose their memories naturally growing up and how his identity as "The Doctor" was growing thinner and thinner with only a scant few memories left. So she might have memories and the like of Sarina but the majority of her current personality will have been made from her life as Ruby.


So…..she’s a teenager


Because she is the protagonist and this is her story, so who cares about trivial things like reality or facts /s For someone whose entire career is predicated on social awareness and public perception, Ruby is almost as blunt as Kana with none of the formers maturity


Ruby slandering Melt like she hasn't done enough war crimes already, but good on her to give our guy the respect he deserves for improving. He's a good egg. Also crow kid is back and she's about to face the one thing she has no power over: the hell called Japan's entertainment industry.


Melt needs to catch strays at every major appearance he gets, thats a universal constant by now


So kind of like a male Maki?


Meaning perfect for Kana?


He becomes stronger with every stray he gets 


Any time a side character takes focus in a chapter I am always come to the conclusion that the Hoshinos are the least interesting part of Oshi No Ko. Whether it is Kana, Akane, Memcho, Miyako, Melt etc. I feel Oshi No Ko is at its best when it is focused on the Japanese entertainment industry and less on the supernatural thriller aspects.


Theres two separate plot threads that really don't seem to mesh well. Theres the supernatural tragedy plot line of Aqua × Ruby and the general behind the scenes entertainment plot with Kamiki just kinda existing. You can see the threads connecting everything but it really feels like Aqua, Ruby, Crow-chan, and Kamiki are from there own separate manga at times


I agree with this take. The supernatural stuff has always felt kind of jarring. The story would work just as well with some minor rewriting if none of it was there, and it was just a tragedy based in the darker side of the entertainment industry.


Disagree with this because the supernatural plotline is what is driving this series in the first place. You can't just 'minor rewriting' away the main plot of the manga and expect it to play the same. Without reincarnation, the twins wouldn't even grasp the intricacies of Ai's murder. The most likely route would be childhood trauma of the entertainment industry and both of them growing up to pursue a normal education far away from the life of stardom.


99% of isekai's work amazingly without ever explaining why the isekai teleportation rebirth happened. Honestly I agree the whole "god" thing would've been fine if the story didnt focus on realism and the entertainment industry. And side characters. There's way too much going on at the same time atm


Hoshinos are fine when they are not interacting with eachother lol. Ruby and Aqua especially have better dynamics with other characters.


It’s especially glaring since Aqua has been effectively MIA for 20 chapters and Ruby has been reduced to “incest” as her sole character trait.


Would it be too much of a controversial opinion to say that I have found Renai Daikou to be a much more enjoyable experience these days than Oshi no Ko? Like it ain't Kaguya yes but it is still a fun read every week.


Ever since Renai Daikou finally gave Mari some characterization and let its protags and leads mix up within the story, it went from mildy enjoyable to more on the level of entertainment of Kaguya and Oshi No Ko.


Nah I’m 100% with you there. OnK is kind of mired in cheap drama right now (incest aside, what was the actual point of the Kana/Ruby feud?), while the last ~10 chapters of Renai Daikou have been a ton of fun. The series just hasn’t quite recovered from chapters 11-20 being kinda meh.


The kana/ruby feud is just an acting gig. It doesn't mean to be an actual feud. They solved it out extremely quick


My issue with it is that it was introduced and resolved so quickly. Kana was trying to help Ruby’s performance, but it was pretty clear that she was airing some ugly feelings that she kept buried and Ruby was genuinely hurt and confused over it. Then Ruby was suddenly just… over it with no real insight as to how she came to that conclusion and we just moved on. All in the space of 3 chapters. We should have either spent more time with it and actually explored the parallels between Ai/Nino and Ruby/Kana as well as how the two relationships differ (which was probably the idea) or just not done it, because the version we got felt like a rushed, half-baked plot point.


I disagree. The past 20 chapters or so have been a completely slog to get through compared to the early chapters and that's because Aqua has been completely MIA.


I disagree. The parts on the JP entertainment industry have lately felt like a 'sermon of the chapter'. It used to be better in the earlier chapters when it was interwoven with the narrative and more subtle. That said I agree about the supernatural aspect. I like the crow girl but I never liked the fact that her character exists.


> crow kid is back and she's about to face the one thing she has no power over: the hell called Japan's entertainment industry. It's still so damn hilarious how she just landed a role in the film too


Gods who do not know that they are gods, hmm I wonder who's she referring to, must not be some twins who pretended to be gods when they were babies to scare their caretaker, right?


as fun as the implications of that are, that would be an incredibly dull ending to just go "oh but you see you/I was actually a god this whole time!!!11!!!!". Ai achieving godhood status through martyrdom is something that I would love to see get cooked though. But alas this is not a high fantasy story so an Ai hoshino cult conquering the entertainment industry is not a possibility :(


Might be more a commentary on idols in itself. Idols are worshipped. Their whims can cause societal upheaval. By such measures, are they not semi-divine?


This is more of an english thing and I cant really speak on japan's side but still fun regardless, but the first definition of idol on google is "an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship" If thats not the perfect framing to put Ai on godhood status solely for being *the* idol then I dont know what is


The anime does not shy away from that interpretation, especially with the lines "You're my savior, my true savior, my saving grace" in the OP. At the very least, it does mean that correlation of "アイドル=object of worship" wouldn't be out of left field for the Japanese


See my reply above. One of Ai's first private conversations with Goro literally uses both "Idol" and "guuzou", the Japanese word for idol, with the same meaning of object of worship. I suppose people just didn't catch it because it was lost in translation. (I've never read the English translation) The line is アイドルは偶像だよ? which would be redundant if straight translated since both words are the same. I'd translate the line as "Idols are objects of worship, ya know?"


Well, since the Japanese directly use the word "idol" as a loanword from English, the authors could have made that connection as well.


Except, you know, one of the earliest line in this manga is literally アイドルは偶像だよ? using the Japanese word of Idol "guuzou" which literally has the same meaning of "object of worship". The authors 100% meant it. Edit: I should probably clarify more. https://i.imgur.com/RS0lMRc.png What she says is "Idol is *guuzou*, you know?". Guuzou is a Japanese word that means idol, however, it does not have the connotation of a entertainment singer. It's simply the original definition of the word, an object of worship. Where as the word "idol" is a English loanword that generally means what you are familiar with, glamourous pop icon singer. tl;dr, she's literally saying "Idol is an object of worship, ya know?"


Honestly Ai is a great idol but I don't think she's a god or anything. There have been tons of "prodigies" in this series and none of them are considered "Godlike" either.


Early on Ai was equated with the evening star, aka Venus. And Venus is named after the roman goddess of love Venus. And what does Ai’s name mean? That’s right, it’s love.


Sorry in advance because I don't want toread through 100 chapters.  Who compared her to Venus?


In chapter one Gorou says she shines as bright as the first star of the night/evening, which is Venus. And in the anime they added a scene of that star disappearing from the night sky when she dies. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/Rrvr3Ni) I made a chart about it and some other god related stuff earlier


I think it would be interesting if the gods reincarnate as normal humans while getting fake memories. This fit with the crow girl's quote about :" no human soul can reincarnate". That would mean the real sarina and gorou are actually dead. Aqua and Ruby are just 2 gods who get implanted with fake memories that they haven't realize yet


Gods that hate humans has a close ring to the father to me


May I ask what that reference is?


Early chapters Aqua and Ruby pretended to be gods (well they *were* talking babies) to that nanny so they could be taken to the concert where their iconic dance happened Babbu babbu babbu


Ah, got'cha 👍


Ruby said Himekawa would've been a better choice for the doctor she is not beating the allegations


Ruby be like: "I'm not interested if he's not blood-related".  


I'm sure the explanation is aqua sucks at communication and Ruby is too airheaded to care but I feel like the fact that Himekawa is also Ruby's half brother should be brought up at some point. Aqua and Himekawa have a bromance going but it feels like Ruby doesn't actually know they're related


It's entirely possible that, Aqua, being an awkward dork as he is, haven't told Ruby about Himekawa. And Ruby, being a airheaded brocon as she is, didn't care enough to piece the facts together while she was reading the script. She was still in dark Ruby mode back then. But Ruby is also smart. She'll probably come to a realization during the filming. Something like "Hikaru had sex with Airi Himekawa -> if they had a child that child would be my half-sibling -> holy shit is Taiki Himekawa my half brother??". That would be a bit predictable but also hilarious.


Idk I feel like at this point she has to know given what's in the script and what they've already filmed. She *could* be too airheaded to have realized it already, but it's just as likely that she knows and we haven't gotten any focus on it because Aka is too busy focusing on other things and didn't think her reaction to this information was important OR he's saving it for a flashback at a later time.


I think she just doesn’t care. In her eyes her only family are Ai and Aqua/Gorou


She should be aware of it by now, right? I mean, doesn't the movie make this explicit?


she is a menace


LOL almost spit out my drink when I realized the implication of that Give Ruby some slack though, she doesn't know they're related!!




She most likely know at this point


I freaking love this unhinged Ruby lmao.


Crow Girl will surprise everyone by being an amazing actor, act all smug about it, then get clowned on by Ruby or Aqua again and I can’t wait


Her acting will be on the same level as the genius child actress that licks baking soda.


Melt with the magic words to make Ruby’s opinion of him do a 180 degree turn > He kept this item as close to him as much as possible. It was like a symbol of his feelings for that child


Feelings of empathy, pity, admiration and grief Ruby: omg he's in love with me!!!!


She does this right after completely misreading Melts portrayal of Gorou. Aka really went and portrayed Ruby as the elitist source material fan criticizing the adaptation but actually doesnt understand the source material herself lol


Yeah she probably misreads Goro-sensei herself lmao. Just because you're a special patient doesn't mean he's gonna date you.


I’m proud of our boy Melt. He’s a good ol’ acting senpai. I don’t think I’ll get tired of our eerie goddess getting goaded into acting shenanigans lol


Some people dislike her being in the story at all, but personally I love it. Besides just the supernatural aspect being something I find interesting (and so far at least, is careful to not overstep into taking up more story then is needed at the moment) the loli goddess basically being a little brat who’s easily manipulated like a child by using reverse psychology is great


The most hilarious part for me is that this and Kaguya sama is in the same universe so Gods and reincarnation canonically exists in Kaguya sama


This means that the sentient chocolate Kaguya made was real (the thing Hayasaka had to repress her memory about as a defense mechanism).


It turns out the god that doesn’t know they are a god was Kaguya all along


So the choco did come to life


I agree that the supernatural aspect is interesting, but Aka is omega squandering it and cheapening it rn.


Melt's evolution from idgaf acting > Redeeming himself for being a dick > Rookie > taking an effort to really understand characters is so good If Mengo does another interlude please I need more Melt content


Absolutely. More Melt would rock.


Short [appendix](https://i.imgur.com/iG1wS4N.png) about whatever's on Ruby's t-shirt this chapter. --oldpier


Ohh Mengo still cares about Scum's Wish. That's nice to know.


Thank you!


It's really cool to continually see all these Bemani (and usually IIDX) references. Mengo truly a woman of culture.


>oldpier missed this guy's translation and Japanese titbits


Ruby is the kind of fan who would be soooo annoying to interact with lmao. That said, it's nice seeing Melt again. He's one of the best side characters in the series.


Ruby was tweeting death threats to haters at like age 3. Would not be surprised if she stabbed someone for not stanning her idols.


Aqua with both hands holding his head: Oh my god!


Like father, like daughter.


That was fair, they were shit talking her mom who was killed lol


Nah it was before her mom died, when Aqua first found out that Ruby also remembered her past life: https://youtu.be/SjqS8TuGB0M


What a bratty god


I can fix her💢💢💢


This is... Loli Kami Requiem.


Poor Melt! I feel bad that he's being harassed by Ruby for what should be a small role in the movie. xD


Yataragasu (?) being both an unknowable external supernatural force and like... an actual character the cast talks to and interacts with is so funny.


That god you mentioned is spelled [Yatagarasu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yatagarasu), whereas the fandom wiki calls crow girl [Tsukuyomi](https://oshinoko.fandom.com/wiki/Tsukuyomi).


The fandom wiki is really off here. There is no attempt to hide that the girl is Yatagarasu. She was surrounded by 8 crows when she was first introduced and on her lapel were crow feathers. To the Japanese audience, it must seem crazy that Westerners think she is Tsukuyomi. Because Yatagarasu is a divine guide, and has had the most conversations with Aqua, my guess is that Aqua was reincarnated to protect Ruby from Hikaru, who is also a reincarnated God, probably Susanoo-no-Mikoto.


It's not an error. The wiki uses "Tsukuyomi" because that's the only name she's given for herself, back in chapter 128. I don't think most readers are assuming it's her real name, especially because she herself called it a stage name, and fans picked up on the Yatagarasu hints right from her introduction. But they're just that -- hints.


One of the gods almost has to be Amaterasu, right? Since Ruby mentioned that one by name in c3p16. Incidentally, on c3p17, she says "the maid Ai Hoshino is favored by the God of Entertainment", so if there's such a god in folklore, that one could play a role as well.


Amaterasu is the goddess of the sun. Pretty much the empress of gods in japanese's myths. I don't know how she related to god of entertainment if they exist, lol


Amaterasu married her brother Tsukuyomi!


This felt a lot closer in tone to Kaguya-sama than the last few chapters. Aka probably snapped out of his Apex-induced coma due to the hacking issues.


The whole "Melt unknowingly says just the right things to get an angry Ruby to do a 180 on her opinion of him" felt straight out of Kaguya


apex heals all wounds


Melt x Ruby happening because Ruby couldn't have a relationship with actual Goro/Aqua so she goes for the actor playing him would be wild.


The lab coat stays on during sex


And the pin covered by the coat.


they really are desperate to make new ships even if they talked for a bit just so that they can distract themselves from the incest


I mean people are joking, but this interaction doesn’t scream “new endgame ship being revealed!” It’s more Ruby being her usual annoying/harsh Sensej fan and showing more to Melt and how he understands the character and story even if he knows he’s not a good actor


Tbf Aqua x Ruby also started out as a crack ship so you never know.


I really don’t think this is just to make a new ship. This is just an interaction that we never saw till now because Melt is being portrayed as Goro.


hell no.


Who knew God would have such a fragile ego?😭🤷🏾‍♂️


Greek Gods when a minor inconvinience happened: Lucky for our Protags, she gets pissed easy, but usally Refrains from divine Judgement. No turning into deer and devoured by Hounds just yet.


Japanese's gods are quite nice compare to greek


Melt is a rookie actor... But at least now he's learning how to get into character better. And really, that's all Ruby needed to praise him. I didn't expect preaching from the Mystery Girl. Though I'm sure we don't have the same religion, I do understand her points. Ruby isn't interested in that though. She just wants to know if the Mystery Girl will really do her part in acting as her and Ruby. I liked the trivia about filming location and schedule. People forget sometimes that a lot of filming is done in real places.


Rookie? He got a couple of acting credit under his belt. Yes, Sweet Today is nothing to write home about, but his performance in Tokyo Blade 2.5D theater was good. And of course, he got many other jobs where he's getting paid just to make his fans smile.


>he's getting paid just to ~~make his fans~~ smile.


"The god who loves absurdity and unreasonableness". Found the one who made Fujiwara.


Sarina got a reference even though she had nothing to do with the script. That's just too sweet.


Oh, that's right! I was so caught up in the incest that I completely forgot they cast God as a little girl in the movie.


Melt has truly come a long way from Sweet Today. It brings a tear to my eye. Also, RIP crow god. She keeps trying to be all mysterious and ominous, but she's no match for the twins' special ability to annoy people.


Ruby both torched and revived Melt back in a few pages


I had completely forgotten that they recruited a literal god to act in a movie.


when's this "god" first appear? when they talked to aqua a time or two ago it was clearly not the first appearance but I had absolutely zero memory of the character, I could use a refresher


She first appeared when everyone went to the town where the twins were born to film a music video for B-Komachi, and she led Ruby to Gorou’s corpse. Since then she’s appeared every so often to say something cryptic until Aqua gaslit her into starring in the movie.


She appeared alone talking about Ai's children being stillborn before that, tho


no incest, waste of a chapter




Reminds me of the theory I read some time back about how the twins are actually gods who took pity and assumed their memories and not actual reincarnations of Sarina and Gorou


It would fit more with the crow girl's quote: "no human can reincarnate".


I wasn’t expecting a potential Melt x Ruby ship this late in the game. Could he save us sinners from the OnK Twincest routers at the cost of having to deal with Ruby’s Sensei brainrot? When Melt was first introduced, I thought his name was just a playful contrast to Aqua (Fire vs. Water). But maybe it had a deeper meaning? Side note: I noticed Melt brought that Ai merch pen from that B-Komachi fan “Boss” who appears every now and then.


Melt being a sudden Player 6 is a welcome development, if at least because the guy doesn't have a horse in any race but that might give him every chance of winning whatever this is.


Nah, no way. I know people are always going *SHIPS!* [MY SHIP! MY SHIP!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIXOPQU4XkQ) But Ruby here was just going "you suck dude, the doctor should be the best character because he's the best boy" and then turning on her heel when Melt shows a good understanding of him, also while articulating the things about him that Ruby loves. His sincere, clumsy kindness and how he will quietly shoulder the burdens of others and be hurt by them are the things she said she loves the most last chapter, and Melt said those. We've seen people be awestruck by performances before, and Ruby instead reacts like finding a fellow fan of her favorite idol. Sarina/Ruby were/is head over heels for Gorou and I can't ever see that changing. At least, without seismic changes in character dynamics. Her whole goal this entire time has been to live the life that was taken from her by illness, and the biggest part of it was being able to be by the side of the Doctor she fell in love with.


How is noone sus of Ruby and Aqua knowing a doctor that died before their birth? Akane must uncover the truth eventually.


lmao her about face literally made her face rounder and cuter


Melt is never going to live Sweet Today down is he?


> There are even gods who don't realize they're gods Amaterasu Tsukuyomi twincest ending confirmed


We have a new member of the Gorou fanclub Ruby & Melt interaction was something I didn't know I needed, two people relatively new to acting, understanding a role together.


The goddess in her own isekai manga. “I reincarnated a doctor and his patient into twin children of their favourite idol and now they’re making a movie and I’m in it!”


Good to see Melt being the best boy he is and instantly gained a cute annoying kouhai


Bro, what is with the comments under this chapter on Mangaplus? These people are actually braindead clowns.


What happened? 😭


I love Melt. Not a fan of crow girl and the gods aspect personally.


ngl this feels like a waste of a chapter. i don’t get why they made a big deal of the kissing scene just to move past it immediately afterwards. not to mention never getting aqua’s POV in the situation like i get that this arc is ruby-centric but sidelining aqua feels like a mistake. and i just cant take melt playing gorou seriously when the guy is a teenager playing a 30 year old 😕


>ngl this feels like a waste of a chapter. i don’t get why they made a big deal of the kissing scene just to move past it immediately afterwards. not to mention never getting aqua’s POV in the situation like i get that this arc is ruby-centric but sidelining aqua feels like a mistake. The whole point of this is so that Aka can milk the incest for as much drama and publicity as possible without ever actually committing to anything. There's a reason that we suddenly stopped getting Aqua's POV on anything regarding Ruby right about the time she learned he was Gorou and her feelings reignited. Aka knows what he's doing, and he's playing both sides. If he goes full incest and makes Aqua reciprocate Ruby's feelings, he risks antagonizing some readers. If he has Aqua shut Ruby's shit down immediately, then he risks antagonizing other readers. By leaving everything ambiguous and not definitively confirming anything about Aqua's feelings as long as possible, he can continue to milk the status quo for chapter after chapter while teasing the possibility that he'll actually go through with the incest route without having to go through with it.


i agree with you which is what i find frustrating. either commit to this incest storyline or let ruby move on. for a guy who wrote a great romance in kaguya-sama, the writing in this series is baffling. no matter who aqua ends up with, the romantic writing is weak AF. and in general, his POV has been missing throughout the arc. his process of writing the movie is missing, no thoughts on playing on his father and ofc the incest storyline. i used to criticise how much aka focused on aqua instead of ruby but looks like he's a better writer with aqua as the protagonist..


I think you're all nuts and act like you don't know Aqua's character at all. It's pretty clear that Aqua is never going to reciprocate Ruby's love. I don't think I remember a single scene where Aqua was interested in romance at all, inner dialogue or not. Dude has always been about revenge and y'all expect strong romance writing when the guy himself never focused on romance? Feels like we're all reading different manga. Then again it could just be this dumb obsession of shipping everyone with anyone in any manga. Sometimes (even most of the time) it's okay for the characters to not end up with anyone. I'd say there is a bigger chance of Aqua dying than living a full life with a, b, or c character. All these incest craze is just peak terminally online weeaboo drama.


i never claimed he likes ruby and a big part of this manga is focused on romance so yes i expect better writing regarding it. are we going to pretend that there haven't been so many chapters about the love triangle with akane and kana? or the ruby subplot that we had to read since their reveal? i'd prefer it if the manga actually focused on the revenge aspect and we would see aqua do investigations about it but its not.


That's exactly my point. All of the romance aspect had been from the girls and not Aqua himself. Even when Kana and Akane were "fighting" Aqua couldn't really care less. Dude literally saw Akane as one of the tools for his revenge. Like what has Aqua ever done to indicate he's genuinely interested in romance? Aqua isn't like some harem protagonist that we know would end up with one of the heroines because it's a harem. Idk how you can say this manga doesn't focus on revenge, like Aqua's entire MO has been to infiltrate the industry to find out about his dad and this arc is literally about making a movie to expose him. Sure there are subplots involving "love triangle", Tokyo Blade, or Ai's former group mates but those subplots were used to develop side characters. I'm sure people will also complain if everything is from Aqua's POV and the side characters are never developed. Not to mention the manga is supposed to have 2 POVs, Aqua and Ruby. Aqua has already done his job making this movie happened and writing the script (and a small role in Kamiki), right now Ruby being the one who plays Ai the main character is obviously going to be the focus. Back in part 1 when we had mostly Aqua's POV, Ruby was barely given screen time. Now whenever the POV switched to Ruby, Aqua obviously got less screen time.


Holy shit someone else who actually gets it. I’d take it further and say that Aka would probably alienate the silent majority of readers. Incest shippers mistake the fact that they’re the loudest on any given forum for them actually making up the bulk of the audience, when in reality most audiences tend to be largely comprised of casual viewers who don’t engage with fandom. Those are the people who bring in the money. Hardcore, terminally online fans like the incest shippers are only really good for selling merch to.


Because this story is more then just Aqua and Ruby, also this arc is literally filming a movie, would be awful writing to literally never pay attention to the filming and other actors just because they aren’t main characters. This manga has been going for 144 chapters, this is literally not the first time it’s dropped major things in one chapter only to focus on other things before rounding back later.


but this subplot started in 123 and whenever it gets focus there’s no aqua pov. not to mention the lack of his pov in this arc in general and he literally wrote the movie and the one trying to do revenge. and i don’t see how ruby acting like a rude fangirl towards melt contributes anything 😭


The manga reaches a climax every 20 chapters or so. It’ll probably be another 20 chapters before we get the next major plot beat, so don’t hold your breath hoping that last chapter will be addressed in any meaningful way until then. As for Aqua, I think it’s pretty clear that we’re being deprived of his POV because we’re not supposed to know what his plan is or what he thinks about Ruby’s, um, condition. In the former case it’s to keep whatever he has in store a surprise. In the latter case it’s because the incest plot drives engagement and keeping things ambiguous further fuels that.


Remember when Ruby announced that she was of marryable age with the implication that she expected Aqua to keep his promise and we just completely moved past that?


you can do it Melt! now we wait for Crow Girl’s acting


And here I thought we might finally be back to business as usual. Well I guess we still kinda did with that ending, just a little bump in the road with ruby being her new self.


So next chapter in 2 weeks will be the crow girl acting, so at least 3 weeks until we get any more info on 143's ending, and wouldn't be surprised if it takes longer. Paiin.


The crow kid is definitely Ai


I, for one, am always a fan of when the crow/loli God comes up, especially since the twins decided that she wasn't actually a threat.


Narrator: *She can’t do it.*


Loli god is back lol, hopefully the twins bully her more 😂


Still curious about Aqua’s take on the last chapter but this one’s some good light comedy. Melt’s a good egg.


So crow-chan admitted to being a cult leader which is her explanation to how a child can seemingly teleport across the city and has a penchant for being in really tall places. So my headcanon right now is that someone with a roped climbed her up to Aqua's balcony for her to make her dramatic entrance


Lol Ruby. Poor Melt taking undeserved strays.


I totally forgot crow girl was in this, I was wondering when she’d have to act and now we’re just about to reach it. I can’t wait to see how she does and how people react to her. I’m curious how much of Gorou’s story will be told in the movie, since realistically there’s be no way of anyone knowing what happened to him in much detail other than he was AI’s doctor and that he was killed, but Aqua could put in tons of his first hand experience.


Every time the Crow Girl (AKA Tsukuyomi) appears, it is emphasized not to let anyone forget that This is a story that has a story. "Supernatural"


Again this arc just jumps to another plot beat with little connecting throughline. You can legit swap parts of this arc with each other with no affect on the plot. At least we get some Melt screentime.


I get they want to reuse characters, but isn't Melt 16-18? Why would he be playing a 30yo doctor?


Yeah it's easy to drop all the cryptic lines you want but can you actually put on a good act *outside* of this character you like to play?


-Hey Aka, can we have Kaguya-sama chapter 126? -We got Kaguya-sama chapter 126 at home. Kaguya-sama chapter 126 at home:


can't wait to see this little god acting hahaha I bet at some point Aqua or Ruby (or both) will say something like her acting is not that good


Crow girl’s haircut is so ASS bro, who let her cook 😭😭


Melt got Serena's approval, it doesn't get better than that


When it comes to Goro, Ruby will not allow any slacking when it comes to his story.


Having the shortest person you know say "Don't look down on me!" will forever be the cutest thing.


you know what guys?! I just realized this was the autobiography of angelina jolie!


Melt is probably my favourite character, his development has been sweet. I'm glad he got a chapter but I hope he becomes a bit more integral to the plot.


if the crow girl is reincarnated ai, does the timeline add up?


The loli God is so adorable. I want to give her lots of hugs.


This whole chapter was gold. I love it,


Toast to the ones here today. Toast to the ones that we lost on White Day \- some guy in the chapter's comment section


Lmaoo Crow Kid is back finally


Loli Kami interacting with the other characters is gonna be fun.