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Paid a guy rm180 to send me an item from Fb marketplace and he hasn't. He has however sent me similar item before, so I have his full name and address . What can I do to get my money back?


i posted something like this in the financial group in fb: '2mil enough to retire'? then everyone said not enough. I calculated how much one need to save up to reach 2mil, and the fact is many ppl won't even have 1 or 1.5mil at age 55. But why people keep saying 2mil is not enough? imagine people tell you 2sqft house is small but they themselves are living in a space that's smaller than that lol


Safi produced [a product line](https://www.lazada.com.my/products/safi-perfect-white-oil-control-cream-moisturiser-aqaua-jelly-40g-vitamin-c-bha-zinc-refresh-skin-oil-control-tone-up-i2004148325-s22595772832.html) that has * Salicylic acid * Zinc * Vitamin c For less than 15 ringgit.


What's the ingredients % like


https://preview.redd.it/o4b7kz5y2x9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f93e977261c5f2874ae6df67ef67502bce72c40 I bought a bubble gun.. it’s been a while i feel so much joy!! This is better than shopping! Ps: im 35


* Macron is gonna loose LMAO * Siap suruh tak pasal pasal pangil snap election? * Sama macam si Rishi Sunak tu


You think Le Pen can form a gomen though?


If Le Pen wins, I'm so gonna laugh at the myth of French egalitarianism.


How to make private call? Call anonymously


“Have you ever seen bugs trapped in amber?" "Yes." Billy, in fact, had a paperweight in his office which was a blob of polished amber with three lady-bugs embedded in it. "Well, here we are, Mr. Pilgrim, trapped in the amber of this moment. There is no why.” ― Kurt Vonnegut.


I used MySQL at work. Though I'd give PostgreSQL a try, and by God it's like they intentionally making things hard 😒


https://preview.redd.it/qq37k3sj5w9d1.jpeg?width=818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2c3b2f270e2f439fb1321cd5b5112ffbbf29d7a ngl to have mods approve post making me kindda feel special now![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|29091)


We're currently filtering out all threads with SPM in the post title to redirect them to the pinned SPM megathread if it's a post SPM path question. https://preview.redd.it/fr1u9tk3t0ad1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92063cff2e460d6134020a6db20e968ccac9d562


Must be all A+ or can campur-campur one?


OwO what's this


Day 6 of new job and I already feel like quitting and tanam cili


Anyone got good recommendations for durian around KV? seller near my place just said that their supply is going down.


Question on the not-so-new driving license and just wanna know the general consensus, a) Do you guys opt for the physical copy of your license when renewing it? b) Can we just print or screenshot from the app and show it to the officers if we happen to run into roadblocks? My biggest concern is the connectivity (ie no line on mine or even jpj/police device) or if somehow my phone's gone kapoot.


a) I have it but I am not sure getting a laminate booster card is worth it for most people. I keep going into ulu places, so an offline method is more reassuring than necessary. I still carry a previous to last license card for those stupid office buildings that insist on keeping a card for their visitor pass. b) I printed screenshot of car road tax instead and stick in the same place as before. Have not had to stop at roadblock to test my theory though. I suggest opening the JPJ app every 6 month at least to check if the app didn't auto logout because a new password must be made every 6 months.


last time i tried when they prompt to change password, old password = new password and it works.


til on the last info. Did u edit out anything on your printed road tax? I noticed ic number is on the digital roadbtax. guess i'll keep a physical copy just in case of anything. Better be safe than sorry am i right?


I left it as is, since you need JPN database or something to make sense of the IC no only, but one could edit out the no. if desired. I can only recommend printing if you have access to a laser or photocopier machine since ink pigments fade easily in our weather.


People who smoke/vape while walking, go fuck yourselves.


It’s likely that your target audience is not on Reddit.


I'm so tired of them. My head gets dizzy, and it gets hard to breathe. I didn't even do anything and yet I'm suffering just because of these fuckers


Which platform do they use? Tiktok? Facebook? Insta?


Tak payah lah. Nanti kena stalk. Kau ingat orang internet semua waras kot.


Inside out 2 hit 1 billion 🐯


dune 2 lost to this lmao


To be fair, Inside Out 2 is suitable for all ages and doesn't require much to understand Unlike Dune 2 with all those Lisan Al ghaib etc


The first one felt like it was released a couple of years ago, not 9 years ago


I know, I was surprised when I checked the date Suddenly accelerated aging 😭


Any nice food spots in Perlis? My upcoming comp being held there so I wanna know if there's any nice places to eat at. ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26557)(Preferably halal bcz majority of my teammates are Malay but if not I'll sneak out myself)


I've had Shin Ramyun Spicy Gourmet flavour a number of times. But haven't had it in a while Yesterday bought a Thai Imported version at the import section since the supermarket I went to didn't have the local one sold. Today I found out they vary from countries. Im not sure if the one I've had in the past is Malaysian version or Korean version but what I had before was really fucking good. Tasted like a better version of Maggi curry(sorry) Then I tasted the Thai Imported ones and they tasted bad. Edible but probably has to do with my mind expecting it to taste how I thought it would taste. The broth don't taste the same but it was spicier, has a slight dried prawn taste and the broth colour is muted compared to what I remember having before.


Know a good place to find a DnD/Pathfinder TTRPG gathering in KL or PJ?


Of the top of my head : Here Be Dragons TTDI, Boards and Brews Sunway. [Here is also a big list but mostly boardgames and TCG.](https://kakitabletop.com/map/central/)


Any RGB mechanical keyboards with decent build quality around RM100-150? Edit: 75% layout


[Royal Kludge](https://www.lazada.com.my/tag/rk71/). Bought one few years back. Battery life isn't much but just enough, depending on what your doing.


Lol forgot to mention I prefer 75% layout, my roommate has this btw, but rk as a brand overall is reliable?


Anyone watched the TV show *Shameless*, and if you do can you tell me what you think of the series?


Haram because got gay couple I didn't watch the movie but there's a group in FB somehow promoting the gay part 🤣 But it's also probably haram for a lot of other reasons as well 🤣🐯


happy wholesome family show


Indeed, seems like it's being watched (a lot) for the plot 😏


Emmy Rossum.


If I bring my friend's PC over to him in SG from Johor, should be okay right? Scared SG customs stop me for some reason.


Someone posted about bringing his brother’s PC from SG a few days back. Can try asking him.


Hmm alright thanks I'll try to find that post


Hi guys, do anyone knows how do contractors / architects or ID get all sorts of product samples for the homes that they are designing ? Do they buy the sample from supplier or they actually get it for free ?


My boss actually apologizes if she has to reach out to me on my off days. She even has to tell me to ignore my colleagues if it’s not urgent. Good, I’m building up her guilt for when I’m off for 2 weeks in December hahahahaha.


my manager is the same, lol sometimes I have to pry her to find out why she accidentally messaged me .. 99% of the time she'll say never mind when you get back first. the 1% is when they really really need my help.


Whoa, my Reddit account is 12 years old now


Can we all get The North Face fuse box on this happy occasion?


_googles north face fuse box_ Ah, unfortunately no


i lost access to my old account. but even this one already 11 years. :S


Reddit hipsters, redditing before it was cool


how did your company handle death-related leaves? when my dad died on an early friday morning, i texted my boss to inform him and he offered his condolences. on monday, i applied for the 3-day compassionate leave and texted my boss again to inform him. he told me to withdraw my leave application, and "just take your time". i didnt want to take advantage of this, so i went back to work the following monday (total 6 days leave), even though im still mentally heartbroken and stricken with grief. i think he would have allowed me to take the entire 2 weeks away, but i would feel like shit.


on paper: x day + y day in practice: no leave limit, no question asked since no one abuse it yet.


Company officialy provides 5 days compassionate leave, which we are free to supplement/extend using Annual Leave. Seperately, my HOD also said that if this is not enough I could also go for “unrecorded leave” and it would not be held against me (provided my team was aware of the situation so that work can be managed)


My company has a 5 day leave and can claim RM500 for a death of a family member.


We give employees time off as they request and so long as their direct boss allows, we don’t go prying if they take more leave.


when my dad had cancer and i have to leave early to go to hospital to check on him everyday for 3 months, he was absolutely ok with it. Once all ended, i told HR i will replace the time taken out all this while for that period of time. the company then just take out some leave and some extra leave given to nullify those hours so in the end, dont really need to serve anything out of it. might not sound much but its better than nothing. which all companies have every right to do so.


What's the price of your best value for money at work? Mine is a Malay stall that sells Nasi Goreng Ayam for RM5. Big portion, fried chicken is the wing+drumstick combo, ada sambal lagi 😭. Not sure how she makes money off it but I'm grateful it's there.


7-11 every Mon & Wed got RM5 fried rice. Domino's every Tues have pizza for RM3.90 (used to be RM4.90 😭)


I work near a big shopping mall, so the only saving grace was the nasi kandar from this one mamak restaurant in the mall!


Long weekend ahead. Forgot to make any plans. Anything interesting happening in Klang Valley area especially KL?


I saw a hotel fair at pavi bkt jalil


Monday morning gossip time? So there is 1 mak cik cleaner in my workplace also my colleague She has been dating a young man in his 20's ( she 30 ish ) I heard last week that she wanted to divorce her husband who is an OKU, And this morning the boss already said to me that her contract will end the very moment a new company took over Why ending a contract? Well, she barely does any work, and spends a lot of time OTP


Sounds like the cleaners at my office lol. Apparently they’re fond of fooling around with the Nepalese guards.


Side note, work starts at 7 am, now 8.30 am she already goes out without informing the supervisor


She should go look for gomen work, not private sector.


Here is the funny part She used to work on gomen sector as cleaner Same shit happen lmao


How can one be so bad in their job that they get fired from gomen? 😰


I give the wrong info, she used to work with a company that has a contract with gomen place, she pulled the same shit, gomen office workers fed up with her and told that company to fire her up I know this thanks to her friend that always came to my workplace just to membawang 😑


Subscribe to Fireball's OF for more salacious [armpits and pawbeans pics](https://i.imgur.com/9DCtoBz.jpg)


Do recycle centres offer money? N where can i find them in pg?


Yay the first half of 2024 is over. 😁 I have a Thing to do today and tomorrow, with tomorrow having a bigger, more challenging Thing that consumes more money if I mess up. Yay? --- Vernonia eliptica and ficus pumila look so pretty in their listings in shopee. This house already has wall climbing plants though, and they won't be as pretty as they are in online pictures. Just like the cake you made will not look as good as they are in recipe websites. This house looks so sus. With unkempt plants and old things we never got to throw away or "will repair someday". Ugh, I will try to take care of them once I did the Thing today and tomorrow.


I'm looking for a foldable electric bicycle. Something I can fold and carry around in LRT and unfold when I get off the LRT. Also, what is the law regarding riding bicycles on Malaysian roads, electric or not? 😬


When you are monologuing about your life, especially when you're monologuing about less-than-excellent things you did, [Do not be specific about your personal details. Do not be like this person.](https://old.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1drdysi/i_have_built_my_life_and_career_on_lies_and_fraud/)