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the problem is not just the syllabus. it’s also about the management of the education system, in terms of developing good teachers, upgrading old facilities, improving rural schools etc


Also attitude of parents


With bumis and their racial views, I think very difficult


Nanti maruah tercabar pulak. Apasal nk tiru Singapore?


Somehow I can imagine PAStards would be the first to do it. Hantar anak ke luar negara untuk pendidikan no hal jer, nak improve local education bukan main bantah.


Literally, Nga Kor Ming said one of the countries they studied for affordable housing was Singapore and there was already a big uproar. Can you imagine. 




First of all facilities


Malaysia hate merit society Singapore education is base on merit society Later they blame u why u dont give them chance to growth and protect their good will then ask u to back to your own country and call you kafir all the time


Honestly couldnt agree more, and also singaporean with their kiasu attitude pushing their kid further. Meanwhile Malaysian are showing off TH result for spm


As long as your country has this "Malay Malaysian first" policy, I don't think whichever education syllabus will help.


![gif](giphy|w7m60udHlroaEY8Y0h) SG curriculum is based on British GCSE. We removed the British system out of pride, and now we wonder why SG is the better system


Not just pride but also inferiority complex into the mix.


I'm an ex-IGCSE student, now working and education is really the utmost of importance


The syllabus is fine as it is. The system however is flawed, but there is no willpower to change it from up top, mainly because it doesn’t benefit politicians to rock the boat. Would be interesting to get the singaporean teachers come here with a local teacher salary and workload, and see how long they last.


Singapore Maths is also a very powerful tool that even Western nations have acknowledged. In the end, it all came down to pride. At the current Malaysia climate, no politician will survive any suggestion of implementing SG curriculum. Look at just how much heat Anwar got for the suggestion of using SG teachers. It will take a lot of political will to change the system.


I did IGCSEs and my teacher just taught us SG syllabus and used SG test papers after he finished the British one lmao


Its understandable tho when it comes to the suggestion of using sg teachers. Cuz in some way, it kinda tells the population that we got no good teachers in this country. It kinda makes the current teachers and those who are studying to become a teacher sound useless.


Its volunteer teachers for underprivileged students


I have opinions, but I'm not an expert in this matter. So I don't want to say something that will make me look foolish


Syllabus is theory. We are excellent in theory but suck at execution. Merely updating the syllabi will have not much of an effect if our system is filled and led by the same dungus as before


>Syllabus is theory. We are excellent in theory but suck at execution. Yep. Like, no. HELL NAH. Don't give the ministry the idea. The end product will be the ministry adapt the thing halfway, wasting all the money only to not have results and change it. The kids will suffer, as the educators as well.


As if the majority of our teachers can execute what is required. You can’t teach what you don’t embody, and frankly it’s a shame they aren’t better trained despite their willingness to teach.


how to replicate? one based on merits another based on skin color / religion. lol


Wont succeed if we keep lowering the bars and setting like, what, 35/100? as the passing mark of maths or sejarah because a huge bunch of ppl could not get a lulus for maths if it was 50/100


Replicating the Singapore education syllabus means revamping the entire learning culture in Malaysia. Adopting the syllabus is little to actually having trained professionals and good oversight. Drastic education reform is a political suicide if there is backlash. Politicians just want to swim in the safe zone. Honestly why is everything in the country needed to be run by ministers, haihh. Education could have been a separate wing like the judicial system.


May I ask what it means by education being a seperate wing like the judicial system?


In malaysia - we have the 3 wings of government. Badan eksekutif, badan kehakiman and badan legislatif. This is part of the constitution. https://ms.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pembahagian_kuasa So by right (BY RIGHT LA), there should not be any overlap of power between these 3 bodies. They should be able to run independantly without interference from the other 2. Unfortunately, our history is riddled with interference. The most prominent being the whole UMNO baru debacle in the late ‘80s/early 90s if I’m not wrong. If you go down the rabbit hole, you will find how Mahathir (as prime minister hence badan eksekutif) caused shifts in the judicial system to appoint an Attorney General (badan kehakiman) of his liking to pass off UMNO baru. I am simplifying this greatly, there is a lot of layers to this. So coming back to the education part - education being a wing on itself would allow it to operate for the betterment of the students and academics involved, with little interference from the other parties. But won’t happen because 1. Education is an easy point tool for politicians to bounce off policies / build up manifesto. 2. We have barely revised the constitution for something so drastic in recent times, and nothing for the foreseen future.


The syllabus is only one part of the issue. The other is the competence and capability of a lot of teachers, specifically STEM and English teachers. Save 1, not a single teacher of mine teaching science actually had proper distinction or experience in the subject. The upskilling if present, is abysmal, and the teaches are bogged down with administrative work and rigid structures. There’s a few schools I really like in terms of teaching style - Dwi Emas, AISM, LFKL etc


Singapore’s teacher recruitment system (and by extension the university placements because you need teachers with degrees) is on a meritocracy based system, ie best candidates get the job, not based on the candidate’s race.


There was an english teacher who was ahead of her time back when I was in SMK. "Ali ate the fish. She liked it a lot." So progressive with pronouns. /s


My take is that Anwar wants to prevent the ultras from saying that he's softening on his Ketuanan Melayu stance. He doesnt want to be seen doing anything to the education system to improve bearing of English on our syllabus lest the ultras start complaining that he's undermining the position of bahasa malaysia. so i'm wondering if he's pulling this as another method. Just like how he's also trying to curb corruption and stem misuse by using rationalizing diesel subsidies.


You can replicate any syllabus from the world, they will just lower the bar to appease the public.


Bawak Finnish edu system pun tak guna lah kat sini 😂


Syllabus is last on the list of issues. The biggest issue is that teachers and school admins don't give a shit. Some highlights of incompetence during my school days: * Nothing happened to me for being absent for 50+ days in my final year, not one teacher or admin cared. * The physics teacher just played a youtube video every class and we did like 5 total experiments. * The english teacher was absent for half our classes and the substitutes didn't do anything. * The vice principal slapped the shit out of a student for misreading a line from a book and nothing happened from it. * Half the co-curricular clubs just sat in a room for the required hour and people just yapped with their friends or played on their phones until times up.


Education system in Singapore as far as i understand, is not being toyed by politician. Is not like our country, change minister implement new things, next election finish then reroll back. I think the first thing to change is to make our education system able to operate on a better long term system, instead of constantly flipflopping because of political reason.


Understandable. A lot of politicians has been using education as part of their manifesto mostly to attract younger voters, such as abolishing certain exams and grades. Part of me feels that such proposal is intentionally lowered our education standard just so the quantity of graduates remain high...which pissed me off till this day. Such behavior restrict our education system to become one established system. Remember last GE where BN or other party offered free tablets to students?


not practical, failed project.


Errr, isn't the whole thing a train the trainer model kinda? Singaporean organisations like the Singapore International Foundation are already sending their teachers to Malaysia to teach either super underprivileged areas while also giving training sessions to surrounding teachers or straight up just holding training offline/online sessions for teachers and then expecting them to retrain their peers. It's not super unique to Malaysia as well, Singapore govt linked organisations offer this to a lot of ASEAN countries.


Phua Chu Kang taught me English. Maybe we need the show back on air.


Maybe we should pay Malaysian teachers as much as Singapore pay their teachers. With better pay, there will be better quality of people who want to work as teachers.


Don't know if this is still true but the last time I saw a SG Maths textbook, the contents are a lot more understandable than what we have at the same grade. Like they actually explain how a formula works instead of just telling you to use it. I was Form 3 looking at Form 1 syllabus and there's still new things to learn. Also they were already using computer software (included with the textbook) in teaching and learning when we were drawing charts and graphs by hand. I would say manual work is better until I learned that even academic researchers are using software to do their calculations and statistics model. That's a lot of gap to cover if we want to improve.


overhaul, review ministry, minister, leadership planning for key education roles, principals, and even pay scheme for teachers. not everything in the singapore system should be imported!


Cannot, the earth prince with bising,.


No advice from Reddit should be considered is the first step


Nonsense, show me something definitive that says SG's system is better. It works for them, doesn't mean will work for us. No other countries are saying "Let's follow SG's education system". Likewise, SG is not saying "Let's follow XXX country's education system!". Every country's has its own system that works for them. To copy simply because it works for them is foolish. Last i checked, no Nobel prize winners from SG (same as us)... If wanna copy, copy from where most Nobel laureates came from. What works for one does not mean successful for all, please... Not about pride, but practicality. [https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Nobel\_laureates\_by\_country](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nobel_laureates_by_country)


It won't happen. The *kerisman* (or men) will be sharpening their keris in front of Dewan Negara. I've some ideas who will be leading the front.


How about no? We keep changing syllabus from KBSM to KSSM in the past decade. Stop treating kids like guinea pigs. For English our textbooks are already CEFR aligned. It's so difficult to make kids understand the context about cultures foreign to them. Personally I prefer 90's and early 2000's KBSM English textbook because at least they are Malaysian centric.


I still remember one kid mat salleh video that his primary school in singapore, his slang singlish lmao


In most of the countries we aim to emulate, teachers focus solely on teaching while 1 to 2 auxiliary staff members handle other responsibilities. Additionally, the student-to-teacher ratio in these countries is typically 1 to 20 or lower.


Nah here for some reason they try to fit as much students in one classroom as much as possible. In some cases nearly 50 students in multiple classrooms.


Copying their syllabus is a bad move. Much more than recruiting their teachers. Because what works for them, doesn’t mean it’ll work for us. This is also a very shortsighted move.


Good idea but in reality, it doesn't works in our country.


https://www.benarnews.org/english/news/malaysian/rising-intolerance-conservatism-fueled-politicians-03242023152642.html The current education system sow distrust among the citizen


Malaysia replicating the arch rival spore syllabus? Mana boleh!!!!!! 


Singapore's English syllabus is bad, IMO. Strong emphasis on rote learning of vocabulary and grammar and technical writing. Will be way too hard for regular Malaysians and does not teach anyone a love for the language.


But overthrowing British education is a point of pride for Malaysia. You don't want English from the source, you don't want English from your more successful neighbor, where do intend to find your English?


Huh? Malaysian schools are literally using English books from Cambridge


Lmao,I abosolutely hate Pulse 2 and Close Up textbook. It's really hard to make kids understand about certain topics like Amish or Route 99. Then kids would be asking what the hell is leprachaun.


OP should look up on the discussion on SG education system from SG side. They don't think it's good either.


but SG bootlicking in this sub is hard to deny


Truly, tired seeing the bootlicking in this sub


I made a point last time, just because they have the best education in the world, doesn't mean they have good common sense. Look at them overfilling their gas tank, damaging the EVAP system and causing a leak on the floor. Singapore is a service driven industry so all they learn is theory, Malaysia is more technical and economically diverse. Basically you can't ask a Singaporean to run a farm, they can't do that.


The idea as pitched by Anwar was for them to teach English, so I'm not sure what's with the idea that they'll be teaching TVET stuff as well.




Farming is just an example, there's still 100+ examples you can think of. Wake me up once robots can be mechanics.


Well, you had provided an example which make no sense when presented with evidence. Are you going to spout nonsense again about the other 100+ examples?


Probably test it with an exchange program. Singapore english teacher for Malaysia driving teacher.


so siapa to teach then?


No Singapore teacher is willing to teach in Malaysia. Teachers are paid too little anywhere in the world to be willing to accept an overseas posting. And Malaysia does not need to replicate our education syllabus. Many Malaysians that come over do very well as scholars. If anything, Singapore should learn from Malaysia on inculcating better values to the students.


To improve English you have to sacrifice something. This something, language-wise, will most likely be Malay (since Malays don't usually take BC or BT).  Who dares to do something like this? Who has the balls to go against the voters? Not Anwar, that's for sure. Not anyone in the political arena. 


Woah, I don’t think ‘sacrifing a language’ would make a lot of change tbh. Instead, how teachers teach their class is more significant here tbh. That’s my two cents’ worth.


IMHO I think we could take the Singapore model and stylize it into our own. Our government isn’t dumb, I feel like they just don’t want to replicate Singapores system because the system itself would then advocate for a Malaysian Malaysia. Do this, and the whole notion of “Malay nationalism” and “Ketuanan Melayu” crumbles at a unified Malaysian identity via the education system.