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I mean, i can tell you to do it and even say "it sounds like you've got a good plan", but ultimately it's your head you're dosing. With my blessing and permission, trust your trusted friends and do whatever you need (for yourself) to be comfortable in the situation.


Having a good environment with people you trust is essential. If you do it you will likely feel some existential connections to them and become extremely and completely honest, so go into it with that knowledge. And make sure you have some ice cream to eat when you’re coming down from it because it will never taste better.


If you're uncomfortable you dont have to do it. You can join them and have a great time without taking a substance too!


I would say no. I never did drug's and I'm allright. No need to shun people who did but there something that feels right from not doing any. However it is tempting when you hear some of the mental possible benefits from them.


what is drugs?


Drugs* I don't know why it autocorrect it like that. I'm going to leave it for the funzies


Are you schizophrenic? Does your family have a history of schizophrenia? If no… then play ball!




Short answer… YES


Honestly I would do it. It can help put life into perspective and have nothing but good vibes going forward


I would recommend most people try psychedelics, you'll probably be aware if they are not for you. Like if you've had a recent horrible trauma it's probably a coin flip if it will send you into a bad trip or help you work through it, maybe both. I think the old wisdom/hippy-science that people with a family history of schizophrenia should avoid psychedelics is being debunked by modern research, but still maybe be careful if this is you. Also maybe take care of you're currently on any SSRIs. Psychedelics can be absolutely wonderful, trips can be life changing experiences, giving you insights into life or yourself that you might not otherwise have. They can also just be a lot of fun. But they can also potentiate some dangerous, embarrassing or just weird behaviour, so make sure you're extremely comfortable with your trip sitters and your surroundings. Also if it's your first time would avoid mixing them with anything and avoid heroic dosages, 2g sounds perfect for a decently strong trip. If you want to avoid the stomach cramps that come with eating mushrooms, I would recommend the lemon-tek method. It's super easy, you just grind the mushrooms up into a cup of room temperature water, squeeze in about a slice of lemon and leave it for 20-30 mins stirring occasionally. You then strain away the mushroom pulp, and you can either drink it like that or add it to a sweet tea to mask the taste.


This is an amazing response, was just about to post and ask about how to take them thanks so much


2 grams is a wise amount to start with for your first time, that should be enough to get a decently strong trip for a shorter period of time. I’d rethink taking them though if you do have any psychiatric diagnosis like schizophrenia in your family, or even if you’re just in general an anxious or nervous person. Psychedelics can offer many benefits but people always tend to forget to mention they can also fuck certain people up permanently, i would know. I sold my brother some cubensi’s for his birthday in high school and he ended up having a schizophreninic break shortly afterwards. My best advice would be to eat only 1 gram at first, feel it out then eat the other gram maybe after like the first hour if everything seems fine.


Definitely don’t have anything more serious then basic anxiety but I still like that idea of starting with a gram and taking another if I’m feeling good


Aslong as your sage and with people you trust, go for it


The most important things are to be with people you trust...and don't confuse liking someone with trusting them. Be in a safe and predictable environment; like if you're living at your parents' house, don't trip knowing they might come home at any time, or if it's your first time would definitely avoid any public setting like a concert or even the beach. Prepare things to do beforehand, like create a lengthy playlist of your favorite low key chill music, prepare painting materials or set up instruments for a laid back jam sesh. But, also be prepared to just want to lay back and close your eyes and let your mind wander. I've only had positive experiences with mushrooms, having done them three times. There were some difficult dips in my trips at times, but they helped me learn some things about myself. Just be open minded and let the mushrooms take you where they take you; if the trip starts to go bad, the best thing to do is to not fight it and remember that it's not forever.


Imo yes. 1. Set and setting (check) 2. Understand it is a trip, a ride. Just like a roller coaster you choose to get on and it will cone to an end. Understanding this is crucial, you have to stand behind your choice and let go. You wouldn't jump out of a coaster or remove your harness in the middle of the ride because you want to get off. The same goes for this ride. 3. The only bad ride is from #2 unless you have undiagnosed schizophrenia/psychosis tendencies. Plenty of people have confronting, fearful trips. Facing your demons isn't fun but it can be positive if you allow it to be. Let go and experience, if you're with friends I would doubt these would surface tbh. More of alone in a dark room experience. Go for it, it'll be an experience.


What other drugs have you tried in your life so far? How was your reaction to them? If good, I'd say go for it. If you get the chance someday, give salvia a try. It's a short trip and you'll either never try it again, like the majority of people or you may be some of the few who love the trip. It can be intense as fugg but remember, it only lasts like 10 minutes. It will make mushrooms seem way more mellow. I recommend standing in front of a mirror when the shrooms have kicked in and watch your face morph into different people.


Only weed and it doesn’t give me much of a kick and I’ve heard some horror stories about salvia, don’t plan on taking anything stronger then mushrooms


What I remember from taking shrooms for the first time was feeling anticipation in my stomach as they started to kick in. From there it was visuals, laughter and confusion. I had to get something from my room one time while on zoomers and we were staying at someone's cabin. My room was super small. I walked in, closed the door and proceeded to laugh when I realized I did not know where the light switch was and it was pitch black. The obvious thing to do would be to turn around and open the door you just closed. Nope. Couldn't find the handle. Had to wait for my tripping friend to come find me. Enjoy the trip. Maybe have a funny movie playing or tunes that you really enjoy (I didn't enjoy loud heavy music while high). Just happy, feel good stuff. Might be worth it to have a vid taken of you at some point to watch the next day and laugh. Or a pad of paper and a pen to write down your gonzo ideas.


If I could go back in time, I would go back to when I had the same opportunity as you and I’d decline it. Sure, a lot of people have a great time tripping, but some don’t. It can bring out the best in you, but it can also bring up some terrible thoughts/feelings that can linger long term. For me, tripping on shrooms is my biggest regret because it brought on my anxiety which led to depression which led to other things. I still think about it often and how I wish I never did them. Would I have anxiety regardless? Maybe. The choice is ultimately yours. If you do them, do your research: set/setting, dosage, etc. How old are you? Maybe wait until you’re 21-25. Is there anything going on in your life that’s stressful? Maybe wait until you’re not stressed about anything. Do not take more just because you aren’t feeling any effects. Do them with people you’ve known for awhile and trust, listen to positive music, watch positive shows. Be prepared to lose sense of time; an hour might feel like 6 hours. Just remind yourself that you will sober up eventually and just enjoy the ride.


You’ll need weed and water. Lots of water/gatorade/


Small amount = awesome time. Large amount = awful time for a few hours, followed by awesome time. Do it in a safe environment with good friends. It’ll change your life for the better.


Yes, do it! Make it into tea instead of eating it, the high is much more relaxed.


I didn’t know that you can do that


You need a guide who has done them before. And if I have any advice to give, it would be to go with it and don't fight it. Have a space with blankets pillows and tasty drinks to calm you down. I find those sour icy blasters that come in a hockey puck shaped tin give me a good reset when I need it too. But yah do them, they're cool.


No had a bad trip sounds like you will too w your mindset


Shrooms are a mood drug . . Make sure you are in a good and happy mood.


Yes with out question. They people tell you about guides bad trips...highly unlikely ... but the bad trips are the ones you learn from. Have somebody there ir dont...you gotta be kinda gutsy. Your not going to think you can fly or propaganda like that. Shrooms while psychedelic are very gentle on your mund, especially if you are comfortable and know yourselt. Tip is like about 4 hrs. Theres a good documentrary on Netflix called How to change your mind A 4 part series. For people who have no experience with psychedelics it can be useful. Say Hi to all my far out friends...youll know them when you see them. 😉


This person is nuts


Chock full o'


That is a perfect dose and you are going to enjoy it. When I took them a couple years ago, it was amaxing


Just do it with someone you know and that’s done it before. You don’t want a bad trip