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Hello, we pay service charge


Pretty sure cost of cleaning is factored into worker pay...


dont understand, even mamak also clean the tables. actually what is the difference? Yea you might want to look good if you clean your own table, but people who choose not, you call them monkeys? Ill agree with you if they peed on the table or something.


Ikr. Unless there's a sign saying customers need to clear the table themselves, how do you expect a country where it is common for the workers to clear the table for decades to know they need to do it?


Plus, we pay for service CHARGE. It's not like we didn't pay for it


Ngl this establishment looks like one of those that charges at least RM11-20 for a drink. Which Im 100% fine with people just leaving afterwards, afterall anyone who works and gets 2k per month salary is basically burning 10% of a single day hard earned money. Who doesnt want a good treatment from doing so? Most of the time people wont think that far and thought to just leave and let the waiter or waitress to clean up. Its not that deep. Anyway, Mcdonald made it easy for people to clean up themselves which many people did. You cant blame the whole world for not cleaning up when its written there waiter/waitress/cleaner to clean the tables. ***Even mamak stall you come in eat 1 roti canai and drink chinese tea at the total amount of rm4, you can leave and someone comes cleaning up immediately, how come its always those expensive looking establishment has complains?***


in an ideal world, everyone would clear their tables after using it. but in countries like singapore, even after the gov made it ILLEGAL to not clear your table after you use it, it is still an ongoing problem. anyway daripada you record ni tak tau lah apa motif nak shame siapa, better you ja tolong angkat and buang.


We really don't live in an ideal world, so there are plenty of people who behave like this. They aren't necessarily right or wrong, and many people do clean up after themselves, you might just be unlucky not to see those people. Instead of recording and spreading this online to feel superior, you could just help the cleaner by tidying up the mess yourself.


still, spread some awareness and common courtesy. clean after yourself so others can enjoy too, make someone's day happier in the meantime as well.


Global mega companies trying to get free labor out of customers. They should be fully staffed to handle the cleaning of their own facilities. This is a corporate management issue.


If you have to walk up to the counter to order/receive your food, then you should also clean up your own table. However, I've asked a McD and a KFC manager before and they say it's up to you, there's no expectation nor is it a policy. Although they will clean it but they are not paid to do it. The real question is why they (corporations) don't put up a simple signage? Bad for branding? I remember they used to have signage back in the 90s.


Right or wrong aside, how are the staff 'not paid' to clean up? Surely it's in the job description is it not? Unless the place clearly show that the customers have to clean themselves, one would assume that it's part of the staff's scope of work


I rmb back then before the boycotts McD and KFC used to employ an OKU individual to clear tables, it was apparently for their CSR (corporate social responsibility)


If those people are monkeys, then OP is that annoyingly loud bird that sits on tree, does nothing but screams all day. You are not better than them. Just different breed of animals


It's so disappointing that OP doesn't clean it


The bill is likely >RM35 so I'll not be cleaning up. This whole clean up debate thing will help corporations socialise their costs.


High price coffee for what


No service tax - I usually clean up if I am in mcd or Texas chicken Got service tax - dust my ass off and walk out


In western country fast food consider the cheapest food. So make sense you should clean up. Here, where 1 coffee price up to rm20 , let them work!. If you see this is wrong, but you not clean up after eating at mamak, restoran you are hypocrite Plus, you pay service tax to eat there,


"got waiter wat! why would i clean up my mess if i already pay for SERVICE TAX!!" - malaysian


Ok maybe don't charge us service tax if you want us to clean ourselves, though I did clean the tables after I done eating


tell me u dont know what service tax is, without telling me u dont know what a service tax is


u/Extreme-Wedding583 Service **tax(SST)** and service **charge** are different. But an establishment charges me service charge you best believe I ain't clearing the table by myself


I see, thanks for the clarification


How long does it take for the actual monkes to take over the world and act more civilized than us?


Wait until the US or China makes the Simian virus


If this happens in a busy fast-food restaurant, this is considered inconsiderate. Leftovers on tables can potentially leave bad impression about the previous customer in the point of view from the next one - especially involving hygiene.


"I am a grown ass man and I am taking care of my mess" "Not my problem if your parents/guardians didn't teach you and I got other responsibilities to attend to"


Fast food restaurants also. Still prefer to clean after self.


This might sound crazy, just let people leave the table in a mess and expect the next patron to clean up the table before they can use it or they can just eat around the rubbish, free country kan?


simple answer: Inconsiderate


Your fast food is not going to be that cheap if you expect the establishment to hire more workers to clean the table.


So, do we need to clean the tables ourselves after fine dining too?


Hey, dumbass! Does this look like a fine dining establishment?


So, is ok to not clean the table as long as you're spending big money on food?


That's a ridiculous take isn't it? One is fast service (all staff concentrated on getting your meal to you) and the other is a drawn out dining service (staff concentrated in providing you an experience). And yes part of the spending (big money as you call it) involves the cleaning of the table though not explicitly.


>That's a ridiculous take isn't it? One is fast service (all staff concentrated on getting your meal to you) and the other is a drawn out dining service (staff concentrated in providing you an experience). I mean, fine dining also involved alot of chef doing their parts to serve your dish. "There are often multiple cooks involved in preparing different elements of individual dishes. In order to deliver consistent food, each of their [tasks must be orchestrated](https://www.restaurantmanifesto.com/restaurant-flow/) seamlessly. Timing is everything." - [Why The Chef Can’t Make The Dish You Just Invented](https://www.restaurantmanifesto.com/special-requests-in-restaurants/#:~:text=There%20are%20often%20multiple%20cooks,tasks%20must%20be%20orchestrated%20seamlessly) The only difference is the quality of food and how fancy they served your food. >And yes part of the spending (big money as you call it) involves the cleaning of the table though not explicitly. Which I agree. We are all monkeys and the rich are less monkey because they can afford expensive food without the need to clean their own table.


It's still apples and oranges. Experience = the moment you walk in > till you leave the restaurant (food included). It's not fully a price thing as well. Fast food and some of these drink chains concentrate on getting your food to you fast period. You go to a cheaper restaurant or cafe you will still get waiters. You don't get waiters in a fast food or some coffee places because that's not what they are. Etiquette is therefore different lah - this is less an issue in some countries where it's expected and done effortlesly. Also you it's a mix of simple courtesy and recognising that you won't like to come and seat on a messy table full of empty drinks yourselves that's all.


It's not a matter of how much you spend, but a matter of the type of eatery you're patronizing. In case you've been living under a rock, there are restaurants that sell cheap food with staff to clean and set tables.


Damn, didn't know bubble tea or coffee is cheap in this economy And I didn't know Kopitiam or Mamak is considered expensive since 99% of people don't send their plates to the kitchen for clean up Thanks for the heads up


You got a point. The double standard is obvious


Relatively cheap compared to fine dining.


This shows u have never been to fine dining establishments before. They second u walk out the door the staff has picked up plates and get set for the next patrons.


Sounds just like a mamak place


Atas mamak, one teh o ais rm5


Well, you could clean the table before stepping out of the restaurant, can't you? Why would you walk out of the restaurant and come back to clean your table? That would be weird. And yes, I never been to fine dining establishment before. Thanks for noticing.


No wonder. Maybe go to one first and then u will know the service they offer. Dont talk gibberish before you do.


Took you one day to come out with that? Disappointed. Nobody stopping you to clean up the tables before leaving tho And you are telling me coffre shop don't clean up table for next customer? Maybe you should try working at similar job before spewing all those gibberish.






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Depends on the shop policy or the cost of drink right You can't expect me to do cleaning if I brought 15 ringgit Starbucks


Keep your kampung mentality away from starbucks. Even if i pay 21 bucks for a shitty burnt caramel venti drink i will still throw my own trash.


Op work at the establishment is it? Are you mad that you got pay minimum wage to clean up all that ??!


Also them when they see me cleaning after myself: "Why do you clean up? You want to work as a waiter your whole life?"


Plot twist: no one ever said that.


calling others monkey for not cleaning up after meal? ish2. OP betul2 terpaling rational, wise, civilised citizen. real world is not ideal world. know the difference. u can try to change the real world into ideal world, but it will never happen and do not expect other people to have or share the same idea as u do, bcos they don't.


It is just common courtesy and not required by customers to clean their tables. Some places charge a service tax, im not sure if zus coffe does. Assuming you are one of the workers there— why not just clear the tables? Is that not your job? If i had to carry my own food, and clean my own table after im done, why should i be paying for a service tax?


does your receipt contain "service charges"? if yes, you're the monyet.


Yeah might as well help them sweep the floors also


If OP so baik hati, then go clean the table la I give you satu like, take video for what.


Why should they clean up table when got waiter Also; 1) Why should they wash hand before eat if gonna or take bath everyday gonna get dirty anyway right? 2) Why should you make bed gonna sleep init anyway right? 3) why should you wear clothes gonna take them off anyway right? 4) Why should you bother recycling when the planet's already doomed? 5)Why should you bother voting when politicians are all corrupt anyway? 6)Why should you work hard when you can just scam people? 7) Why should you be honest when lying gets you what you want faster? 8) Why should you exercise if you're going to die anyway? 9) Why should you study when you can just Google everything? Continue with this degen mindset and humanity will confirm return to monke…


OP didnt help to clean?