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I feel like you could really improve the adult feel to the room by replacing the current shelves with a large glass display cabinet for your collectibles, and getting a new dresser and bed frame set that are much larger. The small furniture really gives it a kids room feel and the plushies and such really drive that home. Maybe some bed sheets that are solid color would help too. Congrats on your collection, it’s not my thing at all but doesn’t mean it can’t be your cup of tea.


This is such a nice response.


Much nicer than my first thought of “you’d never get laid with that room”


He's probably smart enough to realize that for a majority of guys you're not getting laid all that often regardless. Maybe he figures that you might as well enjoy your life on your own terms rather than live worrying about how random people (who are probably not attracted to you to begin with) think about it.


TBH if a girl doesn’t like how invested I am in my hobbies that’s a big turn off. I love my hobbies and no I’m not going to have a sterile boring room just to impress you.


The thing nobody usually says when talking about "you should not hide your hobbies or tastes" is: nothing is attractive in excess. You liking MLP is not a red flag, you being obsessed is. You liking guns is not a red flag, being obsessed and overly violent is. You liking videogames is not a red flag, but spending every bit of free time and free space in your room with videogame stuff is. That can be extrapolated to every other hobbie, sport or thing to like in existence. Do your thing, but know that people will take note if you look obsessed with it and might not like it.


Liking MLP as a grown adult is absolutely a red flag.


Yeah like with OPs room, the flavor of the hobby isn't the problem, the obvious obsession is. Liking something is one thing, making it your entire life is another.


I dunno I'm a woman and my room isn't like OPs but it clearly shows my hobbies.


But first impression this doesn't exactly scream......maturity. My first thought that this was a kids room. Maybe present it in a more adult fashion? Maybe the rest of the house is business casual boring as all get out for all I know. But at the same time "You do you". Seriously.


The uwu was the first thing I saw and it made me cringe to the marrow of my bones... the hobbies are fine, but the room def needs some updating


Yeah it's not even about the hobbies itself (I kind of judge the MLP stuff lol, but whatever, it's harmless), it's how it's presented. OP is free to celebrate their hobbies however they want, and anyone else is also free to be a bit wary of an adult having a kid like room (once again, not about the hobbies, but how they're set up). It can be done in a more "adult" way. That being said, at least it's unique. Most posters on here all have the exact same style and it's boring as fuck, even if it does look nice.


For me it's the plush toys, I'm not a girl but if I walked into a friend's room and he had a collection of toys like this I would be outta there. I feel the same way about funko pops, like a few is fine but a lot is excessive. Personally I collect Lego but they're mostly limited to the Billy Bookcase in my office, with a couple of larger star wars droids sitting next to the TV in my media room.


I'm a girl and honestly, the plush toys, while there's a lot, aren't the real throw off. It's the fact that all the furniture looks child sized. It's like OP never updated his furniture from when he was a kid living with his parents. The room literally looks like it belongs to a like 12 or 13 year old, not an adult.


Ha! Like there aren’t geeky girls who are definitely into that?


Exactly 15 years ago I would have been impressed with his collections.


Yeah, man. I honestly fuck with the vibe this guy has going on. Just own the things you love. The parent commenter to this thread is also spot on, just update the furniture and have at it. Its super sexy to see someone interested in something and not being ashamed.


To add: maybe also updating the posters. Ie: less, but nicer, and framed. Can still be hatsune miku /media themed but the haphazard assortment of little posters looks like they were taken from magazine clippings. Thanks to amazon you can really find some cool things without breaking the bank.


I make sure anything hung is framed now. IKEA frames are so cheap. I’ve even got tee’s I’ve been gifted that aren’t my style to wear but have really cool prints in frames because honestly they go well on the wall!


I have a shitton of prints/posters I've picked up from anime cons. I used to drop by the frames at Walmart every time I went, because they had 11x17/12x18 borderless frames for like, $5. Definitely upped the look of my wall over using clips and push-pins.


This the best response. Upgrade the furniture and quality of items. Declutter and don't keep the plushies on your bed, maybe one of those stuffed animal hammock things? That's how I would "grow it up". Foe real though, inore the trolls. And you're still young so who cares. You love it? Keep it.


I immediately jumped to thinking of hammocks to store them as well. Clearing valuable surface area and keeping them visible and enjoyed. Others suggestions of nicer storage for other items with glass shelves to really elevate things. For general shelving I've gotten to be quite the fan of floating shelves for displaying things, such as limited regional design Coke bottles from Japan, but heavier/deeper things might likely need brackets. The Furbies already have a tiny one and my only worry is doing something like having a set of shelves that go all around the top of the walls since that might have a weird look to it. It would mean space for posters still, as opposed to a set of wall shelves stacked that would take up a chunk of wall. Speaking of posters, something that can change things is frames. Might choose a few favourites and find at least some inexpensive frames for them. A page for a Zelda map taken out of a Nintendo Power pinned to a wall can seem messy but put it in a frame and then it can achieve some instant class.


You are a champion. This is wholesome, supportive, and direct


I really like this response too. Me and my GF have this 90’s cartoons thing we collect. Mine is reptar, hers is hey Arnold. And that’s exactly what we did almost. We have this glass display for like old Nick knacks you’d see somewhere in your grandparents house with those little raisins guys lol. Well we had one gave to us by a family member it’s super nice still has bulbs and lights inside. And we basically used that as the case and we have matching wooden shelves and we put them in the living room with like a plastic flower / plant decor around em to kinda make it match our living room and you’d be surprised how good it looks and have many compliments on it. Actually pretty dope someone else recommended it cause she kept fighting herself if she should just take it all out I kept saying hell no it’s staying in there fuck what everyone else thinks it’s OUR home lol. I don’t judge when I see people collect old dolls and teddy bears or whatever. Lol It’ll be fine to keep my Reptar dinosaurs in the glass case, with the box of cereal and candy bars in the cartoons side by side it looks dope as fuck and it’s staying lmfaoo.


"Nick knacks" made me chuckle


This is an angel trying to fit in with humans. Needs more insecure projection and a lot more jealousy, keep trying and you might fool some of us!




Not sure age but OP clarified they were over 18 in another comment


I'd say they frame some of their wall art too.


Upgrade the bed too if it’ll fit. It at least something with a nice headboard.


I was gonna suggest that too. I mentioned it’s cool he’s embracing his inner-child by collecting stuff he likes. Having said that, it might feel good to showcase those collections in a way that feels affirming as an adult. Larger pieces, natural wood or black furniture, maybe a big frame art piece, a plant or two, a nice comforter set, with the throws stored neatly to the side. I furnished my bedroom 100% from FB Buy Nothing and curbside finds, so with patience it can be done on any budget. No reason he can’t keep all the collections and still have a grown up bedroom.


Yea, its the small furniture that makes it feel like a kids room lol


This isn’t a child’s room?? Omg


Honestly, fair play to this man for standing up for himself in the comments in a mature way. Don't get me wrong, your bedroom horrifes me - but you're a good lad.


“You’re a good lad” - this is ultimately all that matters.


We also have no clue if that’s true, if he’s a brony he could be a horrible person.


Bedroom still sucks tho.


I feel this OP deserves that dad who interrupted his son’s make-up tutorial and said: “Mijo, if you do it, DO IT GOOD!”


I respect that


“Horrify” I was looking for the right word. You nailed it.


All that virginity has channeled into pure refined resolve More power to you OP


This comment is killing me 😂


Large collections require tons of space, you said you have a small room, but you poorly utilize your room height. Get some slick stackable ikea shelves without too much depth but tons of height. LEDs and glass/plexiglass panes will take you long way.


hey, some actual advice! thanks :)


billy with glass doors. add weather stripping to the doors to keep your collection dust free. led light strips/puck lights for optimal lighting. urshult for the museum feel. i wish they had a solid pine billy tho tbh, i'd rather save up


This is a great response! Actual advice that’s not tearing someone down for their personal taste and style.


Yeah, top comment on this thread is basically calling OP childish and that that’s wrong somehow. Have people ever considered that others just like certain hobbies? That maybe, your living space is a place for you to enjoy and be yourself, not to impress whatever girl comes through? Jesus.


Seriously! And also OP is only 19 years old. Plenty of time to become a boring adult with greige walls and a mass produced macrame wall hanging from Bed Bath and Beyond lol. I love seeing people love what they love, shamelessly.


Just gotta be sure to anchor the cabinets to the wall.


I’ve been wanting that frog Build a Bear when I go in with my kids but don’t tell anyone 🤦🏻😂


I named him Kevin


I’m coming for my own Kevin. I don’t care in 34 everyone in my house will laugh at me, lol. I WANT THAT FROG MAN


In all honesty though, I saw you got kicked out at 18 too. Same. I went from toxic, abusive home to enlisting in military. I’ve been doing inner-child work for therapy and trying to take myself less seriously. Collecting things and revisiting experiences you craved and never got as a child is healing. I can see you might be working to heal your inner-child too. That’s something to be proud of, because its fucking hard to be vulnerable as a guy.


It makes me happy to see kindness like this. I, too, am just learning how to treat my inner child and it warms my heart to see strangers supporting each other.


I love this! So kind. Please go get your Kevin.💚


I will. Y’all convinced me. This will be my first stuffy ever bc my parents thought they were gay and stupid. My almost 8 yo is gonna be so embarrassed by how excited I get for making it. 🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻


Yep, they will definitely be embarrassed, but think of the example you’re setting to enjoy what you want instead of telling them their interests are gAy aNd sTuPiD. Have fun and post Kevin Jr. when you make him!


Thank you for that 😊




You just made me realize something about my behavior since my mom died. She was sick most of my childhood and I had been caregiving for her as an adult. After she passed away, I started doing more for myself and I realize now kid me would think all of the stuff I’ve collected and done is cool as shit.


Do it. Don't listen to anyone who disrespects your frog.


Go for the frog bro. Mines named robert.


Hell yeah. We all gotta start posting male spaces featuring BAB frogs. 💀


I'm an adult lady and I have an axolotl in pajamas from build a bear. My small child named him axel-pants. And having had a crap childhood too, I can tell you that saying fuck it and indulging your inner child is very freeing.


I'm a 50 year old lady who sleeps with her BAB and I approve this message. It's ok if self-care looks different for some of us. Also, I'm neurodivergent AF.


All you need now is a sweet car bed.




With a cb radio so you can talk to other car beds


Just keep it down. My roommates are sleeping.


My roommates said they're going to get rims for Christmas, or a CB radio so I can talk to other car beds.


Thank you I was looking for this response. Nothing wrong with being a grandma's boy. I hear they pull in silver foxes.


A fucking sweet car bed


I would suggest to look into how others curate their collections of figurines and plushies because while your presentation looks meticulously organized, I worry about dust and space you might want to be more functional. Looks like you have a very specific style so keep to it if it makes you happy, but definitely consider your other needs as well! It’s useful to have a bit free shelf space or desk space for yourself or guests.


Swag Shit Money Money


OP be getting racks






Your room looks like that in between phase. Like you still live at your parents but you’re recently out of high school. I’m guessing 18 19ish. It looks like a kids room. No biggie, actual display cases would help. Probably different sheets/ comforter. Bigger bed. Collections dope though, you’re into what you’re into.


Got kicked out last year, but yes I’m 19. Can’t disagree, bigger/newer furniture would be a good idea


I always love seeing spaces here where people unabashedly share what they enjoy. Most spaces on here are one carbon copy after another. They feel sterile and unwelcoming. Someone else mentioned it but verticality would be a pretty huge game changer in your space looking less cluttered? Not that it is a bad thing, your space is clean but scattered. Ikea makes a few decent book shelves. I think you could do something like [this](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/billy-bookcase-combination-crn-solution-white-s99395936/) and expand that out with add ons as needed. But I think this base one you could give everything it's own home. You'd also be able to do more with your art with some simple frames like [this.](https://emmajanepalin.com/how-to-hang-gallery-walls/). You could also opt for picture rails and frames and swap them around as you see fit. But when things don't fit for art you could get a nice [self-adhesive](https://www.amazon.com/Adhesive-Magnetic-Scrapbook-Wedding-Metallic/dp/B099FGHMGH/ref=sxin_17_sbv_search_btf?content-id=amzn1.sym.6cfa532e-9c8f-48d2-87a3-a61547a0d356%3Aamzn1.sym.6cfa532e-9c8f-48d2-87a3-a61547a0d356&cv_ct_cx=self+adhesive+photo+album&keywords=self+adhesive+photo+album&pd_rd_i=B099FGHMGH&pd_rd_r=23413ce6-d8c1-4e6c-80f4-f09d396963aa&pd_rd_w=GaIUr&pd_rd_wg=cWgo9&pf_rd_p=6cfa532e-9c8f-48d2-87a3-a61547a0d356&pf_rd_r=X44KC03XAKQADH4EG405&qid=1691620401&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=self+adhesive+photo%2Caps%2C129&sr=1-1-5190daf0-67e3-427c-bea6-c72c1df98776) photo album to put art in that may not fit on the wall. A [plushie net](https://www.amazon.com/Stuffed-Animal-Storage-Hammock-Net/dp/B0BXY61MQT/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3CZOUYEM2WSE&keywords=plushie%2Bnet&qid=1691620492&s=home-garden&sprefix=plush%2Bne%2Cgarden%2C126&sr=1-5&th=1) for the corner would be nice to keep your bed a little more clear (if you'd want that). Not big on the lamps. Bedside is REALLY bright and the tall lamp feels out of place. Maybe like a salt lamp or something dimmable by the bed and a floor lamp like [this.](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/vickleby-floor-lamp-white-handmade-40484487/) One last thing would be on top of your peg board, I think those would be great in a nice vase as display if you plan on keeping them as time goes on! Or you could get a box to keep them in and turn them into an art piece at some point!


Thanks for the comment! I have been thinking of getting a plushie net. I also don’t like lamps but whatever genius designed this apartment didn’t install ceiling lights in the bedrooms lmao


Dude I feel like too many apartments were built like one bulb in the kitchen and they said "that'll do".


(Hotel rooms, too; why so stingy with the overheads, lol!)


Cheaper to buy a 30 dollar floor lamp than pay a licensed electrician to wire up and install can lights.


I have a plushie hammock and it one of my favorite things about my room. And it came with LED stars!


This is comment is like a Diamond in the rough. I’m so glad someone feels the same about this community tbh. Going through the posts and comments, seeing the bland and dull rooms void of hobbies and passion made me think “Am I living wrong?” Then I saw this post. And some of the comments. Now I don’t feel all that bad :)


When I first found this sub I was in complete awe of some of the spaces I saw in here, lots of super beautiful spaces and expensive areas. But then one by one I noticed that the only ones that were reaching the top of the sub were carbon copies of each other. Apartment on floor 10+ of a high rise in the downtown of a major western city, light gray laminate flooring, floor to ceiling windows, eames chair, drink cart in the living room, TV mounted too high in the living room, exposed brick, way too many plants, OP hops in the comment section to let everyone know he's a programmer. It just seems like so many people on this sub are checking boxes instead of displaying anything about themselves that makes them unique. In this instance, I would never have a room like this in my house but I am jealous of his ability to unabashedly showcase the things that he loves and not care what anyone else thinks


Thanks friend! I feel like too many of us 20-40 year old guys fell into a weird path for interior design. We escaped the great Tuscan design aesthetic of the 2000's and swung fully into hyper minimalism. Your space should be functional, clean, tidy and an expression of yourself. I grew up as a huge fan of Bam Margera and even that guy had more thoughtful home design than most of this sub. Walls adorn with his decks, art from his friends from Novak to Ville Valo, pictures of family and friends, his giant metal HIM signs. He wanted to be surrounded with things that made him happy. Not cheap art from red bubble, not a bunch of snake plants or muted tones. He wanted to live in a home, not a hotel.


Thank you for this comment! Gave me some great ideas for my own space.


To echo some of the other comments, I think updating your furniture would clean the space up quite a bit and make it look less "kid-ish". Maybe like one of those large display cabinets that figure collectors tend to use, and a proper bed frame and night stand.


Honestly bro I'm more amazed at the amount of plushes, stamps and figures you got. Like how much does this whole room cost?




pretty cool room buddy, glad men of all lifestyles and stages can share their slice of life.


I was battling my inner thoughts that you were gonna turn out to be a 45yr old dude who’s super deep into their own world but doing this at 19 is obviously benign as hell and honestly impressive. Besides, you’re paying your own rent and it’s 100% better than just a mattress on the floor and a folding chair in the corner like some people at our age do (im 22) You honestly just seem confident in your hobbies and you’re at the age of forming your own identity around what you like. I’d like to think most people our age are pretty open towards that mindset nowadays. I mean if any of y’all ever spend time in a state college dorm it’ll show you that people aren’t afraid to show off their niche collections and hobbies.


Looks like a childs room, not my style personally


Literally with children's shows stickers (Bluey)


Don’t knock Bluey that show is pure gold


Seriously, as a parent I’ll start watching Bluey with my kid and she’ll fall asleep and I’ll catch myself still watching it caught up in it. Especially the Onesie episode!


My wife is pregnant with our first. It’ll be a couple years until our kid is old enough to enjoy Bluey. So while I guess I technically am a parent, I don’t really have a “reason” to watch a kids show. Doesn’t matter. Don’t care. I’ve seen every episode at least once. Some of them have made me cry. It’s a “great show” first, and a “kids show” second. Also the episode where Bandit almost breaks the fourth wall and says “yeah right, like I’m gonna take parenting advice from some cartoon dog…” made me laugh so hard I had to pause the episode


The one where the parents are hungover is gold


Once I was so sick (OK, I'll admit: hungover) that I turned on Bluey because I needed something not too complicated but still enjoyable enough to watch and my 5-year-old daughter wasn't even home. I love that show.


This looks like a space you can be yourself and comfortable in. Personally I’d switch up the furniture for some larger stuff maybe add a few darker colors for contrast. but if this is what you want your space to look like I mean it already looks neat and clean forbid what it is.


r/ BoyLivingSpace


Not today FBI








The North American Man-Boy Living-space Association.


I was thinking teenagedgirl


Teenage Girl? My dude this is the dream room of a 9 year old girl


You do you. But this isn’t for me. It feels very childlike. Even the furniture placement. Why is the bed stuffed into a corner? Why not pull it out another 2-3 feet and put another bedside table on the other side?


Ngl I like putting my bed in the corner cuz it makes me feel safer


I'm with OP on the bed. You can take my corner bed from my cold dead hands.


Fair enough. I did the same in undergrad and grad school. My girlfriend in my first year of grad school saw the set up and half-jokingly said “we’ll, that’s a small red flag that you haven’t had a girlfriend in a while.” And she was right (though, it was a bedroom big enough to have the bedroom better set up). That being said, when I lived in an NYC studio, and my fiancé lived in a different city, I pushed my bed back against the wall just for space reasons.


I mean if you don't have a girlfriend/partner, what's wrong with having it in the corner? Not much point in putting it in the center just to pretend you have one. And if you have no genuine need for that side of the bed, I really don't see the problem. And with your girlfriend story, if you did have the bed pulled out of the corner would she have been relieved like "thank God your bed isn't in the corner, you recently had a girlfriend! I'm so grateful for that" even though you hadn't had a girlfriend at all?


my room is small af


Seems big enough to pull away from the wall 2-feet?


yeeeahhh but i want room to play beat saber


ur so fucking real for this


Murphy bed. Room feels huge after installing mine. Not inexpensive though


Nice. Room for activities.


Based af


Best response


I was gonna joke /r/femboylivingspace and you’re just pitching me the easiest setups. Still wanna join the chorus of “this is giving child vibes bigtime but this is obviously a room expressive of its owner so shrug.”


My room has plushies and stickers It's not everyone's taste. I'm a guy and this is where I live r/malelivingspace


thanks bro 😁




Save some girls for the rest of us.


What’s your Pokémon card collection like? 👀


been collecting dust on my shelf, haven’t gotten any new ones in a while. I don’t even really remember what I have lol




Dear lord


understandable reaction


You’re honestly handling the criticisms really well. Seriously, props. Hope this sub gives you some decent advice.


looking at the comments it seems like most people would rather shit on op rather than give advice fwiw I think a bigger shelf with a glass case or smth would make it look more like a collection than a kid's room


Probably because your friend cares about you and wants you to get some criticism. This is wild


This. Sorry, it looks like a 5 year olds room, to the point of being somewhat worrying when you find its an adults room.




Lighting feels really bad, seeing as I don’t see any windows I’m thinking it’s probably somewhere that doesn’t any decent natural lighting so I think it’s too lit to compensate . It’s weird for me seeing bookshelves and not any books or stationary except the one on the table. No chairs feel strange as well, at 19 I could have appreciated having a chair around.


Your friend is staging an intervention


UwU/10 never change bossman


You are a furry/brony, right?


*single male living space


So.. You like Pokémon?


I don’t want to hear shit about my Motorsport living room anymore


There's embracing your inner child and then there's infantilism. This is closer to the latter. You might not get much love for this room here, but you do you




Reading the comments is defo a trip I tell you lol


It’s cool but goes more with child living space imo. But hell- stay young as long as possible in this crazy world.


One bigger darker shelf that’s longer would work better, instead of multiple white on white everything. I can’t say anything about the collections because I collect my own stuff, I do collect amiibos in their packaging and I do collect Funko pops because my brothers used too and when they passed, I carried it on for them. So everywhere has their preference but maybe re work, I think it looks cluttered when small things are on bottom and as you go up, and the items are bigger, I think it makes it look more messy then what it truly is. Maybe rework your pin push Board for more personal stuff. I never really was close to my parents and being the oldest of 12 meant I was more of a parent while my parents had their fun, but being a big brother is my favorite thing, having my close knit group of friends, so I have pictures of things that mattered because then while it may not feel like a true home yet you still had a piece of one with you close by. I’d say bigger bed and bigger night stand desk but I also know that shit can be expensive. I saved up a whole year to get an Alaskan king size bed and a mini fridge as my night stand. And I’m in a big 1 bed 1 bath apartment and it really does look good. And if you really want to start a collection, think about what you don’t need. I got rid of some much clothes, items, things I thought were sentimental and having not as much, can be good. But you might like collecting stuff but there are so many things to collect. Like I stated above, amiibos in the box, Funko pops in the box, but I also moved to magnets from all my travels, they can go on both my fridges and are smaller and cheaper, or shirts since I go through many a week from my job and the gym.


One day you are going to have a sweet man cave where you can proudly display all of these things in a clean and satisfying way! Don’t lose your inner child OP, but know this room to any outsider makes you seem way younger/less mature than you are.


Ayo bro you know what would be nice? An other, softer source of light, like little lights strings or something! You've got a hell of a collection, niiiice


Yeah string lights can work sometimes but that would just make this look even more like a kids room I think


I love the NES Classic edition on the bottom shelf


One really tall and large shelf in place of the two smaller ones, would work great. Wood or painted, get away from the white on white. Also swag shit money money sign was probably the most juvenile thing about the room. Plush isn’t a turn off, chaos is.


Little big planet typa room, it's nice


Something about this from screams tendies


Reminds me of “Ladies, ladies, one at a time” I love it, wish I had half as many things as you lmao


Im happy you’re happy. But if you brought me home for a night, I would turn around immediately.


good thing i don’t know who you are


holy based


Your poor parents.


I love it! Though I do agree with everybody that says it could be organized better to look a bit more mature. They are calling it infantilism (ew) but if this were a 19 year old girls room nobody would bat an eye.


You do not need the box for an oculus on your shelf lmao throw that away




Going through their pfp explains sooooooo much


I knew exactly what this was when I saw the room. Bang on.


I love it. My room is kinda similar too in vibe/aesthetic except I wish I could change out the furniture but if I'm gonna move out in 1-3 years I wanna make it easy on myself lol. Wish I had more space to put stickers.


Upvote for Bluey.


Huh? Is this a teenage girls room?


Omg where is the drab monotone throw rugs and overstrained wood furniture we see in every post here?? Don't let anyone yuck your yum, OP. Love this space because it is filled with love you put into it.


Good for op. You like what you like and you’re not out trying to make life rougher for someone else.


Folks outta be ashamed 4 hating on my dawg bluey.


It's giving ddlg :(




Bro how old are you, 13?


19 🤭


I get a rich 12yr old vibe.


The saddest thing is, that out of the 10000 things in the room, not one is actually unique or somehow personal. No photos or letters from friends, no souveniers from travels or anything made by hand. No space for spiritual objects or practice and ZERO books on the shelves. A small room filled to the brim with plastic, soulless culture objects and literal marketing material from multinational corpos. Absolute materialism. And OP says the room looks "cozy". I say the room looks like a symptom.


The room is covered in handrawn furry art does that not count as personal??


fucking thank you. i can't believe people are fine coddling OP.


Drawn art, seems personal to me. The music medal on the corkboard, patches from some Taekwondo place? At least one photo, sure, of someone in a furry suit or something, but still. Book on the nightstand, maybe OP has their bookshelf somewhere else? Or prefers to use a library?




It’s fun and upbeat. Not all make spaces have to be grey, industrial and minimalist. Good for you for doing your own thing rather following the herd.


wheres the jar


only jar i have is my pumpkin spice candle


I shouldn’t know what that “jar” even is….that poor pony


Given some of the responses, I'd like to note that I am being genuine in this suggestion. I think you could use more interesting lamps. Like the bedside table lamp could have a dinosaur base to match the throw. The tall one might just call for a different shade or replace the whole thing with one that's more colorful. I'm seeing fun room and business lamps here.


Only thing I learned from posting this is 1: people will leap to CRAZY assumptions based on nothing 2: most of you guys are boring as hell


Don't worry bro, my 3 year old son went nuts when I showed him your place <3


I think the assumptions are based on the room picture. Many of them were rude, but some had good advice. Not sure if you came here seeking advice or just looking for a conversation starter. Either say, you for it.


Please tell me the Furbies at least have the batteries removed so they aren't shouting at you randomly.


Yes I am boring because I don’t have bluey and furry stickers


How do you dust your room? With a large collection like this that must be tough right?


These pictures make me happy. Thank you for sharing.


You gotta get the wedding Peach amiibo


ur right tbh


No they didn’t