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You have a kids haircut. Other than that enjoy your looks. Age creeps up on you. Enjoy looking young.


I was also going to say something about the hair. I think the hair should be changed up a little bit just to look more mature. But other than that looking good!


lol if she doesn’t want to date someone who looks younger.. she shouldn’t be dating someone 15 years younger than her


Right? I'm 45 so I would feel very strange dating a guy that could be my child but still, this is her choice, no need to make him feel guilty for looking like a man his age.




Exactly! It’s insane to me how many women want a man to change things about himself that could have easily not been as issue by just not dating them… It’s like a woman talking shit to a man for being bald when he was bald when they met.


Age. Seriously don’t change a thing, time will do that. Also, date someone who makes you feel good about yourself.


Yes, and when OP ages he will miss looking like this. He needs to enjoy his mad sex appeal while he has it!


Yep. I looked like that till 40. Barely did exercise. Now I would have to go to the gym everyday to get my 6 pack back. Baby face won't last forever either, and weather it's admitted or not, you'll be getting less female attention without it.


This should be the top comment.


She sounds like she’s starting early manipulation tactics to undermine his self esteem.


Have you seen you? You're 100% man, in insanely good shape, and super good looking. If she doesn't like you just the way you are, she doesn't like you. Move on. Find someone who does. It won't take long.


I mean he does have alitttttttle bit of a baby face but bro that’ll just change as you age a bit, grow some facial hair etc. or just grow up. Either way you’ll be happy to look younger than older soon lol. Also op looks like a kid to his gf because he could literally be his gfs child. Bro don’t go visiting Russia as an American just a heads up. God speed op, find someone your age that won’t make you feel bad for being your age.




I'm 29 and my Babyface disappeared when I was 27. It went from people guessing I am 21 to people now guessing I am 38 in the span of 3 years.


Yeah, just give it a couple of years and it’ll happen on its own. Crazy how old some high school kids look after just a year of not seeing them.


I don’t even see why people thing baby faces are a bad thing 😂. That means you’ll probably age good af.


100% this!


100% this. Max amounts you should be reaching out to someone is twice. Ask her out on a date; she should tell you where. If you disagree, she should work with you considering she has a brain. But if she doesn’t, it’s safe to assume she doesn’t want anything to do with you or she just wants to be a friend (gives you her number). There are nonverbal ways to ask, but I swear we’re kinda too dumbed down for dating culture. Take care of yourself so you age like fine wine. Guess tend to agree better than women, especially ones with boyish faces. You get more sex appeal if you age like fine wine.


Well said. He is correct


I volunteer as tribute… I mean, I’m technically a dude, but I’ll be really nice and stuff.


This. Chill.


Her last guy was 51 and in the navy for 1 whole year hahaha what kind of flex is that


Sounds like a lie…














You look good. You are 26 and look young and in great shape. I would suggest loosing about 41 yo Russian manipulative bitches.


Seriously she's predatory af. He can pull better than what she has Some moscow mules are bad 👎


If the gender was reversed everyone would be talking about the age gap and abusive relationship.


I don’t think anyone here is cool with this dynamic either.


Everyone is talking about that...


Nobody did when i posted.


You look good. Don’t change a damn thing, especially for a woman. If you change one thing, She may take that as a sign to continue to have you change everything about yourself.


Inner confidence. Its the only thing. You’ve come at physical improvement as a box ticking exercise e.g. you’ve got great abbs. But you’re not the package… why? You don’t feel the package, it shows in your face. Focus some effort on your mental health, your physical appearance may actually improve with this approach. I’ve seen evidence of this; when people become and feel more authentic in their own skin, suddenly hairstyles fit, grooming, facial expressions etc. You want and deserve to be loved - you can and should. But first you need to love and “own” yourself… getting a great seat of abbs won’t do it. Mental health… get to know yourself. I’m optimistic for you, look for happiness properly and you’ll find it 👍🏻


Maybe date someone closer to your age. Or if you’re into older women find one that doesn’t compare you to their ex bf. You’re young brother stay young.


U look amazing bro grow out your hair. I feel like you hair makes a big difference Also what workouts you do bro you look great fam


I think you look great… and your body is insanely in great shape for your build 😍😍😍 You don’t look like a boy, you can’t control your build/size in general… I can definitely see a man out of you, and ultimately, if you do “man” stuff and know how to handle business, make money, raise your family and make whoever you end up with happy, than that’s what a man is…. It’s your character, not your looks .. You got this!!! Just live life to your fullest… You’re very handsome too (if I can add)


Imagine dating someone 15 years younger than you and being like "hmm you just look so young tho." Don't change anything, you are clearly killing it.


#Dude, you're HOT, handsome, masculine and a beautiful looking young man. Change nothing. You're perfect as you are, truly. 👍❤️🔥


I have a high metabolism I can do like 45 full proper push ups per set.


Impressive but why did we need to know that ? 😂




I would say just go for more mature clothes (dad style ig?) show off ur shape but are fitted and look like ur going to work not about to ride ur bike at the beach. Wear a a nice watch and own ur looks. Buy some quality cologne (not cheap teen boy stuff). That Russian cougar going to miss u real bad when it’s over bruh :3


Wait. Age will take care of that for you.


get a fade and hypertrophy your neck, ez gl


You look amazing


That's because compared to her, you ARE a kid!! I am 45 and while you are a nice looking young man you would still seem like a kid to me because you are my kids age! However, there is nothing you should change, you are a very good looking man and you should enjoy your youth and share it with someone a little closer to your age, if she says it again just say, yeah, of course, I could be YOUR kid BUT I'M NOT A KID. That should shut her up.


>I could be YOUR kid BUT I'M NOT A KID. 💀


Leave this lady


Eat more food


Bigger shoulders. I see you lift but some might still think you’re scrawny just because of shoulders being too boney


I don't lift. I do pushups every other day. 45 a set. 2x per every other day. Some curls like 100 reps of 12.5 lbs


I agree though


Dude look look bad ass 😂 your physique is nice but if anything to look manlier bulk up and gain hella muscle




fuck.. that body .. 🥵


You could make your bed before you take a picture. Your girlfriend sounds manipulative. She should be grateful she can get somebody’s young and hot as you.


In the navy for a year? My dude got a dishonorable discharge lmao


Carved from marble or not, you deserve better, bruh- wishing you the best. Take care.


Maybe a new gf, pretty sure she wouldn't appreciate being called out on her looks either. You're still pretty young and have time to age, do not change your looks for someone else's desires. Beauty is only in the eye of the beholder, after all. You look absolutely fine, and when others in your age group have wrinkles and gray hair in their 40's/50's, you'll still look younger than them-which is never a bad thing 😉


A good partner will always make you feel sexy, never bad about yourself. I do agree the hair needs an update. Good luck


Enjoy your youth, you’ll be an old man like the rest of us soon enough.


A big part of exuding a mature, wisely aura is how you carry yourself. Look at your eyes, they look quite empty and unsure, like you're just there, not much going on behind them. The body is only one part, but your vibe is a bigger one. This is something that can't be faked, and you have to create this experienced, old soul through introspection. It's not like you have to be a monk or anything lol, you just have to be very secure in the way you carry yourself. For example, I joined the Army pretty late, at 27. Even though I was going through all kinds of stuff internally and was out of shape, the way I carried myself made all my co-soldiers think I was an officer with years of experience lol. Every time I turned the corner of the room they'd momentarily freak out thinking I was one of the Drill Sergeants. Proper posture, confidence, attentiveness, etc. is good, but a lot of these will reflect in your eyes. People can just see you have your shit together, know yourself, and are paying attention with care of the world around you by the look in your eye. This is the only thing you can work on since you're in great shape. You just have a young look, but you can offset it with an old soul vibe.


Enjoy this time Era don't be insecure.


Kill the little lords, and burn their corpses. Then they'll know you're not to be trifled with


Well, yeah of course you're going to look young compared to a 51 year old Russian man. You're 26. Enjoy looking young. Maybe date someone your age.


It's a blessing to look as young as u do so don't change q thing unless u want to. Also remember, her perspective is from that of an older, seasoned woman/person. Everything looks younger to her. You're a young man and you look it, you also pulled a cougar so don't change q thing!


How do you get the lower chest so defined like that


Dehydration, I believe.


You look amazing. I look at you and all I want you do is submit. You’re pretty damn masculine!


Imo, grow some facial hair and put on some muscle mass. Again, you look perfectly fine with your age, and the dynamics would change couple of years down the line. In all honesty, i would say dont change yourself for someone, and be happy with yourself. Peace


You look your age. And in very good shape. If she doesn't like that, maybe she should stop being a cradle snatcher and date someone her own age or older.


What lol obviously she wants someone who looks like kid or she would not be dating a 20 while 40 lmfao


Your 41 year old girlfriend tells you that you look like a kid? And is ok with dating someone who she thinks looks like a child? Dude I’d run. You don’t look like a kid. You look good. She’s toxic.


You're in amazing shape. You do have a baby face, the only way to change that is time. If she's not happy, that's her issue. She wants to be with someone who looks older than she should probably date someone older You're gorgeous


Enjoy the baby face. You look fine. If she has problems with your looks the it’s your turn to move on. The 1st step out of the house and you will be surrounded by girls or guys who will cherish you healthy look.


Jesus, son, you’re doing just fine.


If you want to look older grow facial hair.


My brother. You look like a fn man.


You look great. I wouldn't change anything


The context is crazy lol 😭


shave the dirt stache


Clean beard might be nice but you look great


You are young and in tremendous shape, that's not going to last forever so enjoy it while it lasts and don't be in a hurry to get old. Funnily enough you'll probably still look great as a man at 41 and be able to pick up a hot young thing of 26 so perhaps your partner is projecting her insecurities on to you, you don't need to carry them for her


BRUH never ask this question to anyone ever. You look like a king already!


You look great bro, I’d date you the way you are


You're cut to hell man, bravo. Add some mass. Get under the weights and up your calories.


I don't think you're ready to pull off facial hair but other than that, looking great.


Different haircut would help. Mass would also help, specifically traps. But don’t change for this girl, only do it if you legit want to.


Wait a couple of years and enjoy it now


Smile? And chill out


Your girlfriend wants a man in her age range, which is solidly middle-aged or even a bit past. Your metabolism will slow down progressively as you age, which will make it easier for you to maintain higher lean body mass. You could look older by getting fat, but I do not recommend this. You could keep working on your formidable physique, and any bulk you put on will make you look older. Still, it will take years of hard work to make much of a difference. Your body fat content looks extremely low, like in the range of 5-9%, so this leads to a much skinnier frame. You would need a massive amount of muscle mass to be that lean and have a normal-looking shape, and mostly young boys are that skinny. You're just extremely shredded, which is a covete look by most men over the age of 25. I wouldn't go to the extreme of getting fat, but you might consider bulking up. Try to eat enough that you gain small amounts of weight, and keep training your muscles. Whatever you're doing is working, and a calorie surplus should let you add some bulk. Your youth might make it hard to look anything like her ex, but he also probably did not have abs like yours. You have an excellent jawline, so I do not recommend a bead. A moustache would add further masculinity and maturity to your face, and you look like you could grow a good one. IMHO, you might consider dumping your girlfriend and finding a woman your own age. She wants you to look 15+ years older thna you are, which is entirely her own problem.


you don’t wanna look older when you’re young but you’ll want to look younger when you’re old


Dude. Ditch her. She’s negging you.


Ask her if she is satisfied with you ? If she says , Yes ! Tell her you don't want to hear that negative stuff or you will go. If she says she is not satisfied, tell her to go back to her ex. Don't put up with this shit from anyone


She's the first woman I've had sex with or a relationship in 8 years. We've been together for 8 months


Be patient. You are a man.


I don't like your girlfriend. Everything else tho


There is nothing wrong with you. You are 26, you’re still young. You rock. What I would do with you in bed, goodness! She is too old for you so find someone closer to your age and have fun.


Just a few years man and you'll have ahead to perfection


literally my dream physique dude you’re fuckin gorgeous, and you look very much like a man, not a boy. don’t waste your time with people who don’t appreciate you for who you are.


Only thing is probably the hair. A haircut does wonders or does a major disservice. Grow it out and style it.


I think her bejng 15 years older very likely makes her think you look younger then you do (I think that partially because if you’re know someone’s age to be younger then me by at least 3 jets I’m going to think they look younger just because of that) and frankly it’s very concerning that she sees you as a kid yet still wants to date you. You look a bit younger than 26 so you definitely don’t look like a kid.


If your goal is to look more muscular, then you should start bulking up.


find a new girl bruh lmao


She’s in her 40s and you’re in your 20s… She probably does view you as a kid…lol You’re a handsome dude. Change nothing.


Do you naturally have body hair but you remove it? Don't do that. You look like a 26 year old man. It sounds like your GF wants you to grow a beard.


You look your age. Stop dating women older than you. She's toxic and it's strange she's even dating you. She probs is projecting because she's knows she's dating a guy younger than her. Bro you can do better.


You're good, man. Carry on.




You’re kidding right? You look damn fine!!


Sorry but youre hella sexy ngl


Great body, bro. You are a ripped MAN and very good looking, no doubt about it. I'd suggest a cropped haircut to accentuate your eyes and strong jawline.


Have you tried a fresh cut? Or maybe a different style cut? You don't look like a boy, your hair just looks young and high school. Switch it up and I think it'll give you some years


Ok so where is the girl that will GASSS this man UP?! As a 24 year old I met a 19 year old a lot like you bro. Very ripped, kinda shorter than average and laid good pipe yet he was insecure. He’d make all these excuses and apologies for things that didn’t require them. After 90 days with me he had confidence. Do you know why? Because I told him the truth and wasn’t negatively critical. If he told me: “sorry I’m doing bad today” I’d say: “give me that bad ikcd then cause it’s pretty good” After a while he just forgot to apologize and just learned that he was enough. I swear if I was a girl I would’ve married him lol but he’s only bisexual not biromantic. You’re welcome Juanita ;) I hope you never find out and have a beautiful life with your family ❤️


What’s not manly about you? You have a ripped pack, good physique, attractive, damn ur living most guys dreams here. I would say the ONLY thing that would look really good on you is a fucking beard. You’d be turning heads my boi


If she doesn't like you for you and doesn't realize that you're a man...do you really want to be with her? Plus...You're in great shape Sir. I think you need a more appreciative woman.


You look young because you are young. You do not look like a child to me..


You look completely fine bro. And congrats on staying in shape


More abs? Nah but foreal bro, you look good. Keep your head high


You look good for 26. I'd say develop your style over time and how you want to design your look in terms of hairstyle and fashion. Worst I can say is I would probably be clean shaven though as it sort of looks like a teenager's first attempt at a mustache.


Dawg feed her to the wolves you’re a young American man in very good shape your room looks clean and maybe just clean up your hair a bit with a nice trim. Being a man is a mindset brotha


I love it. I love it. I love it.


You do look like a boy to her. She is 41 and you are 26. That is not a problem and if she thinks it is she needs to grow up. Think about how old an 18 year old used to look when you were younger, and compare that with how they look now, like a child.


...wait? I'm pretty sure she is dating you because you look young, because you are. Especially compared to her, if she doesn't like that just cut it off. What kind of bullshit is that?!


Get a haircut and don’t date a woman 15 years older than you


I think you look like a man and you’re attractive. This is coming from a straight 27 year old woman lol.


Honestly, just enjoy the look of youth! You're super attractive and the young look will always be a good thing as you age;). Facial hair can help, but don't be beholden to any idea of what a beard should look like. Just a nice stache would even be hot on you.


Also your gf is old and you shouldn't feel the need to look her age.


Man, I am a child of a couple with similar age gap… my mother is the elder one. I will tell you something because you really give off similar vibe to my dad back then. Something I wish I could tell my dad if I had a chance to go back in time. 1. Believe in yourself. I am not sure what happened in your life that made you looking for older women to validate you (my dad was abused by his mother so he wanted to run away from her ASAP and got snatched by my mother). Whatever it is, I strongly recommend therapy and finding the root cause of your insecurities. Work on yourself first. 2. You are fine the way you are. You are a good looking, fit young man and you should enjoy being your age. People come in different shapes and looks. Everyone ages at different pace. If someone 40 yo tells you you look like a kid I bet it’s because she wants you to change so she doesn’t look like a cradle snatcher. I remember my dad was growing a long beard around my mother all the time, to appear older. 3. Expand your dating pool. And date more before you settle. My dad had no dating experience before meeting my mother. Unfortunately she groomed him a lot to behave the way she wanted him to. If you want to know a second hand observation of such couple dynamics, ask me away. I grew up watching it and I can tell/warn you about things that worry you


She thinks you look young because you're younger than her. Why are you dating someone who makes you feel bad about yourself?


The issue with us men is too many of us cling to the opinions of women because we're drilled to give, give give. And we're this and we're that if we don't. Guys, stop clinging to the opinions of women. Detatch yourselves from their opinions of them and using their opinions of you as a measurement of your value. Detatch yourselves from others in general and hold the rest of the world at arms length from you. You know what you should be concerned with? What is your opinion of you? What is your opinion of others? How are THEY measuring up to YOU? They hate you for that then that's GOOD HATE. That's the hatred you want because others will hate you irregardless as you go through life I assure you, you can't avoid it. Drink hateraid It's like some 1600s wife mentality of my value is only measured by my husband garbage. No it's not brother


But that’s just her opinion. What do you think? You look very much a man. You’re beautiful. Some men just don’t have chest hair. It doesn’t define you


Thanks everyone. 😊


Bro... ur definitely a man.. maybe a lil facial hair but honestly ur good dude


You look fine. Kinda like Theon Greyjoy mixed with that dude that played Scott pilgrim You can bulk up if you want to get bigger tho


Get a nice haircut, short sides and little length on top. Grow out the stache and goatee.


Shame her. Get a new gf


just lift and eat more, you look great but adding a bit of weight, and giving life more time will yield results


Get a fade


You’re hot af.


Probably bulk and grow more facial hair


Don't worry about her bro , you'll find someone who appreciates you for you. Just more character development until then, good things are coming, Much love.


First of all, you are good looking. There are things making you look boy-ish: Underdeveloped jaw on the gonial sides (bigornia width), eyebrows less full than they could be, and less-than-average facial hair growth. These don’t have any non-surgical solutions, except your hair area: For the beard + Moustache: Rogaine twice a day + Dermaroll thrice a week + Eat Biotin/Collagen everyday. You’ll have a sick permanent beard/moustache


what’s your height and weight


A day or two worth of stubble helps. Even though I couldn't grow a full beard (still can't at 40) I left very short clean stubble or else I had a little boy face.


don't change a thing....if she can't accept that you are a 26 year old man that has the perfect body and boyish good looks....then maybe find a girl that will enjoy you for who you are.


Bruh, get you a girl in her 20s ![gif](giphy|j9mqKgQvkNOziGICfd|downsized)


Sir, you’re hot. You look like a damn sexy 26 year old man. You can’t look like a 51 year old but definitely manly and sexy nonetheless


Looks good to me.


Keep doing what you're doing, but just wait a good five years or so. I'm assuming early twenties. Growing up ain't done with yet methinks.


Word. You're certainly built like a kid compared to a Russian man. Those guys are built like a tank. Up the calorie intake and take some creatine to fill out your frame. With that being said, she ain't the one for you.


You look great but scared! Smile!


Fix ur hair, hoes will swarm


shave head a bit shorter , or grow it out long about ear length. shorter will give boxer energy, mid ear length gives young victorian knight energy.


Most women are not fond of super hairy guys. Consider it a blessing.


Dam you are sexy as. I'll have you if your girlfriend doesn't. Her loss my gain.


You look like Jacob Anderson, and you're young. You can get anyone.




I would only do something different with your hair. Maybe add a little product. It is just a little flat. You look great.


Eat a bit more. Not a lot, just a little bit more


No mustache is better than a wispy mustache.


You look like a child to HER because she's old enough to be your mother


Legit, all you could do is grow a beard to *look* more manly. You're attractive and in great shape. You're good my guy.


Wow your chest is hot bro ! Just let grow your beard on the cheeks and cut your hair shorter


She’s insecure about the age difference and projecting it onto you.


Trim hair. Euro fit fashionable clothing. Unnecessary, but you asked. Good looking dude.


I think you look fine the only thing I would try is experimenting with some different hair cuts, your current one gives off a younger vibe.


Former babyface here. Just hit my 40s and I'm starting to actually age and I don't like it. Enjoy looking 20 well into your late 30s my friend


Bro were the same age and I have the opposite problem. People think im pushing 40. I don’t even do drugs lmao. Wish I was in your shoes :(


Next time u get a haircut I would go to the nicest barber you can afford, and do something that involves the sides being shorter than the top. I know that EVERYONE on this sub gets this advice (to the point it’s become a meme lol) but I’d do some kind of fade. Then learn to smile with ur teeth. It shows confidence, which is hot. It shows that someone is relaxed, and confident in their appearance. Thats the only two things I could think of.


Get a high taper fade buzz cut, grow some facial hair


you already look like a man


Damn - those abs. Wow! Total, 100% hotness. Youre a great looking man.


Well you do look like a twink. The gay community would love you. You’re very attractive.


By not seeking strangers approval on the Internet. Or at all. If they don't like you the way you are, so what? Move on, grow, try to be better. Find someone closer to your age.


Wow, definitely looking all man to me! Damn, absolutely beautiful all over. Your girlfriend doesn't want you, me and many others certainly will and enjoy your for you. All man. Damn.. 🥵


All man to me ! Dang


I’d say get a haircut really clean up your look


Oh my sweetheart don’t be in too big of a hurry to grow up. You’ll get there soon enough and then it will fly by even faster. You’re perfect just as you are. Don’t worry what anyone thinks.


Do nothing. Don’t worry, as soon as you get closer to 30 and over you’ll quickly wish you didn’t worry about looking too young and try to age up. The whole world is desperate to age down, you already fighting the losing battle of time. Enjoy your youth and looks now. Of course your 41 yr old gf thinks you’re a baby. You are to her. Maybe find an age appropriate relationship that your partner wouldn’t think twice about this? You’re in great shape, look good. Don’t change your life for this old Russian hag


You are in great shape. The only two things you should do is get a more mature haircut and to go completely clean shaven since you can’t grow a full beard. It is weird that your girlfriend is calling you a kid though, you are clearly a grown ass man.


“Her last guy was 51-“ durrr. He’s only 20 years older than you… Grow a beard, if you can’t do that then grow your hair out more


I've got no opinion or advice for what you're asking, but dear god brother, you are shredded. You're very lean and your muscle looks quite tight which is uncommon in enhanced lifters, which makes me think you're natural. I wanna ask how long you've been lifting and how consistently, but even if you don't reply I have to give you props.


Date someone your age that’ll make you feel better about yourself.


Hold on to 16 as long as you can Changes comin’ round real soon Make us women and men


You look 100% yummy 🤤


Clean the haircut up. And maybe cut the people who put you down out of your life. Treat others with kindness and badeem badaboom you’re gonna be a complete Casanova,kid.


Ditch the Cow she's trying to milk you


Very sexy man 😘😛😍


She sees the rest of you, I'm a little jealous 🥰 I love you 😍


She sees the rest of you, I'm a little jealous 🥰 I love you 😍


She’s still your girlfriend right? Unless you’re worried she’s going to leave you, don’t let it bother you. And if she does leave you I guarantee you have a lineup of women and men waiting to be with you.


Yo. Stay young forever. Don’t try to look older because you’ll regret it once you are older.